Response to AllegationBY: HH BHAKTI VIKASA SWAMIDec 26, 2011 — INDIA (SUN) — A godbrother recently wrote me: "How are you feeling these days with all the unwelcome spotlight you are in?" I replied that the spotlight is mostly on the Internet and thus somewhat surreal. In the real world that I live in, of active service in Srila Prabhupada's mission, I have interacted with hundreds of devotees in various places over the last few days, but not one devotee even mentioned to me about the accusations on Sampradaya Sun – which are just the latest tempest in the teapot minds of persons addicted to cyber-controversy.In response to allegations concerning my allowing women to accompany their husbands in washing my feet, I sent the following email to some of my leading disciples: "Henceforth this [footwashing at Vyasa-pujas] should be done by only a few devotees, with no matajis anywhere near, to avert the kind of criticism that has recently been made." Caesar's wife should be above suspicion – although some cyber-vigilantes seem to be not merely suspicious, but antagonistic to the very principle of contemporary Vaisnavas being offered respect. However, Srila Prabhupada stated: "My glory will be when my disciples are worshiped all over the world." (told by Bhakta dasa Prabhu; Srila Prabhupada Tributes 2011, p. 153)Skeptics will be appalled to learn that during my last thirty-four years of extensive preaching throughout India and neighboring countries, my feet have been touched far more times than I can remember. Not that I encourage it, but often it is difficult to prevent.Bali Mardana: "...that the disciple should not let outsiders touch the feet of his spiritual master.Prabhupada: Hm?Bali Mardana: In the Caitanya-caritamrta, in the purport. But in India so many people try to touch. Should they be restrained?Prabhupada: No, that is... Spiritual master should be respected. Where it is said that?Nitai: The Seventeenth Chapter, one purport where it talks about a brahmana woman who came to touch the feet of Lord Caitanya; immediately He went and jumped in the Ganges. You remember that section?Prabhupada: Oh, yes. That is... He's not a devotee. He's not a, he was not a disciple.Bali Mardana: But in India there are so many people. They're not disciples; they're not initiated by you. So are they in the same category?Prabhupada: No, that case was different.Bali Mardana: So it is all right.Prabhupada: Then the spiritual master has to go every time, to fall down? Because people will touch. That is natural. And he has to jump over the water every time?Nitai: In the purport you gave recommendation that generally it is not a good practice to let them, unless they are at least your devotees.Prabhupada: Generally, it is not practiced, but if people come, how can you check them?"(Conversation, 22 Jan 1974)As I described in My Memories of Srila Prabhupada, I personally witnessed an outsider touch the lotus feet of His Divine Grace. Seeing Srila Prabhupada walking with a group of disciples, the man spontaneously lunged forward and took Srila Prabhupada's foot-dust. No one tried to prevent him.Daily, during guru-puja, Srila Prabhupada had young lady disciples (mostly unmarried) come right up to his lotus feet to offer flowers. He would regularly distribute prasada into the hands of men, women, and children. He would give beads into the hands of women he initiated. Of course, I cannot claim to be anywhere near the level of Srila Prabhupada, yet his allowing limited proximity to women is, in my experience, an accepted part of the spiritual culture of India as it is practiced today.Earlier this week, at various points on harinam in a residential area of Chennai, housewives emerged from their homes and, standing directly in front of me, offered brief impromptu aratis with camphor lamps. Last night, after a public lecture in Salem (Tamil Nadu), several women came before me and bowed down. Those who tried to touch my feet were restrained, but no one tried to stop them coming close.From Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, it is clear that women would generally remain at a distance from Lord Caitanya (e.g. Antya 12.42); yet it was acceptable that women serve prasada to sannyasis (at least for elderly women, in this case Saci Mata – Madhya 9.298). This does not mean that today's sannyasis should be served prasada by women, but it suggests that traditional culture allows restricted interaction between sannyasis and women.A godbrother once told me that during a guru-puja he had observed how Srila Prabhupada did not look at the men who came to offer him flowers, but that he looked at the women, and that this had created a doubt in that devotee's mind about Srila Prabhupada's purity, until years later he realized that Srila Prabhupada had done so knowing that women especially need some measure of personal recognition.In my admittedly far from perfect attempts to follow in the footsteps of Srila Prabhupada, I try to be circumspect yet not impersonal