Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

How much oral sex can a Hare Krsna have ?

how much oral sex can a Hare Krsna have ?
Well I got this question today so this is the answer from Srimad Bhagavatam
ŚB 5.26.26
यस्त्विह वै सवर्णां भार्यां द्विजो रेत: पाययति काममोहितस्तं पापकृतममुत्र रेत:कुल्यायां पातयित्वा रेत: सम्पाययन्ति ॥ २६ ॥
yas tv iha vai savarṇāṁ bhāryāṁ dvijo retaḥ pāyayati kāma-mohitas taṁ pāpa-kṛtam amutra retaḥ-kulyāyāṁ pātayitvā retaḥ sampāyayanti.
yaḥ — any person who; tu — but; iha — in this life; vai — indeed; savarṇām — of the same caste; bhāryām — his wife; dvijaḥ — a person of a higher caste (such as a brāhmaṇa, kṣatriya or vaiśya); retaḥ — the semen; pāyayati — causes to drink; kāma-mohitaḥ — being deluded by lusty desires; tam — him; pāpa-kṛtam — performing sin; amutra — in the next life; retaḥ-kulyāyām — in a river of semen; pātayitvā — throwing; retaḥ — semen; sampāyayanti — force to drink.

If a foolish member of the twice-born classes [brāhmaṇa, kṣatriya and vaiśya] forces his wife to drink his semen out of a lusty desire to keep her under control, he is put after death into the hell known as Lālābhakṣa. There he is thrown into a flowing river of semen, which he is forced to drink.

The practice of forcing one’s wife to drink one’s own semen is a black art practiced by extremely lusty persons. Those who practice this very abominable activity say that if a wife is forced to drink her husband’s semen, she remains very faithful to him. Generally only low-class men engage in this black art, but if a man born in a higher class does so, after death he is put into the hell known as Lālābhakṣa. There he is immersed in the river known as Śukra-nadī and forced to drink semen.

this is from the socalled edited version and Srila Prabhupadas original book says the same :

yas tv iha vai savarṇāṁ bhāryāṁ dvijo retaḥ pāyayati kāma-mohitas taṁ pāpa-kṛtam amutra retaḥ-kulyāyāṁ pātayitvā retaḥ sampāyayanti.
yaḥ—any person who; tu—but; iha—in this life; vai—indeed; savarṇām—of the same caste; bhāryām—his wife; dvijaḥ—a person of a higher caste (such as a brāhmaṇa, kṣatriya or vaiśya); retaḥ—the semen; pāyayati—causes to drink; kāma-mohitaḥ—being deluded by lusty desires; tam—him; pāpa-kṛtam—performing sin; amutra—in the next life; retaḥ-kulyāyām—in a river of semen; pātayitvā—throwing; retaḥ—semen; sampāyayanti—force to drink.
If a foolish member of the twice-born classes [brāhmaṇa, kṣatriya and vaiśya] forces his wife to drink his semen out of a lusty desire to keep her under control, he is put after death into the hell known as Lālābhakṣa. There he is thrown into a flowing river of semen, which he is forced to drink.
The practice of forcing one’s wife to drink one’s own semen is a black art practiced by extremely lusty persons. Those who practice this very abominable activity say that if a wife is forced to drink her husband’s semen, she remains very faithful to him. Generally only low-class men engage in this black art, but if a man born in a higher class does so, after death he is put into the hell known as Lālābhakṣa. There he is immersed in the river known as Śukra-nadī and forced to drink semen.

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