Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Is it better to have faith in just Srila Prabhupada than the GBC? And ISKCON Fairy tales.....?

Jaya Narasimhadeva..Jaya Srila Prabhupada
I was reading this article of Caitanya das ,  it is heavy but important.
The ritviks have a point Bhakti Vikas Swami and Jayadvaita Swami are often both outspoken but both are really part of the cover ups in ISKCON .
When I was once concerned with the " Gopi Bhava"   I had a talk with  Bhakti Vikas Swami in 1992, he  went to the GBC and filled a complaint. Jayadvaita Swami immediately defended the Gopi bhava club, his Jewish godbrothers (no surprise there )..and he shouted to Bhakti Vikas Swami :  Who is this Payonidhi das anyway?
The fact is that one can not enter raga marg and be overly attached to managerial powers, and only be chanting 16 rounds ,and being overly attached to comfort position , politics and money and flattering neophyte disciples...and anyone who is a useless kiss up....
   But at least that was a small deviation and  hearing about Raga marg from the lips of a pure vaisnava Narayana Maharaja ,was not a sin ,but their desire to to use raga marg for money. fame profit etc was ...
Srila Raghunath Das Goswami , Srila Rupa Goswami and Srila Sanatana Goswami gave up all their wealth and ..position and
took to raga marg bhakti under the guidance of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Srila Svarupa Damodara Goswami.
The Gopi Bhava club was a million times better than being a gay sannyasi serving under the " Maha- Prabhu " of gays, Maha gay  Kirtananda ...yes murder and pedophiles and criminals   and gays , ruthless demons...
Few days ago a indian devotee came to me and told me how he can no longer be part of ISKCON...I do not blame him..I feel very bad and sad, that so many  socalled senior disciples have failed Srila Prabhupada simply for their own agendas.
Fanatic disciples of Prabhavisnu claim he is a pure devotee, and Bhakti Vikas Swami still supports his former sannyasa Guru..the whole thing is absurd...but it was all a lila ,that Prabhavisnu went to prostitutes for years though in the sannyasa asrama (actually in any asrama this is bogus)..ISKCON management is all about power and position and has nothing to do with actual KC advancement ...And the GBC is still selling its  fairytales and fairy dust that all Srila Prabhupadas disciples are pure devotees wether they chant 16 rounds or not wether they get divorced and remarried again and again, wether they are thieves and liars and pedofiles ,wether they have illicit sex and go to prostitutes or just to lazy to even chant 16 rounds. 75  percent of ISKCON leaders and Prabhupada disciples do not even observe Janmastami properly and take grains on Janmastami . Would you like to hear a fairy tale of ISKCON?
"Once upon a time  , Charles  Bacis, a former "Chelsea Girl" in the Andy Warhol camp. Glorified by Tamal Krsna Maharaja
that his favorite "guru" was Bhavananda, (though Tamal Krsna Maharaja in  for sure knew what Bhavananda did in 1975 at the Goshalla in Mayapure, he molester many indian Guru kula boys and beat just as many, and had sex with a taxi driver in Vrindavana, he taught others how to abuse children also Dhanudhara Swami became his faithful follower and made sure all ISKCON Guru kulis got a good beating as much as possible. Later Bhavananda helped build the Vedic temple in Mayapure and enjoyed the full protection of Jayapataka Swami ( who the GBC told to chant his 16 rounds by the  way), and all lived happy ever after..."
Jayadvaita Swami is so busy trying to lord it over me and others, but he should instead go and make sure his sannyasa godbrothers stay out of illlicit sex and stop visiting prostitues in Thailand.And stop being gays ........and chant their 16 rounds
When leaving ISKCON Potomac after Srila Prabhupadas Vyasa puja offering a disciple of Jayapataka Swami, Caitanya Bhagavan das a former gay TP of ISKCON Potomac comes to me and ask if I am bringing my Govardhana sila for Govardhana puja , still in his fairy tale world that somehow he is still a big manager in ISKCON because he is allowed to help park cars for Janmastami....
Some believers of the ISKCON fairy tales wanted me to take reinitiation from Jayapataka Swami and Bhakti Vikas Swami came to me and insisted I become his disciple, my response:  Are you chanting 64 rounds even?
“In reference to the low-grade happiness of sex life, Yāmunācārya says in this connection: yadāvadhi mama cetaḥ kṛṣṇa-padāravinde nava-nava-rasa-dhāmanudyata rantum āsīt tadāvadhi bata nārī-sańgame smaryamāne bhavati mukha-vikāraḥ suṣṭu niṣṭhīvanaḿ ca “Since I have been engaged in the transcendental loving service of Kṛṣṇa, realizing ever-new pleasure in Him, whenever I think of sex pleasure, I spit at the thought, and my lips curl with distaste.” Yāmunācārya had formerly been a great king who enjoyed sexual happiness in various ways, but since he later engaged himself in the service of the Lord, he enjoyed spiritual bliss and hated to think of sex life. If sexual thoughts came to him, he would spit with disgust.” (Srimad Bhagavatam 7.9.45)
vaisnava das anu das
Paramananda das

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