Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Hare nama Hare Nama Hare Nama eva kevalam


 Recently I was attacked by   3  disciples of Prabhupada,I refuse to see Prabhupada disciples as liberated souls. It went from 11 acaryas to all Prabhupada disciples becoming world acaryas.

 Rather strange scene. As I mentioned many time before I worship only Srila Prabhupada and my Gurudeva as spiritual masters,and all the previous acaryas.

  It confirmed once more the necessity to only see Srila Prabhupada as the acarya in ISKCON .


I only accept one Guru in ISKCON it is Srila Prabhupada, and I help anyone to surrender to him.There is many Prabhupada disciples that do not know sastra, I have seen so many Prabhupada disciples that refuse to understand what Haribhakti Vilasa says about fasting on Visnutattva days.

  I was attacked in a wild and crazy manner, by this mother Bhumi that shows such bad behavior, controlling, manipulating ,bullying me, desperate obviously  . Taraka unwilling to understand why I and so many others will only worship Srila Prabhupada and not anyone else in ISKCON as Gurus.

Akruranath ,always showing a cruel side by taking his own arguments more serious than that of Sastra. Sastra is the guiding light, not  individual pranksters opinions.

 Yes attack me for chanting 64 rounds and trying to encourage others to do the same, what is the harm in this? Any sincere student of Harinama Cintamani will understand

why Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura stressed this chanting of one lahk.Those who have not understood will not take it serious.They should read it again and again, then one day they will understand.Of course you can not force anyone to chant a lahk , Srila Prabhupada allowed minimum 16 rounds, the time he was there devotees where extremely busy doing Harinama all day long often or distributing books.But these times are long gone. And Srila Prabhupada inspired more chanting and staying away from the 10 offences to the holy name.


 Ten Offenses to be Avoided

(from Nectar of Devotion)

The offenses against chanting the holy name are as follows: 1) To blaspheme the devotees who have dedicated their lives for propagating the holy name of the Lord.

2) To consider the names of the demigods like Lord Siva or Lord Brahma to be equal to, or independent of, the name Lord Visnu.

3) To disobey the orders of the spiritual master.

4) To blaspheme the Vedic literature or literature in pursuance of the Vedic version.

5) To consider the glories of chanting Hare Krsna to be imagination.

6) To give some interpretation on the holy name of the Lord.

7) To commit sinful activities on the strength of chanting the holy name of the Lord.

8) To consider chanting of Hare Krsna one of the auspicious ritualistic activities offered in the Vedas as fruitive activities (karma-kanda).

9) To instruct a faithless person about the glories of the holy name.

10) To not have complete faith in the chanting of the holy names and to maintain material attachments, even after understanding so many instructions on this matter.

Every devotee who claims to be a Vaisnava must guard against these offenses in order to quickly achieve the desired success.




We must remember that even if one feels they are being offensive, there is no need to stop chanting. By trying to chant sincerely and serving the spiritual master, we may be purified of our offenses and may be able to chant purely. Chant Hare Krsna and Be Happy!



The only solution to counteract all offences is to constantly chant Hare Krishna and carefully avoid the 10 offences, and seek shelter of Sri Guru and Gauranga.


tan nāma ced yadi dehādi-madhye nikṣiptaḿ, deha-bharaṇādy-artham eva vinyastam, tadāpi phala-janakaḿ na bhavati kim? api tu bhavaty eva, kintu atra iha loke śīghraḿ na bhavati, kintu vilambenaiva bhavatīty arthaḥ.   The holy name is so powerful that it must act, but when one utters the holy name with offenses, its action will be delayed, not immediate, although in favorable circumstances the holy names of the Lord act very quickly.


sarvebhyaḥ pāpebhyo 'parādhebhyaś ca saḿsārād apy uddhārayaty eveti satyam eva, kintu nāma-sevanasya mukhyaḿ yat phalaḿ tan na sadyaḥ sampadyate. tathā deha-bharaṇādy-artham api nāma-sevanena mukhyaḿ phalam āśu na sidhyatīty āha, tac ced iti.   The holy name has so much spiritual potency that it can deliver one from all sinful reactions and material entanglements, but utterance of the holy name will not be very soon fruitful if done to facilitate sinning.


Srila Haridas Thakura has stated: "If a devotee once utters the holy name of the Lord, or if it penetrates his mind or enters his ear, which is the channel of aural reception, that holy name will certainly deliver him from material bondage, whether vibrated properly or improperly, with correct or incorrect grammar, or properly joined or vibrated in separate parts. O brāhmaṇa, the potency of the holy name is therefore certainly great. However, if one uses the vibration of the holy name for the benefit of the material body, for material wealth and followers, or under the influence of greed or atheism — in other words, if one utters the name with offenses — such chanting will not produce the desired result very soon. Therefore one should diligently avoid offenses in chanting the holy name of the Lord.'"


vāci gataḿ prasańgād vāń-madhye pravṛttam api, smaraṇa-patha-gataḿ kathañcin manaḥ-spṛṣṭam api, śrotra-mūlaḿ gataḿ kiñcit śrutam api, śuddha-varṇaḿ vā aśuddha-varṇam api vā, vyavahitaḿ śabdāntareṇa yad-vyavadhānaḿ vakṣyamāṇa-nārāyaṇa-śabdasya kiñcid uccāraṇānantaraḿ prasańgād āpatitaḿ śabdāntaraḿ tena rahitaḿ sat.   This means that if one somehow or other hears, utters or remembers the holy name, or if it catches his mind while coming near his ears, that holy name, even if vibrated in separate words, will act.


Srila Prabhupada  once but emphazise that devotees do 1 hour Harinama daily also:


 “My advice to you under the circumstances is that at least for one hour you must all go to have Sankirtana outside on the streets or in the park. That is your life and soul, first business. The next business is completing the chanting of 16 rounds every day. The next business is your editing, and if you find extra time, then you can attend the temple ceremonies. Otherwise you can stop these activities, but outdoor kirtana, your editing work and chanting of 16 rounds must be done. Outdoor kirtana must be done, even at the cost of suspending all editorial work. That is your first and foremost business. Temple worship is not so important. If need be, the whole temple can be locked, but the outdoor kirtana cannot be stopped.”   – Letter to Rayarama — Columbus, Ohio, 17 May, 1969

harer nama harer nama  harer namaiva kevalam  kalau nasty eva nasty eva  nasty eva gatir anyatha   “‘In this Age of Kali there is no other means, no other means, no other means for self-realization than chanting the holy name, chanting the holy name, chanting the holy name of Lord Hari.’  Adi 17.22   “In this Age of Kali, the holy name of the Lord, the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, is the incarnation of Lord Krsna. Simply by chanting the holy name, one associates with the Lord directly. Anyone who does this is certainly delivered.

16 ROUNDS IS A MINIMUM not a maximum.


your servant

Paramananda das

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