Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Govinda Lilamrta : CHAPTER 13 "The service of the six seasonal forests (2)"

All glories to the readers of Govinda Lilamrta 

Subject: Govinda Lilamrta : CHAPTER 13 "The service of the six seasonal forests (2)"
This chapter is mainly a discussion with Krsnas parrot Suka and Radharanis parrot Sari , each stating the glories of Krsna and the sakhas and Radharani and the Gopis.So it appears even in Goloka Vrindavana there is "battle of the sexes" hehehe in a transcendental way .In the material world men and women compete based on sensegratification.This is especially true in the western world where marriage hardly exist any more most people get divorced and remarry many times. I recall once in ISKCON  Vrindavana when two camps where asking Srila Narayana Maharaja for advise about their Nitya Svarupa .so on one side was the devotees that very much like to aspire for the service of the manjaris and on the other side was the devotees that much aspire  for the service of the sakhas .Anyhow I thought it was immature because where is the being enthusiastic when it is time to go on Harinama and bookdistribution.Nowadays many persons live in a temple and do not like to render service ,they are plane lazy.Srila Prabhupada told one devotee asking for taking sannysa that better you stay a brahmacari and keep distributing books and that a sankirtana devotee is better than a 1000 SANNYASIS.He told this to Tripurari Maharaja .He distributed books for some years untill the 1980th ,even as a sannyasi he kept distributing Srila Prabhupadas books .I recall after a Marathon in 1981 watching an interview with Tripurari Maharaja and Praghosha Prabhu distributing books in ISKCON LA.We all went vow this is life.Bookdistribution is also linked to Govinda Lilamrta .Why not ???
 tava kathāmṛtaḿ tapta-jīvanaḿ
kavibhir īḍitaḿ kalmaṣāpaham
śravaṇa-mańgalaḿ śrīmad ātataḿ
bhuvi gṛṇanti ye bhūri-dā janāḥ
 The nectar of Your words and the descriptions of Your activities are the life and soul of those suffering in this material world. These narrations, transmitted by learned sages, eradicate one's sinful reactions and bestow good fortune upon whoever hears them. These narrations are broadcast all over the world and are filled with spiritual power. Certainly those who spread the message of Godhead are most munificent.
This vers was spoken by the Gopis in seperation from Krsna. Why should devotees in ISKCON not be advanced devotees and chant 64 rounds daily and be absorbed even in Govinda Lilamrta? Not that we are neglecting Srila Prabhupadas books of course.I recall once in Cork Ireland we where distributing many books .One evening I shared a funny pastime with the devotees from Govinda Lilamrta about the Sakhas as we where reading the Krsna books and having our prasadam milk (offered to my Salagrama and Govardhana silas) after a long day of sankirtana.This is life.Sadly ISKCON is catering more and more to the hindus and forgetting to be KC.You are can not even get ekadasi prasadam in some temples on Janmastami it is that bad .yes Govinda Lilamrta is advanced reading so is all of Srila Prabhupadas books .Of course if you read Govinda lilamrta while you live in an ISKCON temple most will think you have gone insane  and a GBC meeting will be held.I once also read a commentary to Govinda Lilamrta while I was in Berkely temple , and distributed 34.000 small books in that area,does it mean I was a sahajiya. Certainly not.But the first day i was in that temple some bhakta was falling down with an older mataji .I thought this is not an atmosphere to read this book so I put it away .
