Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Sanatana Goswami describes the transcendental appearance of Krsna in his Krsna lila Stava

1) O Krsna, Who descended in the province of Mathura, O Lord Who gives the great gift of pure love for Yourself, O Perfromer of extraordinary pastimes, O great Treasure-house of various kinds of sweetness, O Lord Who is full of transcendental opulences, great mercy and majesty. All glories unto You.


2) O Krsna, O Deliverer of the Pandavas and Protector of King Pariksit, everyone should hear talks in relation with You, just as King Pariksit who enquired about Your pastimes.


3) O Krsna, you are situated within and without everything and You appropriately grant happiness and distress to the devotees and the impious. King Pariksit, full of doubts, and very eager to hear, enquired about You and Your pastimes.


4) O Krsna, the nectar of the topics in relation to you were spoken by Sukadeva Gosvami, and those topics became the very life-breath of King Pariksit, who had abandoned all other food and drink. O Lord, when the entire earth was afflicted by a great horde of demonic kings, the earth became distressed and bitterly lamented.


5) O Krsna, hearing the lament of Mother Earth, Lord Brahma and the other demigods approached the ocean of milk. Staying there in meditation, Lord Brahma heard Your words of instruction which delighted the pious devotees on the earth planet.




1) O Krsna, You are very fond of the city of Mathura, the capitol of King Surasena, and because You decided to descend in that place to the earth, You caused the wedding celebration of Devaki and Vasudeva.


2) O Krsna, agitated by a voice from the sky, Kamsa, who was holding the reigns of the chariot tried to wickedly (kill Devaki). Devaki's life was saved by the careful reasoned words of Vasudeva.


3) O Krsna, fulfilling his promise, the truthful Vasudeva brought each of His sons before Kamsa. O Lord, because of Your desire, Kamsa was able to hear the words spoken by Narada (from the sky). O Krsna, please protect me.


4) O Krsna, Kamsa then imprisoned Vasudeva and other relatives and bound them in chains. He killed the siø sons of Devaki, thinking them to be his enemies.




1) O Krsna, you understood the sufferings of Your own family the Yadu dynasty, who were greatly harassed by the military strength of Kamsa. O My Lord, by the agency ofYour own Yogamaya potency, You personally became Devaki's seventh child.


2) O Krsna, by the agency of Your Yogamaya, You became the Son of Devaki and Your incarnation as Lord Balarama was transferred to the womb of Rohini. O dear friend of Lord Balarama, O Krsna, please protect me.


3) O Krsna, when You became the eighth child of Devaki, Your splendor made Your mother appear very glorious and the presence of Your transcendental potencies made Your father Vasudeva become jubilant. you caused great fear and despair for Kamsa.


4) O Krsna, O Absolute truth, O Lord of the universe, manifesting Your transcendental form, which is beyond the material nature, You received the prayers of Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, and the other demigods. You also continually remained within the mind of Kamsa.


5) O Krsna, O be-all-and-end-all for devotees, O only desired object of the devotees, by the appearance of Your transcendental form, all the desires of everyone become fulfilled. O Lord, you personally enter those who take shelter of Your Holy Name or Your spiritual form. O Lord, simply by taking birth here, You removed all the distresses of the earth.


6) O Krsna, You appeared on the earth exclusively to perform Your pastimes and remove the earth's burden. Your lotus feet are the ornament for the upper and middle planetary systems. The demigods thus encouraged Mother Devaki by offering prayers to You. O Krsna, all glories unto You.




1) O Krsna, appearing on the eighth day of the dark moon in the month of Bhadra, when the star Rohini had appeared in the sky, You spread auspiciousness over the earth's surface, and You pleased and pacified the minds and hearts of saintly devotees.


2) O Krsna, when You appeared in the middle of the night as the dear Son of Vasudeva, You delighted the minds of the great sages and You pleased and satisfied the demigods.


3) O Krsna, O transcendental jewel, O Son of Devaki, O dear younger brother of Balarama, O elder brother of Gada and subhadra, please be merciful and protect me.


4) O amazing boy who displayed His transcendental form in the dark prison, O jewel in the maternity house of Devaki, please protect me.




1) O Krsna, You revealed Your transcendental form which is generally very difficult to see, Vasudeva offered reverential prayers glorifying You, the cause of all causes who has simultaneously entered and not entered everything. I offer respectful obeisances unto You.


