Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Shri Radha-rasa-sudha-nidhi by Srila Prabhodananda Sarasvati Thakura

Shri Radha-rasa-sudha-nidhi

(The Nectar Moon of Shri Radha's Sweetness)

Text 1

nindantam pulakotkarena vikasan-nipa-prasuna-cchavim

prordhvi-kritya bhuja-dvayam hari-harity-uccair vadantam muhuh

nrityantam drutam ashru-nirjhara-cayaih sincantam urvi-talam

gayantam nija-parshadaih parivritam shri-gaura-candram numah

nindantam-rebuking; pulakotkarena-with bodily hairs erect; vikasat-blossoming; nipa-kadamba; prasuna-flowers; cchavim-splendor; prordhvi-kritya-raising; bhuja-dvayam-both arms; hari-harity-uccaih-with loud sounds of "Hari! Hari!; vadantam-speaking; muhuh-again and again; nrityantam-dancing; drutam-quickly; ashru-nirjhara-cayaih-with streams of tears; sincantam-sprinkling; urvi-talam-the surface of the earth; gayantam-singing; nija-parshadaih-with His associates; parivritam-surrounded; shri-gaura-candram-Lord Gaurachandra; numah-we praise.

Standing erect, the hairs of His body rebuke the blossoming campaka flowers. Raising His arms, again and again He calls out "Hari! Hari!" Surrounded by His devotees, again and again He sings and dances. Streams of tears flow from His eyes and sprinkle the ground. Let us glorify Him, Lord Gaurachandra.

Text 2

yasyah kadapi vasanancala-khelanottha-

dhanyati-dhanya-pavanena kritartha-mani

yogindra-durgama-gatir madhusudano 'pi

tasya namo 'stu vrishabhanu-bhuvo dishe 'pi

yasyah-of whom; kadapi-sometimes; vasana-of the garment; ancala-the corner; khelana-playfully; uttha-lifted; dhanyati-dhanya-very fortunate and glorious; pavanena-by the breeze; kritartha-mani-thinking successful; yogindra-durgama-gatih-the gould unattainable even by the kings of yogis; madhusudanah-Krishna; api-also; tasya-of Her; namah-obeisances; astu-may be; vrishabhanu-bhuvah-of the land of King Vrsabhanu; dishe-to the direction; api-also.

Obeisances to the direction that faces Shri Vrishabhanu's daughter. When the breeze coming from that direction playfully moves the edge of His garment, Lord Krishna, who cannot be attained by even the kings of the yogis, thinks that His life has now become a great success.

Text 3




tasya namo 'stu vrishabhanu-bhuvo mahimne

brahmeshvaradi-beginning with Brahma and Siva; su-duruha-unattainable; padaravinda-lotus feet; shrimat-glorious; paraga-pollen; paramadbhuta-most wonderful; vaibhavayah-glorfy; sarvartha-sara-rasa-varshi-showering the best of all nectars; kripardra-moistened with mercy; drishteh-from the glance; tasya-of Her; namah-obeisances; astu-should be; vrishabhanu-bhuvah-the daughter of Vrsabhanu; mahimne-to the glory.

Obeisances to the glory of Shri Vrishabhanu's daughter. Even Brahma, Shiva and all the demigods cannot attain the pollen of Her lotus feet. Her merciful glance showers the best of all nectars.

Text 4

yo brahma-rudra-shuka-narada-bhishma-mukhyair

alakshito na sahasa purushasya tasya

sadyo-vashi-karana-curnam ananta-shaktim

tam radhika-carana-renum anusmarami

yah-who; brahma-rudra-shuka-narada-bhishma-mukhyaih-headed by Brahma, Siva, Suka, Narada, and Bhisma; alakshitah-seen; na-not; sahasa-forcibly; purushasya-of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; tasya-of Him; sadyo-vashi-karana-bringing under control; curnam-powder; ananta-shaktim-limitless power; tam-to that; radhika-carana-renum-the dust of Shri Radha's feet; anusmarami-I meditate.

I meditate on the dust of Shri Radha's feet, dust that even Brahma, Siva, Shukadeva, Narada, Bhishma, and a host of great saints cannot see, dust that has limitless power, dust that at once transforms the Supreme Personality of Godhead into Shri Radha's submisive servant.

Text 5

adhaya murdhani yad apur udara-gopyah

kamyam padam priya-gunair api piccha-mauleh

bhavotsavena bhajatam rasa-kamadhenum

tam radhika-carana-renum aham smarami

adhaya-placing; murdhani-on the head; yat-which; apuh-attained; udara-gopyah-noble gopis; kamyam-to be desired; padam-attainment; priya-gunaih-with pleasing qualities; api-also; piccha-mauleh-peacock-feather crown; bhava-of love; utsavena-with a festival; bhajatam-worshiping; rasa-kamadhenum-a kamadhenu cow of rasa; tam-that; radhika-carana-renum-the dust of Shri Radha's feet; aham smarami-I meditate.

I meditate on the dust of Shri Radha's feet, dust that becomes a kamadhenu cow to give the nectar of rasa as the devotees celebrate a festival of spiritual love. Placing this dust on their heads, the beautiful gopis attain something even peacock-feather-crowned Krishna yearns to attain.

Text 6


piyusha-vici-nicayair abhishecayanti


sanjivini jayati kapi nikunja-devi

divya-splendid; pramoda-delight; rasa-nectar; sara-best; nija-own; anga-limbs; sanga-touch; piyusha-of nectar; vici-waves; nicayaih-with multitudes; abhishecayanti-splashes; kandarpa-Kamadevas; koti-millions; shara-of arrows; murchita-become unconscious; nandasunu-Krishna; sanjivini-the elixer that restores life; jayati-all glories; kapi-something; nikunja-of the forest; devi-the goddess.

Glory to the forest-goddess. When, wounded by millions of Kamadeva's arrows, Nanda's son fell, She brought Him to life by splashing Him with many waves of the blissful nectar of Her touch.

Text 7

tan nah pratikshana-camatkrita-caru-lila-


radhananam hi madhuranga-kala-nidhanam

avirbhavishyati kada rasa-sindhu-saram

tat-that; nah-of us; pratikshana-at every moment; camatkrita-wonderful; caru-beautiful; lila-pastimes; lavanya-beauty; mohana-charming; maha-great; madhura-sweet; anga-limbs; bhangi-movements; radha-of Shri Radha; ananam-the face; hi-indeed; madhura-sweet; anga-limbs; kala-artistry; nidhanam-abode; avirbhavishyati-will be manifest; kada-when?; rasa-sindhu-saram-the ocean of nectar.

When will the sweet and graceful nectar ocean that is Radha's face, an ocean filled at every moment with waves sweetness, charm, beauty, and wonderfully beautiful pastimes, appear before us?

Text 8

yat-kinkarishu bahushah khalu kaku-vani

nityam parasya purushasya shikhanda-mauleh

tasyah kada rasa-nidher vrishabhanu-jayas

tat-keli-kunja-bhavanangana-marjani syam

yat-kinkarishu-among whose maidservants; bahushah-many; khalu-indeed; kaku-vani-plaintive words; nityam-always; parasya-of the supreme; purushasya-person; shikhanda-mauleh-who wears a peacock-feather crown; tasyah-of Her; kada-when?; rasa-nidheh-an ocean of nectar; vrishabhanu-of King Vrsabhanu; jayah-of the daughter; tat-keli-pastime; kunja-groves; bhavana-abode; angana-courtyard; marjani-cleaning; syam-I will be.

When will I become a sweeper in the forest courtyard where, surrounded by many maidservants, the peacock-feather-crowned Supreme Personality of Godhead speaks His appeal to the nectar ocean that is Shri Radha?

Text 9

vrindani sarva-mahatam apahaya durad

vrindatavim anusara pranayena cetah


radhabhidhanam iha divya-nidhanam asti

vrindani-multitudes; sarva-mahatam-of the great ones; apahaya-removing; durat-far away; vrindatavim-to Vrindavana forest; anusara-please meditate; pranayena-with love; cetah-O heart; sat-the saintly devotees; tarani-krita-delivering; su-bhava-of spiritual love; sudha-rasa-nectar; augham-flood; radha-Radha; abhidhanam-the name; iha-here; divya-spiritual; nidhanam-wealth; asti-is.

O my heart, please turn from great things of this world and run to Vrindavana, where the great treasure, the nectar flood that delivers the devotees from this world, is Shri Radha's name.

Text 10

kenapi nagara-varena pade nipatya


sa-bhru-vibhangam ati-ranga-nidheh kada te

shri-radhike nahi-nahiti-girah shrinomi

kenapi-by someone; nagara-varena-the best of lovers; pade-at the feet; nipatya-falling; samprarthita-requested; eka-one; parirambha-embrace; rasa-of nectar; utsavayah-festival; sa-bhru-of the eyeborws; vibhangam-knitting; ati-ranga-of great happiness; nidheh-of the treasure; kada-when?; te-of You; shri-radhike-O Shri Radha; nahi-nahiti-girah-the words "No! No!"; shrinomi-I will hear.

O Shri Radha, O great treasure of bliss, when, as the best of lovers falls at Your feet and begs for the nectar festival of a single embrace, will I see You knit Your eyebrows and hear You say "No. No."

Text 11


visphurjitam kim api gopa-vadhushv adarshi


sa radhika mayi kadapi kripam karotu

yat-whose; pada-feet; padma-lotus; nakha-nails; candra-mani-Candrakanta jewels; chataya-splendor; visphurjitam-manifested; kim api-something; gopa-vadhushv-among the gopis; adarshi-saw; purna-perfect; anuraga-love; rasa-nectar; sagara-ocean; sara-best; murtih-form; sa-She; radhika-Radha; mayi-to me; kadapi-sometimes; kripam-mercy; karotu-may do.

May Shri Radha, who is the personified nectar ocean of perfect spiritual love, and the splendor of whose candrakanta-jewel toenails glistens amongst the gopis, be merciful to me.

Text 12

ujjrimbhamana-rasa-vari-nidhes tarangair

angair iva pranaya-lola-vilocanayah

tasyah kada nu bhavita mayi punya-drishtir


ujjrimbhamana-manifesting; rasa-of nectar; vari-nidheh-ocean; tarangaih-with waves; angaih-limbs; iva-like; pranaya-with love; lola-restless; vilocanayah-eyes; tasyah-of Her; kada-when?; nu-indeed; bhavita-will be; mayi-to me; punya-sacred; drishtih-glance; vrindatavi-nava-nikunja-grihadhidevyah-of the queen of the blossoming forest groves of Vrindavana.

When will Vrindavana's queen Radha, Her eyes restless with love and Her limbs like waves in the flooding ocean of nectar, place Her merciful glance upon me?

Text 13

vrindavaneshvari tavaiva padaravindam


hridy arpitam madhu-pateh smara-tapam ugram

nirvapayet parama-shitalam ashrayami

vrindavaneshvari-O queen of Vrindavana; tava-of You; eva-indeed; padaravindam-lotus feet; prema-of love; amritaika-makaranda-rasaugha-purnam-the flood of nectar; hridi-in the heart; arpitam-placed; madhu-pateh-of Krishna; smara-tapam-torment of amorous desires; ugram-terrible; nirvapayet-will extinguish; parama-shitalam-great coolness; ashrayami-I tak shelter.

