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Vaisnava aparadha
yo hi bhagavatam lokam upahasam nrpottama
koroti yasya nasyanti artha dharma yasah sutah
hanti nindati vai dvesti vaisnavan na abhinandati
krudhyate yati no harsam darsane patanani sat
(Hari Bhakti Vilasa 10.310,312, from Skanda Purana,
conversation between Markandeya Rsi and King
Oh King, anybody who makes fun out of the devotee of
the Supreme Personality to Godhead, his religiosity,
wealth, fame and family members all reach ruination or
are destroyed. Any person who kicks a Vaisnava,
criticizes him, angers him, envies him, who is not
pleased to see him or disrespects him, Mother Nature
becomes very angry with him and is not happy with him.
They are sent to the hellish planets. These six things
are meant for his degradation. (Therefore one should
avoid these six demonic activities).
pujito bhagavan visnur janmantara satair api
prasidati na visvatma vaisnave ca apamanite
(Hari Bhakti Vilasa 10.315, from Dvaraka Mahatmya,
conversation between Prahlada Maharaja and Bali
Any person who has criticized a Vaisnava, such
sinners, even if they worship Lord Sri Visnu, the
source of the whole world for hundreds of births, with
such insulters of Vaisnavas, Lord Hari does not remain
Skanda Purana lists six kinds of Vaisnava aparadhas
hanti nindati vai dvesthi
vaisnavan na abhinandati
krudhyate yati no harsam
darsane patanani sat
(1) Killing or physically harming a devotee
(2) Criticizing or blaspheming a devotee for
(a) having a body born in a low family (listed in
(b) having a body with a bad complexion (listed in
(c) having a deformed body (listed in Upadesamrta)
(d) having a diseased or infirm body (listed in
(e) having traces of sins or imperfectness listed in
previous sinful life(s)
(listed in Harinama Cintamani)
(f) having an accidental or momentary falldown
(listed in Harinama Cintamani)
(3) Being envious towards a devotee
(4) Not offering obeisances to a devotee
(5) Become angry towards a devotee
(6) Not becoming happy on seeing a devotee
Caitanya Bhagavata by Vrindavan Das Thakur on Vaisnava
"Any person who sides with a Vaisnava against another
Vaisnava and criticizes him is destined to be
destroyed." (Madhya 3.160)
"If Vaisnavas are offended even by an assembly of
renunciates, sannyasis, such an assembly is more
irreligious than a group of drunkards. For the
drunkards there is still a chance of salvation, but
for those who are critical of Vaisnavas there is no
hope of liberation." (M 3.41-43)
"Lord Caitanya absorbed the sin of Jagai and Madhai
into His own body. He then said, "Begin kirtana, then
this black shroud of sin will lift from My body and
enter the bodies of those who criticize the devotees
of the Lord." (M 3.302-303)
"One never advances in spiritual life by finding
faults in other Vaisnavas, in fact only sinful
reactions are increased, so give up all your
faultfindings." (M 3.313)
"The Vaisnava devotees of the Lord are eternally pure
and realized souls. Sometimes there are differences of
opinion amongst them which might appear like an
argument, but in fact, it is an amazing relationship
between devotees. Foolish rascals who do not
understand this exchange, praise one Vaisnava and
denounce the other. Such a mentality will lead to
destruction of faith and knowledge." (M 5)
"To criticize and find faults in pure devotees of the
Lord is the most grievous offense against the holy
name. O holy name! How can you bear the criticism
against your pure devotees through whom your glories
have been propagated? (You can never tolerate
criticism against those who have dedicated their lives
in propagating the holy name of the Lord.) Such
offenders are annihilated." (M 13.393)
"Therefore the conclusion is that having devotion is
the foremost of all rules, regulations, and rituals.