2) O perfect Krsna, You are simultaneously the doer and the non-doer of everything, and by Your appearance You made the entire universe peaceful and happy. You mercifully granted liberation to the demons and You increased the pure love of Your devotees. (I offer respectful obeisances unto You.).


3) O Krsna, O Creator of time, O annihilator of the universe, O lamp of transcendental knowledge, O Lord free from any material attributes or contact, O bliss of the eyes ofDevaki, who fearfully offered prayers to You, all glories unto You.


4) O Krsna, Your splendor makes all the planets appear like a joke, and You rescue from death those who take shelter of Your lotus feet. Because material eyes are not appropriate instruments to see Your transcendental form, You covered that divine form which was formerly shown to Your mother.



1) O Lord Krsna, in three births You became the Son of Devaki and Vasudeva. When You were born in Your father's presence, You were pleased by His sincere worship, and You granted all benedictions to him.


2) O beautiful Krsna, O Supreme Spirit whose form resembles that of a a human child, and who performs pastimes in that eternal form, giving great transcendental bliss to Your mother and father, (all glories unto You).


3) O Krsna, You instructed (Vasudeva) how You could escape (the wrath of Kamsa) and You bewildered the guards standing at the prison gate and caused them all to fall asleep. It was by Your arrangement that Your potency Maya was born as the daughter of Yasoda.


4) O Krsna, Your potency unlocked all the doors and You were carried away by Your father. The hoods of the serpent Ananta Sesa became Your umbrella, and the Yamunariver gave You a clear path.


5) O Lord Krsna, O Great Auspiciousness of Vraja, You were placed on Yasoda's bed. And she, Nanda Mahraja and the other cowherd men, bewildered by sleep, did not notice. (All glories unto You).



1) O Lord Krsna, I offer respectful obeisances unto You. When Kamsa attempted to violently kill Durga-devi, she told him that You had already been born. Kamsa became amazed, and he released Your father, mother and relatives (from the prison).


2) O Krsna, Kamsa, his mind purified by constantly remembering You with fear, became enlightened, and he spoke transcendental knowledge to Your mother and father and thus pacified them.


3) O Lord  Krsna, trapped in the verbal network of bad  advice  form  his demonic  ministers, Kamsa agreed to a very wicked plan. Kamsa transgressed the desires of the saintly devotees, and in this way it appeared that his life was soon to end.




1) O Krsna, entering the appropriate place (Vrajabhumi), You  appear to  have become initiated in the vow of givine the unprecedented gift of love for Your lotus feet. O Performer of pastimes, You grant pure love for Yourself to Your devotees. That love is like a great festival of spiritual happiness.


2) O  Krsna, , O delightful Son of Maharaja Nanda, when  the  (time) for Your birth-ceremony arrived, Your father arranged for a great festival and gave many gifts in charity, thus making the opulent  land  of  Gokula  very auspicious.


3) O  Lord  Gopaala, you were then decorated with ornaments and  the  gopis celebrated   a  great  festival,  lovingly  and  jubilantly showering their benedictions upon You and sprinkling You with the milk of the cows of Vraja.


4) O Krsna, O Delight of the people of Vraja, Nanda  Maharaja  then greatly  honored the people of Vraja and he opulently gave many opulent  giftrs to them as You drank the breast milk of Your mother Yasoda.


5) O Krsna, attaing You as his son, King Nanda considered that he had a great jewel as a son, and he became very anxious for Your protection. When he went to Mathura to pay taxes, he asked the cowherd men to protect his home (in his absence.)


6) O Krsna, please be merciful to me. Nanda Maharaja became delighted when he heard the auspicious questions of Vasudeva, who also became jubilant, hearing Nanda'stranscendental reply.

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Comment by Paramananda das on August 25, 2011 at 11:44pm

O Krsna, O little cowherd boy, O delight of the gopis, O performer of mischievous childhood pastimes in the company of Your like-minded friends of the same age, please be merciful to me.


2) O Krsna, releasing the calves at the wrong time, You smiled to see the residents of Vraja lament. You would continually steal butter, and also feed it to the monkeys.


3) O Krsna, entering the darkened store-room, making a staircase of the bench and the grinding mortar and pulling the ropes You broke the pots full of milk-products.


4) O Krsna, Your limbs are illuminated with glistening jewels. Hearing the harsh complaints of the gopis, You became frightened and Your eyes moved restlessly. In this condition You gave great delight to Mother Yasoda.