O queen of Vrindavana, I take shelter of Your lotus feet, which are flooded with nectar, which are cool and pleasing, and which, placed over Lord Krishna's heart, extinguish the blazing fire of desire that torments Him.

Text 14




radha-vihara-vipine ramatam mano me

radha-of Radha; kara-by the hands; avacita-picked; pallava-blossoms; vallarike-vine; radha-of Radha; padanka-footprints; vilasat-glistening; madhura-sweet; sthalike-place; radha-of Radha; yashah-fame; mukhara-eagerly talking; matta-passionate; khagavalike-birds; radha-of Radha; vihara-pastime; vipine-in the forest; ramatam-may enjoy; manah-the heart; me-of me.

I pray that my heart may find its happiness in Radha's pastime forest, where the vines bear flowers picked by Radha's own hands, where many charming places bear Radha's footprints, and where the birds passionately sing of Radha's glories.

Text 15

krishnamritam cala vigadhum itiritaham

tavat sahashva rajani sakhi yavad eti

ittham vihasya vrishabhanu-sutaha lapsye

manam kada rasada-keli-kadamba-jatam

krishna-dark (of Krishna); amritam-to the nectar; cala-go; vigadhum-to dive; iti-thus; irita-said; aham-I; tavat-then; sahasva-bear; rajani-night; sakhi-O friend; yavat-when; eti-goes; ittham-thus; vihasya-joking; vrishabhanu-suta-the daughter of King Vrsabhanu; aha-said; lapsye-I will attain; manam-honor; kada-when?; rasada-giving nectar; keli-pastime; kadamba-kadamba tree; jatam-born.

I will say, "You should go there and bathe in the dark nectar". Smiling, Radha will joke, "O friend, wait until night. Then the dark nectar will come here." When will I pick this glorious flower on the kadamba tree of Radha's sweet pastimes?

Text 16

padanguli-nihita-drishtim apatra-pishnum

durad udikshya rasikendra-mukhendu-bimbam

vikshe calat-pada-gatim caritabhiramam

jhankara-nupuravatim bata karhi radham

padanguli-toes; nihita-placed; drishtim-glance; apatra-pishnum-unworthy; durat-from afar; udikshya-seeing; rasikendra-of the king of they who enjoy nectar; mukha-face; indu-bimbam-moon; vikshe-I see; calat-pada-gatim-steps; carita-pastimes; abhiramam-delight; jhankara-nupuravatim-wearing tinkling anklets; bata-indeed; karhi-whether; radham-Radha.

Will I see graceful Radha, first shyly gazing at her own toes, then from afar gazing at the full-moon face of the king of rasikas, and then Her anklets tinkling as She runs to meet Him?

Text 17

ujjagaram rasika-nagara-sanga-rangaih

kunjodare kritavati nu muda rajanyam

su-snapita hi madhunaiva su-bhojita tvam

radhe kada svapishi mat-kara-lalitanghrih

ujjagaram-staying awake; rasika-nagara-sanga-rangaih-with pastimes in the company of the most charming of lovers; kunjodare-in a forest grove; kritavati-did; nu-indeed; muda-happily; rajanyam-at night; su-snapita-peacefully sleeping; hi-indeed; madhuna-with Krishna; eva-indeed; su-bhojita-enjoyed; tvam-You; radhe-O Radha; kada-when?; svapishi-You will sleep; mat-kara-my my hand; lalita-stroked; anghrih-the feet.

O Radha, when, after You have spent the entire night enjoying pastimes with the best of charming lovers, and after You have bathed and eaten breakfast with Krishna, will You finally fall asleep, the soles of Your feet gently stroked by my hand?

Text 18

vaidagdhya-sindhur anuraga-rasaika-sindhur

vatsalya-sindhur ati-sandra-kripaika-sindhuh

lavanya-sindhur amrita-cchavi-rupa-sindhuh

shri-radhika sphurati me hridi keli-sindhuh

vaidagdhya-of expert intelligence; sindhuh-ocean; anuraga-love; rasaika-tasting the nectar; sindhuh-ocean; vatsalya-of affection; sindhuh-ocean; ati-sandra-very intense; kripa-mercy; eka-only; sindhuh-ocean; lavanya-of beauty; sindhuh-the ocean; amrita-nectar; cchavi-splendor; rupa-form; sindhuh-the ocean; shri-radhika-Shri Radha; sphurati-may appear; me-before me; hridi-in the heart; keli-of pastimes; sindhuh-an ocean.

May Shri Radha, who is an ocean of intelligence, a nectar ocean of love, an ocean of kind affection, an ocean of great mercy, an ocean of beauty, an ocean of nectar splendor, and an ocean of transcendental pastimes, appear in my heart.

Text 19

drishtvaiva campaka-lateva camatkritangi

venu-dhvanim kva ca nishamya ca vihvalangi

sa shyamasundara-gunair anugiyamanaih

prita parishvajatu mam vrishabhanu-putri

drishtva-seeing; eva-indeed; campaka-lata-a campaka vine; iva-like; camatkrita-wonderful; angi-limbs; venu-dhvanim-the sound of the flute; kva ca-somewhere; nishamya-hearing; ca-and; vihvala-agitated; angi-limbs; sa-She; shyamasundara-gunaih-with the virtues of Krishna; anugiyamanaih-singing; prita-pleased; parishvajatu-may embrace; mam-me; vrishabhanu-putri-Vrsabhanu's daughter.

May King Vrishabhanu's daughter, who becomes startled when She hears the music of Krishna's flute, and whose limbs become like a wonderful blossoming campaka vine when She gazes at Krishna, become pleased with my singing songs about Krishna's glories. May She suddenly embrace me.

Text 20

shri-radhike surata-rangi-nitamba-bhage



pankeruhaih shishiraya sva-rasa-cchatabhih

shri-radhike-O Shri Radha; surata-rangi-the arena of amorous pastimes; nitamba-bhage-hips; kanci-kalapa-belt; kalahamsa-swan; kalanulapaih-with cooking; manjira-sinjita-tinkling anklets; madhuvrata-bees; gunjita-humming; anghri-feet; pankeruhaih-lotus; shishiraya-make cool; sva-rasa-cchatabhih-with the nectar of Your effulgence.

O Shri Radha whose hips are the dancing arena of amorous pastimes, with the cooing swan of Your belt, the buzzing bees of Your anklets, and the nectar splendor of Your beauty, please bring coolness to Your lover, Krishna.

Text 21

shri-radhike sura-tarangini divya-keli-

kallola-malini lasad-vadanaravinde


avarta-nabhi-rucire mama sannidhehi

shri-radhike-O Shri Radha; sura-tarangini-O celestial Ganges; divya-keli-transcendental pastimes; kallola-malini-with garlands of waves; lasad-vadanaravinde-splendid lotus face; shyamamrita-dark nectar; ambunidhi-ocean; sangama-contact; tivra-sharp; vegini-passion; avarta-whirlpool; nabhi-navel; rucire-beautiful; mama-to me; sannidhehi-please come near.

O Shri Radha, O celestial Ganges, O ocean garlanded with waves of splendid pastimes, O girl with the glistening lotus face, O river passionately running to meet the dark ocean of Lord Krishna, O goddess whose whirlpool navel is so graceful, please appear before me.

Text 22


saran ajasram abhitah sravad-ashriteshu

shri-radhike tava kada caranaravindam

govinda-jivana-dhanam shirasa vahami

sat-prema-sindhu-the ocean of love; makaranda-rasaugha-dhara-the flood of nectar; saran-flowing; ajasram-always; abhitah-everywhere; sravat-flowing; ashriteshu-taken shelter; shri-radhike-O Shri Radha; tava-of You; kada-when?; caranaravindam-lotus feet; govinda-jivana-dhanam-the wealth of Lord Krishna's life; shirasa-with my head; vahami-I carry.

O Shri Radha, when will I place on my head Your lotus feet, which are a flood of the nectar of spiritual love, a flood that always flows among Your devotees, and are the treasure more dear than life for Lord Krishna?

Text 23

sanketa-kunjam anu kunjara-manda-gaminy

adaya divya-mridu-candana-gandha-malyam

tvam kama-keli-rabhasena kada calantim

radhe 'nuyami padavim upadarshayanti

sanketa-for the rendezvous; kunjam-the forest grove; anu-following; kunjara-manda-gamini-slowly walking likean elephant; adaya-taking; divya-mridu-candana-gandha-malyam-a splendid and fragrant galrand anointed with sandal paste; tvam-You; kama-keli-amorous pastimes; rabhasena-with the desire; kada-when?; calantim-going; radhe-O Radha; anuyam-I will follow; padavim-the path; upadarshayanti-showing.

O Radha, when, carrying splendid sandal paste, scents, and flower garlands, walking slowly like a graceful elephant, and showing You which path to take, will I follow behind as, eager to enjoy amorous pastimes, You hurry to the forest rendezvous?

Text 24

gatva kalinda-tanaya-vijanavataram

udvartayanty amritam angam ananga-jivam

shri-radhike tava kada nava-nagarendram

pashyami magna-nayanam sthitam ucca-nipe

gatva-going; kalinda-tanaya-of the Yamuna; vijana-secluded; avataram-shore; udvartayanti-massaging; amritam-nectar; angam-limbs; ananga-jivam-the life of Kamadeva; shri-radhike-O Shri Radha; tava-of You; kada-when?; nava-nagarendram-the youthful king of lovers; pashyami-I see; magna-plunged; nayanam-eyes; sthitam-staying; ucca-tall; nipe-on a kadamba tree.

O Shri Radha, when, as I massage Your nectar limbs, which are Kamadeva's life, will I suddenly see the king of youthful lovers sitting high on a kadamba tree, His eyes plunged in the sight of You?

Text 25

sat-prema-rashi-saraso vikasat-sarojam


tac chri-mukham kutila-kuntala-bhringa-jushtam

shri-radhike tava kada nu vilokayishye

sat-prema-rashi-sarasah-of the lake of spiritual love; vikasat-sarojam-blossoming lotus; svananda-sidhu-rasa-the nectar of bliss; sindhu-the ocean; vivardhana-increasing; indum-the moon; tat-that; shri-mukham-beautiful face; kutila-curly; kuntala-hairs; bhringa-black bees; jushtam-endowed; shri-radhike-O Shri Radha; tava-of You; kada-when?; nu-indeed; vilokayishye-I will see.

O Shri Radha, when will I gaze on Your beautiful face, which is a blossoming lotus in the lake of pure love, a lotus decorated Šwith the black bees of Your curling locks of hair, a face that is a moon bringing great tidal waves to the nectar ocean of bliss?

