Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

ignoring GBC resolutions regarding not doing Satya Narayana pujas etc

dear honored vaisnavas

Please accept my humble obaisences

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

In 1996 the GBC passed some rules regarding Satya Narayana pujas and other similar issues, I like to bring

them to attention again as at least one temple in USA is on occasion doing these.Satya Narayan Katha and Puja is a

concocted kind of worship,so our GBC has rightly forbidden these to be performed by ISKCON devotees.As per Srila Prabhupadas

instruction a culture hall etc can be rented out at a temple, as long as the congregation does not think they are ISKCON condoned programs,and they obviously should not be performed by ISKCON devotees.So I am presenting these to the vaisnava community

as a reminder that we should follow Srila Prabhupada's standards, and the GBC has given proper directions in the resolutions of 1996.

Also reading of Ramacarita Manasa, that is a book tinged with Mayavadi ideas,this is also what Srila Prabhupada wrote in his letter to a disciple in 1969,I have also once read part of this book and after each chapter it says one becomes Lord Ramachandra by reading these lilas, and this is clearly there in the hindi also.This book can not be read in the temple room around Ramanavami ,Srila Prabhupada asked devotees to read Ramayana :

69-09-06. Letter: Raktaka
Regarding the two books you have mentioned, Sri Ramacharitamanasa by Goswami Tulasi das is not very authorized, and Ramayana is authorized. One thing is though, you have got enough other books to study. Did you appear in the examination held on Janmastami Day? Why should you go to Ramayana when you have got Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam and Teachings of Lord Caitanya? Don't divert your attention in that way. The author of Ramacharitamanasa, Goswami Tulasi das, has a tint of Mayavadi philosophy. He belongs to the Ramananda Sampradaya. They are mixed up combination of personalist and impersonalist. Therefore, the author is not considered as pure Vaisnava. Pure Vaisnava is free from all material contamination of fruitive activities and mental speculation. The pure Vaisnava is simply, purely disposed to transcendental loving service to Krishna. The pure Vaisnava rejects anything which has no pure idea of serving the Personality of Godhead.

this is part of the GBC resolution of 1996

A. That the following activities are not allowed as part of ISKCON
functions, whether conducted on ISKCON property or elsewhere:

B. Satya Narayana Katha. (This is a concocted form of worship).

C. Garbha dance, when it is conducted in association with the worship of
Durga. (Garbha dance is usually performed as part of Nava-ratri, a Durga
festival. However, there are also Garbha dances in glorification of Krishna.
Temple authorities permitting a Garbha dance must be confident that the
performance is entirely Krishna centered.)

D. The reading of Tulsidasa's Rama-carita-manasa. (Ramayana readings should
be from Valmiki Ramayana, as Tulsidasa's work is tinged with impersonalism.)

E. Lectures advocating Mayavada or other offensive philosophies.

F. The singing of the Hindi arati song "om jaya jagadisha hari". (This is
a prayer for material benedictions).

2. Regarding worship of demigods:

A. Worship of demigods as independent gods is not permitted in
Krishna consciousness. However, the Nectar of Devotion says that demigods
should be respected. Worshipping demigods as Vaisnavas is authorized. For
preaching, in order to teach people the right position of the demigods as
great Vaisnavas, ISKCON temples may hold on special occasions ceremonies or
pujas respecting and worshipping demigods as great Vaisnavas, provided:

i) The worship is only as a Vaisnava (This means that the
deva/devi shall be offered: the prasadam arotika items immediately after
they are offered to Lord Krishna, Krishna prasadam flower garlands, and
Krishna prasadam foodstuffs. No independent worship is offered. Only the
chanting of Hare Krishna and Vishnu's names is done, as Lord Caitanya did in
South India.)

ii) Their status as servants of Krishna is made as clear as
possible through signs, symbols, and iconography, and

iii) Offerings are of Krishna prasadam.

B. Deities of demigods (incl. Lakshmi where no Vishnu is
established), shall not be established without permission of the GBC. Where
they are permitted or where ISKCON aquires a temple with already established
murtis of demigods, they may remain, provided they are worshipped as
Vaisnavas, as provided above.

