Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Meeting with director for TM,,transcendental meditation..


Today I met with Mr Ralp Emmerich the director of TM for  this area
Maharisi Mahes yogi used to be a brahmacari under   Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, ( a Mayavadi, follower of the line of Sankacarya)
The Beatles got rehabilitated from LSD by their association with Maharisi Mahes Yogi and intoduced to vegetarian diet.Later they all distanced themselves from him.  
I was telling Ralp that the mantras Maharisi had given such as Aing (or Aim with a dot over the m) are bija mantras, but he was not able to comprehend this .And stated that the mantras had no meaning .Which is of course silly.He stated that if anyone put a meaning to them it would distract the meditation .However all vedic mantras have meanings.
Actually Bija mantras are never chanted by themselves so this is a creation by Maharisi Mahes Yogi.
Deepak Chopra used to be a student of Maharish Mahes as did Ravi Shankar .  According to some opinions Deepak Chopra was considered an internal competitor to Maharisi. Ralph stated many of Chopras books where written by a "ghost writer" from the Mahes yogi foundation. That may or may not be true.(likely not) Ravi Sankar was described as a selfish ego maniac. And that is why he left TM.
Anyhow we had a 2 hour long discussion at the end I gave him ,Srila Prabhupadas Bhagavad Gita, Isopanisad,SSR,
and some small books like Perfection of Yoga ,Higher taste and , Beyond birth and death.And a audia CD with Srila Prabhupada talking about the Mahamantra.
I told him about Kali santarana Upanisad and Acintya Bedeabeda Tattva.,Vasista Advaita etc.
TM believes that by their Siddhi yoga , of levitation they create world peace . In Iowa some Indians Brahmins are kept that chant Rigveda, and TM does not believe westerners can become Brahmins.You have to be Indian and born in Brhamin family...which of course contradicts Sri Krsnas teachings in the Bhagavad Gita. The Indian Brahmins in Iowa center daily worship Lord Siva and chant Vedic mantras for world peace, but the meaning of the  mantras are not important according to Ralph  . They do not impose any rules and regualtiones ,but some of them become vegetarianes.Like he was.
Yogic flying Ralph claims create world peace
The bouncing of TM practitioners is different from some Buddhist monks that can actually  levitate
Anyhow there might be genuine TM practitioners that can levitate though I have my strong doubts any of them has such siddhis.Anyhow the TM claims there is hopping ,floating and flying and say they are just on level one.
There might be a few with some tiny siddhis in Kali yuga, in Vrindavana I  have met a babaji in Vrindavana that was 250 years old
Aindra Prabhu (a friend of mine)  and myself once went to Man Sarovara in 1988  the lake of Radharanis tears accros from  Yamuna  in Vrindavana, when this Devaraha Babaji and he blessed us to chant Krsnas names with love
Devaraha Baba was visited by many famous persons from all over the world including
Ralp Emmerich is a nice man , but becoming a TM instructor is no small fee, cost is 20.000 $
Paramananda das
PS : the wifes of Ganesh are the asta siddhis
The  Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Visnu has all Yogic siddhis and He is the source of all such siddhis that serve Him are their eternal master:
Sometimes pure devotees like Jesus Christ also was levitated by walking on water. Srila Prabhupada said ;My mystic power is I am turning westernss into Brahmins and this Maharisi Mahesh yogi could not do, he have not made even one western person into a brahmin...... but his program is still amazing
Śrīmad Bhāgavatam6.8.12
oḿ harir vidadhyān mama sarva-rakṣāḿ
pāśān dadhāno 'ṣṭa-guṇo 'ṣṭa-bāhuḥ
oḿO Lord; hariḥ — the Supreme Personality of Godhead; vidadhyāt — may He bestow; mama — my; sarva-rakṣām — protection from all sides; nyasta — placed; ańghri-padmaḥ — whose lotus feet; patagendra-pṛṣṭhe — on the back of Garuḍa, the king of all birds; dara — conchshell; ari — disc; carma — shield; asi — sword; gadā — club; iṣu — arrows; cāpa — bow; pāśān — ropes; dadhānaḥ — holding; aṣṭa — possessing eight; guṇaḥ — perfections; aṣṭa — eight; bāhuḥ — arms.
The Supreme Lord, who sits on the back of the bird Garuḍa, touching him with His lotus feet, holds eight weapons — the conchshell, disc, shield, sword, club, arrows, bow and ropes. May that Supreme Personality of Godhead protect me at all times with His eight arms. He is all-powerful because He fully possesses the eight mystic powers [aṇimā, laghimā, etc.].
Thinking oneself one with the Supreme is called ahańgrahopāsanā. Through ahańgrahopāsanā one does not become God, but he thinks of himself as qualitatively one with the Supreme. Understanding that as a spirit soul he is equal in quality to the supreme soul the way the water of a river is of the same nature as the water of the sea, one should meditate upon the Supreme Lord, as described in this verse, and seek His protection. The living entities are always subordinate to the Supreme. Consequently their duty is to always seek the mercy of the Lord in order to be protected by Him in all circumstances.

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