Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures


Text 1


shri-gauda-deshe sura-dirghikayas
tire 'ti-ramye iha punyamayyah
lasantam ananda-bharena nityam
tam shri-navadvipam aham smarami

shri-navadvipa-stotram - prayers glorifying Navadvipa; shri-gauda-deshe - in Bengal; sura-dirghikayah - of the celestial Ganges; tire - on the shore; ati-ramye - very beautiful; iha - here; punyamayyah - pure; lasantam - shining; ananda-bharena - with great bliss; nityam - eternally; tam - it; shri-navadvipam - on Shri Navadvipa; aham - I; smarami - meditate.

Prayers glorifying Navadvipa (by Shrila Rupa Gosvami) follow:

I meditate on Shri Navadvipa, which eternally shines with great spiritual bliss on the very charming shore of the purifying Ganges in in Bengal.

Text 2

yasmai paravyoma vadanti kecit
kecic ca goloka itirayanti
vadanti vrindavanam eva taj-jnas
tam shri-navadvipam aham smarami

yasmai - to which; paravyoma - the spiritual sky; vadanti - say; kecit - some; kecic - some; ca - and; goloka - Goloka; iti - thus; irayanti - say; vadanti - say; vrindavanam - Vrindavana; eva - indeed; taj-jnah - they who know.

I meditate on Shri Navadvipa, which some say is the spiritual sky of Vaikuntha, some say is the realm of Goloka, and they who know the truth say is Shri Vrindavana.

Text 3

yah sarva-dikshu sphuritaih su-shitair
nana-drumaih supavanaih paritah
tam shri-navadvipam aham smarami

yah - who; sarva-dikshu - in all directions; sphuritaih - manifested; su-shitaih - cooling; nana-drumaih - various shade trees; supavanaih - with gentle breezes; paritah - filled; shri-gaura - of Lord Gaura; madhyahna - midday; vihara - of pastimes;patraih - with objects.

I meditate on Shri Navadvipa, where in every direction are cooling breezes and many trees where Lord Gaura enjoyed His noon pastimes.

Text 4

shri-svarna-dhi yatra viharita ca
vyaptormibhir gaurava-gaha-mayyes
tam shri-navadvipam aham smarami

shri-svarna-dhi - golden; yatra - where; viharita - enjoyed transcendental pastimes; ca - and; suvarna - with golden; sopana - stairs; nibaddha - bound; tira - shores; vyapta - manifested; urmibhih - with waves; gaurava-gaha-mayyeh - great.

I meditate on Shri Navadvipa, where the waves of the great Ganges playfully splash against the golden shores decorated with golden stairs.

Text 5

mahanty anantani grihani yatra
sphuranti haimani manoharani
praty-alayam yam shrayate sada shris
tam shri-navadvipam aham smarami

mahanty - great; anantani - limitless; grihani - houses; yatra - where; sphuranti - are
manifested; haimani - golden; manoharani - charming; praty-alayam - in each home; yam - which; shrayate - rests; sada - always; shrih - the goddess of fortune.

I meditate on Shri Navadvipa, where there numberless beautiful golden palaces, all the eternal homes of the goddess of fortune.

Text 6

vidya-daya-kshanti-makhaih samastaih
shadbhir gunair yatra janah prapannah
samstuyamana rishi-deva-siddhais
tam shri-navadvipam aham smarami

vidya - knowledge; daya - compassion; kshanti - tolerance; makhaih - sacrifice; samastaih - with al; shadbhih - six; gunaih - virtues; yatra - where; janah - people; prapannah - endowed; samstuyamana - glorified; rishi-deva-siddhaih - by the rishis, devas, and siddhas.

I meditate on Shri Navadvipa, where the people are glorified by the great sages. demigods, and Siddhas, and are filled with knowledge, mercy, tolerance, the results of all Vedic yajnas, and the six great opulences.

Text 7

yasyantare mishra-purandarasya
svananda-gamyaika-padam nivasah
tam shri-navadvipam aham smarami

yasya - of which; antare - in the middle; mishra-purandarasya - of Purandara Mishra; svananda-gamyaika-padam - blissful place; nivasah - abode; shri-gaura-janmadika-lilayadhyah - enriched with pastimes from the the birth of Lord Chaitanya.

I meditate on Shri Navadvipa, within which is the blissful home of Purandara Mishra, opulent with Lord Gaura's pastimes from His birth.
(Jagannath Misra is sometimes known as Purandara mishra)

Text 8

gauro yatra bhraman harih sva-bhaktaih
sankirtana-prema-bharena sarvam
nimajjayaty ujjvala-bhava-sindhau
tam shri-navadvipam aham smarami

gaurah - Lord Gauranga; yatra - where; bhraman - wandering; harih - Lord Hari; sva-bhaktaih - with His devotees; sankirtana-prema-bharena - with the great love of sankirtana; sarvam - everything; nimajjayaty - immerses; ujjvala-bhava-sindhau - in the ocean of splendid ecstatic love.

I meditate on Shri Navadvipa, where golden Lord Hari, by wandering everywhere and chanting the Holy Name with great love in the company of His devotees, plunged everyone into the brilliant ocean of ecstatic love of God.

Text 9

etan navadvipa-vicintanadhyam
padyashtakam prita-manah pathed yah
su-durlabham premam avapnuyat sah

etan - this; navadvipa - of Navadvip; vicintanadhyam - enriched with the memory;
padyashtakam - eight verses; prita-manah - happy at heart; pathet - reads; yah - who; shrimac-chacinandana-pada-padme - for the lotus feet of Lord Chaitanya; su-durlabham - very rare; premam - love;avapnuyat - attains; sah

May he who with a joyful heart reads these eight verses opulent with meditation on Shri Navadvipa attain rare love for Shriman Shacinandana's lotus feet.

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