3. It is permitted for other groups, at the discretion of the local
ISKCON authorities, to rent space in ISKCON premises, outside the temple
room, for their own ceremonies and functions, even for functions listed
above (1.A-E), provided that the public understand clearly that the function
is not being sponsored or conducted by ISKCON. However, no function on
ISKCON property shall include any activity contrary to the four regulative
principles. The GBC recommends that temples provide outside groups rental
contracts clearly stipulating the above restrictions.

your humble servant

Payonidhi das

Views: 1781

Comment by Paramananda das on November 9, 2009 at 10:19am
ISKCON Potomac is still in violation of these GBC rules and a Satya Narayan Puja was conducted by Caitanya Nitai das recentely,and the head pujari Naveen Krsna das performs them in the house of the congregations...I can not associate with such offenders to Srila Prabhupada simply to make some money, that the GBC ,Anuttama Prabhu allows this is unconscionable and objectionable
your humble servant

Payonidhi das

Personally I will not associate with or have anything to do with any devotee in ISKCON that performs Satya Narayana puja or allows
the reading of Ramacarita Manasa in the temple room, I will never again visit a temple where such activities takes place.Also some temples allows the weddings of non initiated devotees in front of Radha Krsna, this is also against Srila Prabhupadas instructions.Temples are meant to be places of preaching and distributing Srila Prabhupadas books. Not comforting and engaging in Hindu rituals.

