Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Surya Narayana . the other day I was handwashing something
and bringing it out to dry and the sun broke thorugh the cloud and glanced at me I knew it was Lord Surya Narayana glancing at me ,and I offered my humble obaisences to Him as He is all pervading and He knows everyone of us , one devotee Bhrgupati Prabhu offeres prayers to Surya Narayana daily that is very intelligent because Lord Surya Narayana is very powefull and merciful Sri Radha was always worshipping Surya Narayana what was her purpose with such worship ? She wanted to meet Sri Krsna and when Krsna came He chanted funny Surya Narayana mantras disgusied as a Brahmin boy from Mathura to throw of Jatila , these mantras where such as Sri Radha I meditate on your lotusface, but disguised as Surya Narayana Mantras ,Sri Radha is Sarva Laxmi the source of all forms of Laxmi and Sita etc .So Krsna showed us that higher that worship of Surya Narayana is worship of His beloved Sri Radha .Surya Narayana is also the father of Yamunadevi and Yamaraja in this world we must always offer obaisences to him.Surya Narayana created a son with Kunti to serve in Krsna lila ,and also Surya Narayana gave the Shyamantaka jewel to Satrajit , that is actually eternally the Jewel of Sri Radha .Sri Radha also entered the sun as has been explained by Srila Rupa Goswami and her expansion in Dvaraka is Sri Satyabhama .Actually the Brahma Gayatri mantra we chant every morning is not only to worship Surya Narayana but that mantra is really a mantra to worship Sri Radha ,the sun is also a manifestation of Sri Radhas transcedental power and pure vaisnavas see Sri Radha in the Sun ,but that is a very high and confidential subject that Srila Bhakti Raksasa Sridhara Maharaja explained
ŚB 12.11.30
एक एव हि लोकानां सूर्य आत्मादिकृद्धरि: ।
सर्ववेदक्रियामूलमृषिभिर्बहुधोदित: ॥ ३० ॥
eka eva hi lokānāṁ
sūrya ātmādi-kṛd dhariḥ
ṛṣibhir bahudhoditaḥ
ekaḥ — one; eva — only; hi — indeed; lokānām — of the worlds; sūryaḥ — the sun; ātmā — their soul; ādi-kṛt — the original creator; hariḥ — the Personality of Godhead, Hari; sarva-veda — in all the Vedas; kriyā — of the ritualistic activities; mūlam — the basis; ṛṣibhiḥ — by the sages; bahudhā — variously; uditaḥ — designated.
The sun-god, being nondifferent from Lord Hari, is the one soul of all the worlds and their original creator. He is the source of all the ritualistic activities prescribed in the Vedas and has been given many names by the Vedic sages.

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