Please accept my humble obaisences All glories to Srila Prabhupada Lord Caitanya once ran to Santipure to beat up Advaita Acarya for preaching mayavada philosophy, and that is His pastime.Advaita Acarya is the combined form of Sada Siva and Lord Mahavisnu from whom the unlimeted universes appears as atomic particles from His Divine form.We can not even begin to fathom how great is the glories of Mahavisnu and Advaita Acarya. Advaita Acarya brought Lord Caitanya to this material universe: je ānilo prema-dhana koruṇā pracur heno prabhu kothā gelā ācārya-ṭhākur He who brought the treasure of divine love and who was filled with compassion and mercy--where has such a personality as Advaita Acarya gone? Braja Bihari Prabhu wrote me: Whoever wrote that article must not have been aware of Srila Prabhupada's clear instruction on this matter (this is in regards to the Mayavadi group coming here and paying both for rent and prasadam--the music tour was some years) ----------------------- Tamala Krsna: Well, one thing is that in Bombay... I mean we really don't have a very attractive hall here, but in Bombay we have the most attractive air-conditioned hall of any place that has a religious temple. All of these people will want to speak in our hall. Not only these people will want to speak in our hall, but all of the nonsense theater people will want to perform there. Prabhupada: So we must charge. Tamala Krsna: Even if we charge, they're going to speak nonsense. If we don't mind speaking nonsense, then it's all right. Otherwise, just like Shubhalakshmi, she may want to give some concert in our hall as a benefit. But she's going to simply sing nonsense. Prabhupada: Yes. Bhavananda? Where is Bhavananda? Bhavananda: Yes, Srila Prabhupada. Prabhupada: So, if they pay, we shall allow? Bhavananda: I don't think so, Srila Prabhupada. Just like yesterday, I was noticing in their afternoon meeting, they had microphone, and you could hear the speakers outside. I was thinking that this Mayavadi... Someone is speaking Mayavadi philosophy, it's polluting the boys. Even you don't understand Hindi, the sound vibration itself is polluting. You once told me, Srila Prabhupada, that to even hear Sanskrit Srimad-Bhagavatam from the mouth of a Mayavadi, it will poison you. Even you don't understand, just the sound vibration coming from that source is polluting. So what is the necessity for us to rent out our facility to them? Prabhupada: Tamala Krsna? Tamala Krsna: Yes. Well, the point is that we have not built these temples for profit-making basis. We have built these temples to demonstrate to the world an ideal, perfect Krsna consciousness. So if we are going to allow these people to come here, that means we're compromising. Then we should have gone into business... Prabhupada: Just like to take advertisement in the magazine. Eh? Tamala Krsna: Yes. It's the same thing. We're trying to make something ideal. We don't care if anybody does join or doesn't join, but our business is to show the perfect ideal. Prabhupada: Jayadvaita? Jayadvaita: I agree. This... Tamala Krsna: Just like our Back to Godhead magazine. For a while it was becoming very compromised. Actually it was becoming a little compromised. And just because we wanted... The editors were thinking that they should make it more popular, more acceptable. But our conclusion of all the GBC men was: "Popular or not, we are trying to present the ideal for the topmost men. There must be some ideal institution in the world." So we should keep it pure. And those who want the pure product, they will come and take. And others, at least they will know this is pure. Jayadvaita: Everybody else is already a hodgepodge, so they'll allow anyone to speak because they don't have any scruples. But if we are very strict, if we don't allow anyone who's not strictly following... Prabhupada: Where is Brahmananda? Jayadvaita: Brahmananda? Brahmananda is resting. Prabhupada: So, I am on the deathbed. I may go away at any moment. Then... Now it is up to you to give protection to the sanctity of our institution. Who else is there from the GBC? Tamala Krsna: Svarüpa Damodara, JagadiSa. Prabhupada: Svarüpa Damodara? Tamala Krsna: He's not here right now, but they are here in Vrndavana. Prabhupada: He has gone to Delhi? Tamala Krsna: He came back last night. Prabhupada: Oh. So think over. I am unable to do now. I can simply give you warning. It is very dangerous. Hm? Jayadvaita: We have so many experiences that someone associates with these people and he loses his status. Prabhupada: They can warn us that "Don't speak of Gita," and why shall I allow them to speak? Eh? Bhavananda: That is such an insult, especially it's our facility. And as soon as you rent out to people, then you are compromised that they can tell you not to speak of Gita at their Gita conference in your hall. And you have