Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

ISKCON Sanyasis Govardhan Dandavat Parikrama


With all respects to these sannyasis and devotees,Dandavat Parikramas is not our process .

The good part is that doing dandavat parikramas may one day make one chant one lakh of the mahamantra or more.
This is the real proscess of Srila Rupa Goswami and given by Lord Caitanya

From Prema-vilasa Chapter 11:

(Note: Both Shrila Prabhupada and Shrila Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada have accepted Prema-vilasa as a bonafide scripture in their commentaries to Shri Chaitanya-charitamrita Adi-lila 13.60 purport.)

je vaishnava haibe laibe harinama;
sankhya kari nama laile, kripa karena gauradhama.

"Those who are Vaishavas must chant the Holy Names in a particular number everyday. Then Lord Gauranga, the supreme Abode of love will be merciful to them.


purva abhipraye sabe laha harinama;
keha laksha viseshatah mukhe gana.

"Everyone should specifically chant or sing the name loudly 100,000 times a day (64 rounds) with the mood I have described earlier.


narottama laksha nama laya sankhya kari;
nama laile gaurangera sarva sakti dhari.

"O my disciple, Narottama! Please chant 100,000 names everyday while maintaining their count. If you chant in this way then you will become empowered by all the potencies of Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu."

In the Hari-nama-cintamani it is said:

mane habe-aja laksha nama ye kariba;
krame krame tina laksha nama ye smariba.
mahagraha habe citte namera sankhyaya;
acire jabe jadya sadhura kripaya.

"When one's mind desires to chant and remember one hundred thousand holy names (64 rounds) daily and further desires to slowly increase it to three hundred thousand and when one's mind becomes very attached and eager to complete the fixed number of rounds daily and pushes one to complete the sankhya everyday, then it is understood that very soon the laziness or apathy in chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantra will vanish by the mercy of the devotees and one's chanting will bring one the desired fruit of pure love for Krishna."

 I have some extra book bags please come to Washington DC and I will teach these sannyasis how to distribute Srila Prabhupadas books this is the only austerity Srila Prabhupada and Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada asked for.

I pray these devotee may become purified by the dust of Vraja and follow Srila Rupa Goswamis advise:

Shrila Narottama dasa on Laksha Naam

From Prema-vilasa Chapter 17: Shrila Narottama to Shrila Kaviraja on the direct process to achieve love of Krishna:

prabhura achaye sankhya tina laksha nama;
eka laksha bhaktagane kaila kripa dana.

"Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu standard was to chant 3,00,000 names everyday. But He very mercifully awarded His devotees the process of chanting a minimum of 1,00,000 names of Krishna daily.

shri rupa kaila laksha granthera varnana;
tathapiha karila laksha nama grahana.

"Shrila Rupa Goswami has explained and quoted from over 100,000 different scriptures. Even though he was such a great scholar and devotee he himself chanted 100,000 Holy Names daily.

dasa gosvamira ache laksha pramana;
ei mata sarva bhakta kare harinama.

"Shrila Raghunatha dasa Goswami also rigidly followed the instructions of Lord Gauranga by chanting 100,000 names daily. In this way all the devotees chanted the Holy Names of the Lord daily without exception.

gauranga shrimukhe rupe kahila vaishnave;
laksha nama sankhya kari avasya karibe.

"Lord Gauranga gave the following instructions to all the Vaishnavas Himself and also through Shrila Rupa Goswami: Please compulsorily chant 100,000 names of Krishna daily."

Anyhow all glories to their dandavat parikramas.

your servant
Payonidhi das 

Srila Raghunath das Goswami has stated in his Manah Siksa:

  Text 7
pratisthasa dhrsta svapaca-ramani me hrdi natet
katham sadhu-prema sprsati sucir etan nanu manah
sada tvam sevasva prabhu-dayita-samantam atulam
yatha tam niskasya tvaritam iha tam vesayati sah

as long as the impudent untouchable woman of the desire for fame dances in my heart, why should pure love for Radha-Krsna touch me? O mind, continuously serve my spiritual master, the leader of those who are dear to the Lord. Then my master will quickly kick out that harridan and allow that pure love to enter.

Text 8
yatha dustatvam me darayati sathasyapi krpaya
yatha mahyam premamrtam api dadaty ujjvalam asau
atha sri-gandharva-bhajana-vidhaye prerayati mam
tatha gosthe kakva giridharam iha tvam bhaja manah

So That He will mercifully smash my wickedness (even though I am a great rascal), so that He will give me the splendid nectar of transcendental love, and so He will engage me in Sri Radha’s service, please, O mind, with words choked with emotion, worship Lord Giridhari here in Vraja.

Views: 564

Comment by Paramananda das on October 31, 2011 at 11:21pm
I am worried for their health also....  may Radha Krsna take compassion on them


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