Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures



 This 15th chapter of Prema Vilasa explains the meeting of Jahnava mataja and Srila Narrotama Das Thakura ,Srinivasa Acarya and Ramachandra Kaviraja.Jahnava Mata

was on Her way to Sri Radha kunda, actually Jahnava Mata is the incarnation of Ananga manjari and eternally serves Radha Krsna there as the younger sister of Srimati Radharani.

In Srila Rupa Goswamis, Radha Krsna Ganoddesa Dipika, Ananga Manjari is described thus:



Father: Maharaja Vrsabhanu;
Mother: Kirtida devi;
Husband: Durmada;
Brother: Sridama;
Sister: Srimati Radharani;
Age: 13 years

Ananga manjari,

  • has a complexion the color of a golden springtime ketaki flower;
  • wears garments the color of a blue lotus.

Her Kunja: Is above the center of Radha Kunda and connected to the northern bank by a crystal foot bridge. In the center is a dazzling jewelled temple in the shape of a sixteen petaled lotus. Many flowers, swans and other objects carved from gems. Krsna feels great bliss in the beautiful kunja.

Ananga manjari is exquisitely beautiful and therefore it is very appropriate that she is named after Ananga [Cupid]. 
She is especially dear to Lalita and Visakha.





Ananga-manjari is exquistely beautiful and therefore it is very appropriate that she is named after Ananga (cupid). Her complexion is the color of a springtime ketaki flower and her garments are the color of a blue lotus.

Her proud husband Durmada is also her sister's brother-in-law. She is especially dear to Lalita and Visakha. (SSRKGD)  


If you go to Radha kunda you can find the sitting place of Jahnava Mata, known as Jahnava Baitak.


At Radha Gopinath temple in Vrindavana you see Radha Gopinath and Ananga Manjari also:



Sri Sri Radha Gopinatha

And last but not least, Sri Sri Radha Gopinatha who confer prayojana jnana on the living entity…

The Deity of Gopinatha was discovered at Vamsivata by Paramananda Bhattacarya, who entrusted the Deity’s worship to Madhu Pandita. On the altar in this temple are Deities of Gopinatha, Srimati Radharani and Her sister, Ananga Manjari. Madhu Pandita arranged to have this temple built. Paramananda Bhattacarya and Madhu Pandita were disciples of Gadadhara Pandita, one of the most intimate devotees of Lord Caitanya. Madhu Pandita would read Srimad Bhagavatam every day.

Sri Sri Radha Gopinatha at Sri Vrindavan Dham (prathibu murtis)

Vajranabha, the great-grandson of Krishna, originally installed Gopinathji in Vrindavana. When the Muslims raided Vrindavana in 1670, the original Gopinatha Deity was taken to Jaipur. The Gopinatha Deity in Jaipur is said to exactly resemble Lord Krishna, from the shoulders down to the waist.

There is a story about this temple that Srimati Jahnava Devi, the wife of Nityananda, came to Vrindavana, and she came to the evening aratis at the Radha Gopinatha Temple. Suddenly, Gopinatha jumped off the altar and took Jahnava Devi onto the altar and closed the curtains. When the assembled Vaishnavas opened the curtain, Jahnava Devi was gone and Gopinatha was standing on the altar.

Sri Gopinatha (prathibu murti)

Later the deity of Ananga Manjari, the younger sister of Radharani was installed on the altar here. Jahnava Devi is Ananga Manjari in Krishna’s pastimes. Normally Radharani is to the left of Sri Krishna. In this temple Radharani is to the right of Krishna, and Ananga Manjari is placed on the left. Deities of Lalita and Visakha are also on the altar, along with a Deity of Lord Caitanya.

Original deities of Sri Sri Radha Gopinatha in Jaipur

Sri Rayasila Shekhavata, who was given a large amount of land by Akbar for defeating the Afghans, built the original Gopinatha temple. It is believed that this temple may have been built before the Govindaji and Madana-Mohan temples. This temple was broken and defiled by Aurangzeb’s soldiers. Sri Nanda Kumar Bose of Bengal constructed a new temple for Gopinatha. “Sri Srila Gopinatha, who originated the transcendental mellow of the rasa dance, stands on the shore in Vamsivata and attracts the attention of the cowherd damsels with the sound of His celebrated flute. May They all confer upon us Their benediction” (Caitanya Caritamrita Adi 1.17).

Sri Sri Radha Gopinatha, Jaipur

Some special festivals at this temple are Jahnava Utsava, which celebrates the appearance of Jahnava Devi, and Ban Behar Besh. Ban Behar Besh is celebrated on the next day of Jhulan Utsava. Jhulan Utsava continues from the third day of the bright moon, till the full moon Purnima in the month of Sravana (July-Aug).