Text 26




radhabhidhe mama mano 'khila-sara-sare

lavanya-of beauty; sara-the essence; rasa-of sweetness; sara-the essence; sukha-of happiness; eka-the only; sare-essence; karunya-of mercy; sara-the essence; madhura-sweet; cchavi-splendor; rupa-form; sare-the essence; vaidagdhya-of expert intelligence; sara-the essence; rati-amorous; keli-vilasa-pastimes; sare-the essence; radha-Radha; abhidhe-bearing the name; mama-of me; manah-the heart; akhila-of all; sara-essence; sare-the essence.

My thoughts rest in something that bears the name Radha, something that is the essence of beauty, the essence of nectar, the essence of happiness, the essence of mercy, the essence of charming and splendid forms, the essence of expert intelligence, the essence of playful amorous pastimes, and the essence of the best of everything.

Text 27

cintamanih pranamatam vraja-nagarinam

cudamanih kula-manir vrishabhanu-namnah

sa shyama-kama-vara-shanti-manir nikunja-

bhusha-manir hridaya-samputa-san-manir nah

cintamanih-cintamani jewel; pranamatam-of the surrendered; vraja-nagarinam-girls of Vraja; cudamanih-the crest jewel; kula-manih-the jewel of the family; vrishabhanu-namnah-named Vrsabhanu; sa-She; shyama-kama-vara-shanti-manih-the jewel that pacifies the desires of Lord Krishna; nikunja-of the forest groves; bhusha-decoration; manih-jewel; hridaya-of the heart; samputa-of the jewelry chest; sat-transcendental; manih-jewel; nah-of us.

She is the cintamani jewel of the surrendered devotees, the crest jewel of the girls of Vraja, the jewel of King Vrishabhanu's family, the jewel that pacifies Lord Krishna's desires, the jewel that decorates the forest groves, the splendid jewel we keep in the jewelry chest of our hearts.

Text 28

manju-svabhavam adhi-kalpa-lata-nikunjam

vyanjantam adbhuta-kripa-rasa-punjam eva

premamritambudhim agadham abadham etam

radhabhidham drutam upashraya sadhu-cetah

manju-svabhavam-gentle nature; adhi-kalpa-lata-nikunjam-the grove of kalpa-lata vines; vyanjantam-manifesting; adbhuta-kripa-rasa-punjam-an abunmdance of wonderful mercy; eva-indeed; premamritambudhim-the ocean of the necatr of love; agadham-fathomless; abadham-unstoppable; etam-this; radhabhidham-named Radha; drutam-quickly; upashraya-take shelter; sadhu-cetah-O heart of the devotee.

O saintly heart, please at once take shelter of the something that bears the name Radha, something that is gentle by nature, a forest of kalpa-lata vines, a wonderful flood of nectar mercy, and a fathomless and shoreless nectar ocean of love.

29 He is fortunate who meditates on Shri Radha as She talks with Her lover, Her ornaments pearls and red sindura, Her red lips glorious flower blossoms, and Her teeth jasmine flowers.

30 In my heart I place Shri Radha, who is splendid with the colours of yellow and red, who is glorious like limitless lightning vines, whose beautiful form is overcome with passionate love, and whom the king and queen of Vraja love as much as they love Krishna.

31 O Shri Radha, O goddess of the newly-blossoming groves of Vrndavana forest, when, engaged in making a crown of peacock feathers and a necklace of gunja, will I be Your maidservant?

32 O Shri Radha, please place Your glance of mercy upon me. I yearn to decorate the forest-grove rendezvous with many flowers, arrange for Your meeting with the dark moon of Vraja, and thus attain Your mercy.

33 Turning far away from my kinsmen and from millions of worldly opulences, and not desiring to do anything to attain anything material, I meditate on the dust of Shri Radha's feet, dust that brings a monsoon of wonderful happiness.

34 O my heart, please meditate on the two golden waterpot breasts of King Vrsabhanu's daughter, breasts that are a jewellery chest holding a treasure that is everything to a youth who is like a splendid moon shining in Gokula, a youth whose form, more handsome than millions of Kamadevas, is now manifested in Vrndavana forest.

35 What is this that I meditate on? Is it two lotus flowers growing in the nectar lake of Shri Radha's passionate love? Or is it two moons manifested from Shri Radha's face? Or is it Shri Radha's youthful breasts? Or is it two monsoon clouds of Shri Radha's nectar bliss.

36 O Shri Radha, I offer my respectful obeisances to Your youthful breasts, which enchant the person who enchants all the worlds, and which are like two golden lotus buds growing in the lake of Your pastimes, or two fruits growing on the nectar kalpa-vrksa tree of Your bliss.

37 O Shri Radha, please place Your glance of mercy upon me. I yearn to decorate Your cheeks and breasts with many colourful pictures, Your wonderful braids with new jasmine flowers, and Your limbs with many ornaments.

38 When will restless-eyed Shri Radha, who during the daytime again and again sighs "O dark one", "O most handsome", "O charming one", "O You who are more graceful and handsome than millions of Kamadevas", "O best of lovers", be pleased with me?

39 O Shri Radha, when will I sweetly serve You, who with the arrow of Your sidelong glance deeply wound Vraja's prince, making His peacock feather fall from His turban, the flute fall from His hand, and His yellow garments become disarrayed?

40 I pray that birth after birth I may serve King Vrsabhanu's daughter, whose form is a shoreless ocean of nectar pastimes, whose wonderful gracefulness is the root of transcendental bliss, and who cannot be attained by Brahma and all the demigods.

41 I wish to become a maidservant in King Vrsabhanu's palace, where a splendid lightning vine that enjoys loving pastimes with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, a vine that has a form filled with the nectar of perfect love, appeared in this world.

42 I meditate on the moon of Shri Radha's face, a moon splendid with pastimes of love, a moon that with its flood of nectar moonlight satisfies the cakora birds of Lord Krishna's eyes.

43 Someday, in the forest grove where They have now met, with great determination I will grasp inexperienced, shy, frightened Shri Radha's lotus hands and lead Her to the bed of the king of lovers, a bed carefully made of soft flower petals.

44 As You passionately rush to meet dark Krishna, I will carry a fragrant garland and a box of betel nuts, camphor, and cloves. O Shri Radha, please kindly accept me as Your maidservant.

45 O Shri Radha, all glory to Your youthfulness, which is filled with many nectar virtues, which carefully sustains Your graceful hips and Your beautiful youthful breasts, graceful like two flower buds, and which has stolen the mind of a person who charms all the worlds.

46 O Shri Radha, when will I, eavesdropping, hear every syllable of the shoreless nectar ocean of Your words as, Your body tossed by the waves in the ocean of amorous desires, You playfully talk with the hero of Vraja?

47 Glory to the beautiful jewel of a girl who, deep in the forest, sits on Her beloved's lap and, the limbs of Her body overwhelmed with passion for Her dark lover, talks with Him, sweetly calling Him, "O enchanter."

48 O Shri Radha, when will I, a maidservant standing at the door, suddenly fall into a lake of nectar as I overhear Your words mixed with the tinkling of Your ornaments as You enjoy a nectar festival in a secluded forest grove?

49 May Shri Radha, who, taking the sweet sounding Madhumati vina in Her hand, and then singing many songs describing Her pastimes with the crest jewel of lovers, suddenly bursts into a shower of tears, appear in my heart.

50 My heart has been stolen by an intelligent and charming couple who playfully enjoy a sweet festival of joking and laughter in Vrndavana forest.

51 All glory to the jewel decorating the hair of the Vraja-gopis, a jewel sweet with new youthfulness, a jewel fair like a garland of lightning flashes, a jewel that with dancing sidelong glances floods the world with waves of the nectar of pure love.

52 All glories to the delicate being that bears the name Radha, a being all the Vedas cannot describe, a being who is the sweetest essence of the nectar ocean, a being whose mercy has no limit, a being splendid, sweet, graceful, and beautiful, a being whose passionate love has pushed away the shackles that chained Her heart.

53 Will I become a delicate young gopi, a gopi expert at many services, a gopi who always stays by my mistress' side and who wears a prasadam silk-bodice She affectionately gave to me with Her own hand.

54 O Shri Radha, when, sometimes carefully combing Your hair with my fingernails, sometimes carefully placing a bodice on Your splendid golden-waterpot breasts, and sometimes carefully placing jewel ornaments on Your ankles, will I be Your expert maidservant?

55 As I loudly chant the holy names of Lord Hari, worship the divine couple with sweet fragrances and many offerings, and happily reside in Vrndavana, may my thoughts always stay at Shri Radha's soft lotus feet.

56 Even though He tells me, "The queen of My life is merciful to you", and even though again and again He kisses me, embraces me, and maddens me with the nectar of amorous pleasures, and even though He creates in me a wonderful wealth of sweet love, my thoughts still stay, O Shri Radha, in the nectar pastimes of Your feet.

57 When, decorated with many flowers brought by me from Vrndavana forest, will Shri Shri Radha-Krishna, the hairs of Their bodies standing erect as They hear each other's names, celebrate in the forest grove the splendid festival of Their childhood wedding?

58 When, on the Yamuna's shore, will I meet Shri Radha, as, like a passionate female elephant meeting a regal male elephant in the forest, She, wealthy in sweet musical skill, sweetly plays the vina as Krishna plays the fifth raga on His graceful flute?

59 When, fanning Them and massaging Their feet will I, now a gopi, happily serve the king and queen of playful lovers as, Their cheeks wet with perspiration from wonderful enthusiastic dancing, They enjoy a charming and wonderful rasa-lila festival filled with smiles and laughter?

60 When, again and again bathing in the Yamuna's waters muddied with the musk that had anointed Her breasts, then searching for my queen in Vrndavana's charming forest groves, and then calling out, "O Radha, do You not see the path Your playful lover took?" Will I gradually become freed from the dirt that is this wretched material body, and become again pure?

61 O giver of nectar, when will I become Your maidservant? When will You order me to bow down again and again before lotus-dark Krishna, celebrate a nectar festival of touching His feet, and place Your request before Him? When will You order me to carefully clean and arrange the charming forest grove? When will You order me to bring flower garlands, sandal paste, fragrances, pleasant betel nuts and nectar drinks?

62 Ah! A very beautiful girl stays in the groves of Vrndavana forest. With the news of Her nectar beauty She floods the world. Her face is splendid like limitless full moons in autumn. When she gives to someone the happy festival that is service to Her, that festival makes all other goals and means seem very petty and insignificant.

63 When, after pretending to reject Krishna's proposal, and after with repeated glances indicating where They should meet, will Radha instruct me to tell Krishna, "O king of rascals, Radha is very afraid of You. Do not think She will enter that kadamba grove without a companion?"

64 Glory to Radha, who is expert in making Her eyebrows dance, expert in playful sidelong glances, expert in speaking playful words, expert in meeting Her lover, expert in newer and newer pastimes, and expert in enjoying a festival of joking words with Her gopi friends.

65 May the nectar of Shri Shri Radha-Krishna's pastimes appear in our hearts, pastimes where in childhood Krishna becomes both diksa-guru and siksa-guru and teaches Radha the art of playing in the waves of newer and newer pastimes, pastimes where Radha and Krishna enjoy a splendid playful festival of the flooding sweetness of Their just-beginning love, pastimes where Radha and Krishna are agitated by each other's touch.