But like in ISKCON Denmark they will have a seminar on how to make lolipops . Thanks to Radha Krsna I am not welcome to even take darshan at this temple.It is disgusting .Well yes I promote chanting 64 rounds and even reading Govinda Lilamrta why not ? If it offends anyone let them call some neophyte GBC or sannyasi and pass a ruling on me I am used to the insanity that goes on in ISKCON.But I do not live in an ISKCON temple so they have no jurisdiction over me.I am no longer even initiated by an ISKCON Guru and I am thankful for that . I recall in 1998 Harikesa asked me for a copy of Govinda Lilamrta, I asked if he was ready to read it .He was my then Guru I send it to him to ISKCON Germany , I properly should not have because 2 month later he was falling down .I am sure it had nothing to do with receiving Govinda Lilamrta.That was in 1998 I was distributing lots of Srila Prabhupadas books at the time I lived in an apartment in Washington DC by myself and distributed 35.000 medium books ,I had no one to distract me from my service to Srila Prabhupada  .So who want to correct me ? I love Vrindavana and the many holy places in Vrindavana I meditate on them almost daily .If one combine bookdistribution with Vraja bhakti and lots of chanting Hare Krsna it becomes very powerfull and a devotee can make lots of advancement this way .

"The service of the six seasonal forests (2)"
Then Krishna and His girlfriends came to the border between the monsoon- and the autumn-forest. Seeing its beauty, He told His beloved Radhika: "Priye! Look! This forest looks as beautiful as an adolescent girl in puberty The childhood of the monsoon is over and the youth of autumn is starting. Priye, look! This forest is as beautiful as a girl in puberty! Her childhood of monsoon is over and her youth of autmn is starting! Look! The bumblebees leave the flowerless Yuthika-vines like men that leave their old ladies and take shelter of fresh young girls (flowers)." (1-3)
comment: So sweet Radha and Krsna is going around in the different groves of Radha kunda and describing their glories and beauties. Here Krsna is is addressing Sri Radha as Priey! It is translated as dearly beloved or darling .There 6 seasons described in Ananda Vrindavana campu  there is an audio recording by HH Bir Krsna Maharaja of HH Mahanidhi Swamis translation of Ananda Vrindavana Campu : As I explained in the previous chapter the 6 seasons manifest in Vraja but at Radha Kunda they are manifested at every moment. Sri Radha Kunda is the topmost holy place : In the Nectar of instruction we find this sloka: 
karmibhyaḥ parito hareḥ priyatayā vyaktiṁ yayur jñāninas
tebhyo jñāna-vimukta-bhakti-paramāḥ premaika-niṣṭhās tataḥ
tebhyas tāḥ paśu-pāla-paṅkaja-dṛśas tābhyo ’pi sā rādhikā
preṣṭhā tadvad iyaṁ tadīya-sarasī tāṁ nāśrayet kaḥ kṛtī
Translation by Srila Prabhupada 
In the śāstra it is said that of all types of fruitive workers, he who is advanced in knowledge of the higher values of life is favored by the Supreme Lord Hari. Out of many such people who are advanced in knowledge [jñānīs], one who is practically liberated by virtue of his knowledge may take to devotional service. He is superior to the others. However, one who has actually attained prema, pure love of Kṛṣṇa, is superior to him. The gopīs are exalted above all the advanced devotees because they are always totally dependent upon Śrī Kṛṣṇa, the transcendental cowherd boy. Among the gopīs, Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī is the most dear to Kṛṣṇa. Her kuṇḍa [lake] is as profoundly dear to Lord Kṛṣṇa as this most beloved of the gopīs. Who, then, will not reside at Rādhā-kuṇḍa and, in a spiritual body surcharged with ecstatic devotional feelings [aprākṛta-bhāva], render loving service to the Divine Couple Śrī Śrī Rādhā-Govinda, who perform Their aṣṭa-kālīya-līlā, Their eternal eightfold daily pastimes. Indeed, those who execute devotional service on the banks of Rādhā-kuṇḍa are the most fortunate people in the universe.
