Reading Romapada Swami lectures in Mayapure some things comes to mind:
About the ILS:
We have to follow Srila Prabhupadas instructions, that is a fact ,what pleased Srila Prabhupada.Romapada Swami mentions some
past deviations.
My question is still to Romapada Swami when will you and Ramabhadra close down the bingo hall at ISKCON Brooklyn, and stop
all the serving of meat at ISKCON ,Srila Prabhupadas temple.
So much things said is simply lip service as long as this eysore remains.Romapada Swami ask yourself if a Bingo hall at ISKCON Brooklyn
pleases Srila Prabhupada...this should be the top priority of the GBC and the ILS?
Where is the GBC, ISKCON resolve and so called senior devotees when they are needed for such an important thing?
This is my question,I was not in the class, my hand is raised :When will the GBC close the Bingo hall? It violates GBC rules of 1996 that things that brakes the 4 regulative principles are not allowed on any ISKCON property,that is 2 meat eating and gambling...
again all about money with no moral scrubles?
If Ramabhadra and Romapada Swami can not close this Bingo hall ,I humble request the GBC to remove them from all managerial positions,
yes I am also a brahmin and vaisnava, but they can not take any good advise? However this is the GBC law and they are braking can they be managers in ISKCON? Srila Prabhuapda was concerned the GBC maintain standards ....why are they not?
your servant
Paramananda das
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