66 When, staying in a secluded place, will I become fulfilled as I see Shri Radha and Krishna, even though They are only children, suddenly become teenagers, teenagers enjoying playful joking words and many other pastimes in Vraja Village's pathways, teenagers who rob the devotees of their hearts?

67 O Radha, I meditate on Your braids decorated with fragrant jasmine flowers, Your forehead anointed with a glistening dot of red sindura, the peerless splendour of Your large eyes, the beautiful moonlight of Your smile, the joyful splendour of Your pure love, and the beauty of Your graceful breasts.

68 A spiritual splendour that bears the name Radha, that is the most sweet, that showers a monsoon of glorious nectar, and that is worshipped in Vraja-mandala by many hundreds of splendid and playful teenage girls more beautiful and glorious than millions of goddesses of fortune, shines in the heart of a very fortunate person, a heart where Shri Radha stays.

69 Glory to the glorious splendour that is filled with the great beauty and playfulness of youth, that has a charming beautiful form filled with deep love and bliss, that plays in the forests of Vraja, that is fair like yellow kasmira and that Vraja's queen loves in the same way She loves Lord Govinda.

70 Radha, who is tossed to and fro by the great waves in the nectar ocean of bliss and love, who with the great wonder of playful glances from the corners of Her restless reddish eyes enjoys a great festival of pastimes, who is filled with the most wonderful glory of love, and who is the most charming goddess in all the worlds, enjoys pastimes in the palace that is Vrndavana forest.

71 The crest jewel of all beautiful girls is now manifest deep in Vrndavana forest, a girl who is the devotees' cintamani jewel, a girl who is a jewel streaming the nectar of great bliss, a girl who with the slightest amorous signal from Her eyebrows bewilders He who is the jewel of Vraja.

72 Shri Radha, whose waves of sidelong glances gave birth to many millions of Kamadevas proudly standing with twanging archers' bows, and who, in the first entrance of youth has become wonderful and glorious with limitless floods of the greatest sweetness, is our queen.

73 Brahma, Siva, and the demigods are not qualified to place on their heads even a single particle of dust from Radha's feet. Even so, they who take shelter of the gopis in the course of time eventually attain Shri Radha, who is the great treasure of the nectar ocean of love. O destiny, I bow down before you.

74 Let the affectionate relatives stay far away. Let the friends and servants stay far away. How can anyone approach? In a forest grove King Vrsabhanu's daughter now enjoys pastimes with Her passionate lover. Standing at the doorway, I, Her dear maidservant, will hear the tinkling of the ornaments at Her waist.

75 O Shri Radha, in my heart may I always see in meditation the softness of Your fair limbs, the sweetness of Your smile, the longness of the corners of Your eyes, the heaviness of Your breasts, the slenderness of Your waist, the slow grace of Your steps, the broadness of Your hips, the curve of Your eyebrows, the redness of Your bimba-fruit lips, and the coolness of the nectar in Your heart.

76 When, in the early morning, will I remove the yellow garment and replace it with another, run to the forest to reclaim the lost bodice, again tie Your braids, again string the broken pearl-necklace, decorate Your eyes with mascara, and, O heroine, with coloured ointment conceal the wounds on Your limbs?

77 My restless eyes yearn to embrace the eternally youthful form that is filled with the sweet nectar of pure love, that is seen only in Vrndavana, that the Upanisads, which stay at the head of all the Vedas, cannot describe, and that Siva, Sukadeva, all the demigods and sages cannot find in their meditations.

78 The four goals of life, which begin with material piety, may be glorious to some people, but I think they are useless. Why should I waste my time talking about them? Other people may place on their heads the path of devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. I am still not interested. The only thing that pleases my heart is the nectar that is service to a wonderful jewel like girl who stays deep in Vrndavana forest. Nothing else pleases my heart.

79 I serve Radha, who is the heart of the sweetest and most splendid love, who is the highest limit of skill in transcendental amorous pastimes, who is the goddess worshipped by the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself, who is the supreme goddess, who appears as Durga and Saci, whose form is full of bliss, who is the Lord's first potency, who is supremely independent, and who is the first consort of Vrndavana's master.

80 Persons who avoid service to Radha, but yearn to attain Lord Krishna's company, are like persons seeking moonlight without the moon. Persons who do not understand that Radha is the spring from which the nectar waves of love for Krishna flow can attain only one single drop, and no more, of the great ocean of nectar.

81 I offer my respectful obeisances to the great souls who, renouncing all fruitive work, not attached even to devotional service to the Supreme Lord, and living the most wonderful and sweet life, always meditate on Shri Radha, who is filled with the joy of pure love and glorious with the splendour of the wonderful sweetness of youth.

82 Who are these fools who, because of their spiritual master's order, do not mark their shoulders with the conch, cakra, and other symbols, do not draw a temple of Lord Hari on their foreheads, and do not wear splendid tulasi necklaces around their necks?

83 The devotees may perform Vedic rituals or not perform them. The devotees who taste the wonderful secret nectar of devotional service may accept flower garlands and other things pleasing to the senses, or they may reject them. What foolish non-devotees, who wander aimlessly in this world, have the right to question the actions of Shri Radha's dear devotees, whose hearts have travelled to the farther shore of pure love?

84 Why talk of material things? Why fear millions of hells? I do not fear impersonal liberation. Why should I become mad, like Sukadeva Gosvami and a host of others, after worshipping the Supreme Lord? I would rather that my mind plunges into the nectar at Shri Radha's feet.

85 I cannot forget Shri Radha's beauty, the splendour of Her new youth, Her wonderful and sweet waterpot breasts, the sweetness of Her bimba-fruit lips, Her smile, Her words or Her playful motions.

86 O Shri Radha, O beautiful girl of the forest groves, when will You place Your glance of mercy on me? I yearn to attain the wonderful nectar of eternal service to You, service that the young girls of Vraja, who celebrate a festival of love that fills Laksmi, Sukadeva, Narada and all the demigods, saints and sages with wonder, attained by Your mercy.

87 When, by Radha's mercy, will I become Her maidservant? When will I massage Her beautiful lotus feet as She sleeps? When, again and again tasting the nectar of the very sweet remnants of Her meal, will I become plunged into the ever-new ecstasy of transcendental bliss?

88 O Radha, if You affectionately show me to Your beloved, who walks on the path of debauchery, then please hear how I will faithfully serve You. With smiling sidelong glances, and with the hairs of my body standing up with joy, I will tightly embrace Your beloved. In this way I will taste the nectar of service to Your feet.

89 "You like the dark sky when the moon is waning, the newly blossoming blue lotus, the black deer, the dark tamala tree, the dark monsoon clouds, and the dark Yamuna river. Why, then, do You dislike charming Krishna, who is so like them in name and form?" Will I see You smile, O Radha, as I speak these words?

90 I meditate on the girls of Vraja as they follow Shri Radha, their eyes like blue lotus flowers tossed to and fro by waves of playful glances, Their breasts like pairs of golden mountains flying in the sky, and their feet like blossoming lotus flowers suddenly planted in the ground.

91 Your eyes are like two charming fishes swimming in the ocean of nectar. Your breasts are like two cakravaka birds in the lake of nectar. Your face is like a golden lotus blossoming in the celestial Ganga. O Radha, may the many glories of the waves of Your mercy splash against me.

92 Will a certain unattainable girl, who is wonderfully glorious in Her lover's company, who is the jewel of saintly and beautiful girls, whose toenail moons on Her lotus feet shine with great moonlight, a single ray of which is more glorious than millions of goddesses of fortune, who enjoys pastimes in the nectar ocean of fathomless love, and whose limbs blossom with sweetness and charm, be merciful to me?

93 O Radha, O goddess who in a temple of jasmine flowers by the Yamuna's shore enjoys charming pastimes with your forest flower-garlanded lover, O goddess who plays in a wonderful and eternal nectar ocean of pastimes, please splash me with the many glories of the waves of Your mercy.

94 O daughter of Vrsabhanu, O goddess from whose lotus feet stream waves of love and bliss, O goddess before whose maidservants the Kamadeva of Vrndavana, yearning to attain the festival of Your mercy, speaks sweet words, I bow down before Your beautiful feet.

95 May the two wonderful syllables Ra-dha, which at once attract even the king of Gokula, which teach the love-filled devotees that all material goals are very petty and unimportant, and which are chanted by Lord Krishna Himself, even though He is already the husband of the goddess of fortune, appear before me.

96 May the two syllable mantra "Radha", which Lord Hari, sitting like the king of yogis in a cottage by the Yamuna's shore, meditating on Her lotus feet, overcome with splendid bliss and nectar love, and His eyes filled with tears, always chants, always appear in my heart.

97 The nectarean word "Radha", which is very far from the demigods, the liberated souls, the devotees, and the kindly persons who are friends to all, which when spoken with love brings a flood of the blissful nectar of love, and which Lord Hari, tears streaming down His face, happily hears, chants, and sings in the company of the gopis, is my life and soul.

98 May Shri Radha, by taking shelter of whom they who yearn to become Krishna's gopi friends attain their goal, by worshipping whom one attains the supreme perfection, whose holy name is the vine-crown adorning the Upanisads, and who with many festivals of deep love worships the boy who is the jewel of Vraja, be pleased with me.

99 I bow down before a splendour that bears the name Radha, a splendour that has limbs splendid like millions of lightning flashes, a beautiful face splendid with bliss, bimba-fruit lips splendid like coral, hands splendid like budding twigs, breasts splendid like golden lotus buds, a splendour that has lotus eyes, a splendour that enjoys charming pastimes in the newly-blossoming forest groves.

100 May charming Shri Radha, whose teeth are a row of pearls, whose beautiful lips are bimba fruits, whose waist is slender, whose deep navel is a whirlpool of newer and newer nectar, whose hips are graceful and broad, who is a rising ocean of the beauty of youth, and who is the heart of the intelligent gopis, protect us.

101 O Shri Radha, O goddess with glistening curly black hair, glistening bimba-fruit lips, a moonlike face, playful khanjana bird eyes, a splendid pearl in the tip of Your nose, broad hips, slender waist, splendid breasts, a host of wonderful glories, and vine-arms decorated with graceful armlets, please appear before me.

102 In the newly fashioned stage of Shri Radha's limbs a play will now be performed. The curtain of shyness now rises. A smile now offers a handful of flowers. Youthfulness speaks graceful words of prologue. The king of love enters and sits on the golden throne of Her hips. Now playful sidelong glances show their wonderful skill in wild dancing.

103 May Shri Shri Radha-Madhava's festival of love, where there is a great wonder of beauty and where there are new youthfulness, charm, skill in the playing among the waves of many pastimes, and places of great wonder, and where there is now awe, reverence, or unapproachableness, protect you all.

104 Will I someday gaze on Shri Radha's footprints, which are the abodes of wonderful nectar and glory, and which cloud-dark Mukunda, whose form is filled with the sweetest bliss, lovingly searches for in Vrndavana forest.

105 O Radha, when will I look on as the jewel of rasikas forcibly drags You to the bed, drinks the nectar of Your lips, with sharp fingernails scratches Your full breasts, throws away Your belt, and holds You in His hands in an opening of the forest?