to listen because they're giving you money. Aksayananda: Because they're paying. Bhavananda: It's outrageous. Prabhupada: Tamala Krsna? Hm? Tamala Krsna: Yeah. I mean I'm more concerned about Bombay, because there in Bombay I feel that... I don't think that there's a proper understanding on the part of some of the leaders there about the danger of this. I think that the leaders there are not very clear on this point. I'm a little worried about Bombay. I think that they're... They're going to compromise. There's a danger for compromisation there. Jayadvaita: To be popular. Tamala Krsna: Yes. To be popular and profitable, they're approaching it on a very businesslike basis. And also the other point is that they're afraid that... In Bombay they've made this hall, such a beautiful hall. So they don't want it to lie vacant or empty, and they just can't think of what can be done inside that hall every single day of the year. It's a fact that hall should be used every day of the year. Bhavananda: By us. Tamala Krsna: By us. But since they feel that there's not going to be any constant use from our side, they're thinking that it doesn't make sense to have built and spent so much money on such a good hall and not utilize it daily, which from the business point of view is a fact. But that means that you're going to have to invite all kinds of semi... It's not even Krsna conscious. I wanted to say semi-Krsna conscious, but they're going to have to invite different theater people, entertaining people. Bhavananda: So the Krsna conscious solution is to utilize the hall every night for our own purposes. Krsna consciousness is unlimited. There's so many dramas, so many lectures, so many symposiums. Prabhupada: No, suppose you construct some house and rent out. Then they can do as they like. So similarly, if that hall is made, constructed for making some money, then the money will not come if we don't rent out to the cinema actors, actresses. It is just like... What is called? Village house. Hm? The hall is called? When one pays, marriage ceremony... For making some money you have made. Tamala Krsna: Is that why we made that hall, for making money? Prabhupada: Otherwise what you will do? Tamala Krsna: Well, originally you had intended that that hall would be used for Svarüpa Damodara's scientists and for our theater group and things like that. Prabhupada: That's all right, but are you going to have every day? Tamala Krsna: No, I know that they won't. They cannot do that. I mean practically they won't. Bhavananda: It's possible, but... Tamala Krsna: Well, it would have to take a tremendous endeavor on the part of our movement, and our movement is not... We're not geared to do that. Prabhupada: It is like tenant house. So whoever pays to your satisfaction, you give him for one day. Tamala Krsna: Is that all right with you, Srila Prabhupada? Prabhupada: I don't think it is wrong. Tamala Krsna: Okay. Well, then that makes it very easy. Prabhupada: Because it will be a source of income. Tamala Krsna: Oh, it will be a big source of income. They'll pay a lot of money to use that hall. Not only that, once you let them use the hall, they'll book all the rooms in the hotel at the same time. Prabhupada: If you are going to do some business, earn some money, you'll have to allow. Bhavananda: But how that will affect the atmosphere and Krsna consciousness of the temple? It's not that the theater... Prabhupada: Well, atmosphere... Suppose there is temple, and there is the park and other houses, and they are already polluting the atmosphere. You cannot stop it. Is it not? Jayadvaita: All over our movement we have temples, and then next door there's some nonsense place. Prabhupada: Yes. You cannot check the atmosphere all around. That is not possible. (pause) So when you described the number of books, what did they say? Hm? Aksayananda: They said it was very nice. They said they were very impressed with that, and that you are doing the greatest work. They... Superficially they say all these things. They must. Tamala Krsna: They haven't even published one book. Aksayananda: They must say these things. Bhavananda: Of course, Srila Prabhupada, another view is that we've constructed such attractive facilities here, and the purpose is to attract people to Krsna consciousness. So if we let out this auditorium in Bombay and here in Vrndavana, so those people will come. They may be Mayavadi... Actually everyone is Mayavadi today. So it's a good opportunity for preaching if we're strong. Prabhupada: Preaching means to convert Mayavadis to Vaisnava. Otherwise where is the need of preaching? Bhavananda: Preaching also means risk. Prabhupada: Yes. No risk. We take money from them. So we get some money. That is our gain. So anything, do very carefully. Tamala Krsna: So you said we should have a sign, "No Mayavadi Meetings