in dealings with my female disciples. The very least they deserve for their sacrifices, services, and struggles in Krsna consciousness is a little acknowledgment and encouragement from the person they have accepted as their main guide in the mission of Srila Prabhupada. Undoubtedly, it is difficult to ascertain how to reciprocate with them without inviting the scorn of persons who presume malintent.I accepted sannyasa for the same reason as did Lord Caitanya, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, and Srila Prabhupada: to invite public respect, and to utilize that respectable platform to widely preach the message of sastra. The dichotomy of a Vaisnava accepting respect, and the criticism he invites for doing so, is discussed at length in my book Sri Bhaktisiddhanta Vaibhava.Whether or not I am misappropriating the honor accorded me will be judged by those for whom it is meant: Srila Prabhupada, the previous acaryas, and Krsna. I do not intend to take a falsely humble position and drastically revise my present activities due to the hostile judgment of persons who have very little idea of what I am doing, what it entails, and why I am doing comments to this is:Regarding footwashing ,vaisnavas should avoid this at all costs,and not allow it....In Prema Vaivarta, Srila Jagadananda Pandita writes:Duties of renounced Vaishnavas"The renounced Vaishnava reduces his material activities down to merely maintaining body and soul together; he is disinterested in saving anything for the future. He avoids the slightest contact with women, and he wholeheartedly worships the Supreme Lord Krishna Hari."Thus the different Vaishnavas act in their designated manner, and by worshipping Krishna and rendering devotional service to Him, they find shelter in His internal spiritual energy.Vaishnavas are Free of fault finding"One should never make distinctions between householder and renunciant Vaishnavas. This mentality results in the perpetration of grievous offenses. The important fact to remember is that one who has a fault-finding nature is not a devotee, but rather he is a disgrace to the whole Vaishnava community."One should diligently develop his own devotional discipline with sincere simplicity, devotional service to Lord Krishna as the essence of all human activities. Devotional service becomes impotent for one who cannot subdue within himself the evil habits of fault-finding, deceit, dishonesty and deviousness.These sinful culprits act against the injunctions of Shrimad-Bhagavatam, and with uncontrolled senses they try to enjoy material nature."My dear brother, you are in the renounced order of life and should not listen to talk about ordinary worldly things, nor should you talk about worldly things when you meet with others. Do not think of women even in dreams. You have accepted the renounced order of life with a vow that forbids you to associate with women. If you wish to associate with Caitanya Mahāprabhu, you must always remember the incident of Choṭa Haridāsa and how he was rejected by the Lord. Do not eat luxurious dishes or dress in fine garments, but always remain humble and serve Their Lordships Śrī Śrī Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa in your heart of hearts."When I met Ilapati Prabhu in 1979 in Denmark (now Bhakti Vikas Swami) ,I very much liked the company of him and Prabhavisnu Swami, they seemed genuine and strict devotees,and Ilapati Prabhu would sell records and I ,Srila Prabhupadas books, and we used to go together on sankirtana often.One day there was some fighting among the men Prabhavisnu Swami brought with him from the UK.I suggested to Maharaja that it appeared these devotees where taking way to much honey in their prasadam, and it would cause mode of passion.Maharaja agreeded.And told them to cut down on the fighting and taking to much honey.I will be very frank here often I have been disappointed in the behavior of some initiated disciples of Srila Prabhupada, wether scandals with money or sex, or philosophical deviations.Recently I visited an initiated disciple of Srila Prabhupada that admits he only chants 4 rounds, I know some that do not chant at all, and do not follow 4 regs,they come once a year to the temple of Srila Prabhupadas Vyasa puja and make an offering ,that is it.I very much question Bhakta das statement:However, Srila Prabhupada stated: "My glory will be when my disciples are worshiped all over the world." (told by Bhakta dasa Prabhu; Srila Prabhupada Tributes 2011, p. 153)Not that Srila Prabhupada never said so,but there is so many Prabhupada said, but he never said it.And with all due respect Bhakta das served time in jail in US for selling drug parafenalia, and some allegations of child rape is there, that may or may not be true?Often Srila Prabhupada said the same things more than once and thus they where in writting, so on this one unless I see it in Prabhupadas own words I do not buy it.Srila Prabhupada told Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja, that I caught a net of monkeys, and if anyone ever comes to you ,then try to help them advance in KC.