Some of the seasons  of Vrindavana are also found described in the 10th canto of Srimad Bhagavatam ,who is the speaking of Srimad Bhagavatam? That is Srila Sukadeva Goswami ,he is the incarnation of Srimati Radharanis, Sriya Suka ,Her parrot . 
parinata vara gunja punja sonataviyam
patita sikha sikhanda kasa puspaih sita bhuh
sikhitatir api muka vagmini hamsa panktih
kathayati rtu Iaksmim saradim aga tam nah
"We have come to the beautiful autumn-forest, that is reddened by ripe gunja-seeds . Innumerable peacockfeathers have fallen on the ground and heaps of Kasa-flowers have whitened the ground. The peacocks are silent but the swans are cooing: "the autumn has come!" (4)
comment : The Gunja seeds are made into a mala a neklace for Krsna , Krsna was always wearing Gunja malas ,because Krsnas sakhas every day make these garlands out of the Gunja seeds ,Srimati Radharani was always wearing Krsnas ,Gunja garlands as Mahaprasadam.When we read these pastimes we must pray to Purnamasi understanding that these pastimes are arranged at every moment by Purnamasi ,Yogamaya personified .Srila Raghunath das Goswami has prayed : 
Accompanied by an expert gopi friend, Paurnamasi daily arranges the secret
rendezvous of expert Sri Sri Radha and Krsna. I worship noble and auspicious Paurnamasi,
who at every moment tastes the nectar happiness of seeing the pastimes of the divine
The fallen Peacock feathers is mentioned .What is Vrindavana without Radha  Krsnas Peacocks?
Peacock, national bird of India - photo by Jason Busch
"0 Fairfaced girl! Look how many Sephali-flowers are falling on the ground because thirsty bees are touching them, just as the sakhis were agitated when I touched them (while looking for My flute) and they fled in all directions!" (5)
Kundalata said: "Behold the forest before You, 0 king and queen of Vrndavana! It is called Sarada, or autumn, and it is adorned by Your girlfriend Sarada! Look at this forest that is eager to serve You with its restless Khanjanabird-like eyes, its lotus-like face, it's bee-like locks, it's playing Cakravaka-flamingolike breasts, it's white cloud-dress, it's red lotus-lips, it's cooing cranes as its anklebells and it's blue lotus-earrings!" (6-7)
comment: Kundalata is stating that Autum personified is a Gopi ,Sarada devi .All the 6 seasons are actually Gopis .
"This autumnal friend looks out for You down the road to decorate all Your limbs with Rangana- and Jatiflowers, Your heads with beautiful white lotusflowers, Your ears with red and blue lotuses and Your bed in the kunja-cottage with automatically falling Sephali-flowers. The fragrance of the blooming Chatima-trees is the fluid of the lusty elephant of the autumn-forest. His body is covered by blankets of white autumn-clouds, the Kasa-flowers are its beautiful whisk, the lusty bulls, bees and birds resound as its waistbells, the cranes coo like its jingling anklebells and the swans coo like its bells." (8-10)
"This autumn-forest looks like Lord Vishnu's form, fondled by Kamala's (the goddess of fortune's) hands (or:has lakes full of kamala lotusflowers), it is the shelter for parama hamsas (0r. the lakes are full of swans, hamsas) and is beautified by His disc, the cakra (or: Cakravaka-flamingoes are swimming in its lakes)." (11)
Everyone sat down under a tree with ripe, nectarean fruits to listen to the quarrel of a suka and sarika pair of parrots.