Rules and regulations are meant to be subservient and
secondary to devotional service; those who are
dissatisfied with this arrangement fall down from the
path of self-realization." (M 16.143-144)
"Those devotees who are narrow-minded and bigoted
start fighting over petty matters, this is a serious
deviation from the path of spiritual realization, and
so a really knowledgeable devotee will refrain from
taking sides in such disputes." (M 17.109-110)
"The offense or criticizing the Lord or His devotees
even once steals a man's proper intelligence." (M 19)
"Lord Gaurasundara has advented specifically to
deliver all the fallen souls with the exception of
those who find fault in Vaisnava devotees of the
Lord." (M 19)
"The Vedas clearly describe that if one hears
criticism of a Vaisnava devotee of the Lord then he
loses all of his accumulated piety and is cast into
abominable conditions of life birth after birth." (M
"Everything, from the highest to the lowest living
entity, is a manifestation of Lord Krsna's energy,
hence Krsna cannot tolerate violence or offenses
perpetrated against anyone. And if anyone
offenselessly chants Krsna's name then Krsna will
certainly very soon liberate him from material
bondage. A person may be well versed in all the four
Vedas, but if he still maintains an offensive attitude
towards the Vaisnavas, then he is eternally doomed to
the worst kind of hell." (M 20)
"Whosoever makes any differences between Me, My pure
devotees, and Srimad-Bhagavatam are forever lost." (M
"The spiritual master cannot even protect his own
disciples against the wrath of the Lord if his
disciple commits Vaisnava aparadha. In fact the guru
of such a disciple is hardpressed to protect himself
from the effects of the aparadha. If the guru is in a
very elevated stage of devotion, then he can protect
himself alone, but if he is not so elevated, then he
along with disciple sinks down into hell." (M 22)
"The true followers of Lord Nityananda are free from
fault-finding, they engage their full time in
blissfully glorifying Lord Caitanya. They are always
careful to avoid the pitfalls in devotional service."
(M 22)
"Some persons, trying to compare Vaisnavas, calling
one a bigger Vaisnava than the other, commit a grave
blunder for which they will soon suffer." (M 22)
"At times one may see a certain elevated devotee
quarreling with other devotees; this is all
transcendental and happening by the desire of Lord
Krsna. No one should side with any party, because they
are all most elevated Vaisnavas, to do so would
certainly result in Vaisnava aparadha." (M 23)
"One can become a true Vaisnava by serving Lord Krsna
and by not finding faults in others." (M 23)
"One who worships Krsna's lotus feet seeing all
Vaisnavas to be dear to the Lord will indeed cross
over this ocean of material nescience." (M 24)
"If one does not pay heed to Lord Caitanya's warning
and teachings on Vaisnava aparadha, then he will
remain completely ignorant about the offenses and thus
suffer terrible consequences." (M 22)
sulapani sama yadi vaishnavere ninde tathapiha nasa paya -- kahe shastra vrinde
"Even if some one of the level of the supremely powerful devotee and gunavatara Lord Shiva blasphemes a devotee, he will soon be destroyed. This is the verdict of all the scriptures." (CB Madhya 22.56)
iha na maniya ye sujana-ninda kare
janme janme se papistha daive dose mare
"Sinful people who ignore the above fact and critcize devotees suffer the heaviest of all punishment of providence birth and birth."(57)
anyera ki daya gaura-simhera janani
tanhare o vaisnavaparadha kari gani
"What to speak of others, even the supreme mother of the Supreme Lord Himself Gaura Simha was not exempt from being considered an offender of a Vaishnava." (58)
prabhu bale -- upadesa kahite se pari
vaisnavaparadha ami khandaite nari
Lord Gauranga Himself replied -- " I can give instructions how to eliminate the aparadha (like in the case of Durvasa and Ambarish), but I Myself even though being the Supreme Lord am unable to destroy an offense against a Vaishnava." (32)
vaisnavera ninda karibeka yara gana
tara raksa-smarthya nahika kona jana
"A Vaishnava or a Guru is unable to protect any of his followers who engage in blasphemy of the Vaishnavas." (128)
Gaudiya Bhashya by Shrila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada:
[...]Those who after attaining the position of spiritual master either personally engage in blasphemy of Vaishnavas or support their followers' blasphemy of Vaishnavas certainly become degraded.