5) O Krsna, O Source of the devotee’s bliss, When Lord Balarama and Your other friends reported to Mother Yasoda that You had eaten clay, considering it very palatable foodstuff, whe reprimanded You very severely, thinking of Your welfare.


6) O Krsna, moving Your eyes with pretended fear, You hid among Your friends. Denying the accusations of Lord Balarama and the others You vowed to Mother Yasoda that You were innocent.


7) O Krsna, You opened Your small lotus mouth showed the entire universe to Mother Yasoda, She then understood Your transcendental opulence, although You again cast on illusion her by Your potency. All glories unto You.


8) O Krsna, in this way You increased the love of Mother Yasoda, who affectionately embraced You. Because You fulfilled the benediction offered by Lord Brahma to Your devotees Drona and Dhara, (they were able to become Your parents).


Comment by Paramananda das on August 25, 2011 at 11:44pm
Comment by Paramananda das on August 25, 2011 at 11:45pm


) O Krsna, thus imitating the pastimes of a helpless human child, charmingly kicking Your legs performing other pastimes, You were observed by the gopis.


2) O Krsna, pulling the tail of a calf, You would in turn be dragged about by him. The cowherd men and women would then forget all their other activites and become delighted by these childhood pastimes


3) O Krsna, in this way You would greatly perpleø Your mother, who was intent on performing her household duties. O Lord, Your great charm enchants Lord Brahma and the other demigods and the beauty of Your childhood amazes the entire universe. (All glories unto You).

Comment by Paramananda das on August 25, 2011 at 11:46pm

1) O Krsna, one day singing the glories of Your pastimes, Mother Yasoda began to churn yogurt. Very hungry, You desired to drink her breast milk, and You grabbed the churning rod from her.


2) O Krsna, when the milk spilled from the pot, Your mother left You. Your desire to drink the nectar of Your mother's milk unsatisfied, Your lips trembled with feigned anger, and You broke the jar full of yogurt.


3) O Krsna, stealing the fresh butter, You took great pleasure in eating a great quantity of it, and also strewing it about.


4) O Krsna, you anointed Your limbs with that butter and You gave much of it away. When You heard the sound of Your mother's ankle-bells, You became afraid that she would punish You for Your thieving activities and You pretended to cry.


5) O Krsna, afraid of Your mother You fled from her as she chased You within the courtyard in Vrndavana. Understanding how she had become fatigued (by chasing You, You allowed her to catch You and) tie You about the waist with a rope. O Lord, I offer respectful obeisances unto You.


6) O Krsna, You restlessly glanced from the corners of Your eyes which were decorated with black ointment. Using the rope of her unlimited parental love, mother Yasodabound You to the grinding mortar.

Comment by Paramananda das on August 25, 2011 at 11:47pm

1) O Krsna, You saw the two yamala-arjuna trees, and understood the words that Narada had mercifully spoken for the deliverance of the offensive sons of Kuvera. youbroke the curse which bound Kuvera's sons to the forms of trees.


2) O Krsna, You are attainable only by those who are free from material beauty and other so-called opulences can never attain You. You are very dear to Narada Muni, andYou pulled the grinding mortar to which You were bound. All glories unto You.


3) O Krsna, fulfilling the benediction offered by Devarsi Narada, You broke the yamala-arjuna trees. O Lord, O controller of all controllers, the tw sons of Kuvera then glorified You with transcendental prayers.


4) O Krsna, although it is very difficult for the conditioned souls to understand Your glories, the devotees constantly engage their minds in exclusively thinking about You and nothing else. O Lord, Your transcendental pastimes are wonderfully extraordinary and You are the most auspicious of all auspicious things within this universe.


5) O Krsna, You are greatly pleased when one becomes a servant of Your servant, and You are very affectionate to those who become the devotee of Your devotee The two sons of Kuvera thus chanted Your glories and constantly tasted the nectar of Your devotional service with all their limbs and senses.


6) O Krsna, pleased by the prayers of the sons of Kuvera (the friend of Lord Siva), You spoke to them with words that seemed like a shower of nectar. You explained how glorious it is even to see a pure devotee of Your Lordship. and You granted to Kuvera's sons the benediction of attaining pure love fore You.

Comment by Paramananda das on August 25, 2011 at 11:56pm

1) O Krsna, when the children described that You had caused (the two trees to fall), the cowherd men because greatly amazed. A bewildered Nanda Maharaja gazed at Youas a smile broke forth upon Your lips.


