Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Remembering the lotusfeet of Srila Krsna Akincana das Babaji

Remembering the lotusfeet of Srila Krsna Akincana das Babaji
Krsna das Babaji chanted 2 or 3 lahk names daily on Ekadasi and Visnutattva days he chanted day and night without sleeping, his Samadhi is at Pavana Sarovara, and he was always absorbed internally in the mood of the Priya Sakhas ,I always go to Nandagrama when I am in Vrindavana and to me to offer my full obaisences to his lotusfeet is essential and pray for his mercy ,to absorbe the mood of the Sakhas and always chant Hare Krsna and avoid all offences to Sri Nama Prabhu .Pavana Sarovara purifies the whole world because Mother Yasoda used to bath Krsna often here and thus this lake purifies the whole world.Prayag Tirtha once came and showed Nanda Maharaja he did not need to leave Vraja because he himself would come once a year and take a holy bath in Pavana Sarovara after so many sinners take yearly bath in Triveni.Here Krsna and the Sakhas had many lilas also and so Krsna Das Babaji absorbed in these lilas would often chant here .So it became his Bhajan Kutir and later his Samadhi\\May be an image of 2 people and text that says 'Quality of humility and tolerance •Areal A real năma-niştha devotee gives respect to others, and is reluctant to accept honor and prestige. He always remains surrendered to the holy name. He refrains from criticizing and praising others He is never aggressive or hostile. MENN 08'


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Comment by Paramananda das on May 1, 2021 at 7:45am

in Srila Prabhupadas pastimes he played an important role during Srila Prabhupadas sannyasa cermony in Kesavaji Gaudiya math ,he chanted Hare Krsna during the whole sannyasa cermony and Srila Prabhupada was so happy his uttama adhikari Godbrother blessed his sannyasa cermony, he was also there when Srila Prabhupada left this world ,Srila Prabhupada was very close with with Krsna das Babaji because they both shared love for Krsna in Sakya Rasa


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