Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Lord Narasimha bless us to fast on Radhastami !

Lord Narasimha is blessing us on every Radhastami : May you successfully do nirjala fast for Srimati Radharani and get the result of fasting for 100.000 Ekadasis !

ekadasyam sahasrena yat phalam labhate narah Radha janma astami punyam tasmat satagu nadhikam :

Whatever result one can attain by fasting on 1000 ekadasis one hundred times greater results can be attainec by fasting on Radhastami and Janmastami days Brahma Khanda of Padma Purana 7.8

(note Srila Sanatana Goswami has quoted from Narasimha Purana in his Haribhakti Vilasa one gets the result of 1000 Ekadasis on Narasimha Caturdasi by doing Nirjala fasting but by fasting on Radhastami you get that benefit times 100 times so now we can all understand the benefit of fasting on Radhastami and Janmastami do you not want fast for one day and get 100.000 Ekadasis benefit ?)

Above this by fasting on Narasimha Caturdasi Lord Narasimha states we attain Vaikuntha :

Text 441

ya idam mad vratagrayantu pravidhasyanti manavah na tesham punaravrittih kalpa koti satair api Those who observe this supreme vow in relation to Me will never return to this material existence, even in hundreds and millions of kalpas.

Text 452

yenaiva kriyamanena sahasra dvadasi phalam jayate na mrisha vacni manushanam mahatmanam

By observing a single vow of Nrisimha Caturdasi, one obtains the merit of observing one thousand Dvadasi vratas. This is a fact and do not think that this statement is an exaggeration.

why Discuss all this :Lord Narasimha states : Text 454 pavitram paramam guhyam kirttayed yastu manavah sarvvan kaman avapnoti vratasyasya phalam labhet One who glorifies the discussion of this most confidential and sacred vow will obtains the merit of observing this vow and as such, all of his desires will be fulfilled

15 th Vilasa of Haribhakti Vilasa

If fasting on Sri Narasimha Caturdasi is so powerful imagine the Spiritual Sukriti of fasting on Radhastami is that is 100 times more powerful spiritually even that Sri Narasimha Caturdasi !Missing fasting for Sri Radha should not be done !

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