(1977) Several devotees that was present and understood bengali can testifie to this conversation.So wether it is a net of monkeys or "My glory will be when my discipels are worshiped all over the world", or both ........The thing is this, pratistha:pratistha-taru, jada-maya-maru, na pela "ravana" yujhiya "raghava" vaisnavai pratistha, tate kara nistha, taha na bhajile labhibe rauravaMy dear mind, beware of your desire to attain material reputation. It is misleading you with its attractive vision like an oasis of green trees, but it is simply a mirage in the desert of this world of repeated birth and death. It will cause your utter spiritual destruction. Remember how Ravana, the powerful demon, was bewildered due to false pride and in spite of all his efforts to achieve temporary material prominence he was destroyed by Raghava (Lord Ramacandra).The only position you should desire is to become a true Vaisnava, a pure devotee of the Lord. Give all your care and attention for obtaining this! If instead you neglect to purely worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead, due to your offenses, for all your hard endeavors your life will simply be hellish.I am not talking about Bhaktivikas Maharaja but about the principle of name, fame and glory, but often devotees in the 32 years I have been a devotee ,been mistreated and misused by "socalled Prabhupada" disciples.Srila Prabhupada told one sannyasi in 1977 that a sannyasi should not seek opulence and wealth, as soon as Srila Prabhupada left this world they did the opposite.Is this following Srila Prabhupada?How many "Prabhupada disciples" where not found to be homosexuals and pedofiles? Chasing women and money in the temple, never going on sankirtana but remaining in the temple.kirtana chadiba, pratistha makhiba", ki kaja dhudiya tadrsa gaurava madhavendra puri, bhava-ghare curi, na karila kabhu sadai janabaMy dear mind, you want me to give up the congregational chanting of Lord Krsna's holy names to practice solitary worship. Then you want me to anoint myself with the material desires for temporary position and cheap fame! How can you consider these illusory activities of Maya to have even the slightest spiritual value or glory in them?Don't commit the offense of falsely imitating the devotional service of the great spiritual master Madhavendra Puri. He was never a false imitation, but was a fully realized liberated soul. He traveled to spread the glories of Lord Krsna and continuously chanted the holy name of the Lord without the slightest desire for cheap popularity and reputation. Kindly remember his great transcendental qualities.Real vaisnavas do not stay and hide in a temple they go preaching doing Nama sankirtana in public and distribute Srila Prabhupadas books, staying at home or in the temple and simply renounce the sankirtana movement is not wanted.Worship of Lord Caitanya is best done in the streets of every town and village of the world doing sankirtana Harinama sankirtana and the Brhad Mridanga sankirtana:krsna-varnam tvisakrsnam sangopangastra-parsadam yajhaih sarikirtana-prayair yajanti hi sumedhasah "In the age of Kali, people who are endowed with sufficient intelligence will worship the Lord, who is accompanied by His associates, by performance of sankirtana yagna." (Bhag. 11.5.32)I recall one Prabhupada disciple that was against Deity pictures of Radha Krsna even on the alters in a temple room, I thought it was so childishand so neophyte ,and yes he was very much into name ,fame and glory...I did a huge offence according to him ,when I told devotees some pastimes from Govinda lilamrta, they had asked me too, as they heard I had read this book..there was no offence in this.This is not some satanic book, nor did I describe something to confidential...Some sakhas lilas .Srila Narottama das Thakura has glorified both the CC and Govinda lilamrta, in his Prarthana, and they both remain my favorite books,along with all other vaisnava litteratures....When I won the Prabhupada Marathon he had promised a new one Volume CC , he kept the new one for himself and gave me the old one, so childish....tell me if such things please Srila Prabhupada....and then he made so much envious politics against me, the GBC of that country wanted me to stay the sankirtana leader ,he wanted me gone because I had exposed his childishness to other devotees...yes I know ISKCON is all about the worship of Prabhupada disciples more than even Srila Prabhupada, but I am so sorry I do not agree.I just want to see Srila Prabhupadas glories being broadcast and that of all our acaryas...others can desire, name fame , worship, money, samadhis, adoration and distinction.However we should only aspire for:(4)sri-rupa sanatana bhatta-raghunathsri-jiva gopala-bhatta dasa-raghunath(5)ei chay gosai kori carana vandanjaha hoite bighna-nas abhista-puran(6)ei chay gosai jar -- mui tar dasta-sabara pada-renu mora panca-gras(7)tadera carana-sebi-bhakta-sane basjaname janame hoy ei abhilas(8)ei chay gosai jabe braje koila basradha-krsna-nitya-lila korila prakas(9)anande bolo hari bhaja brndabansri-guru-vaisnaba-pade majaiya man(10)sri-guru-vaisnaba-pada-padma kori asnama-sankirtana kohe narottama das(4) All glories to Sri Rupa Gosvami, Sanatana Gosvami, Raghunatha Bhatta Gosvami, Sri Jiva Gosvami, Gopala Bhatta Gosvami, and Raghunatha dasa Gosvami.