Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Lord Caitanyas curse by a Brahmana
this pastime is also mentioned in Caitanya Caritamrta :
Please note these 2 slokas from Srimad Bhagavatam :
dheyeyam sada paribhava-ghnam abhishta-doham
tirthaspadam shiva-virinchi-mutam sharanyam
bhrilyarti-ham pranata-pala-bhavabdhi-potam
vande mahapurusha te charanaravindam
"O Supreme Personality of Godhead, O protector of the surrendered souls, You are now playing the role of Your own devotee, and Your lotus feet are the only object of perpetual meditation for the pure living entities. They destroy the material existence of the living entity. They are the fulfiller of all desires, the abode of all holy places, worshipable even by Lord Brahma and Lord Shiva, the shelter of all that exists, the destroyer of the troubles of Your devotees and the only boat for crossing over the ocean of material existence. Therefore I offer my obeisances unto Your lotus feet." (Bhagavatam 11.5.33)
dharmishtha arya-vachasa yadagad aranyam
maya-mrigam dayitayepsitam anvadhavad
vande mahapurusha te charanaravindam
"O Mahaprabhu, You have given up the goddess of fortune (Lakshmi, Your wife), whose glance is desired by the great demigods, and who is the most difficult attachment to renounce. In order to keep the word of some brahmana's curse, You have gone to the forest. Thus to show Your great mercy to the helpless living entities who are following maya--the illusory energy--You have chased after them to give them Your own devotional service. Therefore I offer my humble obeisances unto Your lotus feet." (Bhagavatam 11.5.34)
Shri Krishna Chaitanya-carita Mahakavya, written by Shrila Murari Gupta (1513 A.D.). T
Thirteenth Sarga
The Brahmana's Blessing-Curse
atha para-dine devo / bhakti sashikayan svakan
devalaya yayau vipraih / sarddha sammarjjani kare 1
atha - then; para-dine - on the next day; devah - the Lord; bhaktim - devotion; sashikayan - instructing; svakan - to His own men; deva-alayam - the abode of the Lord; yayau - He went; vipraih - with the learned brahmanas; sardham - in company; sammarjanim - broom; kare - in hand.
On the following day, accompanied by learned brahmanas the Divine Lord went with broom in hand to the temple of the Lord, in order to teach the process of bhakti to his disciples.
kuddala casa-bhageu / dhati kati-vare vahan
nutna-vastra-ktonio / bala-suryya-sama-prabhah 2
kuddalam - dust-pan; ca - and; asa-bhageu - on the shoulders; dhatim - old cloth; kati-vare - on His beautiful hips; vahan - carrying; nutna-vastra - new cloth; kta-uniah - made in a turban; bala-surya - a young sun; sama-prabhah - equal brilliance.
He carried a dust-pan over His shoulder, and around His beautiful hips He wore an old cloth. A piece of new cloth was wrapped around His head as a turban, and His luster resembled the newly risen sun.
acaryadya mahatmanah / kuddala-marjjani-karah
knasya haddipa bhutva / dvara devalayasya te 3
acarya - Advaita _carya; adyah - headed by; maha-atmanah - the great souls; kuddala-marjjani-karah - dust-pan and broom in hand; knasya - of Krishna; haddipah - servants of the lowest class; bhutva - become; dvaram - door; deva-alayasya - of the temple; te - they.
Headed by the Acarya, all of the great souls also held dust-pans and brooms in hand. Having become Krishna's haddipas (the lowliest of outcaste sweepers), they assembled together at the gate of the temple.
bhitti sammarjayam asuh / saha knena sad-gunah
eva prakara n-hareh / shika shata-sahasrashah 4
bhittim - walls; sammarjayam asuh - they cleansed; saha - together; knena - with Krishna; sat-gunah - highly qualified men; evam prakaram - in this manner; n-hareh - of the human-like Hari; shikam - instructions; shata-sahasrashah - hundreds and thousands.
In company with GauraKrishna, those saints whose hearts were decorated by exalted qualities cleansed the walls. Nrihari gave hundreds and thousands of commands to His crew as they worked (instructing them how and where they should do the cleaning).
bhagavan svatma-tantro 'pi / karunyenabhyashikayat
shriman gaura-candra-devo / jagata karana param 5
bhagavan - the all-opulent Lord; sva-atma-tantrah - self-sufficient; api - although; karunyena - by His mercy; abhyashikayat - gave potent lessons; shriman - illustrious; gaura-candra-devah - the golden-moon-like Lord; jagatam - of the material worlds; karanam - cause; param - supreme.
Although Gaura Candra is the abode of all opulence, the original cause for the cosmos and , and completely self-sufficient, He still instructed them out of compassion.
atha kale vrajanta ta / pathi dtva janardanam
kashcit kuthi namasktya / vinayanata-kandharah 6
uvaca bhagavan sarvve / vadanti tva sanatanam
purua deva-devesha / ma samuddhara papinam 7
atha - then; kale - after some time; vrajantam - walking; tam - Him; pathi - on the path; dtva - seeing; jana-ardanam - one who stirs the hearts of mankind; kashcit - a certain; kuthi - leper; namasktya - bowing down; vinaya - humbly; anatah - bowed; kandharah - head; uvaca - he said; bhagavan - O Lord; sarve - everyone; vadanti - they say; tvam - You; sanatanam - the primeval; puruam - person; deva-deva-isham - the controller of Lord Vishnu; mam - me; samuddhara - deliver; papinam - sinner.
