Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

dear devotees

Please accept my humble obaisences
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
 When reading Srimad Bhagavatam 3.18.7 :

SB 3.18.7: The demon, who had golden hair on his head and fearful tusks, gave chase to the Lord while He was rising from the water, even as an alligator would chase an elephant. Roaring like thunder, he said: Are You not ashamed of running away before a challenging adversary? There is nothing reproachable for shameless creatures!

The pre 1977 and present BBT  edition is the same

Hiranyaksa with tusks?

It made me think, Srila Prabhupada in his rascal editors june 1977 stated to leave his books alone.

In Caitanya Bhagavad chapter 11 of Adi Khanda we find this exhange with Lord Caitanya and Isvara Puri :

Lord Chaitanya visited Isvara Puri every evening after teaching his students. Isvara Puri was always glad to see him. Although he did not know that Nimai was the Supreme Personality of Godhead, his love and affection for him flowed unrestrained. He spoke affectionately to the Lord, "I know you are a great scholar. I have written a book about Lord Krishna. I want you to go through it and find the mistakes. This will please me very much."
"These are descriptions of Lord Krishna by a pure devotee," replied Nimai. If anyone finds any mistake, then he is a sinful offender. The pure devotee never writes anything from his imagination, devoid of a scriptural basis. These writings are bonafide and always pleasing to Lord Krishna. When offering obeisances in the temple an ignorant person might make a grammatical mistake in addressing Lord Krishna while a learned scholar would address him using proper grammar. But the Supreme Lord Krishna accepts both their obeisances. The Supreme Lord is not impressed with mere learning, but He is supplicated by the inner mood of surrender of the living entities. Whoever looks for faults in your writings is actually at fault himself because Krishna is fully satisfied by the writing of this pure devotee. Whatever you have written is an expression of your love for Krishna. Who has the audacity to find some discrepancy in it?"
IsvaraChandra Puri felt ecstasy surge through his entire body with the explanation of Nimai Pandita. Yet he affectionately persisted, "I know you are not critical but in my works there may be so many types of errors. Please point them out to me." Such discussions between Sri Puri and Nimai Pandita were a daily occurrence and everyone enjoyed such occasions together.
One day Nimai Pandita detected a fault in one of Isvara Puri's poems and commented that the use of the verb root was inaccurate. "It should be a different verb, not 'Atma Nipodi' as you have used here," said the Lord. After the discussion Nimai went home. Isvara Puri was an erudite scholar, well versed in all the scriptures and no less a pandita in grammar and other materialistic subjects. After Nimai left, he considered Nimai's comment from various aspects and compared it with many different grammatical or shastric conclusions. When Nimai came to see him the next day Sri Puri said, "That verb root you considered to be wrong is actually correct as I have used it. It should not be `Paradpaidi' as you suggested. 'Atma Nipodi' is the correct usage."
The Lord was overjoyed that his servant and devotee was victorious over Him. That was the Lord's magnanimous nature through which He always increased the name frame and victory of his disciples. This has been confirmed in all the Vedic scriptures.
Having enjoyed every moment of his association with the Supreme Lord--engaged in discussion and debate like two scholarsIsvaraChandra Puri left Nabadwip. He could never remain long in one place because the restlessness of ecstatic devotional love tugged at his heart. He travelled, purifying each place he visited.
Whoever is fortunate enough to attentively hear these wonderful narrations about IsvaraChandra Puri is immediately transported to the place where the lotus feet of Lord Krishna are ever offering shelter and mercy. Sri Isvara Puri was fully empowered by Sri Madhavendra Puri and was thus endowed with intense love of God. He had received that full love and affection from his spiritual master by the mercy of Krishna. IsvaraChandra Puri roamed everywhere, unconcerned and fully blissful. "Sri Krishna Chaitanya and Nityananda Chandra are my life and soul. I, Vrndavana dasa Thakura , humbly offer my song at Their lotus feet.


So these words of Lord Caitanya stands out: Whoever looks for faults in your writings is actually at fault himself because Krishna is fully satisfied by the writing of this pure devotee. Whatever you have written is an expression of your love for Krishna. Who has the audacity to find some discrepancy in it?"


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