vedantadhyapanacarya anucana vayam dvy~ah
stribhir asprsta vrksanam patamah phafa bhaksana(
lIÁ_ _vanam vrndavanesena dattam etat pra(usya(a
asmabhyam sarikas tasmad gacchatanya(ra dasikah
The suka said: "0 sarikas ! Go to another forest! We are dvijas (brahmanas or birds) we have studied Vedanta! We will fall from our caste if we eat fruits that were touched by women! You are just maidservants, go somewhere else! The Lord of Yrndavana has given this forest to us, being pleased with us!" (13-14)
(Note: brahmanas are twice born: first from the mother; then through the sacred thread-ceremony, and birds are first born from the mother and then from the egg)
prabhu dvisah praja yuyam radhaiva yad vanesvari puranesv idam evok tam radha vrndavane vane
The sarikas replied: "You sukas are all envious of the Lord! Radha is the only queen of this forest! It is said in the Purana's (Matsya Purana) radha vrndavane vane!" (15)
The sukas replied: "The srutis say that this is Krishna's forest and the srutis (Veda) are more authoritative than the smrtis (Puranas)! You consider this yourself! Everyone knows this forest as Hari vana and the srutis and smrtis testify this. This gives joy to the whole world!" (16-17)
The sarikas said: "This forest is not just related to Your Lord, it is Radha's only! It is even related to Her body, as it is Her very bodily reflection!" (18)
"The cowherdboys look nice outwardly, but inside they are crooked and dirty! They look like ripe Maha Kala fruits!" (19)
The sukas say: "0 sarikas ! The juice of the gopis is hidden by a hard bark of unwillingness and bones of pride, just like a coconut, but my Lord Krishna is devoid of any faulty bark-covering, He is juicy inside out, like a grape!" (20-21)
The saris said: "Although your Lord Acyuta is juicy within, He is always covered by a thick bark of crookedness and impudence. Without a juice-squeezer one cannot get any juice from this thick bark! Similarly, Acyuta does not give any rasa (transcendental flavour) unless we use the instrument of our mana (pique). Krishna is just like a black sesame-seed: juicy within, but with a hard deceitful bark outside, not giving any juice without being hit by the instrument of our proud unwillingness." (22-23)
gopi sreni java fiva saurabha bahir ujjvala
n ilotpalanibhah krishnah surucih saurabhanvitah
The sukas said: "The gopis are just like Java-flowers: bright on the outside, but without any fragrance, while Krishna is like a blue lotusflower: looking beautiful and smelling nicely also!" (24)
nianjistheva md isa svantar bahir api sadaika rageyam sphatika man ivad isas te nava nava sangad vibhinna rago' yam
The sarikas said: "My mistress is just like a Manjistha-flower: beautiful inside out, but Your Lord is like a chrystal: reflecting every colour that shines in it, always again attracted to new (female) company!" (25)
The sukas said: "Through the fire of Krishna's strength, the wormlike demonesses (like Putana) were burned to ashes. Who can compete with Krishna, the lifter of Govardhana Hill?" (26)
vrajesvararadhana tusta visnuna krsne nidhayadbhuta saktim atmanah baki bakadya nisatah surarayah
krsnenabhy~nair iha kirtir arpita
The sari said: "Lord Yisnu gave Krishna His wonderful power; being pleased with Nanda Maharaja's worship of Him. Only a fool praises Krishna, making Him famous as the killer of Bakasura and Baki (Putana)." (27)
tusto' yam adrir balibhug vrajasya svayam samutthaya nabhasya tisthat adho'sya hastam vinidhaya krsnodharoddhrtau kirtim uricakara
"Govardhana Hill was pleased with the food offered to him by the people of Vraja and lifted himself into the air. Krishna just had to stand under him and now the whole world praises Him as Govardhana-dhari!" (28)
"May our Lord Krishna, who enchants the whole world, who destroys the patience of all the women with His beauty, who stuns the goddess of play, who lifted Govardhana Hill as if it was a ball, who has innumerable qualities, who pleases all the people with His character and whose fame is spead throughout the world, protect us!" (29)
shri radhikayah priyata surupata susijata nartana gana cat Un gunali sampat kavita ca rajate jagan mano mohana citta mohini
The sarika said: "With Her loveliness, Her fine bodily form, Her good behaviour; Her expertise in dancing and singing, all Her fine qualities and Her poetic skill, Shri Radhika enchants the mind of world-enchanting Krishna."