Some time later a certain leper saw walking on the path, that very same Janardana Chaitanya whose qualities thrill the hearts of all. With head lowered the leper humbly said to Him, "He! Bhagavan, everyone proclaims You to be the primeval personality of Godhead, the master of even Lord Vishnu. Kindly deliver me, a sinner.
trahi ma duhsahan natha / kutha-rogat su-darunat
tat shrutva bhagavan kruddhah / shona-padma-vilocanah 8
trahi - rescue; mam - me; duhsahat - difficult to tolerate; natha - O Lord; kutha-rogat - from the disease of leprosy; su-darunat - very dangerous; tat - that; shrutva - hearing; bhagavan - the Lord; kruddhah - angered; shona-padma - red lotus; vilocanah - eyes.
"He Natha! Kindly free me from this disease of leprosy, for it is very severe and difficult to tolerate." Hearing this, the blessed Lord become so angry that His eyes resembled red lotuses.
uvaca bho duracara / vainava-dvea-karaka
shrivasa-pandita-dvea / ktva tva hi katha sukhi 9
uvaca - He said; bho - Oh!; duracara - evil-doer; vainava-dvea-karaka - causer of enmity toward a vaishnava; shrivasa-pandita - the pure devotee; dveam - hatred; ktva - having done; tvam - you; hi - certainly; katham - how?; sukhi - a happy person.
He said, "O miscreant, you have provoked hatred towards a vaishnava! After behaving viciously to Shrivasa Panita, how now can you expect to be happy?
avacya vadam uktva ta / ninata vainavottamam
shata-janmani kuthi tva / vigatango bhaviyasi 10
avacya - unspeakable; vadam - words; uktva - saying; tam - to him; ninatam - learned; vainava-uttamam - transcendental vaishnava; shata-janmani - for one hundred births; kuthi - leper; tvam - you; vigata-angah - without a healthy body; bhaviyasi - you shall be.
"You have spoken unspeakable words about that great vaishnava and learned scholar. Thus for one hundred births your body shall be consumed by leprosy.
vainava-dvea-kartara / noddharami kadacana
bahih-pranam ima deham / antah-prana ca vainavam 11
vainava-dvea - hatred for a devotee; kartaram - the provoker; na - not; uddharami - I shall deliver; kadacana - ever; bahih-pranam - external life; imam - this; deham - body; antah-pranam - internal life; ca - but; vainavam - devotee of Vishnu.
"I shall never deliver one who fosters hatred for the vaishnava. This body of Mine constitutes My external life, whereas My internal life is the vaishnava.
ta dvianti maha-mohat / patanti niraye 'shucau
vainaveu nata ye ca / ma dvianti kathancana 12
tan uddhariye sarvvatra / maha-pataka-sancayat
evam uktva yayau devah / shrivasasyalaye shubhe 13
tam - him; dvianti - they hate; maha-mohat - out of great delusion; patanti - they fall; niraye - into hell; ashucau - unclean; vainaveu - unto the vaishnavas; nata - bowed; ye - who; ca - but; mam - Me; dvianti - they hate; kathancana - somehow; tan - them; uddhariye - I shall deliver; sarvatra - in all situations; maha-pataka - of great sins; sancayat - from the accumulation; evam - thus; uktva - having spoken; yayau - He went; devah - the Lord; shrivasasya - of Shrivasa; alaye - to the abode; shubhe - auspicious.
"Those who bow to the vaishnavas, but for some reason are inimical to Me, I shall deliver in all circumstances from great accumulations of sins. But those who out of great delusion are inimical to the vaishnava, descend into an unclean hell." So saying, the Lord departed for the sanctified dwelling of Shrivasa hakura.
upavishya sukha reme / bhagavan sva-janaih saha
shrivasa-pandita praha / karunardro jagad-guruh 14
upavishya - sitting; sukham - comfortably; reme - He took pleasure; bhagavan - the Lord; sva-janaih - with His people; saha - together; shrivasa-panditam - the pure devotee; praha - He said; karuna-ardrah - melting with compassion; jagat-guruh - the guru of all living beings.
There the Lord sat and happily delighted in the His bhaktas' company. Then the spiritual master of all worlds, His heart melting out of mercy, spke to Shrivasa Panita as follows:
pathi kashcit kutha-rogi / dutas tvad-aparadhatah
bhunkte sa naraka sarvvam / uddharo naiva dshyate 15
pathi - on the path; kutha-rogi - a leper; dutah - rogue; tvat-aparadhatah - because of offenses to you; bhunkte - he experiences; sah - he; narakam - hell; sarvam - all; uddharah - deliverance; na - not; eva - surely; dshyate - it will be seen.
