Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Srila Gurudeva told us one confidential thing in 2001 in Prince Williams Forest park Virginia, that when the fruitvendor gave all her fruits to Krsna and Krsna filled her basket with Jewels she was not happy with the Jewels because she became a Krsna devotee and she went to Yamuna and dumped all the Jewels in Yamuna and went mad with love of Krsna !

Nanak Chand Goyal, Dutah Jones and 16 others



Paramananda Das I never read this any where in Srimad Bhagavatam ,so Srila Gurudeva must have this from some Purana
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Paramananda Das Krishna sat in her lap, she hesitated in the beginning because she belonged to lower caste, but Krishna assured her that Pure love is above cast.
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Paramananda Das one internet version : ld lady as a fruit seller : Krsna Innocence story

Once a fruit seller very old lady came calling loudly so that someone may buy her fruits. The day was tough in the manner that not a single fruit was sold today and poor old lady was feeling helpless and tired. Krsna came and asked the old lady why she has come. She said that she is a fruit seller. Krsna said I will buy all your fruits. She said that you will have to give me money for it. Krsna asked her.... what money is. Tears of joy came pouring out of her eyes; she said that you are too innocent son. She said you don’t know the meaning of money, you see you will have to give me something against these fruits. Krsna asked what does against means. She started crying more profusely. She explained you have to give something if you take something from somebody. Understanding the meaning of against ---- as giving something for something, so krsna walked with an endearing smile and sat down on the lap of the old lady saying that you can take me in place of fruits. Now now now, the old lady was full of tears of joy and she felt the divine energy all through her body, she was happier than ever content and satisfied. krsna than stepped down and said he will be back soon. Krsna came back with some food grains in his tiny palms , krsna could hardly hold that little quantity of food grains , and grains falling on the floor in the process all the way . Krsna smiled and gave her the grains and she covered them with cloth and gave krsna the fruits. And went to her home saying to herself what a great satisfaction I had this is the best business deal of my life, and as she uncovered the cloth she found that the empty fruit basket was full of precious jewels. So that’s a point if we give something to krsna selflessly krsna gives it back many folds .one day krsna was playing along with his brother balrama and friends along the banks of river yamuna and it was noon . So balramas mother rohini came to call them back but since they were enjoying so much so they continued playing. So rohini went back and told yashoda and so yashoda came all alone all the way and said to krsna that nanda is waiting for him for lunch, and so krsna agreed to go along with balarama . All their friends said to them why you both are going home in-between when the game was half way and everybody was having so much fun. And next time we won’t allow you to play with us .so krsna got frightened by the threats of their friends and so they started playing again with them. Yashoda told krsna that your father is waiting for you for breakfast , moreover all your friends are well dressed because its your birthday and you have to come home now have a bath and dress up , because later on there is a celebration where you have to donate cows . Later on you can play. So both krsna and balrama came back home and so both of them were given bath and dressed well and celebrated birthday and donated cows. Nandas brother opnanda suggested that even there is terror of evil demons terrorized innocent villagers so due to regular attacks of demons it’s better to move out as there was threat to new born and infants .

So they took along all their belongings on their bullock cart. Soon time passed and krsna balrama used to talk in a broken its bitsy manner, now taking cows for grazing. They used to play with round jungle fruits as a replacement of ball, sometimes they would adorn the blanket and act as a cow and calf. Once they were playing and a demon came in disguise of a calf to kill krsna and his friends. But krsna recognized the demon and told balarama about the demon. So both of them held the front and hind feet of the demon calf and banged him very hard against a big tree and died immediately .on another day krsna and his friends went near yamuna along with cows so that they may drink water .they all drank water then they saw a huge bird and everbody got shocked and extremely fearful .that bird was a demon called bakasura another friend of kansa . All the friends of krsna were standing shocked and lifeless. And when bakasura was swallowing krsna there was a burning sensation in the demons throat. Krsna held the large beak of the demon and broke it into two. All the demigods rained the sweet smelling divine flowers .all the friends were very delighted .when they came back home they started singing the past times of krsna . Remembering all the demon attacks on krsna and also the forecast of saint garga which were all becoming true. Hare krsna .
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Paramananda Das
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Paramananda Das Saccinandanas Swamis version : Vrindavan story: Fruit Seller Līlā