The suka said: "Krishna only relishes Radha's lips as the bees relish the jasmines, and Radha relishes the bliss of serving Krishna's lotusfeet." (31)
The sarika said: "Radhika always prays for Krishna's company, but when She gets it She becomes as hot as the sun in June out of proud anger. She prays for Krishna's loving service, but when She comes close to Him in Yrndavana, then She behaves as if She is lording it over Him! How amazing!" (32)
The suka said: "Han's flute stuns the rivers, attracts andenchants the whole world and makes all the ladies give up their chastity! Who can describe the glories of Krishna's flute? It makes the ladies' love for other men (like their husbands) fade away, it showers their hearts with its nectarean sound and it awakens everyone's natural love for Krishna!" (33-34)
Then the suka's and sarika's, intoxicated with love for their master Shri Krishna and their mistress Shri Radhika, joyfully discussed Their glories amongst eachother. (35)
One suka said: "Who carried Govardhana Hill on one finger to curve Indra's mountain-like pride, and who enjoyed dancing on the hoods of the Kaliya-snake, tell me? It was Krishna!" (36)
One sari said: "Whose mountain-like breasts carry Giridhari like a playlotus and who dances on the snake-like head of the snake-catcher Krishna's mind, tell me? It is SnIa Radha!" (37)
One suka said: "How can the Atimukta-flowers (Madhavi) witti tneir ~iossoming ooaies nouri~n aii tfi~ honeybees with their juice? It is only by Madhava's (the spring's) power (Or: How can the sages, that are already liberated, become nourished by nectarean divine love? Only because of Madhava's (Krishna's) all-attractive power!)" (38)
"One sarika said: "How can the Atimukta (Madhavi-) vines always produce honey so that they attract the bees? Because they associate with the followers of Krishna. (Or: How can the liberated souls be attracted to the nectar of devotion? By associating with the devotees of Krishna, who know the essence of life)." (39)
A suka said: "Who looked at the naked girls after stealing their clothes by the Yamuna, where they were bathing, who broke the vows of all chaste girls, who killed a calf (Vatsasura), a woman (Putana) and a bull (Aristasura) without shame, tell me? It was Krishna!" (40)
One suka said: "Who gave Putana, who wanted to kill Him, playing His mother; a position as His mother (see Bhag. 3.2.23), who herds the calves and also killed a calf, who killed Dhenukasura and also herds Dhenu's (cows) and who killed a bull (Aristasura) and herds bulls as well? Who tested the hearts, bodies and words of the maidens (when He stole their clothes by the Yamuna), and later acted as their husband (during the Rasa dance) as He had promised, who took away the chastity of the young girls, but made them must chaste (to Him), tell me? It was Krishna!" (41-42)
Thus they all drank the nectar of the parrots' clever words through the cups of their ears. Radha and Krishna Each told Their friends to reward these birds and then went to admire the beauty of the autumn-forest. (43)
Lalita gave a whole field of ripe grapes to the sarika's and Subala gave a whole garden of ripe pomegranateseeds to the kira's (male parrots). (44)
Meanwhile, Nandimukhi told Radha and Krishna: "Behold the Hemantaforest, named Hemanta Santa, before You~ It is eager to offer its wealth (of fruits and flowers) to Your lotusfeet!" (45)
"This forest pleases all Your five senses with the fragrance of the wonderful blooming Amlana-, Kuruntakaand Kurabaka-flowers, with the sweet sounds of the partridges, Lava-birds, Kikhi-birds, parrots and bumblebees with the pleasant taste of ripe oranges, and with it's cool breezes! Krishna! This Hemanta-forest shines like Your own body! Just as You are surrounded by Your friends, this forest is surrounded by blooming Jhinti-flowers, just as Your body is shining without wilting away (amfana) this Hemantaseason is full of spotless amlana)-flowers. Just as Your body increases the influence of the flower-archer Cupid, this forest also increases Cupid's influence, just as You are surrounded by the gopis this forest also has Gopivines. Just as Your body is blooming with Cupid's flower-arrows, this forest also has blooming flower-arrows, and just as Sukadeva sings Your glories in Shrimad Bhagavata, the Suka-parrots sing Your glories in this forest!" (46-47)