106 O Radha, when will the auspicious day come when my hands will draw pictures on Your breasts, my feet follow You as You go to meet Your beloved, and my eyes see Your secret pastimes in the forest?

107 O Shri Radha, when will I celebrate a nectar festival of being eligible to hear Your playful intimate conversations with Your lover, to take You by the hand and lead You to Your lover's bed, and to retie Your braids undone in Your amorous pastimes?

108 Glory to the playful rasika couple, who with charming smiles and laughter enjoy pastimes of hide-and-seek in Vrndavana's forest groves filled with the always-new nectar of bliss and the humming of bumblebees.

109 O Radha whose face is more glorious than millions of autumn moons, the fragrance of whose jasmine-braided hair makes the bumblebees go wild, whose conchshell necklace is splendid with a necklace, the vines of whose delicate arms hold moving bracelets, who is dressed in splendid silk garments, and whose lotus feet hold tinkling anklets, when will I see Your wonderful form?

110 O my queen, when will I say to You, "You threw away fear, shyness, glory, Your family's reputation and a host of other shackles in order to be with Him!" and when will You, bewildered, stuttering, and laughing, angrily reply, "when did I do that? When?"

111 O my queen, when will I see You smiling, Your form plunged into the nectar of transcendental mellows as dark Krishna speaks sweetly to You, holding Your silk garment and the blossoming vine of Your arm? When, Your body garlanded with its hairs standing up in ecstasy, will You, humming in agreement, glance at me?

112 The king of rasikas stays in Vrndavana forest. Resting on the breast of a beautiful gopi, He enjoys the pastimes of a playful teenager. He enjoys a festival of bowing down before His gopi friend. May He be merciful to me. May He place me at His beloved's nectar feet.

113 When will our queen, who is expert in all arts, and whom many gopi friends dress in splendid silk garments, a graceful bodice, wonderful ornaments, and glorious tilaka, scents, and flower garlands, allow us to enter the sweet festival of rasas?

114 When, our necks embraced by the great arms of our lover in the sweet and wonderful rasa-dance festival splendid with tinkling bracelets, anklets, and other ornaments, will we fix our eyes on the footprints of our queen?

115 My heart swims in the nectar lake of the descriptions of Lord Krishna. I decorate each day with the ornaments of worshipping Krishna and chanting the glories of His transcendental virtues. I love Krishna's dear devotees. I pray that Shri Radha, who loves Lord Krishna, the prince of the gopas, and considers Him more dear than life, may be pleased with me.

116 If I can attain confidential service to King Vrsabhanu's daughter, whose form is filled with the nectar of pure love, then how important are pious deeds to me? How important are the demigods? How important is Brahma? How important is Siva? How important is the struggle to meet the dear devotees of Lord Krishna?

117 O Radha, O goddess with a splendid moon face, doe eyes, beautiful nose, red lips, graceful smile, vine arms, graceful conchshell neck, regal-mountain breasts, slender waist, broad hips, banana-tree thighs, lotus feet, and moon toenails, when will I be able to worship You?

118 When, seeing my sincere and unwavering devotion to Shri Radha's lotus feet, a devotion filled with boundless love greater than the love He feels for His own devotees, will charming Krishna embrace me, take the betel nuts from His mouth and place them in my mouth, and place His own forest garland upon me?

119 When will Shri Radha, whose beauty is supremely wonderful, whose expert skill in amorous pastimes is very wonderful, whose splendid glory is very wonderful, whose playful movements are wonderful, whose sidelong glances are the greatest wonder of wonders, whose smile is wonderful and whose form is wonderful, give me the opportunity to engage in Her wonderfully sweet service?

120 O Shri Radha, I meditate on Your beautiful face with its graceful restless knitted eyebrows, beautiful pouting bimba-fruit lips, fear, joy, playful amorous happiness, and sweet sarcastic words, all caused by Your lovers' quarrel with the crown of great rasikas.

121 O heart, please worship the splendour that bears the name Radha, a splendour that with its crown fills the circle of the directions with rays of light, a splendour that shines with the glory of jewels in many tinkling bracelets, armlets, and necklaces, a splendour that wears a tinkling belt on its hips, and sweetly tinkling anklets on its beautiful lotus feet.

122 May Lord Krishna's first beloved, who is the crown jewel of beautiful girls, whose bodily hairs stand upright because of Her intense love for Lord Krishna, who is splendid like kunkuma, who trembles in passionate amorous pastimes, who smiles gently, and who stays in a palace in a mandara-tree forest, protect me.

123 O queen whose lotus feet are worshipped by the girls of Vraja, O queen whose festival of love is inconceivable to the great saints, O queen who is the abode of fathomless nectar, please give to me the sweet glory of service to your lotus feet.

124 O Radha, when will I see You as, the playful moon of Your face humbly bowed, and Your veil and curling locks of hair a little lifted by Your graceful fingers, with a great splendour of sidelong glances from frightened eyes You suddenly see Your lover?

125 May Shri Radha, a single ray of light from the blissful nectar moon of whose face makes the full moon of this world seem very insignificant, whose red lips are an ocean of nectar sweetness, who passionately loves Krishna, and who is His very life, be pleased with us.

126 If a multitude of full moons were to flood countless millions of universes with many waves of the nectar moonlight of pure love, then that flood might give a slight hint of Your beautiful face in Vrndavana forest, O Radha.

127 May She who is glorious with ever new spiritual love, whose form is filled with spiritual bliss, who enjoys splendid pastimes under a kalpa-vrksa tree by the Yamuna's shore, who is a gopi residing in a secluded place in Vrndavana forest, and whose lotus feet make streams of sweet nectar flow in the hearts of Her devotees, appear before us.

128 When will Shri Radha, who is a treasure-house of the wealth of the pastimes of pure love, who, free from all fear and trouble, happily sits on Her beloved's lap, whose form is filled with limitless and peerless mercy, love, and sweetness, and whose dear gopi friends offer arati to the beauty and sweetness of Her feet, stand by Lord Krishna's side and perform an abhiseka ceremony to formally grant me the post of Her servant?

129 When will Vrndavana's queen, who deep in Vrndavana forest always enjoys a festival of transcendental amorous pastimes, who becomes intoxicated by drinking the madhvika nectar of Krishna's lips, and who is surrounded by gopis dear to Krishna, mercifully make me Her maidservant?

130 I gaze on a splendour that bears the name Radha, a splendour glorious like millions of lightning flashes, a splendour joyful with a festival of amorous pastimes, a festival that has beautiful jasmine-decorated braids, hair parted with a splendid line of red sindura, wonderful tilaka drawn with nine jewels, glistening earrings on its cheeks, a locket on its neck, a great necklace, and new red garments.

131 Glory to Shri Radha, who is the pinnacle of love's splendour, the pinnacle of the great wonder of transcendental nectar, the pinnacle of beauty, the pinnacle of youthful charm, the pinnacle of the sweetness of transcendental pastimes, the pinnacle of love and kindness to Her devotees, the pinnacle of happiness, and the pinnacle of the sweetness of transcendental amorous pastimes.

132 Shri Radha, who is the personification of pure love and transcendental pastimes, whose glorious pastimes are flooded with the nectar of great sweetness, and a tiny particle of the beauty of moonlight of the toes on whose soft and beautiful feet is the life and soul of all jewel like beautiful girls, is the only goal of my life.

133 Exhausted from enjoying pastimes of splashing in the Yamuna, and now flooded with the nectar of other wonderful pastimes, the beautiful divine couple enjoy in a beautiful palace in bumblebee-filled Vrndavana forest.

134 Two splendours, one dark like a blossoming blue lotus and the other fair like a blossoming golden lotus, beautiful splendours restless in amorous pastimes, splendours whose lotus feet are a flood of ever-new nectar, are gloriously manifested in Vrndavana forest.

135 When, sometimes offering Them betel nuts, sometimes massaging Their feet, sometimes decorating Them with flower garlands and other ornaments, sometimes fanning Them, and sometimes offering Them nectar water fragrant with camphor and other scents, will I serve Shri Shri Radha-Krishna in Their cottage?

136 Glory to Shri Radha, who is the most valuable hidden treasure, the sweetest nectar, a nectar ocean of beauty, an ocean of great mercy and affection, and a kingdom of the glistening sweetness of new youth, and whose every limb is a splendid nectar ocean of pure love.

137 If Shri Radha, a single ray of light from the moons of whose jewel toenails brings playful waves to many millions of sweet nectar oceans of love, once casts a glance of mercy, then liberation and all spiritual and material opulences become very insignificant.

138 When in sweet and blissful Vrndavana forest will I search for the newly-blossoming forest grove where my dear queen now enjoys pastimes? When will my heart become a wild bumblebee intoxicated by tasting the waves of madhvika nectar in the lotus flower of Shri Radha's feet?

139 When will I walk on the pathways in Radha's pastime forests, chant the holy name of Radha, follow the religion of worshipping Radha, and happily serve Radha's lotus feet in many ways? When, walking on the heads of all the Vedas, will I serve Radha in the most wonderful ways?

140 When will I hear the tinkling of anklets and belts as Shri Shri Radha-Krishna, finally meeting after a hundred comings and goings, and now splashed by waves of amorous desires, waves created by the splendid moon of gazing at each other's faces, enjoy wonderful transcendental pastimes on a bed in a forest cottage?

141 When will my heart become forever wild with love for the two fair and dark splendours that charm all the worlds, deeply love each other, are expert in transcendental amorous pastimes, and are eager to enjoy a spring-festival in the charming cottage of flowering madhavi vines?

142 May my tongue tremble with the desire to taste the nectar of Radha-s name. My feet follow Her footprints in Vrndavana forest. May my hands work to please Her. May my heart meditate on Her feet. May I celebrate a great festival of love for the Lord of Her life.

143 May my heart become less interested in the great bliss at Lord Krishna's beautiful lotus feet, a bliss that makes Siva and all the demigods wild with joy. Instead, may my heart, tossed to and fro by the nectar waves of the talk of Shri Radha's pastimes, happily stay on the terrace of Shri Radha's palace in Vrndavana forest.

144 Chant the holy name of Radha every day. Reject millions of other great spiritual practices. Millions of the best goals of life perform arati to the nectar at Radha's lotus feet. Millions of noble mandara trees are glorious in the land where Radha's lotus feet enjoys pastimes. Millions of wonderful spiritual perfections roll at the feet of Shri Radha's maidservants.

145 Glory to the youthful divine couple, who, Their eyes wild and restless, and Their eyebrows tossed to and fro by millions of waves of nectar of love, enjoy wonderful and amorous pastimes in the forest.

146 May a certain girl, whose form is the sweetest nectar of pure love, who is expert in the splendid limitless, wonderful, and sweet arts of love, and who, in a palace of blossoming vines in Vrndavana forest stands motionless, caught in the tight embrace of Lord Krishna's arms, appear before me.

147 He is very fortunate who, unaware of the many worlds, unaware of the scriptures, unaware of family, and unaware of the activities of the great saints, knows only the nectar of love that resides in Shri Radha, the jewel of Vraja.

