Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Response to Stern Magazine in 1974 from ISKCON

Defamation of the Hare Krsna movement
by Axel Springer STERN Magazine
Statement by the International Society for Krsna Consciousness
After a few months ago in Stern magazine's biased reporting on the aims and activities of the International Society for Krsna Consciousness, we see it as our duty, in the public interest, to escalate the recent slanderous coverage, especially in the Springer press to comment.
Defamation of the Hare Krsna movement by Axel Springer STERN MagazineWe can not fail to portray the International Society for Krsna Consciousness as a "large-scale fraudulent organization" solely "deceived and deceived," and its members imprisoned in a "system of merciless oppression." Recognizing the past days of the unlawful slander of the Jewish community.
In response to the slanderous and hurtful allegations, we print a letter from New York to the German devotees, written by President of the International Society for Krsna Consciousness, Hansadutta Das Adhikary, after being briefed by phone about the recent campaign by the German press was:

ISKCON International Society for Krishna Consciousness
439 Henry street
Brooklyn New York
USA 11231
Dec 3, 1974
My dear Chakravarty and gathered devotees !
Please accept my humble obeisances. Today I received news from Prithu Prabhu in Amsterdam about the recent newspaper articles in the Springer press.
Chakravarty Das, Temple President 1974 Arrest at the Frankfurt Police Headquarters
Chakravarty Das, Temple President 1974
Arrest at the Frankfurt Police Headquarters
What can I say but encourage all of you not to be discouraged by this demonic attempt to stop the spread of the Sri Krsna Caitanya Sankirtana movement? In this experiment it becomes clear that our work in Germany has tremendous success. Why else do Axel Springer and others take so much time and make such great efforts to do something about us? Just as Kamsa: Although he was a mighty king, he made use of so many great demons and devised so many plans to kill little Krsna, who was just an infant, living in the village of Vrindavana on the lap of His Father and the His mother played. Why? Because Krsna was no ordinary child. He was the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and His mission was to to free the world from the demonic elements and to protect the devotees. "Whenever and wherever religious life expires and irreligiousness takes over, O descendant of Bharata, at the time I appear." To liberate the pious and destroy the villains and reintroduce the principles of religion, I appear in every age. " (Bhagavad-gita 4.7-8)

Maya's attempt to stop us is a sign of how successful you are at making people aware of Krsna's existence. The stronger the light, the stronger the shadow. But we should not be afraid of our own shadow. Shadow means maya. Light means Krsna. Where Krsna is, there can not be a Maya. So keep on chanting Hare Krsna and everything will be fine.
The material world is the abode of the rebellious, conditioned souls who want to defy the authority of the Supreme God Krsna. It is therefore to be expected that they will react to our work in a negative, almost hateful way; it is very natural. It would only be surprising if Springer had printed a series of articles in praise of the Hare Krsna movement. It would have surprised me if he had asked people to join us and chant Hare Krsna. That he tries to defame our movement does not surprise me at all; that's only natural.
The same method was used two thousand years ago against Jesus Christ and more recently against Thakura Haridasa in India. But they trusted Krsna, and we must trust Krsna at all costs.
This propaganda against us is a test sent by Krishna. So do not be discouraged, but look with satisfaction that your dissemination of the Vedic scriptures has its effect. The first reaction of a patient is disapproving: u0h, the medicine is so bitter, it hurts so much. "But after some time, the healing effect becomes apparent, and the patient is grateful to the doctor.The material existence is a pathological condition of the soul, and Krsna consciousness is the only medicine, the devotee has the thankless task of administering this medicine, so what can he expect, we just have to continue our work.
Hansadutta das and Srila Prabhupada
Hansadutta (left) and Srila Prabhupada (right)
The Krsna consciousness movement is not one of the many common movements of today, such as communism, socialism, capitalism, etc. Rather, it is authorized by the supreme leader of all living beings, the Creator of all worlds, God. That's why she will be successful. For who could be more powerful than Krsna? And Krsna promises protection: "Give up all other pursuits and just give yourself to Me, I will protect you from all sinful reactions, fear not." (Bhagavad-gita 18.66)
What should be done now? We do not do anything wrong. We monks who strictly follow four regulative principles: 1) We do not kill; we eat no meat, no fish and no eggs; we are completely non-violent; 2) we do not entertain any improper sexual relations; 3) we do not take any intoxicants, including tea, coffee, cigarettes, let alone. Alcohol, hashish or LSD, 4) We do not waste our time with sports or games.
In addition, we do not receive any salary for our missionary activity or go on vacation. The whole life of every disciple is devoted to the dissemination of the science and philosophy of Krsna consciousness contained in the authorized Vedic scriptures such as Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita.