Then Han very blissfully described the beauty of the winterforest to His lover; saying: "0 Fairfaced girl! Behold the winterforest, that looks like the best of dancing-girls, dressed in nice multicolored clothes in the form of ripe wheat. There are many parrots that are intoxicated with lust, reciting the auspicious invocations of theaterplays, and the ripe oranges of this forest are her breasts!" (48-49)
"0 Chaste girl! Out of fear of the winter-cold the warmth of the sun takes shelter of the fortress of Your breasts! Therefore Your Cakravaka-bird like breasts, relieved of their pain of separation, are happy day and night!" (50)
"In the winter the heat of fires are fearfully hiding from the cold, running to different places: some hide in the wellwater; some in the hollows of the trees and some in the caves of the mountains! Day and night the witch of wintercold drinks the blood of the sun's and the fire's heat, in an unseen way!" (51-52)
"The young men that lie to sleep with their young ladies at nighttime are afraid to give up the warm embrace of their lovers' breasts. They worship the sun to lengthen so that they can delay their morning rise. The sun mercifully fulfills their desire and rises later." (53)
"Look at these ripe oranges before Us! Their qualities remind Me of the kunkuma-smeared breasts of the young maidens in the Rasanight!" (54)
Then forestqueen Vrnda said to her king and queen : "Behold the Sisira rucira forest before You, that is eager to serve You! Any creature who enters this forest shivers and horripilates (of cold or loving ecstasy) at some places there is some warmth under the high trees. The sun's rays become mild and it moves southwards. This beautiful winterforest is as if praising You with love with its larks and Harita-birds, offering You a red sari with its Java- and Bandhuka-flowers, a blouse with Damanaka-flowers and a white gown with Kunda-flowers." (55-57)
"In the morning and evening thin sunrays fall on the roots of the sunstone-covered trees with closed leaves. The deer slowly graze there, basking in the thin sunrays. Seeing You coming, they comer before You, adorned with tears and goosepimples of love. In the winter the warmth of the sun and the length of the days decrease daily, the sun's heart's friends, the lotusflowers, whither away and the fierce sunrays become milder because of the wintercold. Who, except for the Lord of the Universe, is not controlled by time?" (58-59)
"Out of fear of the strong cold, the sun invests it's wealth of warmth in the fortress-like breasts of the gopis, who quickly offer these breasts to Krishna for His enjoyment, not caring for morality out of intense love." (60)
Hearing Yrnda's words and seeing the beauty of the winterforest, Krishna became very happy and He sweetly told His beloved: "0 Beautiful girl, look! The bees leave the closed lotusfiowers, seeing the winter has come, and go to the blooming Kundaflowers where they find pleasure!" (61)
"0 beautiful girl! Look! The bumblebees leave the lotusflowers, that are the abodes of Indira (the goddess of beauty) and that are afflicted by the severe cold and fly to the Kundaflowers!" (63)
"The winter is the soldier of the eclipse who is attacking the sun, but being unable to completely defeat him, he sets the lotusflowers on fire, knowing they are dear to the sun." (64)
"The ripening Badari-fruits remind Me of the breasts of the Vraja gopis that came up from the water of the Yamuna (when I stole their clothes)." (65)
Vrnda gave Han two soft white Java-flowerbuds and He decorated Radha's ears with them, His hands shivering and horripilating of love, and Shri Radhika also also adorned Han with earrings made of Kundaflowers. (66)
radhayah karapankaje'tha nihita kaundi muda vrndaya ya mala Iaghu Iohitotpala kula srag diptim esa dadhe suksmendivara malya rociranaya krishnasya kanthe'rpita
tenasya hrdi yojita sapulake campeya ma Jya dyut~m