(5) I offer my obeisances to the feet of these six Gosvamis. By offering them obeisances all obstacles to devotion are destroyed and spiritual desires are fulfilled.(6) I am the servant of that person who is a servant of these six Gosvamis. The dust of their holy feet is my five kinds of foodstuffs.(7) This is my desire, that birth after birth I may live with those devotees who serve the lotus feet of these six Gosvamis.(8) When these six Gosvamis lived in Vraja they revealed and explained the eternal pastimes of Radha and Krsna.(9) Absorbing your mind in meditation upon the divine feet of the spiritual master and the holy Vaisnavas, chant the names of Lord Hari in ecstasy, and worship the transcendental realm of Vrndavana.(10) Desiring the lotus feet of Sri Guru and the Vaisnavas, Narottama dasa sings the sankirtana of the holy name.We must worship Krsna without the passion for sensegratification or the subtle passion for fame and constantly chant Hare Krsna and avoid the 10 offences to Sri Nama Prabhu and do sankirtanaThe thing is this ,so many sannaysis in my humble opinion think they are better than Srila Prabhupada, if that is the case of even HH Bhaktivikasa Maharaja when he in my opinion thinks he is more than Srila Prabhupada along with practically all ISKCON sannyasis .Though some do not like Murli Krsna Swami , and do not recognise him as a boanfide ISKCON sannyasi he has pointed to one important statement by HH Narayana Maharaja that I also took offence too.Narayana Maharaja: “Your Prabhupada, Srila Swami Maharaja, only changed the name into English. He is not the founder-acarya of that eternal ISKCON… I am ISKCON. I'm not different from ISKCON. I am 'Bhaktivedanta' [Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja]. Like father, like son. I am the real successor of Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja, and there is no other. You should know this very openly. I am Bhaktivedanta and he is Bhaktivedanta, but he received this name after I did. I'm senior to him in this regard… I'm Bhaktivedanta, and I’m also ISKCON. Don't think that I'm out of ISKCON.” Murwillumbah, Australia: Feb. 18, 2002 (eve):I had long left his sanga in 2004 because Srila Prabhupada appeared in my dreams and told me he had some important service for me in ISKCON,what that service is, besides distributing his books ,I am not sure, but I believe in writting things like this I help open devotees eyes.In my opinion all sannaysis and all of us should give up our own pride and worship Srila Prabhupada.Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has advised in Kalyana Kalpa Taru:Song 13 – Sannyasa Not as Important as Devotion
Verse 1
mana, tumi sannyasi sajite keno cao? bahirer saja jata, antarete phanki tata, dambha puji' sarira nacao
My dear mind, why do you want to disguise yourself as a sannyasi? As much as you decorate yourself externally with this garb, to that same degree you deceive yourself internally with this hoax. Worshiping your own false pride, your simply make a show of your material body by artificially accepting the dress of the renounced order.
Verse 2
amar bacana dharo, antara bisuddha koro, krishnamrta sada koro pana jivana sahaje jay, bhakti-badha nahi pay, tadupaya koroho sandhana
Now please try to understand my advice on how to become a true sannyasi. Just make your heart completely pure, and constantly drink the nectar of Krishna consciousness. Search for that life-style in which your spiritual life can be executed easily and automatically, free from any distracting obstacles to pure devotion.
Verse 3
anayase jaha pao, tahe tusta hoye jao, adambare na koro prayas purna-bastra jadi nai, kaupina paro he bhai, sita-bastra kantha bahirbas
Just be satisfied with whatever you get easily, and never endeavor for any type of artificial pomp and grandeur. Even if you do not have proper clothes to wear, just wear a loin-cloth, dear brother! And in cold weather you can simply wear an old torn quilt.
Verse 4
aguru candana nai, mrttika-tilaka bhai, harer badale dharo mala ei-rupe asa-pas, sukhadir kubilas, kharbi chado samsarer jvala
There is no need for fancy sandalwood pulp scented with perfume, my dear brother; you can use some ordinary earth or clay to mark your forehead with tilaka. Your fancy necklaces can be exchanged for a nice tulasi-mala. Living like this in such a simple state of mind, all your nonsense external arrangements for so-called happiness will diminish, and you will thus be able to escape from the burning fever of materialistic existence.