"On the path I met a wicked man. Due to an offense he made to you, He is suffering from leprosy. He will suffer the tortures of all the hells, yet still he will not attain deliverance."
sa praha yo 'paradha me / karoti hi samasatah
uddhara kuru ta deva / varam etat sada mama 16
sah - he; praha - said; yah - who; aparadham - offense; me - to me; karoti - he does; hi - certainly; samasatah - in general; uddharam - deliverance; kuru - make; tam - him; deva - O Lord; varam - boon; etat - this; sada - perpetual; mama - my.
Shrivasa said, "O Lord, for eternality kindly grant me this boon. Deliver any person who commits an offense to me.
papa-purnan jagannatha / madhavadin samuddhara
om ity aha sa bhagavan / sarvva-pataka-mula-ht 17
papa-purnan - filled with sin; jagannatha - Jagai; madhava - Madhai; adin - and all others; samuddhara - please deliver; om - so let it be; iti - thus; aha - said; sah - He; bhagavan - the Lord; sarva-pataka - all sin; mula - root; ht - remover.
"O Lord, please award complete deliverance to those souls utterly pervaded by sin known as Jagannatha and Madhava (Jagai and Madhai), as well as all others." Then the all-opulent Lord, who can remove the very root of all sin from the sinner's heart, replied, "Om," consenting to Shrivasa's request.
ekada brahmanah kashcin / ntyanta puruottamam datu gatva na dtva ca / bahir-dvah-sthena varitah 18
rutah para-dine dtva / ganga-tire jagad-gurum
su-durmukho ruitva ta / shapa dasyann uvaca ha 19
ekada - one day; brahmanah - a brahmana; kashcit - a certain; ntyantam - dancing; purua-uttamam - the transcendental person; datum - to see; gatva - having gone; na - not; dtva - seeing; ca - and; bahi-dvah-sthena - by the doorkeeper; varita - forbidden; rutah - angry; para-dine - on the next day; dtva - seeing; ganga-tire - on the bank of the Ganga; jagat-gurum - the guru of the cosmos; su-durmukhah - with an evil countenance; ruitva - being angry; tam - him; shapam - curse; dasyan - injuring; uvaca - pronounced; ha - indeed.
Once a certain brahmana came to see the dancing of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but he was forbidden entry by the doorman. Thus being unable to see the Lord, the man became angered. On the following day seeing the guru
of the three worlds upon the bank of the Ganga, his face became consumed with fury and he cursed the Lord, seeking to injure Him.
yajnopavita vakah-stha / chittva shapa dadau krudha
yasmat tvan-ntya-samaye / tatra gacchan nivaritah 20
dvah-sthena te tato 'dya tva / sasarad bahir avraja
tat shrutva brahmana-vaco / mumoda bhagavan parah 21
yajna-upavitam - sacrificial thread; vakah-stham - upon his chest; chitva - having broken; shapam - curse; dadau - he delivered; krudha - angrily; yasmat - on account of which; tvat-ntya-samaye - at the time You were dancing; tatra - there; gacchan - going; nivaritah - prohibited; dvah-sthena - by the door-keeper; te - Your; tatah - therefore; adya - now; tvam - You; sasarat - from family life; bahih - outside; avraja - leave; tat - that; shrutva - hearing; brahmana-vacah - the words of the brahmana; mumoda - rejoiced; bhagavan - the Lord; parah - Supreme.
Breaking the sacred thread draped over his chest, the brahmana wrathfully delivered this curse: "Because I was forbidden entry by the door-keeper when I came at the time You were dancing, therefore You must now leave all the happiness of Your family life." When the Supreme Lord heard these words uttered by the brahmana, He felt very happy and thought:
kruddha-brahmana-shapo vai / vara evabhavan mama
uddharami janan sarvvan / sannyasashramam ashritah 22
kruddha - angered; brahmana - one who understands brahman; shapah - curse; vai - certainly; varah - excellent; eva - surely; abhavat - it has become; mama - My; uddharami - I am delivering; janan - people; sarvan - all; sannyasa - renunciation; ashramam - the spiritual order; ashritah - taking shelter.
"This angry brahmana's curse is actually his blessing on me. By this means I shall deliver all living people. Accepting the ashrama of sannyasa I shall depart from my home!"
iti shrutva hareh shapa / shraddhaya paraya saha
brahma-shapad vimucyeta / nava sukham avapnuyat 23
iti - thus; shrutva - hearing; hareh - of Hari; shapam - curse; shraddhaya - with faith; paraya - with intense; saha - with; brahma-shapat - from brahmana's curses; vimucyeta - he is released; navam - ever new; sukham - happiness; avapnuyat - he can obtain.
A person who hears with transcendental faith of this curse upon Shri Gaura Hari faith
becomes released from all curses made by brahmanas, and he feels a new and ever-expanding bliss within his life.
Thus ends the Thirteenth Sarga entitled "The Brahmana's Blessing-Curse," in the Second Prakrama of the great poem Shri Chaitanya Carita. 

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