148 Some talk only of the happiness of impersonal Brahman. Others are wild with the bliss of offering prayers to the Supreme Person. Others taste the peerless bliss of being Krishna's friend. Still, Shri Radha's maidservants taste the highest, most wonderful bliss, the bliss found in a single particle of the splendour of the glistening toenails of Her lotus feet.

149 Neither the demigods headed by Brahma, nor the devotees of Lord Hari, nor the Lord's friends and other associates know the secrets of Radha and Krishna. Alas! Alas! I hope for what is so difficult to attain. I yearn to become Their maidservant and see Their pastimes with my own eyes.

150 May Shri Radha who, when Her dearmost Krishna tells Her, "O beautiful, eternal lover, O wise treasure of nectar, O beloved, I pray that My love for You will always grow stronger and stronger.", smiles and replies to Him, "O lover, Your words stay always in My heart.", be always splendidly manifested in my thoughts.

151 May the effulgent youthful divine couple, who eternally enjoy blissful passionate amorous pastimes in a newly-blossoming vine cottage in Vrndavana forest, with the cooling nectar of Their feet extinguish for me the terrible flames that are the world of birth and death.

152 O Radha, O girl whose splendid braids are decorated with newly blossoming jasmine flowers, whose belt tinkles on broad hips, whose anklets tinkle, whose vine arms are splendid with bracelets, armlets, and other ornaments, and whose breasts are golden lotus-buds, when with my own eyes will I drink the nectar of seeing You?

153 O Radha, O girl whose body rocks to and fro, tossed by the waves in the limitless nectar ocean of amorous pastimes as You sit on Your beloved's lap, O girl with the blossoming golden-lotus face, when will You give happiness to the eyes of us, Your gopi friends?

154 O Radha, will You and I talk, Your every syllable like a peerless ocean of love, a cooling, sweet, gentle, delightful, shower of nectar falling on the ears?

155 O Radha, when a person once tastes the nectar of Your holy name, Lord Krishna becomes filled with love for him, makes no record of his offenses, and considers giving him the greatest gift. Who, then, can touch the pinnacle of the glory possessed by persons whose only thought is to serve You?

156 When will Radha, who loves Her maidservants, take from the moon of Her mouth the betelnuts, mixed with camphor and cloves, She has chewed and, Her cheeks filled with signs of ecstasy, place them in my mouth?

157 May the jewel of teenage girls, who is a flood of the nectar of beauty, who enjoys wonderful and beautiful pastimes, whose splendid sidelong glance is like a flood of Yamuna waves, and whose glorious form is like a monsoon cloud of love, bliss, and millions of wonders of the gentle arts of amorous pastimes, allow me to serve.

158 When will I see a splendour dressed in fine red garments, its braids gracefully tied with sweet jasmine flowers, a tinkling belt on its broad hips, and is effulgence like a golden campaka flower?

159 When, Krishna dances, splendid to Her eyes, in the midst of a great bracelet of gopis in the wonderful, playful, sweet, wild with love rasa dance circle, and as She happily and gracefully dances with Him, will I serve Her with a fan and betelnuts?

160 When will I worship Radha, who wears graceful garments, stands in the highest pinnacle of glorious love, smiles with the sweetest of sweetnesses, is splendid with glistening ornaments, happily rests on Her beloved's shoulder, and is tied by the rope of His arms in the playful and graceful rasa dance?

161 If there were a golden lotus filled with the light of ten million moons, flowing with ever new nectar, situated in the abode of great beauty, and the home of a pair of graceful and playful khanjana birds, that lotus would still not be qualified to serve Shri Radha's smiling face.

162 O Radha, when will I see the moon of Your face, a moon risen from the ocean of nectar, a moon that shames the nectar moon of this world, a moon shining at every moment with a flood of glistening, sweet, ever-new moonlight, moonlight the two cakora birds of Krishna's eyes drink again and again with a thirst that is never satisfied?

163 Will I dive into the flooding current of the nectar of love, a current rippling with waves of blissful pastimes, a current flowing in the supremely glorious and sweet nectar ocean of the limbs of Shri Radha's soft, delicate, wonderful, graceful form, which has passionate restless eyes, and a face that eclipses millions of moons?

164 "Why do You wound My neck with the swords of Your fingernails? I am not the king of demons. Why do You press My breasts? I am not Putana." O friend, when, as I clean the pastime forest-grove at sunrise, will I hear a host of parrots repeat these words You spoke to Your beloved?

165 Whether I stay in wakefulness, dream, or dreamless sleep, may the splendour of Radha's lotus feet always appear before me. Whether I stay in Vaikuntha or in hell, I have no goal but Radha. May my heart be tossed to and fro by the great waves in the nectar ocean of the description of Radha's pastimes on the terrace of the palace by the Yamuna's shore.

166 Ah, when will I, moving a fan, bring peerless pleasant coolness to Shri Shri Radha-Krishna as, perspiring, exhausted from amorous pastimes, and Their eyes happily closed, They rest on the terrace of the newly-blossoming vine palace by the Yamuna's shore?

167 One moment sweetly singing, the next moment moving back and forth on a swing, the next moment enjoying a breeze fragrant with flowers, and the next moment artistically creating new kinds of amorous pastimes, the most intelligent of girls and the crown of playful nectar lovers enjoy pastimes together in Vrndavana, the natural home of sweet loving pastimes.

168 This evening the crown of dark youths takes Her by both hands and then quickly enters the kadamba grove. As They enjoy amorous pastimes on the bed, will the sounds of Their pleasures, waves of sound that mock every other kind of happiness, enter my ears?

169 "O Shrimad Radha, Nanda's son and You have both leapt into the same kind of very sweet and charming youth. Therefore You are a perfect match." When, as I speak these words, will I gaze on the most beautiful, playful, and eternally young teenage girl?

170 One is splendid like a golden campaka flower. The other is dark like a raincloud. One trembles with amorous passion. The other pretends to be averse. One is proud and contrary. The other begs with sweet words.. I gaze on Them, the most charming couple, as They enjoy pastimes in the forest.

171 Glory to the fair and dark splendours that are dressed in opposite fair and dark garments and who meet in a charming and secluded forest grove and enjoy passionate and wonderful amorous pastimes.

172 Please remember the smiling, sweet, charming pastimes the two rasikas enjoy in beautiful Vrndavana, two rasikas who play with wonderful lotus flowers in Their hands, two rasikas who place the blossoming vines of Their arms around each other's shoulders, two rasikas wild with amorous passion, two rasikas whose graceful motions are like the graceful motions of a hundred regal elephants.

173 I search for a way to become qualified to serve the lotus feet of Shri Radha, whose enchanting eyes are restless like two playful fish, whose glistening lips are like coral jewels, whose hips are like an island, whose raised breasts are like the raised forehead of the baby elephant of amorous pastimes, whose deep navel is a whirlpool, and who is a great nectar ocean of love for Krishna.

174 I meditate on the two charming splendours that bear the names Shri Shri Radha-Madhava, two splendours who, simply by the thought of being separated from each other for the duration of an eyeblink become devastated within and without as if burned by millions of the fires that destroy the universe at the kalpa's end, two splendours that are tightly tied to each other with the ropes of deep love, two splendours that are the personifications of the most wonderful love.

175 When will I retie Her braids, undone in amorous pastimes? When will I restring Her broken pearl-necklace? When will I redraw Her musk tilaka, broken in the forest in the amorous battle with the jewel of youths?

176 What can I say of other places, like Shri Vaikuntha-dhama, which is dull and uninteresting when compared to this place? In this place, Vrndavana, Krishna experiences the sweetness of Radha and Radha experiences the sweetness of Krishna. Vrndavana is flooded with the sweetest nectar. To Radha's maidservants Vrndavana gives the gift that is the charming divine couple.

177 Eternal glory to a certain celestial Ganga that flows in Vrndavana, a Ganga where the lotus flowers are a splendidly beautiful face, the whirlpool is a deep navel, the riverbanks are hips, the cooing waterbirds are a tinkling belt, and where the currents, flowing with pure nectar, passionately yearn to meet the ocean that is the most charming of rasikas.

178 Glory to the passionate splendour intoxicated by drinking the nectar of amorous pastimes in a madhavi-vine pavilion charming with the humming of bumblebees, a splendour whose form is an ocean of bliss and nectar, an ocean into which the river named Radha, filled with nectar waves of amorous desires flows.

179 Her hair a flowing Yamuna, Her complexion bandhuka flowers, the glory of Her limbs campaka flowers, Her navel a beautiful lake, Her breasts clusters of flowers, Her arms splendid blossoming vines, and Her tinkling ornaments cooing birds, Shri Radha, becoming like another Vrndavana forest, has stolen Lord Krishna's heart.

180 When, at sunrise entering the forest grove where Shri Shri Radha-Krishna enjoyed wonderful amorous pastimes, will I decorate my limbs with the remnants of fragrant ointment fallen from Their limbs, and will I place around my neck the broken flower garlands They once wore?

181 Sometimes to Her pet parrot She teaches verses glorifying Her beloved. Sometimes She makes a charming gunja necklace and a peacock-feather crown. Sometimes She draws a picture of Her beloved and presses it to Her passionate breast. That is how my queen passes Her day.

182 Shri Radha, who always tastes the sweet nectar of Her beloved's company, who loves Him eternally, who playfully sings in the fifth raga, who plays in a hundred waves of amorous pastimes, who melts with mercy, who wears a tinkling belt on Her hips, and whose feet are a nectar stream of pure love, is the only goal of my life.

183 Will She who smiles with the splendour of ten million moons, whose words are a flood of new nectar, whose breasts break the pride of golden waterpots, who lives in a wonderful palace, who celebrates a festival of ever-new love, and who enjoys pastimes in Vrndavana forest, ever secretly fill my heart with bliss?

184 When, Her limbs clothed in silk garments splendid like a new lotus whorl, and the hairs of Her body erect because again and again She happily tasted the betel nuts chewed by Krishna, will my dear friend teach me the arts of singing and playing musical instruments?

185 O Radha, I meditate on Your splendid face, beautiful with the jewels of newly blossomed lips, the flood of splendour from the glistening pearls of Your teeth, Your swinging shark-shaped earrings, and Your timid, beautiful sidelong glances.

186 O Radha, I meditate on Your beautiful cheerful face, graceful with moving curling locks of hair, a forehead splendid with tilaka, a splendid pearl on Your sesame-flower nose, and a spotless nectar effulgence.

187 Two delightful splendours, filled with the supreme good fortune of perfect nectar bliss and love, and enjoying ever-new amorous pastimes in one forest grove after another, rob both gold and the blossoming blue lotus of their beauty.

188 May Shri Radha, who with a single glistening playful sidelong glance captures the wild elephant of Vrndavana jungle, ties Him up, and makes Him into Her helpless pet, slacken the bonds that tie us to this world of birth and death.