vaisnava-nindaka gana yahara asraya
apanei edaite tahara samsaya
"The deliverance of even a Guru or person whose followers engage in critcism of Vaishnavas is greatly doubtful."(129)
bada adhikari haya apane edaite
ksudra haile -- gana saha adhahpate yaya
"In such a case only if the Guru is greatly advanced and qualified in bhakti, maybe he can protect himself. But if he is weak in bhakti, then he is certainly sure to go to the darkest hellish regions and fall down from the platform of bhakti if his followers engage in vaisnava-ninda and he can't or does not stop them or reject them."(130)
sraddha-hine peye nama aparadhe mare
sange sange guruke abhakta shighra kare
"If a faithless unqualified person gets initiated into the chanting of Krishna's Name, then surely he or she will engage in nama-aparadha and be destroyed. Along with his or her own degradation, the disciple will also convert the Guru also into a non-devotee because the Guru gave the Name is the first place and thus is the cause for the offenses of the disciple."
sradhhahina jane artha lobhe nama diya
narakete jaya nama-aparadha majiya
"Therefore if the Guru gives initiation into the Krishna Mantra due to a desire for money or following, he will commit this namaparadha against Krishna's Name and will thus go to hell."
pramade yadyapi nama upadesha haya
sradhhahine tabe guru paya maha-bhaya
"Therefore a Guru should become very fearful when he comes to know that by mistake he has given Krishna-Mantra-Diksha to a faithless unqualified person with ulterior motives."
vaisnava samaje taha kari vigyapana
sei dusta sisya tyaga kare mahajana
"The Guru should announce in an assembly of devotees and in this way reject the sinful disciple who is engaging in Vaishnava aparadha or Nama aparadha."
taha na karile guru aparadha krame
bhakti-hina duracara haya maya bhrame
"If the Guru does not reject the envious disciple in this way, the Guru becomes implicated in this aparadha and quickly becomes devoid of bhakti and engages in abominable activities due to the bewilderment of the illusory energy or Maya."
iha na kariya jei dena nama dhana
sei aparadhe tara narekete patana
"Therefore if a Guru gives Krishna-Mantra-Diksha without creating strong faith in the disciple for Krishna-Nama, then the Guru falls down to hell due to his offense against Krishna-Nama."
nama peye sisya kare nama aparadha
tahate gurura haya bhakti rasa badha
"After receing Krishna-Nama-Diksha, if the disciple engages in Vaishnava aparadha or the ten nama-aparadha, then the Guru's advancement in bhakti rasa is checked or obstructed."
sei nama aparadhe dunhe sisya guru
narkete maje sei aparadha uru
"And due to this most powerful aparadha by the disciple and by the Guru too who does not stop, correct or reject his blasephemous or offensive disciple, both of them, Guru and disciple fall down into the hellish planets in their next life."
ye vaisnava-sthane aparadha haya yara
puna se ksamile a paradha ghuce tara
If one offends a Vaisnava, the only way to get free from the offense is to go back that Vaisnava and beg his forgiveness. (Cb. Madhya 22.32)
kanta phute yei mukhe, sei mukhe yaya
paye kanta phutile ki kandhe bahiraya
Just as it takes a thorn to remove a thorn, the offense committed by the mouth [against a Vaisnava] must be cured with the mouth [by begging forgiveness]. (CB Antya 4.380)
nityananda-prasade se ninda yaya ksaya
nityananda-prasade se visnu-bhakti haya
Only by the causeless mercy of of the name, form and pastimes of Lord Nityananda, one's offenses against Vaishnavas are destroyed and one attains devotional service of Lord Krishna.(136)
e bada adbhuta katha suna savadhane
vaishnava aparadha ghuce ihara sravane
Listen carefully to this wonderful pastime of how Shri Shachimata got delivered from her offense against Shrila Advaita Acharya in this Chp 22. By hearing or reading this narration one will be become from the Vaishnava aparadha committed. (12)
ninda nahi nityananda sevakera mukhe
aharnisha caitanyera yasa gaya sukhe
The devotees who have received the great fortune to serve Lord Nityananda Balarama never engage in criticism or blasphemy of other Vaishnavas. Day and night their only activity is to blissfuly sing the name of Lord Gauranga.(137)
nityananda-bhakta saba dike savadhana
nityananda-bhrtyera caitanya dhana-prana
Thus the devotees of Lord Nityananda and always extremely cautious from all directions to totally avoid criticism of other Vaishnavas. Actually they have no time to criticze others because they are busy in chanting the glories of the names and pastimes of Lord Gauranga, who is their life and wealth.
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