2) O Krsna, having pulled the grinding mortar, You remained among the fallen yamala-arjuna trees. Nanda Maharaja untied the rope used for tying cows which had boundYour splendid waist.


3) O Krsna, in order to show how You submissively accept the dominion of Your devotees, You danced, following the encouragement of the gopis. You jubilantly and intently sang in a childish voice, at their bidding and charmingly struck Your arms to Your chest (to show Your strength). In this way You enchanted the minds of inhabitants of Vraja.


4) O Krsna, following the orders of Mother Yasoda and the other gopis, You would carry the wooden bench and other articles. You expertly begged for sweets cooked in butter, and the ocean of nectar of Your pastimes charmed the residents of Vrajabhumi. O Lord. I offer respectful obeisances unto You.

Comment by Paramananda das on August 25, 2011 at 11:57pm

1) O Krsna, O object of love of Upananda, because You desired to enjoy the transcendental mellows only experienced in Vrndavana, You travelled there, riding on a cart as the gopis sang about Your glorious pastimes.


2) O Krsna, O moon of Vrndavana, O ornament of beautiful Vrndavana, You are very fond of the land of Vrndavana. Residence in Your Vrndavana greatly pleases the hearts (of Your devotees).


3) Tigers, beasts, and other prey have their inborn ferocious natures removed become delighted by seeing the sight of Sri Krsna walking around Govardhana Hill and the sandy banks of the Yamuna River. Please be merciful upon me.

Comment by Paramananda das on August 26, 2011 at 12:03am

vrajānandākara-krīḍa manojña-kala-bhāṣaṇa

vatsa-pālana-sañcārin vrajādūra-dharācara



rāmādi-bālakārāma nānā-krīḍa-paricchada

vaḿśī-vādana-saḿsakta veṇu-citra-svanākara



muralī-vadana śrīmat-tribhańgī-madhurākṛte

kṣepaṇī-kṣepaṇa-prīta kanduka-krīḍanotsuka



vṛṣa-vatsānukaraṇa vṛṣa-dhvāna-viḍambana

jayānyonya-raṇa-prīta sarva-jantu-rutānukṛt



1) O Krsna, Your childish attempt to speak was very charming and enchanting, and Your transcendental pastimes caused the residents of Vraja to become jubilant. You would wander here and there in the company of Your friends, the young protectors of the calves, although You would not go very far from Your home in Vraja.


2) O Krsna, accompanied by Lord Balarama and other cowherd boy friends, You delighted in performing various different pastimes in the gardens of Vrndavana. You are very fond of playing Your flute, upon which You produce an amazingly sweet sound.


3) O Krsna, Your charming and beautiful form bends in three places and the flute to Your lips. You are delighted to shoot (pebbles) with a sling-shot and You are very enthusiastic to play with a ball.


4) O Krsna, You and Your friends would imitate the activities of the bull-calves and the sounds of the grown-up bulls. You would enjoy mock-fighting with Your friends, and You would imitate the sounds of all the forest animals. All glories unto You.

Comment by Paramananda das on August 26, 2011 at 12:05am

1) O Krsna, after killing the demon Vatsasura, You threw him into a kapittha tree and caused the ripe kapittha fruits to fall to the ground. You then became jubilant, the cowherd boys glorified You and the demigods worshiped You by showering flowers.


2) O Krsna, You amaze the cowherd boys, and You become the object of their constant meditation. Covered with the dust upraised by the cows, You return home in the evening. O Lord, please protect me.


3) O Krsna, Ornamented with garlands of gunja and a garland of peacock feather, wearing flower-earrings and sumana flowers on Your head, You take pleasure in playing a flute made from a leaf.


4) O Krsna, You are crown with peacock feathers and blossoming flowers and garlanded with forest-flowers. Your limbs are decorated with wonderful pictures and designs drawn in colorful mineral pigments gathered in the forest.

Comment by Paramananda das on August 26, 2011 at 12:08am

1) O Krsna, taking breakfast early in the morning, You wandered in Vrndavana, placing the calves in front. It was there that You saw the demon Bakasura, whose gigantic body appeared just like a mountain peak.


2) O Krsna, when You were swallowed by Bakasura with His sharp beak, Your cowherd friends fainted. Staying within the demon's mouth, You playfully burned his palate.


3) O Krsna, expelled form the Baka demon’s mouth, You bifurcated his beak (and killed him). Balarama and the other cowherd boys embraced You, and the demigods praised You and showered flowers upon You. All glories to You.


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