Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

dear Vaisnavas

Please accept my humble obaisences

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Unfortunatly there is no such book, I have however once seen a compilation by Rabindranath Prabhu in LA from Srila Prabhupadas books.Now the Brahmacari handbook compiled by Bhakti Vikas Maharaja may be used in all asramas but there is things to be said about being a grhastha brahmacari.Brahmacari is for all

asramas , as there is no illict sex in any of the 4 asramas .only grhasta asrama allows licit sex with ones wife for procreation .This is a very high ideal that Srila Prabhupada insisted devotees try their best for.In the other 3 ashrams there is no room for sex life .And one who falls down from sannyasa should be honest and take to grhastha asrama or at least put on white and direct their disciples to seek more advanced association.

Srila Prabhupada mentioned in Vrindavana and I have heard this from Brahmananda Prabhu , husband and wife should have separate sleeping quarters,sometimes when traveling etc such arrangement may be difficut but otherwise it should be there , otherwise Srila Prabhupada predicted downfalls due to too close contact.

Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has mentioned a sad grhastha should chant 64 rounds, and if anyone is interested to really know about grhasthas renunciation they should carefully study Jaiva Dharma, there Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has explained about the proper mentality of a grhastha couple.If a couple has illict sex they are acting as grhamedhis...and sex is only for procreation, not for fanciful" kama sutra practices" and abominable sex ( that is as mentioned in the chapter about the hellish planets in the 5th Canto,the reactions to such degraded sex even within married life)

your servant

Payonidhi das

Views: 192

Comment by Paramananda das on November 17, 2009 at 12:50pm
and going of with other partners is also a no for a grhastha that is very sinful, even karmis are disgusted with cheating wifes and husbands
Comment by Paramananda das on November 17, 2009 at 12:51pm
Even in Korean martial art one of the 10 commandments is :"Be faithful to your spouse".It is in the Bible as well ...
Comment by Paramananda das on November 17, 2009 at 12:54pm
even there should be no flirting with others wife, we have sadly seen some married female had affair with another married male devotee, it is very terrible.
Comment by Paramananda das on November 17, 2009 at 1:23pm
one married lady seduced another married devotee ,and it caused his wife to leave KC along with their children.I was very sad about this as I had both made them devotees ,and was always looking out for them, but I was not there when this happened to help provent such a falldown ( I was in another country preaching)


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