Vrnda placed a garland of Kundaflowers in Radhika's lotushand and that made the white garland turn slightly red (from the reddish luster of Radhika's handpalm). Radhika joyfully hung that garland around Krishna's neck and so it became a tender garland of blue lotusflowers. Then, when Krishna hung it around Radhika's neck it looked like a garland of golden Campaka-flowers. (67)
Seeing this, Visakha smiled and said: "Look at this tender blooming (puspita) Kunda-vine (kundalata) that makes one lusty honeybee (ah) after the other drink her honey (0r:~menstruating (puspita) Kundalata lets one lusty man (ah) after the other drink the nectar of her lips)." (68)
Citra said: "0 Chaste girl! This is not so amazing for Subhadra's wife (Kundalata) to do, for the girl Varksi (the daughter of the trees) acted with the same love for the Praceta-sages! (See Bhag. Canto 4, chapter 30)" (69)
Kundalata said: "Look at this, amazing! Hundreds of honeybees leave the nearby Bandhujiva-flowers to kiss one particular one (all the gopis leave their husbands to join Krishna)!" (70)
Citra said: "These bees have the same lustre as Krishna, they collect only the essence, the purest honey, they also look at Krishna and they sing in the fifth note like Krishna's Murali-flute (or: the gopis only accept prema as the essence of life, so they leave everything behind for Krishna. They are like the moonbeams and Krishna is like the honey). (71)
Then Han told His beloved: "Radhe! Your incomparible qualities eclipse even those of the goddess of fortune, who gave up her pride and became Your follower; what to speak of any other lady?" Hearing this, Radhika began the following discussion with Han. She said: "That Laksmi is Your wife!" Han said: "That's why You are that Shri (Laksmi)!" Radbika said: "How can a cowherdgirl be the goddess of fortune?" Han said: "If I am the husband of the gopis as well as of Laksmi, then you must all be goddesses of fortune!" Radhika said: "This restless Laksmi gave up her prowess to become a human girl , being attracted to You!" Han said: "She has attained Your human-like form to become My wife!"
Radhika: "The does are also Your dear ones, since You attracted them with Your flute!" Han said: "They are dear to Me because their eyes look like Your eyes!" Radhika: "The Yamuna is also Your lover; since she has the same name and complexion as You (krishna) have!" (72-81)
Krishna said: "Because Visakha has no (vi) branches (sakha) she is My beloved, that's why she became like You!" (82)
Radhika said: "The bees are also Your lovers, as they sleep on the garland on Your chest." (83) Krishna said: "They look like Your locks, therefore they are always dear to Me" (84)
Radhika:        "Your body is as tender as a blue lotusflower and Your waist is slender. How could You lift Govardhana Hill for seven days?" (85)
Krishna said: "It was easy But how do You lift these two golden mountains (breasts) on Your tender body all the time (that's even more astonishing!)?" (86)
Radhika: "The moonrays are unable to tolerate their separation from You and thus they are divided on Your chest (as My nailmarks)." (87)
Krishna:         "Your face is like the moon and I always think of Your nails, so now they are externally manifest (as Your nailmarks on My chest)." (88)
Radhika: "Although this vine is always full of bees and honey, they increase Your happiness." (89)
Krishna: "Your lips are like flowerbuds, carrying Your flower-like smiles!" (90)
Radhika: "0 Krishna! This young maiden Lalita is expert in Cupid's battle like Parvati, the mother of the heroic child Skanda!" (91)
Krishna said: "0 Radhe with the nice voice! This Lalita is a heroine in the battle of words, but when she is called out for the conjugal battle she runs away!" (92)
Krishna: "The musk-pictures on Your breasts look just like blackbees on golden lotusbuds." (93)
Radhika said: "0 Krishna! Your wonderful words are like sharp swords that chop up the hearts and senses of all the young girls!" (94)
Krishna: "These Pika-birds sing high in the fifth note, causing the young girls to catch an conjugal fever. But is it their fault (Is it My fault that the gopis are agitated by My words)?" (95)
Radhika: "0 Krishna! Thus incomparible flute of Yours is the best scholar of the irreligious scriptures, making all the girls of the world mad like hens!" (96)