Allowed." Prabhupada: No. If this is allowed free. Tamala Krsna: Oh. Well, this wasn't free. They're paying for being here. They're paying to be here. Prabhupada: Oh. Tamala Krsna: They're paying to hold their program. Prabhupada: No gratis lecture allowed. If they pay for, they will talk all nonsense, (laughter) and we don't care for it. These are the considerations. That's all right. Turn me this side. Tamala Krsna: Okay. Prabhupada, you should take some rest now, I think. You've been talking a long time. (end) Room Conversation -- November 2, 1977, Vrndavana 771102rc.vrn In 1995 when ISKCON Potomac hosted a mayavadi to speak there and a flyer read " ISKCON cordially invites Swami such and such "Bogus-ananda" or whatever his name was. That following year the GBC passed rules based on my complaint and that of many other devotees: this is part of the GBC resolution of 1996
A. That the following activities are not allowed as part of ISKCON functions, whether conducted on ISKCON property or elsewhere: B. Satya Narayana Katha. (This is a concocted form of worship). C. Garbha dance, when it is conducted in association with the worship of Durga. (Garbha dance is usually performed as part of Nava-ratri, a Durga festival. However, there are also Garbha dances in glorification of Krishna. Temple authorities permitting a Garbha dance must be confident that the performance is entirely Krishna centered.) D. The reading of Tulsidasa's Rama-carita-manasa. (Ramayana readings should be from Valmiki Ramayana, as Tulsidasa's work is tinged with impersonalism.) E. Lectures advocating Mayavada or other offensive philosophies. F. The singing of the Hindi arati song "om jaya jagadisha hari". (This is a prayer for material benedictions). 2. Regarding worship of demigods: A. Worship of demigods as independent gods is not permitted in Krishna consciousness. However, the Nectar of Devotion says that demigods should be respected. Worshipping demigods as Vaisnavas is authorized. For preaching, in order to teach people the right position of the demigods as great Vaisnavas, ISKCON temples may hold on special occasions ceremonies or pujas respecting and worshipping demigods as great Vaisnavas, provided: i) The worship is only as a Vaisnava (This means that the deva/devi shall be offered: the prasadam arotika items immediately after they are offered to Lord Krishna, Krishna prasadam flower garlands, and Krishna prasadam foodstuffs. No independent worship is offered. Only the chanting of Hare Krishna and Vishnu's names is done, as Lord Caitanya did in South India.) ii) Their status as servants of Krishna is made as clear as possible through signs, symbols, and iconography, and iii) Offerings are of Krishna prasadam. B. Deities of demigods (incl. Lakshmi where no Vishnu is established), shall not be established without permission of the GBC. Where they are permitted or where ISKCON aquires a temple with already established murtis of demigods, they may remain, provided they are worshipped as Vaisnavas, as provided above. 3. It is permitted for other groups, at the discretion of the local ISKCON authorities, to rent space in ISKCON premises, outside the temple room, for their own ceremonies and functions, even for functions listed above (1.A-E), provided that the public understand clearly that the function is not being sponsored or conducted by ISKCON. However, no function on ISKCON property shall include any activity contrary to the four regulative principles. The GBC recommends that temples provide outside groups rental contracts clearly stipulating the above restrictions. However the GBC has never made it clear that no congregational members should be attending such functions, that is a huge flaw.In 1995 , ISKCON Potomac allowed the congregation to attend a lecture by this mayavadi ,and Rama Krsna mission sannyasi another time that blasphemed that the holy name is ordinary sound .Deities are made of stone.etc So now again the ISKCON Potomac congregatian can enjoy anohter show of another mayavadi .Does ISKCON Potomac still has reading of Ramacarita manasa on Ramanavami inside the temple room ,that they ignored for years, simply because Anuttama das has no discrimination of what is right and wrong? He told me in 1995 that worship of demigods is in the mode of goodness and is ok...he has never apologized ...well ISKCON Brooklyn allows bingo hall that brakes the 4 regs, but this is Kali yuga and GBC does not care ? Or any socalled senior devotees? Well I guess they are not making money from this so they do not care? Does ISKCON Potomac still allow car pujas, Satya Narayana pujas and weddings of non devotees ? Yes ISKCON Potomac is and remains a hindu temple ...and Braja Bihari and Ananda Vrindavana mataji has made no changes to this as I had sad... your servant Paramananda das.
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