Portions of text excerpted from:

Srila Visvanath Chakravati Thakura has given us a beautiful prayer to Radha Gopinath in his Stavamrta Lahari:



Shri Gopinathadevastaka

Eight Prayers Glorifying Shri Gopinatha



asye hasyam tatra madhvikam asmin

vamsi tasyam nada-piyusa-sindhuh

tad-vicibhir majjayan bhati gopir

gopinathah pina-vaksa gatir nah


On His mouth is a smile.  In that smile is nectar.  In that nectar is a flute, and in that flute is a nectar ocean of music.  Gopinatha plunges the gopis in the waves of that ocean.  Broad chested Gopinatha is the goal of our lives.




pinchottamsa-spandanenapi nunam

hrn-netrali vrtti-ratnani muncan

gopinathah pina-vaksa gatir nah


With the movement of the peacock feather in His red crown splendid with pearls and peacock feathers, He robs the jewels of the activities of our hearts and eyes.  Broad-chested Gopinatha is the goal of our lives.



bibhrad-vasah pitam ururu-kantya

slistam bhasvat-kinkinikam nitambe


gopinathah pina-vaksa gatir nah


The splendour of His broad thighs embraces His yellow dhoti.  Glistening bells decorate His hips.  A gopi kisses His left shoulder.  Broad-chested Gopinatha is the goal of our lives.




malyaih kanthe lambamanaih kramena

pitodancat-kancukenancitah shri-

gopinatha pina-vaksa gatir nah


He wears yellow garments.  Necklaces of flowers, gold, jewels, pearls, and gunja decorate His neck.  Broad-chested Gopinatha is the goal of our lives.



svetosnisah sveta-susloka-dhautah


cumban sarya-mangalaratrike hrd

gopinathah pina-vaksa gatir nah


He wears a white crown, white ornaments, and two or three splendid white garlands.  His fame and purity are splendid and white.  At the auspicious morning and evening aratis He kisses our heart.  Broad-chested Gopinatha is the goal of our lives.




varnaih shriman yas caturbhih sadestah

drstah premnaivati-dhanyair ananyair

gopinathah pina-vaksa gatir nah


He is handsome.  He is decorated with the four marks of shrivatsa, shri, kaustubha, and hairs standing erect in ecstasy.  The fortunate devotees gaze on Him with pure love.  Broad-chested Gopinatha is the goal of our lives.



tapinchah kim hema-valli-yugantah

parsva-dvandvoddyoti-vidyud-ghanah kim

kim va madhye radhayoh syamalendur

gopinatha pina-vaksa gatir nah


Is He a dark tamala tree surrounded by a golden vine?  Is He a dark cloud with blazing lightning at both His sides, or is He a dark moon in the midst of two radha-stars?  Broad-chested Gopinatha is the goal of our lives.

Note: One of the 27 celebrated stars is named radha.



shri-jahnavya murtiman prema-punjo

dinanathan darsayan svam prasidan

pusnan devalabhya-phela-sudhabhir

gopinatha pina-vaksa gatir nah


He is a personified Ganges of pure love.  He shows mercy to the poor and the shelterless and nourishes them with the nectar remnants of His meals, which cannot be attained even by the demigods.  Broad-chested Gopinatha is the goal of our lives.



gopinathasyastakam tusta-cestas


yo ‘dhite tan-mantu-kotir apasyan

gopinathah pina-vaksa gatir nah


Gopinatha does not see millions of sins of one who, carefully nourishing love for His lotus feet, reads this Gopinathastaka with a happy heart.  Broad-chested Gopinatha is the goal of our lives.

Any devotee that goes to Vrindavana and Jaipur to take darshan of Radha Gopinatha gets great happiness.
Here you can hear the beautiful chanting of the prayer Sriman rasa rasarambhi.... by Srila Prabhupada

sriman rasa-rasarambhi vamsi-vata-tata-sthitah
karshan venu-svanair gopir gopinathah sriye ’stu nah
Sri Srila Gopinatha, who originated the transcendental mellow of the rasa dance, stands on the shore in Vamsivata and attracts the attention of the cowherd damsels with the sound of His celebrated flute. May they all confer upon us their benediction.,
Jaya Sri Radha Gopinath ,Ananga Manjari ki jaya

your servant
Paramananda das







          All glories to Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Nityananda Prabhu, Advaitacandra and all the devotees of Gaurachandra. Shri Jahnava, the image of love, appeared in this world being emkpowered directly by Shri Chaitanya.  Much to the pleasure of Thakura Mahasaya, she stopped in Khetari on her way to Vrndavana.  Narottama and Ramacandra rushed to greet her. First they offer prayers of glorification, then bowed humbly at her feet.  With great respect they brought her to their residence and served her with great sincereity.  Thakurani was overwhelmed with ecstacy to see the Deity of Gaura Raya, and thus she remained there for four days during which time she itroduced many new methods of worshiping the Deity.  The devotees of the village arranged to bring great quantitites of curd, flat rice, sugar, bananas and a great quantity of sweets.  They also brought milk, ghee, pickles, kasandi, and a grat festival inssued.  For four days the people enjoyed the kirtana and delicious prasada.