I am sorry for my straight forward approach after 13 years of deviations with no sign of change, I have today been forced to take a stand based on inner guidance of Srila Prabhupada and Lord Caitanya.I kindly urge devotees engaged in these deviations to desist , I will stay clear from all such deviant devotees from now on until they reform on their own , or with the help of senior devotees and the GBC.Sadly
I believe ISKCON in some places have been infiltrated by Kali to the extent the hindu rituals will not go away, and I am not talking about bonafide samskaras.But sadly I believe no one will lift a finger so for the next 10.000 years some temples .will be in deviation of Srila Prabhupadas standards for ISKCON in this matter? . Those who are true Prabhupadaanugas should not tolerate such deviations of the purity of ISKCON. Mostly indian bodied devotees that does these things know it is wrong and still they do them.
This is all very sad, and I hate to be the bearer of such depressing news, but someone has to tell "the emperor to put his cloth on".
I have no interest to hear from anyone trying to cover up such activities..I have talked to Anuttama Prabhu and Naveen Krsna Prabhu.
They will not listen .Caitanya Nitai das will not listen, he wants money,by hook and crook that is his only concern.If any TP or GBC reads this and you agree this is a deviation (which is obvious) kindly take it to the next level and do something,,Those who ignore this are also guilty by not speaking up and doing something about it.Just like those who did not get angry when Sisupala offended Sri Krsna where guilty due to their ignorance of Krsnas glories, these are offenses to Srila Prabhupada,and Sri Krsna.Srila Prabhupada did not
want ISKCON to become a Hindu society .These are also GBC rules..why will some not follow and why will the NA GBC remain silent, we have brought this complaint again and again in a vaisnava way and very respectfully .I believe the North American GBC has not discussed this yet? I like to know why? And the international GBC also should kindly enforce these rules ,they are there for something good(to protect ISKCON from becoming a hindu society)
Yours sincerely in service to Srila Prabhupada
Payonidhi das
Comment by Paramananda das on November 10, 2009 at 4:22am
dear Caitanya Nitai and Naveen Krsna Prabhus
Please accept my humble obaisences
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
Why are you doing Satya Narayana pujas? Do you not have enough money?The temple gives you a nice place to live
and you have all facilities.Why are you conducting these bogus Satya Narayana pujas? I told Naveen Krsna they are against
GBC rules?I have been told Anuttama Prabhu even provides healthcare for the devotees living in the temple out of his own pocket,and
you seem to have some kind of allowance from the temple,why are you conducting these Satya Narayana pujas?WHY?
Why do I have to stay away from the temple, because I am so offended with your selfish actions,you will steep to such a low level
to conduct Satya Narayana pujas.Why is it even Anuttama Prabhus duty to come and chastise you both for not following Srila Prabhupadas instructions? At least Naveen says he no longer does the Satya Narayana pujas at the temple.I saw him one day do some
kind of hindu thing,right in front of the Deities.ISKCON is not a hindu temple.Why are you both deviating from Srila Prabhupada in this way.Almost every time Caitanya Nitai Prabhu and his family goes to India,I also give him some donation.What will it take you both
to stop this Satya Narayan puja?.Do you not care it is displeasing to Srila Prabhupada and Krsna?I personally am so offended by you doing this,I can not go to ISKCON Potomac in peace.You are making Srila Prabhupadas temple into a hindu temple.Why will you not allow me, take darshan of Radha Madan Mohan in peace?Why can I not come and see the beautiful lotusfeet of Sita Rama Laxmana and Hanuman, and Gaura Nitai.Why are you poisening my faith in ISKCON and the GBC?Why are you killing me in this way?
I was asked to leave the Potomac temple(1995), because I objected to the Satya Narayana pujas, RamaKrsna mission etc and mayavadis renting the culture hall .(and congregation coming thinking this is an ISKCON program).The recitaion of Ramacarita manasa is also not allowed in the temple room and still it goes on year after year.Why will you two not follow Srila Prabhupada?.As for Naveen Krsna Prabhu if you do not stop this Satya Narayana pujas I will contact your Gurumaharaja HH Navayogendra Swami and ask him to make you stop it.I am not sure you listen to him.As for Caitanya Nitai ..who is your authority? You both seem to run an indepent program, because there is no TP to direct you both/.Devaprastha Prabhu that is supposed to be the TP is not at the temple, I never see him there.So you just do anything you like to make "a buck "?.Why are you making a mockery of Srila Prabhupadas movements and making it into some cheap hindu thing?You are not giving me peace by doing this, you are killing me by making ISKCON into a hindu society..why do I have to come back in next life again ,to again preach to persons like you to not do Satya Naryaana pujas for money?
I am very saddened by your offences to Srila Prabhupada in this way,,untill you please give me the good news you have stopped doing Satya Narayana pujas,I can not take darshan of Radha Madan Mohan in peace,Because I know this is personally offending Sri Sri Radha Madan Mohan,if you claim to have any devotion for Them, then please stop this act right away.I can not think of anyone doing something meaner to me than doing this Satya Narayana puja,if you kick me or spit me in the face, or stap me with a knife even,I will
think it a blessing compared to doing Satya Narayana pujas, because you are misleading people by doing this concocted worship and you are helping people top remain bound up in the laws of karma.Simply because you want to make money, in this cheap fashion.I am adding many senior devotees to this email and I hope you can defend your position of doing this nonsens, or desist from it.I garantie you
there is some serious karmic reactions to do Satya Narayan pujas also.That the GBC allowed these things to go on in the culture halls seperate from the temple room, is because Srila Prabhupada allowed this in some directions,Understood that these bogus things will give the temple some extra laxmi. The GBC in 1996 also stated as long as the regulative priniciples are not broken .But these things such a Satya Narayana pujas should never be conducted by ISKCON devotees.Even in 1995 this was not the case.I hope you will discuss this with me and hopefully also some senior devotees will be kind and give their input.Personally I am very disturbed about anything that makes ISKCON into a hindu society or promotes hindu ideas.We have to very carefully give people Srila Prabhupada
teachings the way he taught, no add such speculations.Srila Prabhupada says in one letter:" We critizise the bogus brahmanas ,but if we become like them everything is lost...Srila Prabhupada underwent such austerities to start KC, and this is how you reward him?
By doing Satya Narayaan pujas?
I found this conversation from 1977:
Tamala Krsna: Therefore traditionally the sadhus will not go outside India. They won't cross the ocean.
Prabhupada: And I took the risk. I told you the story, that I was keeping my foodstuff in the same Frigidaire that dog's flesh is here. What can I do? Circumstance. Therefore this rascal, Ginsberg, he used
to say, "Swamiji, you are very conservative." And "You do not know what is conservative. I'm so lenient. You do not know what is the meaning of conservative," I used to reply him. If I was conservative,
then for a single moment I could not stay here. Immediately I would have gone.
Tamala Krsna: But with yourself you were very conservative. With others you were very lenient, but in your own personal...
Prabhupada: No, no, strictly I am not doing because I am keeping my foodstuff in the same Frigidaire where there is leftover and meat and dog's food is kept. (end)

