from BBT page :
10.26: “Holy fig tree!” | |
asvathah sarva-vrksanam: “Of all trees I am the banyan tree.” |
Published editions | Original manuscript |
[Word-for-word section] asvattha—the banyan tree; sarva-vrksanam—of all trees; |
Asvatthah--the beginning trees, Sarvavrksanam--of all trees; |
[Translation] Of all trees I am the |
I am the beginning tree amongst all the trees; |
[Purport] The |
Brilliant tree is the most beautiful and the highest tree, therefore brilliant tree is the presentation of Krishna. In India people in general worship Indian tree as one of the daily morning rituals. |
Comment | |
Botanists classify the banyan tree as a species of fig. People in India, however, do not worship fig trees in general; they worship the banyan. Though the banyan is “the holy fig tree” and tulasi is “the holy basil,” people worship the banyan tree and the tulasi plant, not figs and basils. Clearly, “beginning tree,” “brilliant tree,” and “Indian tree” are all mis-transcriptions of “banyan tree.” See also Bhagavad-gita 15.1, which speaks of a banyan (not fig) tree with its roots up and branches down. More about 10.26 in our next message. |
asvatthah sarva-vrksanam
devarsinam ca naradah
gandharvanam citrarathah ...
siddhanam kapilo munih
asvatthah--the banyan tree; sarva-vrksanam--of all trees; deva-rsinam--of all the sages amongst the demigods; ca--and; naradah--Narada; gandharvanam--the citizens of the Gandharva planet; citrarathah--Citraratha; siddhanam--of all those who are perfected; kapilah munih--Kapila Muni.
Of all trees I am the holy fig tree, and among sages and demigods I am Narada. Of the singers of the gods [Gandharvas] I am Citraratha, and among perfected beings I am the sage Kapila.
The fig tree (asvattha) is one of the most beautiful and highest trees, and people in India often worship it as one of their daily morning rituals. Amongst the demigods they also worship Narada, who is considered the greatest devotee in the universe. Thus he is the representation of Krsna as a devotee. The Gandharva planet is filled with entities who sing beautifully, and among them the best singer is Citraratha. Amongst the perpetually living entities, Kapila is considered an incarnation of Krsna, and His philosophy is mentioned in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. Later on another Kapila became famous, but his philosophy was atheistic. Thus there is a gulf of difference between them.
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Commentary by Sri Keshava Kashmiri of Kumara Sampradaya: Among trees Lord Krishna’s vibhuti or divine, transcendental opulence is the Asvattha or the sacred Banyan tree also called the holy fig tree and known as Ficus Bengalensis. Among celestial sages His vibhuti is Narada of exceptional bhakti or loving devotion. Of the Gandarvas or celestial singers and musicians His vibhuti is Citraratha of outstanding singing. Of perfected beings who have since inception acquired spiritual wisdom, dispassion, renunciation etc. and are endowed with great purity, holiness and enlightenment possessing all siddhis or supernatural powers, His vibhuti is Kapiladeva the son of Kardama Muni and Devahuti.
The fruit of the Indian banyan tree is yet another example of the vital interdependency that exist between species, in our fragile environment. The fig "fruit" is actually a globular receptacle with hundreds of small fleshy flowers inside. The figs are pollinated by a tiny specialized wasp that enters the receptacle through a small opening. The pollinator wasp for Ficus benghalensis is Eupristina masoni. Each female flower inside the receptacle then produces a tiny fruit containing seeds.
The figs are eaten by birds and mammals. Fig seeds are dispersed by birds such as the Indian Mynas and studies have shown that seeds that pass through the digestive system of the bird are more likely to germinate as well as sprout earlier. The Banyan Tree is sacred to Hindus and Buddhists in India and is frequently planted around temples. Being a majestic ornamental tree it is also planted in parks and along streets in the tropics.
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