No one comes to the father, Krsna or Srila Prabhupada without his "beloved disciples", thus goes the christian prayer of ISKCON, because Prabhupadas disciples are all pure devotees ,"direct disciples...." praise the Lord Halleluja, and shout Hare Krsna, have mercy on the nondevotees and marry them in ISKCON temples though Srila Prabhupada said not too, praise Lord Krsna..bow down to a convicted childmolester and pedofile and murderer Kirtananda when he is placed in holy samadhi (before entering Yama loka) praise the Lord , praise all ISKCON Gurus that provide relief from having to chant 16 rounds and follow 4 regs, only Srila Prabhupada set such strict rules ,praise holy Prabhupada, Having illicit sex ki jaya and living like parasites of ISKCON ki 's jaya, taking salary and inviting mayavadis ki jaya, being womanizers and allowing women TP's and GBC's ki jaya blessing gay weddings ki jaya..dear Prabhupada save us from the evil Gaudiya math and lets paint christian crosses or jewish symbols on these heathens , only Prabhupada disciples have spirit souls as long as they follow the GBC blindly and with full faith ,wether they teach the right or wrong things, praise Srila Prabhupada that was angry when a chicken was cooked at ISKCON New York ,but the merciful Ramabhadra , chases women in the temple and allows bingo hall there with meat prizes, for personal profit, praise Jesus (sorry Prabhupada)..all glories to all Mayavadis that speak in ISKCON ,the true followers of ISKCON are all followers of Sankacarya and all think everything is one ..Amen ,om tat sat , tat tvam asi, so ham ,so ham so ham...Soon ISKCON is building the vatican in Mayapure and all can come and get relived of their sins by donating all their money ,to Bhavananda and company ...amen Hare Krsna all glories to the Mayapure mafia, all glories to covering up for a childmolester in ISKCON Delhi ,all glories to taking grain on Janmastami and Gaur purnima, and Narasimha caturdasi, all glories to businss like mentality, amen..all glories to sannyasis ,houses and bankaccounts and first class tickets from poor russian disciples money..all glories to all Prabhupadas american pure devotee discipels, all glories to Jaya Tirtha, may his decapitated head rest in ISKCON just need some more messiahs to preach the holy gospel of ISKCON completly different from Srila Prabhupadas vision, thus has this holy Kali finally succeded to bring ISKCON to its knees, without Harinama and bookdistribution to stop the influence of Kali yuga.all glories to being a Kali chela .....and money is the force amen, Hare Krishna AMEN
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