Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

dear devotees

Please accept my humble obaisences

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

I am accepting disciples now.With the fall of Umapati and Prabhavisnu and others, I know it is time I step up to the plate.

Life is short and tottering like a drop of water on a lotusleaf.No one knows when he/she has to leave this mortal body.

I have send devotees into the mouth of lions for years of unqualified Guru. I am accepting disciples now because , someone

has to train devotees properly .I am  doing this without authorization or blessings from the the GBC and ISKCON and taking

full responsibility for my own actions. I have recently inspired my first disciples to chant not less than 16 rounds and and follow

strictly 4 regs.I am not liked by some and having taken reinitation from Narayana Maharaja ,they hate me.But this jealousy

of some neophytes will not deter me.There is several persons I have been vartma pradaksa Guru for ,for years and siksa Gurus for

.Some have no interest to visit an ISKCON temple, as they are not inspired there.So I will not allow them to escape the mercy of

Srila Prabhupada and Krishna.I have accepted my first 2 disciples and given them spiritual names and they are accountable

to me only , as they have little faith in ISKCON as an institution I can not blame them and am trying to increase their faith

in Srila Prabhupadas teachings and hope one day I can introduce them to a reformed ISKCON.Because as I see it now,

to many of Srila Prabhupadas instructions are being ignored, and to many persons use ISKCON for their own  selfish purposes

and water down the teachings of Srila Prabhupada.I am not going to be part of this anymore.

If you want to bless me curse me or whatever, it means nothing to me much as I am not this body .Blessings are however welcome.

I wish your the very best, and if I send you this ,is because I value you as a devotee, and always pray for you and hope we can all

work together to spread KC.If I get banned from ISKCON I do not care, if some neophyte Guru send their "kali chela disciples" to try to kill me

even I do not care.All I care about is to please Srila Prabhupada, and the beautiful lotusfeet of Nitai Gaura.

All the best, Hare Krishna!

your servant

Paramananda das

Views: 239

Comment by Paramananda das on January 19, 2012 at 2:51pm
I have deciced to take disciples,since some time,as there is many persons that need my help ,and I can not longer send anyone into the lions den of Gurus in ISKCON, with all due respect.After so many severe falldowns and homosexual Gurus...
I am going by the name Paramananda das given by HH Narayaan Maharaja after the fall of Harikesa.
and have accepted 2 disciples ,I have 4 more siksa disciples.
My gurudeva stated that those who are senior among his discipels can do so, so on his behalf and of course not any ISKCON GBC blessings etc.I am doing so.However I respect you and hope you will bless my endeavors to please Srila Prabhupada.I di
your humble servant
Paramananda das
(alias Payonidhi das)
He left this advise:
‎1.He is allowing all sannyasis (and senior devotees) who think themselves qualified. 2.He is leaving it up to the personal discretion of each individual sannyasi as to whether or not that sannyasi thinks himself qualified to initiate. If ...the sannyasi thinks himself qualified but is actually a kanistha-adhikari, he will fall down. 3.The minimum requirement to initiate is madhyama-adhikari, preferably madhyama-madhyama; still better is madhyama-uttama, and best is uttama (who is playing the role of madhyama). Uttama is very rare, whereas madhyama is more available. 4.The disciple should see his guru as uttama-adhikari, otherwise he cannot advance, and therefore one should take the time to consider before accepting him. If the guru is not actually uttama, Krsna and Balarama and Nityananda Prabhu, as akhanda-guru-tattva, will accept the worship and fulfill the prayers of that sincere disciple. They will make arrangements for him to advance. They may arrange for him to connect with an uttama Vaisnava, or self-realized, sad-guru. 5.Many more things.


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