Srila Prabhupada underwent such austerities so you can live in his nice temple and is this how you reward Srila Prabhupada ?

your humble servant
Payonidhi das
dear honored vaisnavas

Please accept my humble obaisences

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

In 1996 the GBC passed some rules regarding Satya Narayana pujas and other similar issues, I like to bring

them to attention again as at least one temple in USA is on occasion doing these.Satya Narayan Katha and Puja is a

concocted kind of worship,so our GBC has rightly forbidden these to be performed by ISKCON devotees.As per Srila Prabhupadas

instruction a culture hall etc can be rented out at a temple, as long as the congregation does not think they are ISKCON condoned programs,and they obviously should not be performed by ISKCON devotees.So I am presenting these to the vaisnava community

as a reminder that we should follow Srila Prabhupada's standards, and the GBC has given proper directions in the resolutions of 1996.

Also reading of Ramacarita Manasa, that is a book tinged with Mayavadi ideas,this is also what Srila Prabhupada wrote in his letter to a disciple in 1969,I have also once read part of this book and after each chapter it says one becomes Lord Ramachandra by reading these lilas, and this is clearly there in the hindi also.This book can not be read in the temple room around Ramanavami ,Srila Prabhupada asked devotees to read Ramayana :

69-09-06. Letter: Raktaka
Regarding the two books you have mentioned, Sri Ramacharitamanasa by Goswami Tulasi das is not very authorized, and Ramayana is authorized. One thing is though, you have got enough other books to study. Did you appear in the examination held on Janmastami Day? Why should you go to Ramayana when you have got Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam and Teachings of Lord Caitanya? Don't divert your attention in that way. The author of Ramacharitamanasa, Goswami Tulasi das, has a tint of Mayavadi philosophy. He belongs to the Ramananda Sampradaya. They are mixed up combination of personalist and impersonalist. Therefore, the author is not considered as pure Vaisnava. Pure Vaisnava is free from all material contamination of fruitive activities and mental speculation. The pure Vaisnava is simply, purely disposed to transcendental loving service to Krishna. The pure Vaisnava rejects anything which has no pure idea of serving the Personality of Godhead.

this is part of the GBC resolution of 1996

A. That the following activities are not allowed as part of ISKCON
functions, whether conducted on ISKCON property or elsewhere:

B. Satya Narayana Katha. (This is a concocted form of worship).

C. Garbha dance, when it is conducted in association with the worship of
Durga. (Garbha dance is usually performed as part of Nava-ratri, a Durga
festival. However, there are also Garbha dances in glorification of Krishna.
Temple authorities permitting a Garbha dance must be confident that the
performance is entirely Krishna centered.)

D. The reading of Tulsidasa's Rama-carita-manasa. (Ramayana readings should
be from Valmiki Ramayana, as Tulsidasa's work is tinged with impersonalism.)

E. Lectures advocating Mayavada or other offensive philosophies.

F. The singing of the Hindi arati song "om jaya jagadisha hari". (This is
a prayer for material benedictions).

2. Regarding worship of demigods:

A. Worship of demigods as independent gods is not permitted in
Krishna consciousness. However, the Nectar of Devotion says that demigods
should be respected. Worshipping demigods as Vaisnavas is authorized. For
preaching, in order to teach people the right position of the demigods as
great Vaisnavas, ISKCON temples may hold on special occasions ceremonies or
pujas respecting and worshipping demigods as great Vaisnavas, provided:

i) The worship is only as a Vaisnava (This means that the
deva/devi shall be offered: the prasadam arotika items immediately after
they are offered to Lord Krishna, Krishna prasadam flower garlands, and
Krishna prasadam foodstuffs. No independent worship is offered. Only the
chanting of Hare Krishna and Vishnu's names is done, as Lord Caitanya did in
South India.)

ii) Their status as servants of Krishna is made as clear as
possible through signs, symbols, and iconography, and

iii) Offerings are of Krishna prasadam.