At the time of Jesus Christ and the time of Sri Krsna, there were no modern tools such as printing press, radio and television. The printing press was invented by the German Johannes Gutenberg, and it is noteworthy that the first printed book was the BIBLE. The monks of the Krsna Consciousness Movement work in the same spirit and use the invention of Gutenberg to spread the Vedic literature in German for the benefit of the seriously thinking people. What's wrong or wrong with that?
What is criminal about it? Axel Springer and co-authors print pictures of naked girls - we print books about God.
In the last two hundred years, people have made tremendous progress in technology, science and education. They are no longer content to accept the dry dogma of their forefathers, but want to explore the world and learn to understand the people who live on it, their philosophy and their way of life.
In this sense, the Krsna consciousness movement presents a true philosophy and science as it has been handed down by the great sages and saints of India for thousands of years. We not only present the philosophy and science of the Vedic scriptures, through whose scholarly translations and commentaries great Germans such as Max Müller and Paul Deussen became world famous, but also practice the principles that are given in them.
The attempt by Axel Springer to put the work of the Hare Krsna movement in a bad name by the monopoly of his press house and its newspapers, by blatant lies and slanderous representations, is a clear case of fascism .
Why does such a medium-magnate make so many efforts to spread slander and lies about only 70 monks who have dedicated their lives to the mission of spreading the message of God, and whose only mistake is that they are great in times of godlessness and corruption Have made an impression and gained the appreciation of leading personalities around the world.
I urge Mr. Springer or any other leading person to meet with me on a television interview and publicly discuss the matter, so that people are properly informed about the goals and activities of our movement.

Jayagoura das, 1974 book distribution / Sankirtan
Jayagoura the 1974,
Sankirtan / book distribution
We collect money by distributing our books as permitted by law; we use this money to print our books and publish new books, and we send money to Mayapur in India, where food is distributed to the hungry and needy in our center. The girls and boys of our society were mostly disappointed and distraught when they came to us, but through Krsna consciousness they have again found support in giving up a degrading life of drug use and illicit sexuality, and are now happy and at the same time show the whole of human society a great service through the dissemination of Krsna consciousness.
Instead of defaming such a significant movement, Axel Springer should be fortunate enough to be able to help this movement through his newspapers and magazines and through donations. Please arrange for me a public conversation with him, and I am ready to discuss all these issues for the benefit of the public.

Federal President Walter Scheel, Minister of Economics Friedrichs and many other important personalities in Germany and in the world appreciate our books and the work we do on the material as well as on the spiritual level.
We should arrange public readings, seminars and television talks to inform the public about the real facts.
I hope you are all well.
Your humble servant

Hansadutta The Adhikary
GBC - secretary for Germany,
Holland, England, Scandinavia and others
This statement and the accompanying statement have been sent to all major press agencies, to all daily and weekly newspapers, to all radio and television broadcasters, to the Federal Chancellery, to the Federal President's Office, to the Ministry of the Interior, to important institutions and public figures and to thousands The friends of the International Society for Krsna Consciousness sent and distributed to hundreds of thousands of the population. A comprehensive white paper is in preparation and should be sent to any interested party for free or handed out. In addition, an extensive series of public events is planned at schools, universities and other public institutions throughout Germany.
What you can do !
Please write to the director of the Westdeutscher Rundfunk-Klaus von Bismarck, Cologne, Appelhofplatz 1 - and ask for a public television discussion, so that we can inform the German public about the aims and actions of our movement (you can, of course, also other public radio or television stations write).
Please protest against the misrepresentation of our movement in the following newspapers: Bild / Berlin, BZ Berliner Morgenpost, Welt, Süddeutsche Zeitung and the "Spiegel" magazine.
Please try to organize discussions, discussions and lectures in public.
Please support our work within your financial resources (donations, tax deductible, can be paid to the postal check account Karlsruhe No. 1627 60-757).
Write us your opinion and request please by our coupon detailed information and the announced free white paper.

□ Please inform me in more detail.
□ Please send me for free the announced White Paper of the International Society for Krsna Consciousness.
Name and name Address:____________________________________________________________
Published by the press service of the International Society for Krsna Consciousness eV, 6241 Schloß Rettershof ü / Königstein / Ts., Tel. 06174/213 57

Invitation card of the International Society for Krsna Consciousness
Invitation Card International Society for Krsna Consciousness
Castle Rettershof 1974, Kelkheim / Taunus

Views: 92

Comment by Paramananda das on March 28, 2019 at 12:23am

Stern are infamous for having promoted Abortion in Germany 

Comment by Paramananda das on March 28, 2019 at 12:26am
Comment by Paramananda das on March 28, 2019 at 12:34am

was actually the magazine the encouraged abortion in Germany since 1971!

they also promoted gay and lesbian right over the years so a very irreligious magazine


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