Text 189

shri-gopendra-kumara-mohana-maha-vidye sphuran-madhuri-


karunyardra-kataksha-bhangi madhura-smerananambhoruhe

ha ha svamini radhike mayi kripa-drishtim manan nikshipa

shri-gopendra-kumara-the prince of the gopas; mohana-maha-vidye-enchanting with a spell; sphuran-madhuri-sweetness; sara-sphara-rasamburashi-great ocean of nectar; sahaja-prasyandi-flowing; netrancale-sidelong glance; karunya-with mercy; ardra-melting; kataksha-bhangi-crooked sidelong glance; madhura-sweet; smera-smiling; anana-face; ambhoruhe-lotus; ha-Oh; ha-Oh; svamini-queen; radhike-Radha; mayi-to me; kripa-drishtim-sidelong glance of mercy; manan-slightly; nikshipa-please cast.

O Radha, O queen, O enchantress who weaves a spell over the prince of gopas, O girl whose lotus face smiles sweetly, O girl whose sidelong glance is a flood of sweet nectar, O girl whose crooked sidelong glance melts with mercy, please look at me with Your glance of mercy.

Text 190


ragan uccair nija-racitaya citra-bhangyonnayanti

tiryag-griva rucira-rucirodancad-akuncita-bhruh

preyah-parshve vipula-pulakair mandita bhati radha

oshtha-lips; pranta-edge; ucchalita-dayitodgirna-tambula-raga-red with the betelenuts from Her beloved; ragan-ragas; uccaih-aloud; nija-racitaya-composed by herself; citra-bhangyonnayanti-gracefully doing; tiryag-griva-tilted neck; rucira-rucirodancad-akuncita-bhruh-gracefully raised eyeborws; preyah-parshve-on Her beloved's side; vipula-pulakaih-hairs erect; mandita-decorated; bhati-is manifest; radha-Radha.

The corner of Her lips red with betelnuts from Her beloved's mouth, gracefully singing wonderful songs She Herself has written, Her neck tilted, Her eyebrows gracefully arched, decorated with ecstatic symptoms, and staying at Her beloved's side, Shri Radha shines with great splendor.

Text 191

kim re dhurta pravara nikatam yasi nah prana-sakhya

nunam bala-kuca-tata-kara-sparsha-matrad vimuhyet

ittham radhe pathi pathi rasan nagaram te 'nulagnam

kshiptva bhangya hridayam ubhayoh karhi sammohayishye

kim-whether?; re-O; dhurta-rascal; pravara-best; nikatam-near; yasi-you go; nah-of us; prana-sakhya-of the dear friend; nunam-indeed; bala-kuca-tata-kara-sparsha-matrat-by touching her breast; vimuhyet-will faith; ittham-thus; radhe-O Radha; pathi pathi-on path after path; rasan-sweetly; nagaram-lover; te-of You; 'nulagnam-following; kshiptva-castingaway; bhangya-with crookedness; hridayam-the heart; ubhayoh-of both; karhi-when?; sammohayishye-I will charm.

"Rascal, why do You come near our dear friend? If You touch Her breast She will faint!" O Radha, when Your lover follows You wherever You go, I will chase Him away with these words. When will I delight both Your hearts with these words?

Text 192

kada va radhayah pada-on path;-kamalam ayojya-after path; hridaye

dayesham nihshesham niyatam iha jahyam upavidhim

kada va govindah sakala-sukhadah prema-karanad

ananye dhanye vai svayam upanayeta smara-kalam

kada-when; va-or; radhayah-of Radha; pada-kamalam-lotus feet; ayojya-joining; hridaye-in the heart; dayesham-master of mercy; nihshesham-all; niyatam-may bring; iha-here; jahyam-I may reject; upavidhim-rules; kada-when; va-or; govindah-Krishna; sakala-sukhadah-giving all happiness; prema-karanat-from the cause of love; ananye-without another; dhanye-fortunate; vai-indeed; svayam-personally; upanayeta-may teach; smara-kalam-the art of love.

When will I turn from the petty rules of karma-kanda and place only Shri Radha's merciful lotus feet always in my heart. When will delightful Govinda personally teach me the art of love?

Text 193

kada va proddama-smara-samara-samrambha-rabhasa-


gatau kunja-dvare sukha-maruti samvijya paraya

mudaham shri-radha-rasikatilakau syam sukritini

kada-when; va-or; proddama-smara-samara-samrambha-rabhasa-in the passionate battle of amorous pastimes; prarudha-svedambhah-pluta-flooded with perspiration; lulita-citrakhila-tanu-wonderful forms; gatau-attained; kunja-dvare-at the entrance to the forest; sukha-maruti-pleasant breeze; samvijya-fanning; paraya-with great; muda-happiness; aham-I; shri-radha-Shri Radha; rasikatilakau-and the tilaka of rasikas; syam-I may be; sukritini-fortunate.

When will I become fortunate, happily fanning Shri Radha and He who is the tilaka mark of rasikas as, Their wonderful bodies flooded with perspiration from a ferocious amorous battle, They rest in a forest grove?

Text 194

mithah-premaveshad ghana-pulaka-dor-valli-racita-


nikunja-klpte vai nava-kusuma-talpe 'bhishayitau

kada pat-samvahadibhir aham adhishau nu sukhaye

mithah-premaveshat-because of mutual love; ghana-pulaka-dor-valli-the blossoming vines of the arms; racita-attained; pragadhashleshenotsava-a festival of tight embraces; rasa-bhara-sweet nectar; unmilita-drishau-eyes wide open; nikunja-in the forest; klpte-done; vai-indeed; nava-kusuma-talpe-a couch of new flowers; 'bhishayitau-reclining; kada-when; pat-samvahadibhih-with massaging the feet; aham-I; adhishau-the two masters; nu-indeed; sukhaye-will please.

When, by massaging Their feet, will I please my two masters as, filled with love, the vines of Their arms blossoming with happiness and Their eyes also blossoming in the nectar festival of a tight embrace, They recline on a couch of new flowers in the forest grove?

Text 195

madaruna-vilocanam kanaka-darpakamocanam


lasan-nava-vayah-shriya lalita-bhangi-lila-mayam

hrida tad aham udvahe kim api hema-gauram mahah

madaruna-vilocanam-eyes red withpassion; kanaka-darpakamocanam-destroying the pride of the golden mirror; maha-pranaya-great love; madhuri-rasa-sweetness; vilasa-nityotsukam-eternal festival of pastimes; lasan-nava-vayah-shriya-with the beauty of glistening youth; lalita-playful; bhangi-waves; lila-mayam-pastimes; hrida-with the heart; tat-that; aham-I; udvahe-will hold; kim api-something; hema-gauram-fair like gold; mahah-effulgence.

In my heart I embrace a golden splendor that shames the pride of the golden mirror, a splendor with reddish passionate eyes, a splendor that always yearns to enjoy sweet pastimes of love, a graceful and playful splendor glistening with the beauty of new youth.

Text 196

madaghurnan-netram nava-rati-rasavesha-vivashol-

lasad-gatram prana-pranaya-paripatyam parataram

mitho-gadhashleshad valayam iva jatam marakata-

druta-svarna-cchayam sphuratu mithunam tan mama hridi

madaghurnan-netram-eyes restless with passion; nava-rati-rasavesha-with trhe nectar of new love; vivashollasad-gatram-glistening limbs; prana-pranaya-paripatyam-great love; parataram-greatly; mithah-mutual; gadhashleshat-from the deep embrace; valayam-armlet; iva-like; jatam-born; marakata-sapphire; druta-svarna-cchayam-the splendor of molten gold; sphuratu-may be manifested; mithunam-the divine couple; tan-that; mama-of me; hridi-in the heart.

May the divine couple, splendid like sapphires and molten gold, tightly embracing each other as an armlet embraces an arm, deeply in love with each other, Their limbs glistening with the nectar of love, and Their eyes restless with passion, appear in my heart.

Text 197

parasparam prema-rase nimagnam



tan-nila-pitam mithunam cakasti

parasparam-mutual; prema-rase-in the nectar of,love; nimagnam-plunged; ashesha-sammohana-completely charming; rupa-keli-forms and pastimes; vrindavanantar-nava-kunja-gehe-in a cottage in Vrindavana forest; tan-nila-pitam-blue and yello; mithunam-divine couple; cakasti-is manifested.

Plunged in a nectar ocean of love for each other, and Their forms and pastimes all perfectly enchanting, the fair and dark divine couple is splendidly manifested in a cottage in newly-blossoming Vrindavana forest.

Text 198

ashasya dasyam vrishabhanu-jayas

tire samadhyasya ca bhanujayah

kada nu vrindavana-kunja-vithishv

aham nu radhe hy athitir bhaveyam

asha-hope; asya-of hiom; dasyam-service; vrishabhanu-jayah-of Radha; tire-on the shore; samadhyasya-arranging; ca-and; bhanujayah-of the Yamuna; kada-when; nu-indeed; vrindavana-kunja-vithishv-on the patheays of Vrindavana forest; aham-I; nu-indeed; radhe-O Radha; hi-indeed; athitih-a guest; bhaveyam-may become.

O Radha, when, yearning to become Your maidservant, will I become Your guest by the Yamuna's shore in Vrindavana forest?

Views: 1791

Comment by Paramananda das on November 27, 2009 at 11:18pm
Srimati Radharani's Lotus Feet
Right Lotus Foot:
8 Most Auspicious Marks

01. Sacrificial Altar
02. Mountain
03. Conch
04. Earring
05. Club
06. Chariot
07. Spear
08. Fish

Left Lotus Foot:
11 Most Auspicious Marks
01. Barleycorn
02. Disc
03. Upcurving line
04. Lotus
05. Umbrella
06. Elephant Goad
07. Flag
08. Bracelet
09 . Flower
10. Creeper
11. Half Moon

The total Auspicious Marks on both the Lotus Feet of Shrimati Radha = 19

"Oh, Supreme Goddess of the Vrndavana forest! Your lotus feet are brimming full of flowing rasa extract, the essential honey of full-blown love nectars. Holding such feet to His chest, Madhupati (Krsna), the Lord of all sweetness, extinguishes the burning fever of Cupid. So supremely cooling, I now take shelter of them.

That which is present deep within the heart of all the Upanisads in the most well hidden secret; this pair of Sri Radha's divine lotus feet is my refuge - simply full of Her own feminine dancing playfulness."

