Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Mother Ganga cursed Arjuna to die,but Krsna brought Arjuna back to life


This is found in Mahabharata .She was angry that her son Devarata (Bhisma ) was killed by Arjuna using Shikandi  as a shield. She gave a weapon to Babruvahana    Babruvahana - Wikipedia the son of Arjuna with the Princess of Manipur Chitrangada  

Chitrāngadā - Wikipedia

.After Arjuna had married Ulupi Ulupi - Wikipedia   the princess of Naga loka  he married  Chitrangada  and Ulupi got jealous, she instigated a lie against Chitrangada  and told Arjuna that Chitrangada   went to see another man on their wedding night. But the fact is that Kamadev the demigod and his wife Rati had blessed her with a good husband ,and she had promised to go worship them on her first wedding night.She did so but Ulupi did not disclose this to Arjuna.So Arjuna left his wife after their wedding night and never saw her again for many years.Her son  Babruvahana    was trained by Chitrangada   to become a more powerful warrior than even Arjuna. Chitrangada  never told Bahuvan who his father was and told him after you defeat Arjuna in battle I will tell you.However when Arjuna came to Manipure ,  Babruvahana   challenged Arjuna and killed him with the weapon given by mother Ganga.Chitrangada   seeing Arjunas head cut of was crying hysterically that she was a murderer of her own husband ,she told Bahuravan the person you killed Arjuna was your father.He was so sad and about to give up his own life by entering fire.His mother stopped him.That time Lord Si Krsna appeared and saved the day.He send Babruvahana    to Naga loka ot get a special gem ,the main jewel of Naga loka that was always protected. The king of Nagaloka allowed  Babruvahana  to bring the Naga loka gem to Sri Krsna who placed it on Arjunas chest and the Supreme Lord brought Arjuna back to life though he had been beheaded.Arjuna found out the whole thing from Chitrangada   and Ulupi his two wifes ,,,there is much more to this pastime but I have given a brief summary .

Krsna also brought Vrsaketu back to life.Vrsaketu was the son of Karna and he had also been killed fighting  Babruvahana   .Jesus Christ also brought back dead people to life, Narada Muni once brought back Citaketu Maharajas son temporary, Lord Caitanya did the same with Srivasa Thakuras son.Saranga Thakura I believe it was brought back a young man that had drowned in the Ganga.But this is two instances where Lord Sri Krsna brought the dead back to life Arjuna and Vrisaketu.

 I hope you have enjoyed reading this , Krsna says in Bhagavad Gita Mad cita Mad gata Prana, however if you refuse to hear the glories of Lord Krsna I will gladly remove you from my mailing list.

yatra yogesvarah krsno
yatra partho dhanur-dharah
tatra srir vijayo bhutir
dhruva nitir matir mama
yatra—where; yogesvarah—the master of mysticism; krsnah—Lord Krsna; yatra—where; parthah—the son of Prtha; dhanur-dharah—the carrier of the bow and arrow; tatra—there; srih—opulence; vijayah—victory; bhutih—exceptional power; dhruva—certainly; nitih—morality; matih mama—is my opinion.
Wherever there is Krsna, the master of all mystics, and wherever there is Arjuna, the supreme archer, there will also certainly be opulence, victory, extraordinary power, and morality. That is my opinion.

Uloopi was a Naga Princess and she got married to Arjuna, the third of ...

Ulupi with the gem from Naga loka that helped bring Arjuna back to life, but the real cause was Lord Sri Krsna 

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