B. Deities of demigods (incl. Lakshmi where no Vishnu is
established), shall not be established without permission of the GBC. Where
they are permitted or where ISKCON aquires a temple with already established
murtis of demigods, they may remain, provided they are worshipped as
Vaisnavas, as provided above.

3. It is permitted for other groups, at the discretion of the local
ISKCON authorities, to rent space in ISKCON premises, outside the temple
room, for their own ceremonies and functions, even for functions listed
above (1.A-E), provided that the public understand clearly that the function
is not being sponsored or conducted by ISKCON. However, no function on
ISKCON property shall include any activity contrary to the four regulative
principles. The GBC recommends that temples provide outside groups rental
contracts clearly stipulating the above restrictions.
Comment by Paramananda das on November 10, 2009 at 4:25am
1970 May 25: "Regarding using our Temple for marriage ceremonies for the Hindu community, we cannot take responsibility for marrying others who are not initiated by us."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1970
Comment by Paramananda das on November 10, 2009 at 10:59am
I have written the GBC:
an amendment to GBC resolution from 1996 regarding Satya Narayana pujas

dear respected members of the GBC and GBC secretaries
Please accept my humble obaisences
All glories to Srila Prabhupda

In 1996 the GBC passed some rules regarding Satya Narayana pujas and other similar issues, I like to bring

them to attention again as at least one temple in USA is on occasion doing these.Satya Narayan Katha and Puja is a

concocted kind of worship,so our GBC has rightly forbidden these to be performed by ISKCON devotees.As per Srila Prabhupadas

instruction a culture hall etc can be rented out at a temple, as long as the congregation does not think they are ISKCON condoned programs,and they obviously should not be performed by ISKCON devotees.So I am presenting these to the vaisnava community

as a reminder that we should follow Srila Prabhupada's standards, and the GBC has given proper directions in the resolutions of 1996.

Also reading of Ramacarita Manasa, that is a book tinged with Mayavadi ideas,this is also what Srila Prabhupada wrote in his letter to a disciple in 1969,I have also once read part of this book and after each chapter it says one becomes Lord Ramachandra by reading these lilas, and this is clearly there in the hindi also.This book can not be read in the temple room around Ramanavami ,Srila Prabhupada asked devotees to read Ramayana :

69-09-06. Letter: Raktaka
Regarding the two books you have mentioned, Sri Ramacharitamanasa by Goswami Tulasi das is not very authorized, and Ramayana is authorized. One thing is though, you have got enough other books to study. Did you appear in the examination held on Janmastami Day? Why should you go to Ramayana when you have got Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam and Teachings of Lord Caitanya? Don't divert your attention in that way. The author of Ramacharitamanasa, Goswami Tulasi das, has a tint of Mayavadi philosophy. He belongs to the Ramananda Sampradaya. They are mixed up combination of personalist and impersonalist. Therefore, the author is not considered as pure Vaisnava. Pure Vaisnava is free from all material contamination of fruitive activities and mental speculation. The pure Vaisnava is simply, purely disposed to transcendental loving service to Krishna. The pure Vaisnava rejects anything which has no pure idea of serving the Personality of Godhead.

this is part of the GBC resolution of 1996

A. That the following activities are not allowed as part of ISKCON
functions, whether conducted on ISKCON property or elsewhere:

B. Satya Narayana Katha. (This is a concocted form of worship).

C. Garbha dance, when it is conducted in association with the worship of
Durga. (Garbha dance is usually performed as part of Nava-ratri, a Durga
festival. However, there are also Garbha dances in glorification of Krishna.
Temple authorities permitting a Garbha dance must be confident that the
performance is entirely Krishna centered.)

D. The reading of Tulsidasa's Rama-carita-manasa. (Ramayana readings should
be from Valmiki Ramayana, as Tulsidasa's work is tinged with impersonalism.)

