Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

dear Braj Hari Prabhu
Please accept my humble obaisences
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
Here is some Nectar I want to share with you:

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Song  Name: Svamuddhartum Hare Vetti Kim Rupe

Official  Name: Haryastakam

Author: Vadiraja Tirtha

Book  Name: None

Language: Sanskrit



svamuddhartum hare vetti kim kūpe patitaḥ paśuḥ

kṣipannańghriḿ muhurkrandan kṛpaḿ janayati prabho


anichhato’api  tasyājñasyāńgam kukṣiḿ ca dāmabhiḥ

śanairnibadhya svajanair hare sa paramuddharet


sa hare lālayet  pańkaḿ kṣālayet pālayettṛṇaih

śamaye dauṣadhair mantraiḥ svagoṣṭhastasya vedanām


tathā narapaśor īśa bhavakūpe’ arditasya me

hare pariharā  śeṣa kleśaḿ keśighna keśava


māḿ hi  jīvanmṛtam kartuḿ yatante paritaḥ khalāḥ

tānnihatya hare śīghraḿ sevāyāḿ te niyuńkṣva mām


kāmadyā antara śatrubhyo bāhya śatrubhya eva ca

bhītaḿ hare’ asurādbhītaḿ prahlādāhlāda pāhi mām


ādhīnvyādhīnarīnrājño  drohiṇo’anyaḿśca durjanān

kṣipraḿ nāśaya sarvajña sarvaśakte hare  mama


kaliḿ khaṇḍaya tadbhṛtyān daṇḍayāśu hare  mama

manaśodhaya sattattvaḿ bodhayeṣṭaḿ prasādaya


vādirājayati proktam evaḿ haryaṣṭakaḿ navam

paṭhan-nṛsiḿha kṛpayā ripūn-saḿharati kṣaṇāt


1) Does an animal fallen  into a well know how to lift itself out, O Hari? By  beatings of its limbs, and repeated cries, it causes mercy, O  Lord.

2) And even if it is  unwilling, its limbs are targeted with a lasso; thus slowly bound, so also, the  Supreme Hari lifts His own people (from worldly  existence).

3) That Hari wipes away the mud, washes, and nurtures the animal;  removes its collected sufferings with medicine and  incantations.

4) So also, I am an  animal-like human suffering in the world-well, my Lord; O Hari!You who are Kesava, the killer of Kesi,  rescue me from myriad flaws.

5) In order to make me a walking corpse are engaged various villains; having  killed them soon, O Hari, select me for your  service.

6) Internal enemies such as  lust, etc., and eternal enemies as well; having removed the fear of these, you  who are fearful to asuras, give me joy as you did to Prahlada.

7) Anxieties, diseases,  women, kings, traitors, and bad people other than these; destroy them soon, my  Omniscient, Omnipotent Hari!

8) Pulverize Kali, and  punish his followers, my Hari; purify the mind, place  noble precepts therein, and give me the desirable.

9) This prayer called Haryastakam stated by the saint Sri Vadiraja Tirtha; upon reading the  same one's enemies are destroyed instantly by Lord Nrsimha's grace.


No Extra Information  available for this song!

UPDATED: July 17,  2009

comments: Here is something about Viraja Tirtha ,  
and Viraja Tirtha worshipped Lord Hayagriva and Lord Narasimha .He is  considered the most important saint in the Madhava Sampradaya after Madhavacarya . Viraja Tirthas offering of prasadam was personally eaten by Lord Hayagriva at all times.
This is a wonderfull and very unusual prayer and it requires a few comments for most to understand the deeper meaning:
What is the significants of vers 7 why is he praying to destroy certain women ? The fact is certain degraded women wants to seduce sannyasis and other men so they are like enemies and must be avoided.To the mundane mind this prayer seems fanatical but mundane persons and neophyte devotees can never understand the mind of an exalted acarya like Vadiraja Tirtha.All his prayers and mantras must be taken as more important than the 4 Vedas.
Your servant
Paramananda das

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