"Radha Rasa Sudhanidhi" by Srila Prabhodananda Sarasvati Thakur

Śri Rūpa-cintāmaṇi - ''The Cintāmaṇi Jewel of Beauty''
Srila Vishvanath Cakravarti Thakura

01. cchatra - Umbrella
02. ari - Disc
03. dhvaja - Flag
04. valli - Flowery Twig
05. puṣpa - Flower
06. valayan - Jewelled Bangle
07. padma - Lotus
08. urdhva-rekha - Upward line
09. ankusham - Elephant Goad
10.ardhendu - Half Moon
11. yavaṁ - Barleycorn
12. śaktiṁ - Spear
13. gadaṁ - Club
14. syandanam - Chariot
15. vedi - Sacrificial Altar
16. kuṇḍala - Earrings
17. matsya - Fish
18. parvata - Mountain
19. daraṁ - Conch

The Lotus Footprints of Srimati Radharani with symbols
cchatrari-dhvaja-valli-puṣpa-valayan padmordhva-rekhaṅkuśan
ardhenduṁ ca yavaṁ ca vamam anu ya śaktiṁ gadaṁ syandanam
vedi-kuṇḍala-matsya-parvata-daraṁ datte 'nv asavyaṁ padaṁ
taṁ radhaṁ ciram unaviṁśati-maha-lakṣmy-arcitaṅghriṁ bhaje

cchatra - parasol; ari - ari; dhvaja - flag; valli - vine; puṣpa - flowers; valayan -bracelets;padma - lotus; urdhva-rekha - ūrdhva - rekhā; aṅkuśan - elephant - goad; ardhendum - half - moon; ca - and; yavam - barleycorn; ca - and; vamam - left; anu - following; ya - which; śaktim - potency; gadam;club; syandanam - flowing; vedialtar; kuṇḍala - earrings; matsya - fish; parvata -mountain; daram - conchshell; datte - places; anu - following; asavyam - right; padam - foot; tam -Her;radham - Rādhā; ciram - eternally; unaviṁśati - 19;maha - great;lakṣmi - opulence; arcita - endowed; aṅghrim - feet; bhaje - I worship.


I worship Śri Rādhā, whose feet are endowed with the 19 great opulences of, on the left foot, the parasol, ari, flag, vine, flower, bracelet, lotus,ūrdhva-rekhā, elephant-goad, halfmoon, and barleycorn, and on the right foot, the śakti, club, chariot, altar, earrings, fish, mountain, and conchshell. (Sri Rupa Cintamani)

Description and the locations of the imprints on the lotus feet of Srimati Radhika

Text 1 & 2

are manas cintaya radhikaya vame pade 'ngusthatale yavari
pradesini-sandhi-bhagur dhvarekha makuncitama carana arddham eva

madhya tale 'bja-dhvaja-puspa-vallih kanisthakadho' nkusam ekam eva
cakrasya mule valayata patre parsnau tu candra arddha mathanya-pade

O mind! Please meditate on the left lotus of Srimati Radharani which is decorated with the following auspicious markings:

Below the toe of the left foot is a barleycorn and a disc. Starting from mid point between the main toe and the second toe, continuing for half the length of the foot, is a shining upward-line. Below the middle toe are a lotus, flag, flower and a twig. Below the little toe is an elephant goad. Below the disc is an umbrella, and below that is a bracelet. On the heel is a beautiful looking half-moon.

Text 3

parsnau jhasam syandana-sailam urdhve tat-parsvayoh sakti-gade ca sankham
angustha-mule 'tha kanisthakadho vedim adhah kundalam eva tasyah

Please remember the right lotus feet of Srimati Radhika with the following descriptions of the markings:
On the heel of the right foot is a fish. Above that is a chariot. Above the chariot is a mountain. On one side of the chariot is a sakti weapon, and on the other side is a club. Above the club is the conchshell, which is at the root of the toe. Below the little toe is a sacrifice altar, and below the sacrificial altar is an earring.

'Pada Sevanam - Meditation on the Lotus Feet and Hands of Their Lordships', Text 1-3

Descriptions from Radha-Krsna ganoddesa dipika

atha carana-cihnani sankhendu-kunjara-yavav
ankusas ca ratha-dhvejau damaru-svasti-matsyadi
subha-cihnau padav api

The auspicious markings on Srimati Radharani's lotus feet includes the signs of the conchsell, moon, elephant, barleycorncorn, elephant goad, chariot, flag, small drum, svastika, and fish.

Descriptions from Sri Rupa Cintamani by Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura

chatrari-dhvaja-valli-puspa-valayan padmor dhvarekhankusan
arddhendun ca yavan ca vamamanu ya saktim gada syandanam
vedi-kundala-matsya-parvata-daram dhatte 'nv asavyam padam
tam radham ciram unavimsati-mahalaksmy-arcitanghrim bhaje

I worship Sri Radha whose lotus feet are endowed with nineteen great auspicious markings of: on the left foot are eleven markings of an umbrella, disc, flag, vine, flower, bracelet, lotus, upward-line, elephant-goad, half-moon, and barleycorn, and on the right foot are eight markings of the sakti, club, chariot, sacrificial altar, earrings, fish, mountain, and conch-shell.

Descriptions from Ananda Candrika

atha vamacaranasya angustha mule yavah tat-tale cakram tat-tale
chatram tat-tale valayam tarjanyan gustha sanhimarabhya vakra gataya yavad arddha
carana murdhva rekha madhyama tale kamalam kamakatale dhvajah sapatakah
kanistha tale 'nkusah parson arddha candrah tad upari valli puspanca ityekadasa

There is a barleycorn below the toe of the left foot of Sri Radhika. Below that is a disc, and below that is an umbrella, below the umbrella is a bracelet, and then there is an upper-line which starts from mid-point between the second toe and the main toe and goes down in a crooked way till it covers half the foot. Below the middle toe is a lotus, and below that is a flag. Below the little toe is an elephant goad. On the heel is a half-moon, and above that is a flower. Thus there are eleven auspicious markings decorating the left foot of Srimati Radharani.

atha daksinasya angustha mule sankhah kanisthatale vedi tat-tale
kundalam tarjani madhya mayos tale parvata parsnau Matsya martsyopari rathah
tathasya parsvadvayo sakti gade ityastau militva unavimsatih

There is a conch-shell at the origin of the toe of the right foot of Srimati Radharani. Below the little toe is a sacrificial altar, and below that is an earring. Below the second and the middle toe is a mountain. On the heel is a fish, and above the fish is a chariot. Thus there are eight markings on the right foot of Srimati Radharani. When combining these eight with those of the left foot, it becomes nineteen auspicious markings. In this way, the nineteen auspicious markings on the feet of Srimati Radharani are eternally remembered.

Worshipping Srimati Radharani's lotus feet
(from Sri Radha Rasa Suddha Nidhi by Srila Prabhodananda Sarasvati)

Dhani Dhani Radhika ke Charan

The lotusfeet of Sri Radhika are my only treasure

(from Sri Radha-rasa-sudha-nidhi)

alam visaya varta ya naraka koti bibhatsaya
vrtha sruti kathasramo bata bibhemi kaivalyatah
paresa bhajanon mada yadi sukadayah tatah kim
parantu mama radhika pada rase mano majjatu

May my mind always float in the ocean of divine nectar emanating from the lotus feet of Srimati Radharani. No more fear of millions of hells. Studying of the scriptures has become simply troublesome. Merging into the brahman effulgence is terrible. The ecstatic symptoms of devotion to the Lord that are felt by the great devotees like Suka have lost their charms.

upasya caranambuje vraja bhrtam kisori ganaih
mahad bhirapi purusair apari bhavya rasotsave
agadha rasa dhamani svapada Padma seva vidhau
vidhehi madhuroj jvalam iva krtim mamadhisvari

O Radha! You are my sole Ruler and only shelter. Countless gopis of Vraja swarm around Your lotus feet and worship them wholeheartedly. Your lotus feet are an inexhaustible fountainhead of the quintessence of universal love and are inconceivable to great saints. That is perhaps the reason why great devotees are striving with ever increasing courage and hope to catch the sweetness and beauty of the grace that flows from Your lotus feet. O Queen! Will You be pleased to show me the particular manner in which I should serve Your lotus feet?

atisnehaduccair api ca hari namani grnatah
tatha saugandhadyair bahubhi rupa carais ca yajatah
paranandam vrndavana manu carantam ca dadhato
mano me radhaya padamrdu lapadme nivasatu

Lotus chanting of the holy name of Lord Hari with love attracts my mind towards Sri Radha's feet. This attraction becomes very strong as soon as the delicious ingredient of Sri Radha's service is added to the chanting. Meditation on blissful Krsna as He roams about in Vrndavana has put me under the shade of the tender feet of kind Sri Radha.

kamam tulikaya karena harinayalatka kairankita
nanakeli vidagdha goparmani vrdai tatha vandita
ya sanguptaya tatha upanisadam hrd yeva vidyo tate
sa radha carana dvayi mama gatih lasyai kalilamayi

My only shelter is Sri Radhika's lotus feet which I yearn to worship with love and devotion. These lotus feet of Srimati Radhika are painted by Krsna's soft fingers with a feather dipped in the most fragrant red-colored juice. The gopis follow Krsna's example and worship the same feet for the happiness of all living entities. These feet are glorified in the Upanisads, and are found in the depth of the hearts of pure devotees.

vrndavanesari tavaiva padaravindam
premamrtaika makaranda rasau gha purnam
hrdyar apitam madhupate smaratapa mugram
nirvapayat parama sitala ma srayami

O Vrndavanesvar! O Sri Radhe! I pray for the shelter of Your lotus feet. Your lotus feet are treasure house of nectar of divine love. Syamasundara keeps them safely and dearly in His heart. These feet are the supreme cooling remedy for the blazing fires of this material world.

yadi snehad radhe disasi ratilam payata padavi
gatam me svaprestam tadapi mamnistham srunu yatha
kataksai raloke smita saha carair jata pulakam
sama aslisyamyuc cai atha ca rasaye tvatpadarasam

O dear Sri Radha! When out of sheer compassion, and moved by Krsna's overwhelming love for You, will grant Him His prayers to message Your lotus feet? At that time, I shell look at the ecstatic smiling faces of both of You, and so encouraged I shall hug Your feet with my hands, and taste the nectar of Your lotus feet to my full satisfaction.

yasya aste bata kinkarisu bahusas catuni vrndatavi
kandarpah kurute tavaiva kim api prepsuh prasadotsavam
sadrananda ghananuraga lahari nisyanda padambuja
dvandve sri vrsabhanu nandini sada vande tava sripadam

O Vrsabhanu-nandini! I bow down to Your lotus feet with great awe and reverence, from which selfless love is ever pouring forth in abundance. In His ceaseless and tireless efforts to win Your grace, Sri Krsna, the God of love of Vrndavana and Supreme Almighty, always solicits the favors of Your servants with love and affection.

radhapada saroja bhaktim acalam udviksya niskaitavam
pritah svam bhajatopi nibhaira maha premnadhikam sarva sah
alingatyatha cumbati svavadanat tambulam asyer apayet
kante svam vanamali kamapi mama nyasyet kada mohanah

I know, and it has been confirmed by all reliable authorities that Madana-Mohana Krsna would be so ecstatically delighted to see pure devotion unto Sri Radha's lotus feet that he would descend from His worshipped throne to embrace, kiss, give His chewed betel nuts, and garland to Sri Radhika's devotee. When shall I be blessed with such devotion, getting such treatment from Krsna as my reward for devotion to Radha's lotus feet?

sat premasindhu makaranda rasau gadhara
sarana jasramabhitah sravada sritesu
sri radhike tava kada caranaravindam
govinda jivana dhanam sirasa vahami

O Radhika! When shall I enjoy the fortune of having my head used by You as Your footstool? Your feet, which are the life-treasure of Govinda, will then be a crown on my head. They will further bathe my head with a pure nectarine flood of love that always flows among Your devotees.
Comment by Paramananda das on November 27, 2009 at 11:19pm


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