dear Radha Shymasundara ,dear Lord Gauranga
Krsna you have mother Yasoda cook for you and Radhika,
why would you even waste time on my little offering???But out of your kindness you have accepted food from many great devotees like Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, who knows about your power of eating , Sri Govinda offers you many kinds of offerings when you were in Puri.
Oh Mahaprabhu can my offering be accepted by you? You are are Radha Shyam combined
,if you accept my offering will the Divine couple not accept it??
dear Srila Prabhupada, I am simply your humble servant,and the most insignificant of all your servants, you are the associate of my pranatha Krsna Balarama and same time you serve Radha Krsna as you are a priya narma Sakha , please forward my offering to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai , and the two set of Yugal kisora, Krsna Balarama and Radha Shyamasundara
dear Gurudeva you are an associate of Radha Krsna under guidance of so many manjaris like
Rupa manja, Rati Manjari, please offer this food so the Divine couple so we devotees can take the prasada
of the Divine couple, Krsna has promised in the Bhagavad Gita that those who only take His prasadam is free of all karmic reaction in the material world
Radha Shyam please accept these offerings, , kindly be kind and mercifull to me.Oh Lalita, Visakha,
Champakalata, Rangadevi, Tungavidya,Sudevi ,Citra, and Indulekha please give me your mercy.
Oh Nayana manjari,Kamala manjari, Rati manjari,Rupa manjari, please bring my
offering to Radha and Shyam ,
Everything is your energy Radha- Krsna, so what is impure to you??You are completly pure
And can purifie this offering, and make it acceptabel to you, please accept the yoghourt and fruits I am offering you today.Krsna remembering your pastimes of stealing yoghourt and butter I chuckle. I remember your feeding the parrot promegranet seeds, and making it chant Radhas names.
He Subal, Madhumangal, Visala, Stoka Krsna,Sridhama and Sudama be mercifull upon this soul, please allow me some divine seva.,please give my offering to Krsna and Balarama.
Radha Shyam looking at your beautiful forms, you can accept my offering or reject it as you please, but know I have no other shelter in this world.
Please make this bhakta happy and accept my small offering. Dear Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu you have vowed to accept
offerings from those who chant one lakh daily, I have chanted one lahk rounds today by the mercy of my Gurudeva ,kindly accept my offerings and help me improve my chanting of Hare Krsna constantly , please allow me to enter into you Nitya lilas and serve you , I take shelter of your statement :shri gaurasundera balibena-"jini pratidina laksha-nama grahana karibena, tanharai grihe bhagavan sevita hana.
Shri Gaurasundera spoke as follows-"The Supreme Personality of Godhead accepts service only in the home of those who chant one hundred thousand names daily.
"bhagavan tanharai nikate bhoga-dravyadi grahana karena.
"The Lord accepts bhoga (foodstuffs) and other ingredients only from such personalities.
"jini laksha-nama grahana karena na, tahara nikate haite bhagavan naivedya svikara-dvara seva-saubhagya pradana karena na.
"Those who don't chant 100,000 names (64 rounds) daily, are never awarded the great fortune of rendering service to the Lord by offering Him naivedya (bhoga). This is because the Lord never accepts (svikara) their offerings.
and Krsna has stated patram puspam phalam toyam
dear Subala sakha and Ujjvala sakha ,I take shelter of your lotusfeet kindly give my offering to Krsna Balarama and allow me to serve them from my own lunchbag during the nitya lilas daily at Govardhana , please engage me in the service of Krsna Balarama during Their Nitya lilas.dear Mother Saci please give my offering to your Nimai .dear Govinda as you serve Lord Caitanya in the Gambhira daily many offerings are brought to Lord Caitanya , I know you are somewhere doing this seva in another universe with Mahaprabhu and their will be another Gambhira please also enclose my offering to Mahaprabhu .Oh Narasimhanandana Brahmacari , Lord Gauranga accepted your offerings to Lord Narasimha showing He is Lord Narasimha Himself I offer my humble obaisences to you daily.
dear Sabari you attained perfection by your offerings of fruits to Laxmana and Ramachandra
I offer my obaisences to Viduras wife who out of love fed banana peels to Sri Krsna and throwing away the actualy bananas
dear mother Draupadai the expansion of Laxmidevi you satisfied Sri Krsna with a single grain from your cooking pot and the whole universe was satisfied , I hold your lotusfeet on my head and bow to your lotusfeet
dear Sudama Vipra you offered Chipped rice to Krsna that He had not taste as the king of Dvaraka and you stole His mind and brought His mind back to Vraja lila where HE daily has chipped rice with the sakhas.
dear Raghunath das Goswami who is Rati Manjari you showed us how to please Lord Nityananda Prabhu by having a chipped rice festival for Lord Nityananda Rama our eternal Adi Guru ,Nitai brought Gaura and they ate and danced and accept your offering in the mood of Krsna Balarama who is also Their own forms.
dear Advaita Acarya , I am bowing down to you remembering how you served Lord Gauranga after He took sannyasa who is more competent than you to serve our lords of our hearts Gaura Nitai?
dear Srila Rupa Goswami ,you are our sampradaya Guru and offer daily bhoga to Radha Krsna in their many lilas , you assisit Srimati Radharani in cooking for Sri Krsna in their nitya lilas, when will I be abel to see and serve your lotusfeet ?
dear Sri Radhika , you are also served by my eternal masters Ujjvala and Subal sakhas ,who are priya Narma sakhas , please glance on me with mercy and engage me in Krsnas service
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