E. Lectures advocating Mayavada or other offensive philosophies.

F. The singing of the Hindi arati song "om jaya jagadisha hari". (This is
a prayer for material benedictions).

2. Regarding worship of demigods:

A. Worship of demigods as independent gods is not permitted in
Krishna consciousness. However, the Nectar of Devotion says that demigods
should be respected. Worshipping demigods as Vaisnavas is authorized. For
preaching, in order to teach people the right position of the demigods as
great Vaisnavas, ISKCON temples may hold on special occasions ceremonies or
pujas respecting and worshipping demigods as great Vaisnavas, provided:

i) The worship is only as a Vaisnava (This means that the
deva/devi shall be offered: the prasadam arotika items immediately after
they are offered to Lord Krishna, Krishna prasadam flower garlands, and
Krishna prasadam foodstuffs. No independent worship is offered. Only the
chanting of Hare Krishna and Vishnu's names is done, as Lord Caitanya did in
South India.)

ii) Their status as servants of Krishna is made as clear as
possible through signs, symbols, and iconography, and

iii) Offerings are of Krishna prasadam.

B. Deities of demigods (incl. Lakshmi where no Vishnu is
established), shall not be established without permission of the GBC. Where
they are permitted or where ISKCON aquires a temple with already established
murtis of demigods, they may remain, provided they are worshipped as
Vaisnavas, as provided above.

3. It is permitted for other groups, at the discretion of the local
ISKCON authorities, to rent space in ISKCON premises, outside the temple
room, for their own ceremonies and functions, even for functions listed
above (1.A-E), provided that the public understand clearly that the function
is not being sponsored or conducted by ISKCON. However, no function on
ISKCON property shall include any activity contrary to the four regulative
principles. The GBC recommends that temples provide outside groups rental
contracts clearly stipulating the above restrictions.

your humble servant

Payonidhi das

I humbly suggest to the GBC that no devotees in ISKCON should perform any of these hindu rituals as Satya Narayana pujas ,it should have already been understood by these above rules , but since ISKCON Potomac is in deviation with this (and maybe other temples as well) ,I humby suggest this be added to the exisiting rules.
Also the reading of Ramacarita Manasa is still going on in the temple room at ISKCON Potomac,I have repeadetly reminded Anuttama Prabhu about these rules, but he ignores it and year after year, Ramacarita Manasa is being read out in front of Sri Sri Radha Madan Mohan around Ramanavami.
I did not find any GBC member to approve of this complaint yet, but even in Vedic society any citizen can approach a king with a complaint,so I do not see why the GBC would ignore such an important issue related to the purity of ISKCON .I was personally asked to leave the temple in 1995, because of objecting to such hinduization of ISKCON.I humbly ask that the deviations stop.And I should be given an apology for these devotees deviating from Srila Prabhupadas teachings even 14 years later ,and the standard as set by Srila Prabhupada and the GBC should be enforced.Why should persons that do Satya Narayan pujas be allowed at an ISKCON temple wheras a serious dedicated bookdistributor being asked to leave a temple these are very great offences.
Srila Prabhupada also did not approve of marrying non devotees.This takes place in some temples in ISKCON.
1970 May 25: "Regarding using our Temple for marriage ceremonies for the Hindu community, we cannot take responsibility for marrying others who are not initiated by us."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1970
Comment by Paramananda das on November 11, 2009 at 10:06am
these verses describes those who do Satya narayana pujas in an ISKCON temple SB 3.29.8: Devotional service executed by a person who is envious, proud, violent and angry, and who is a separatist, is considered to be in the mode of darkness.. · .SB 3.29.9: The worship of Deities in the temple by a separatist, with a motive for material enjoyment, fame and opulence, is devotion in the mode of passion. No pure soul will do Satya Narayana pujas ,as it disagrees with Srila Prabhupadas teachings and sastra and even the GBC.Thus such persons are envious of even Paramatma and Srila Prabhupada.
your servantPayonidhi das
Comment by Paramananda das on November 12, 2009 at 8:14am
this is an email to the minister for Deity worship:
dear Nrsimha Kavaca Prabhu
Please accept my humble obaisences
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
My very first GBC proposal is to get rid of Satyanarayana pujas in all ISKCON temples.In 1995 I made this proposal to the
GBC ,and they passed some laws in 1996, to this day ,it goes on in at least ISKCON Potomac, and these pujas are done by Caitanya Nitai das at the culture hall and Naveen Krsna das (headpujari) does them at peoples houses(sometimes it seems he does them in the temple room also).The GBC stated in 1996 that a culture hall can be rented out , but not that such a concocted worship can be done by an initiated devotee (to make money or not obviously the motivtion is money here).The GBC needs to make it clear this is not wanted.(It is misleading people away from devotional service and this ritual is not bonafide).Secondly there is reading of Ramacarita Manasa, which Srila Prabhupada forbad in ISKCON this book is full of mayavadi ideas that one becomes one with Lord Rama by reading this.
Every year at Ramanavami there is some reading at ISCKON Potomac in the temple room which is against the GBC rule of 1996.It is a great offence to Lord Ramachandra that personally is worshipped in His Archa Vigraha form in ISKCON Potomac.
These devotees are heartless and allows this reading from a book that says we should all become one with Lord Ramachandra, right in front of Lord Rama, on the holy day of Ramanavami..this is terrible, and offensive.But these devotees there including Anuttama sees nothing wrong in it.You have helped before when I complained some devotees did not even wear tilak and brahmin treat when doing artik for Radhamadan Mohan.So on this holy ekadasi I am asking you again,to protect Lord Ramachandra from having to hear such offensive reading,.We are trying to encourage people to become
devotees, not attain the same destination of Ravana to become one with Lord Ramachandra.Vaisnavas never accept sayjya mukti or any literature that glorifies it, this is the strict example of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and we should follow Srila Prabhupadas instruction and not allow reading of this book in our temples.It is not sectarian it is the order of Lord Caitanya Himself,and if we do not follow we will greatly displease Lord Caitanya and Lord RAMA and their pure servant Srila Prabhupada
your humble servant
Payonidhi das
Comment by Paramananda das on November 13, 2009 at 12:23am
email to several GBC and senior devotees:

dandavat pranams
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
Tulsi das writes Dhol Ganwar Shudra Pashu Nari, Yeh sab taran ke adhikari (Drums, ill-mannered persons, downtrodden, animals, women, all these deserve beating). ...well in India there is a lot of beating of women quoting Tulsi das.So this book has many tamasic traces to it.. many modern Indian living in the west is repulsed by Tulsi das.Ramacarita Manasa..I have met Indians on sankirtana and telling them we do not accept Tulsi das, and one indian family said we came to the temple(ISKCON Potomac) and we hear this book (as they once came on Ramanavami also) I told them that we accept Valmiki Ramayana and gave them several reason,why this book is not allowed.So then they said well if this is your society rule they should nto read this book...they where from Lucknow and did not respect Tulsi das Ramacarita Manasa..they do however read Valmiki Ramayana we had a nice coversation about the difference.Even the muslims use this quote of Tulsi das to show their agenda that the hindus are not so civil
We should distance ourself as much as possible from Ramacarita Manasa..Srila Prabhupada,Radhanath Maharaja and Radha Govinda Maharaja have the intelligence to attract the masses..even by quoting this book on the occasion, but it is a banned book by Srila Prabhupada and it has no place to be read in the temple room.It also has a pastime of Narada Muni that puts him in bad light and not appriciated by Gaudiya vaisnavas...some vaisnavas born in Bihara like this Ramacarita Manasa also as they grew up with it and Tulsi das is from Bihar,for preaching we should as much as possible avoid it ,in
the west and especailly in India,we should educate people the Ramayana is much higher(absolute actually).If we encourage them to keep reading this book and they keep thinking ,yes I will also be Lord Ramachandra or be one with Him.So Bhakti Visrambha Madhava Maharaja, I also mean every word I have written about this.If one person leaves with the impression Ramamcarita is a bonafide book from our preaching, then we are rascals.Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada had a disciple that spoke out against RamaKrsna and Vivikananda.he was very pleased...we may be a bit tactful..but not condone so much nonsens to simply get donations.And send people to hell.Better tell the truth this books is tinged with Maayvadi ideas, please take this book Ramayana..we have to break hundreds of years of having hindus see Ramacarita Manasa as their "Bible" or main granth ,and give them the real thing
your servant
Payonidhi das


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