          While sitting one day, Thakurani called Narottama and ordered him to sit near her.  Embracing him affectionately she said, "O my dear Narottama, I am so happy to see the exalted Vaishnava qualities, your pleasing disposition, and your sincere service attitude towards all the Vaishnavas. Before coming here I had heard of your divine qualities, but now I am witnessing even more than I expected.  In Vrndavana the devotees always speak highly of your service attitude towards all the Vaishnavas.   You have certainly been rightly named Thakura Mahasaya.  In my life I have never met a more sincere devotee than you.  I have not told anyone, except Ramacandra Kaviraja, that I was coming here to visit you. Now, I promise that I shall sing your praises throughout Vrndavana, Gauda and wherever else I may visit.  Your love for Gauranga has attracted me to you.  I know that you and Ramacandra as extremely dear to one another and you have decided to remain together life after life.  This is most pleasing to me.  It is also the blessing of Mahaprabhu that your Shri Acarya has obtained a true disciple like you.  Now be kind to me and permit me to go to Vrndavana happily to meet all the devotees of Shri Gauranga. I am eager to visit Radha Kunda, Govardhana and other holy places there."


          When Thakurani actually announced her departure, Narottama and Ramacandra were filled with sadness, yet they offered a hundred coins to her for expenses on the way and accompanied her on her journey for about half a crosa (one mile) then tearfully bid farewell.  Seeing their tears, Thakurani held their  hands and affectionately said, "Please go to your homes peacefully.  Both of you are as dear to me as life.  Now let me go to Vrndavana safely."  Thakurani then startef for Vrndavana, as Narottama and Ramacandra returned to their homes with aching hearts. 


          After a long journey Thakurani finally reached Mathura where she happily visited the Lord's birth place and Visram ghat, then went on to Vrndavana.  Having this opporutnity to visit all the kunjas of Vrndavana, she felt herself to be the most fortunate of women.  When she visited the place where Shri Jiva Gosvami lived, he bowed at her feet and quickly snet news of her arrival to the other Vaishnavas in the area.  Shri Gopala Bhatta and Lokanath Gosvami quickly came to meet her and offered their humble obeisances and were introduced by Shri Jiva to Thakurani; "Here is Gopala Bhatta.  As soon as he heard of your arrival he rushed here to meet you."  Turning to Lokanath he said, "This is Lokanath Gosvami who lives here on the order of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu."


          With great pleasure Thakurani humbly addressed them, "I have come here on the order of Mahaprabhu.  Please be kind upon me as I have heard from wisem men that by your mercy I shall attain all perfection in life."  Turning to Lokanath Gosvami she said, "It is my great fortune to have this opportunity to met you, the spiritual master of Narottama.  I am charmed by Narottama's good gualities and devotional attitude towards Krishna and the Vaishnavas.  In the three worlds I have never met a Vaishnava as loving and devotional as Narottama.  The title Thakura Mahasaya is certainly his rightful title.  I think that the one who has such as disciple as Narottama is the most fortunate man in the three worlds."  Turning to Gopala Bhatta she said, "I am also greatly impressed by the loving disposition of Ramacandra, who is a disciple of your disciple, Shrinivasa Acarya.  It brings me great pleasure to see that he and Narottama are tied together with the rope of love and friendship.  He is the true disciple of an exalted spiritual master.  I am confident that these devotees are qualified to deliver mankind."  Gopala Bhatta and Lokanatha Gosvami listened to their own praises with great discomfort.


          I, Nityananda dasa, attempt to write this book, taking shelter at the feet of Jahnava Thakurani.  I am most unqualified, yet being repeatedly ordered by her to write, I must bow to her command.  If there are any mistakes herein or anything which contradicts the point of view of the Mahajanas, please forgive me for that.  It is my sincere desire to simply carry out the order of my guru and please the Supreme Lord Krishna.  Although I am unqualified, I am unable to stop writing as I will be guilty of disobeying my guru.  I am simply trying to repeat exactly what I have heard from my spiritual master.  By the mercy of Shri Jahnava and Viracandra, I, Nityananda dasa, write Prem Vilasa.

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