Verse 5
sannyasa-bairagya-bidhi, sei asramer nidhi, tahe kabhu na koro' adar se-saba adare bhai, samsare nistar nai, dambhiker linga nirantar
In reality it is complete renunciation that is the wealth of the sannyasa-asrama. By following this rule, one would certainly never look forward to receiving respect from others. Beware, dear brother! Deliverance from this material world is not possible for one who wants to get such respect by taking sannyasa. Instead, he gets ensnared in mundane existence due to constantly maintaining the conceited pride of subtle profit, adoration and distinction.
Verse 6
tumi to' chaitanya-das, hari-bhakti taba as, asramer linge kiba phal? pratista koroho dura, basa taba santipura, sadhu krpa tomar sambal
You are actually an eternal servant of Lord Chaitanya, and your real interest as such is devotion to Shri Hari. What other wonderful thing could you get from the external form of the sannyasa-asrama? Casting all false prestige to a far distant place, make your residence in the transcendentally peaceful realm, far beyond the varnasrama-dharma system, and live on the mercy of the Rupanuga Vaishnavas as your only life-giving substance.
Verse 7
vaisnaver paricoy, abasyaka nahi hoy, adambare kabhu nahi jao binoder nibedana, radha-krishna-guna-gana, phukari' phukari' sada gao
It is actually not even necessary to introduce oneself as a Vaishnava, and once should never try to thereby make a show of external pomp and grandeur. Bhaktivinoda's humble submission to you is that you should constantly sing songs about the glorious qualities of Radha and Krishna at the top of your lungs.Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura though in the grhastha asrama was in my opinion as good as or better than million of sannyasis due to his exalted KC,and he reduces the pride of the sannyasa asrama in this prayer.Srila Prabhupada advised one sannyasi in 1977 that in the sannyasa asrama there should be no opulence, but this was not followed by the particular sannyasi that later left this world with 10 million plus dollars in private accets .This kind of power given to a sannyasi sometimes makes him commit crimes, as did Kirtananda when he allowed the killing of Sulocana Prabhu and others, this taking personal advantage over others and misusing the sannyasa asrama is very promint nowadays.Even sometimes gays become sannyasis which is disgusting.They seem so genuinely renounced from women to later find out they are gays:I wrote this some time back:dear devoteesPAMHOAGTSPRecently another "anal chaser sannyasi" wasexposed for approaching his male disciple for sex, this has been going on for to long in ISKCON.We can not allow any gays or childmolesters to be sannyasisand Gurus, and those in this asrama that are homosexuals should step down and avoid embarrassing ISKCON and Srila Prabhupadajust because they areso eager for false prestige, adoration ,name fame and profit.ISKCON is not a free meal ticket for gay "sannyasis" ,gay and sannyasa does not go togetherit is an oxymorone.Once again please no more "anal chasers" in the sannyasa asrama.All devotees in ISKCON are tired of these rascals, and the GBCshould mention this to all devotees when such persons gets exposed.Stop hiding it and cover up for such persons....this is my humble request to the GBC..Gays do not belong in a temple....especailly not as Gurus and sannyasis.(:"sin-yasis")your servantPayonidhi dasDespite the pride of Narayana Maharaja, that he made a statement he is more than Srila Prabhupada, I have retained the name Paramananda das he gave me, as he never told such things in my presence.He told me he just came to give some water to everyones bhakti lata, in service to Srila Prabhupada, as Srila Prabhupada in 1977 told him if devotees needed his help ,he should.That 10.000 former ISKCON devotee are now in Narayana Maharaja sanga , is a testimony, that something went wrong in ISKCON and that many leaders in ISKCON do not care about devotees in general but more about themselves.Kirtananda was recently placed in Samadhi that is such an outrage, that many devotee feel like leaving ISKCON for good slamming the dor in the face of any rascal that condone a pedofile,gay and murderer instigator,that served time in US jails, to be placed in a samadhi.Everyone is still wondering why in the world would Gopal Krsna Maharaja even go and pay obaisences to Kirtananda in a "samadhi" of such a deviant person...Radhanath Swami ,Devamrta Swami and many others knew of the crimes of Kirtanananda ,but they chose to reject ISKCON and stay with Kirtananda, because Kirtananda made them in charge.My faith remains in Srila Prabhupada ,not in any other Guru or sannyasi, or proud Prabhupada disciple that think their worship is above Srila Prabhupadas...and Krishnasyour servantParamananda das
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The highwaymen lust, greed and anger have captured me and bound me with the ropes of the desire for fame. I pray that the heroic devotees of Lord Krishna, the enemy of the Agha demon, may defeat my captors and cut the ropes that bind me.
Srila Raghunath das Goswami
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