Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

 Please accept my humble obaisences

All glories to Srila Prabhupada
Today I talked with a GBC member and he called ISCKON Mayapure, "Madam Tussau wax house of pedophiles" because of Bhavananda and Satya Dhanyas presence there.He like many quote ai ced sudaracaro... as a reason the GBC allow such pedophiles to still be in ISKCON Mayapure.
In general society in US at least sex offenders are registered and  can find them you online .
  .He also added Bhakta Vidya Purna Swami that used to beat small children and I will add  Dhanudhara Swami
and Bhurijana das . The Turley case could have ruined ISKCON and still ISKCON allows sex offenders like Bhavananda and Satya Dhanya that sexually molested children in the 70th and 80th and maybe later...also .The Catholic church also failed to get rid of pedophiles for years...
This is a must watch:
Who knows if these criminals still do their nonsense? The GBC wants you to believe it is all ok .But it is not.And you should contact all GBC;s and demand they get rid of every pedophile in ISKCON or a new GBC with honest persons should be formed that does not tolerate crimes.
your servant
Paramananda das

Views: 183

Comment by Paramananda das on January 9, 2013 at 3:21am

It is very sad the GBC hides the past crimes of certain pedophiles in Mayapure.ISKCON should be like an ocean of milk,   ...but some poison is being allowed by letting these pedophiles still like in ISKCON Mayapure , in the name of Jagai and Madhai.They became Jagannatha das and Madhava das and chanted 2 lahks daily.Surely the pedophiles are spirit souls so should we have no compassion for them? Yes ,by making sure they will never engage in their past sins.But can they be trusted and does it hurt ISKCON's reputation?  .Personally I am a reformist...and believe in not only reforming myself but our ISKCON should be reformed to the pure standard of pure bhakti. as desired by Srila Prabhupada and Lord Caitanya .I can not touch ISKCON with a pole in Mayapure as long as they allow such sinners..I will avoid  Mayapure and just go to Vrindavana . Ugra Narasimha is there in Mayapure so if he lets such sinners stay ,that is His choice . I am unabel to comprehend Lord Narasimhadevas plan and why such injustice is allowed by the GBC.But often the material world is filled with unlimeted seemingly injustices.But they will all be paid for .But   personally I am sad that I feel obstructed to go to Mayapure and compromise with injustice .......and have to tolerate persons that had sex with children in Lord Gaurangas abode of Sri Navadvipa ...I can not compromise with adharma like many are in this matter...I will simply meditate on Gaurangas Navadvipa  lilas in a mood of seperation and take shelter of Sri Nama and Sri Vrindavana Dham .....  Oh Lord Siva you are Gopisvara Mahadeva please protect me from seeing such offenders in Sri Navadvipa Dham


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