There was a fruit seller who lived in Mathurā.
She had heard from some persons who were coming to Mathurā from Gokula that a very beautiful and charming child of about two years old,the son of Nanda and Yaśodā, lived in Gokula.
She wanted to have darśana of Him, so she took some fruits in her basket and wentto the area of Nanda Bhavan, the home of Nanda Mahārāja.
There she called, “Oh, phala lo, phala lo, take fruits, take fruits.”
In Mathurā and Vṛndāvana, there were many fruit sellers
everywhere, and she would also sell fruits in that way.
But when she came to Nanda Bhavan, sometimes Kṛṣṇa was sleeping, sometimes He was playing here and there, and sometimes He was in the lap of Yaśodā, drinking breast milk.
Therefore, she never had a chance to see Him.
One day she said, “Today I will go and not return until I have had His darśana.”
She made a vow to‘do or die.’ The objective of her life was fixed.
We should also try to make a vow like this.
Having made this promise, she called out,
“Phala lo, phala lo.”
Gradually she forgot to say this and instead called, “Govinda lo, Govinda lo, take Govinda, take Govinda. Dāmodara lo, take Dāmodara, Mādhava lo, take Mādhava. Govinda
Dāmodara Mādhaveti.”
The easiest way to see Kṛṣṇa is to perform nāma-saṅkīrtana.
The fruit seller adopted this process, as did the gopīs.
When Kṛṣṇa disappeared from the rāsa dance, they sang His names so that He would come back.
Like other fruit sellers, this lady was practiced in carrying her basket on her head, not touching it with her hands.
She could even dance easily without it falling from her head.
In this way, from morning until twelve she looked for Kṛṣṇa.
At last she became tired and sat down at the door of Nanda
Bhavan. “How will I see Kṛṣṇa?” she thought.
At this time Kṛṣṇa took some corn, wheat, and other grains from the storehouse.
He was quite naked, wearing around His waist only a gold chain with tinkling bells, the sweet sound of which sometimes charmed
even Himself.
He picked up some grains, but as He walked over to the fruit seller, the grains fell through His fingers; only two or three remained.
With very greedy eyes, Kṛṣṇa looked toward the very sweet golden, yellow and reddish fruit – bananas, mangos,
grapes, kadamba, and so many others.
“Oh, give Me fruits, give Me fruits,” He said to her.
The fruit seller looked at Him and became totally charmed.
“I will give them to You if You sit on my lap and call me ‘Mother’.”
This was a very big problem for Kṛṣṇa.
“If I am seen sitting on her lap and addressing her as Mother,” He thought, “everyone will laugh. What should I do?”
He quickly looked here and there to see if anyone was watching.
When He saw that there were no witnesses, then very quickly, for a moment, He sat on the lap of that fruit seller and said, “O Mother, give Me fruits,” and then jumped off.
The fruit seller happily began to give Him fruits.
“What do You want?” she asked.
He replied, “I want this and I want that.”
At first He held out His hands, and then, as He took more and
more fruit, He held both arms close to His chest. She gave Him two,three, four, five fruits and more, until His arms were filled up.
Looking here and there and dancing, He then went to His
mother and put all the fruits in her veil.
“Oh, from where have You brought the fruits?” she asked Him,
and quickly she began to distribute them.
Although hundreds of gopīs came and took those sweet fruits, the supply never diminished. It was unlimited.
And what became of that fruit seller?
She simply sat there deep in thought. Her heart had been stolen by Kṛṣṇa, and without her heart, she could only be absorbed in remembering Him.
After some time, someone came and asked her, “Why are you here?
What are you doing?” Somehow she remembered her duties. She
took her basket and started for her home in Mathurā.
Midway, near to where the Yamunā was flowing, she began to wonder,“Why is my basket so heavy?”
When she removed it from her head, she saw that it was full of diamonds and other jewels.
She became astonished. She put it back on her head, but then threw it into the Yamunā. She had no need at all for the jewels.
What became of her, no one knows.
In the eyes of the world, she had become totally mad.
Do you know what became of her? She became greater than
She was not concerned about whether her veil was on her head or off, whether she was naked, or what her condition was.
She was always in trance. In fact, she entered a state even
greater than trance.
Kṛṣṇa immediately took her body, her outer shell, and gave her a greater position than He gave Pūtanā, sending her to Goloka Vṛndāvana to serve Him there.
Kṛṣṇa is so kind. She had no special relationship with Kṛṣṇa; her bhakti was like śānta-rasa, the mood of neutrality, which is devoid of a mood of service.
Still, thinking her to be like a mother, Kṛṣṇa had called her ‘Mother’ and gave her a position far superior to Pūtanā, Kubjā, and others.
He is so merciful.
Try to quickly realize all these truths.
If your bhakti is very high, then in one birth you can achieve a destination like this.
Krishna captured the heart of this simple lady.
This is Bhakti.
Krishna doesn’t care about what we have done or who we are, because ultimately we are all eternal souls.
If we simply offer a little love to Lord Krishna, He reciprocates with an ocean of infinite love.
Srila Prabhupada explains if we take one sincere step towards Krishna, Krishna is willing to run thousands of steps towards us.
He just wants to see our sincerity.
Why should we be attached to the illusory jewels of this world which simply bind us to ego and attachment, when Krishna is eager to give us the crest jewel of all realization – the jewel of ecstatic love.
When Lord Caitanya was in Varanasi He gave an analogy, “I am like a fruit seller distributing the fruits of love of God. I can’t distribute all these fruits alone. I will give any one of these fruits at the smallest price – the sincerity of willingness to accept them. I am asking all My devotees for all time to come to render the highest welfare work by helping Me distribute these fruits by promoting the chanting of the holy names.”
( Dear readers please comment on this stories )
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare
Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.
PS: I humbly request all the devotees to please forward and share this moral / instructive stories they hear so that everyone can be benefited by hearing about Krishna and his dear devotees.
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Paramananda Das this pastime in Ananda Vrindavana Campu :Bartering for Fruits One day a fruit vendor, well versed in moral laws, stood outside Nanda's gate trying to sell fruits. Hearing her calling for customers, Krsna came out to see. The fruit vendor was enchanted by seeing the two pink land lotuses of Krsna's feet. In the cup of His small lotus hands Krsna brought some food grains to trade for fruits. By the time Krsna reached the fruit vendor, however, most of grains had already slipped out of His hands. The melodious jingling of Krsna's golden ankle-bells captivated the ears of fruit vendor. She absorbed her eyes in the full experience of seeing Krsna, the personified stream of bliss who was more enchanting than a beautiful rain cloud. Absorbed in the bliss of Krsna's association, that pious woman filled her palms with fruits and gladly offered them to Krsna. At that moment the fruit remaining in her basket magically transformed into costly gems and jewels.
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