Krishna said: "Radhe! My flute destroys all the faults of the housewives, making them follow the religious scriptures (that say that one must surrender unto Me), that fulIfill all My desires!" (97)
Radhika said: "The maiden that were devoted to Katyayani were very tender. How could they tolerate the attacks of a mad elephant like You?" (98)
Krishna: "They can tolerate it just as the Yuthi-flowers can tolerate the approach of a large honeybee (or: I'm a lusty boy (mattali) after the nectar of young, easy girls (ganika). Why would'nt they like that?)" (99)
Radhika: "This fresh golden plain with small snakes coiling on it looks just like Your belly with its fine hairs!" (l00)
Krishna: There are also many snakes in the golden valley of Your beloved Govardhana Hill that shine just like ~our braid hanging down Your back!" (101)
Radhika said: "Krishna! Why are the beautiful Cakora-birds leaving their beloved moon and wander in the sky in he daytime, finding great pleasure there?" (102)
(rsna: "Seeing that the moon in the sky is waning, the Cakora's leave him and begin to drink the rays of Your )eautifully shining moonlike face for their nourishment and happiness." (103)
Fhen Radha and Acyuta began a joking discussion about the nature of Their girlfriends to embarrass them with Their hidden praises. Krishna said: "Radhe! Who is expert in speaking, who is very hottempered and sharp, who runs away when being called for the conjugal battle and who stops other girls from taking part in that battle, hough they may be eager for it, tell Me?" Radhika said: "That is Lalita!" (104-105)
"Who is averse to the battle of Cupid, but still sometimes anoints her breasts with aguru, kunkuma and musk to adore her beloved Lord, tell Me?" Radhika said: "It is Visak ha!" (106)
Krishna said: "Who walks around, although she is a motionless vine (lata), leaving her husband far behind to embrace the black Tamala-tree (Krishna), tell Me?" Radhika said: "It is Campakalata!" (107)
Krishna asked: "Who is expert in making pictures (citra) and different ornaments (srngara   ornament, or eros), who is very mild and who does not tolerate pride, giving Us happiness, tell  Me?" Radhika said: "It is Citra!"(108)
Krishna asked: "Who is expert in the kama sastras (conjugal scriptures) after I learned them from  her; and then offered her body to Me in solitude, tell Me?" Radhika said: "It is Tungavidya!" (109)
(Tungavidya means: advanced knowledge).
Krishna: "Who shows raga (passion or redness) when she rises (like the moon, indu), who is  very crooked in kala (artfulness, or moonphases) and who arouses lusty feelings at first sight  (like the moon)?" Radhika: "It is Indulekha (moonbeam)!" (110)
Krishna: "Who makes Us happy by dancing natana (male dance) and Jasya (female dance) and acting on the ranga (loveplay, or stage)?" Radhika said: "It is Rangadevi!" (111)
"Who is expert in playing dice and refuses to take Cumbaka-jewels (or kisses) from Me as a  wager when she defeats Me, and also does not want to give them when she is defeated, tell Me?"  Radhika said: "It is Sudevi!" (112) 
"Who are satisfied when others are satisfied and sorry when others are suffering? Who are not  elated when happiness comes and not upset when sorrow comes to them, and are always dedicated  to worshiping their beloved Lord, like the beautiful Vaishnava's, tell Me after consideration, 0  Moonfaced girl?" Radhika: "They are My girlfriends (Lalita, Visakha etc)!" (113)
In this way Krishna happily wandered around, joking with the artistic gopis, touching their  breasts, kissing their lips, giving them flowers, like a Pika-bird intoxicated from relishing the  buds (lips) and fruits (breasts) of the vines gopis finally arriving in Lalitanandada kunja. (114)
In the poem Govinda Lilamrta, which is the result of service to Shri Rupa Gosvami, who is a  honeybee at Shri Chaitanya's lotusfeet, the encouragement of Shri Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami, the  association of Shri Jiva Gosvami and the blessing of Shri Raghunatha Bhatta Gosvami, this was  the thirteenth chapter; dealing with the midday pastimes.

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