All glories to the readers of Govinda Lilamrta :
One of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura beautiful bhajans is :
By Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura
(1) sata-koti gopi madhava-mana, rakhite narilo kori jatana
Millions of lovely cowherd damsels are unable to keep Madhava's attention, although endeavoring very hard to do so.
(2) venu-gite dake radhika-nama, eso eso radhe! dakoye syama
The flute song calls the name of Radhika, and Sri Syamasundara petitions Her, “Come here, come here, Radha!”
(3) bhangiya sri-rasa-mandala tabe, radha-anvesane calaye jabe
When He goes in search of Srimati Radhika, the rasa dance comes to a halt.
(4) dekha diya radhe! rakhoha prana! boliya kandaye kanane kana
Searching for Her everywhere in the forest, Käna weeps and calls out, “O beloved Radha, please appear before Me. Save My life by giving Me Your darsana!”
(5) nirjana kanane, radhare dhori, miliya parana judaya hari
Meeting Radhika in a remote place in the woods, Hari embraces Her, thus reviving His life.
(6) bole, tuhu vina kahara rasa? tuhu lagi mora varaja-vasa
Krsna says to Srimati Radhika, “Without You, what is the question of a rasa dance? Only because of You do I live in Vraja.”
one of Krsnas 4 extra qualities is His Flute , I once wrote an article about Krsnas flute and Srila Narayana Maharaja was very pleased , so since it pleased my diksa Guru I am sure it must be pleasing to other devotees as well :
— My dear Vaisnava friends. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
In the Ujvala Nilamani it has been stated: Visakha devi describes Krsna's flute to Srimati Radharani: "As it touches His splendid teeth, Krsna's flute looks like a crystal wand. Where it touches Krsna's red lotus palm, it looks like a ruby stick, and where it touches Krsna's blue lotus cheek it looks like a sapphire. Look ! In this way Krsna's flute looks like these three different jewels."

Krsna uses the Venu flute to attract to Gopis, like Venum kvanantam from the Brahma Samhita.
Srila Prabhupada describes that the Venu flute has 6 holes. And it is 6 inches long. The Murali has a hole at the end and four holes on the body. And that flute is 18 inches long . The Vamsi flute is 15 inches long and nine holes.
My good friend Dasaratha Suta knows how to play these flutes, though his playing and Krsna's playing are no comparison, still you get some little idea how sweet that flute playing sounds.
I used to sleep on the roof at the Krsna Balarama Mandir when I was serving there one summer, and at night sometimes you hear this beautiful flute playing coming from the Yamuna side, who it was I can't tell, but these flutes have an enchanting tune in themselves, what to speak if Krsna's plays these flutes. It is explained that Lord Siva and Brahma are so learned in all arts like music but even they become totally bewildered in the musical compositions of Krsna's flute. Sometimes the demigods wife's fall out off their airplanes while hearing Krsna playing the flute during the Rasa Lila.
CC madhya lila 21. 141-44 also tells more about the influence of Krsna's flute.
"The sound of Krsna's flute spreads in four directions. Even though Krsna vibrates His flute within this universe, its sound pierces the universal covering and goes to the spiritual sky. Thus the vibration enters the ears of all inhabitants . It especially enters Goloka Vrindavana Dhama and attracts the minds of the young damsels of Vrajabhumi, bringing them forcibly to where Krsna is present"
"The vibration of Krsna's flute is so aggressive, and it breaks the vows of all chaste women. Indeed, its vibration takes them forcibly from the laps of their husbands. The vibration of His flute attracts even the goddesses of fortune in the Vaikuntha planets, to say nothing of the poor damsels of Vraja".
"The vibration of His flute slackens the knots of their underwear even in front of their husbands. Thus the Gopis are forced to abandon their household duties and come before Lord Krsna. In this way all social etiquette, shame and fear are vanquished. The vibration of His flute causes all women to dance. " "The vibration of His flute is just like a bird that creates a nest within the ears of the Gopis and always remains prominent there, not allowing any other sound to enter their ears. Indeed, the gopis cannot hear anything else, not even to give a suitable reply. Such are the effect of the vibration of Lord Krsna's flute. "
Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada writes in his purport to this verse: "The vibration of Krsna's flute is always prominent in the ears of the Gopis. Naturally they cannot hear anything else.
Constant remembrance of the holy sound of Krsna's flute keeps the Gopis enlightened and enlivened, and they do not allow any other sound to enter their ears. Since their attention is fixed on Krsna's flute, they cannot divert their minds to any other subject. The vibration of Krsna's flute is represented by the Hare Krsna Maha mantra. A serious devotee of the Lord who chants and hears this transcendental vibration becomes so accustomed to it that he cannot divert his attention to any subject matter not related to Krsna". (CC Madhya lila 21. 141-44)
(These verses was spoken by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu to Sanatana Goswami)
Now the question may be raised where does Krsna play His flute? So many places, like at the Yamuna. Yamuna tira vanacari. Vamsivata is one of the places by the Yamuna.
The gopis has glorified the flute playing Krsna and His flute in the 10th Canto, chapter 21 , text 7 to 20.
The Gopis said:
"Oh friends those eyes that see the beautiful faces of the sons of Maharaja Nanda are certainly fortunate. As these two sons enter the forest, surrounded by Their friends, driving the cows before them, They hold Their flutes to Their mouths and glance lovingly upon the residents of Vrindavana. For those who have eyes, we think there is no greater object of vision. "
"Dressed in charming variety of garments, upon the which Their garlands rest, and decorating Themselves with Peacock feathers, lotuses, lilies, newly grown mango sprouts and clusters of flower buds, Krsna and Balarama shine forth magnificently among the assembly of cowherd boys. They look just like the best of dancers appearing on a dramatic stage, and sometimes They sing."
"My dear Gopis, what auspicious activities must the flute have performed to enjoy the nectar of Krsna's lips independently and leave only a taste for us Gopis, for whom that nectar is actually meant!The forefathers of the flute, the bamboo trees, shed tears of pleasure. His mother the river on whose bank the bamboo was born, feels jubilation , and therefore her blooming lotus flowers are standing like hair on her body. "
(Obviously the Gopis are a bit transcendentally jealous of the flute by stating that nectar of Krsna's lips belongs to them them , but the flute are more fortunate in the eyes of the Gopis as He the flute can enjoy kissing Krsna at every step, however no one is more blessed as the Gopis as their love for Krsna is the highest. Actually Krsna's flute is a person and appears in Lord Caitanya's pastimes as a devotee. )
"Of friend Vrindavana is spreading the glory of the earth, having obtained the treasure of the lotus feet of Krsna, the son of Devaki . The peacocks dance madly when they hear Govinda's flute, and when other creatures see them from the hilltop , they all become stunned. " "Blessed are all these foolish deer because they have approached Maharaja Nanda's son , who is gorgeously dressed and is playing on His flute. Indeed both the doe and the bucks worship the Lord with looks of love and affection".
"Krsna's beauty and character create a festival for all women. Indeed , when the demigods wives flying in airplanes with their husbands catch sight of Him and hear His resonant flute song their hearts are shaken by Cupid, and they become so bewildered that the flowers fall out of their hair and their belts loosen. "
"Using their upraised ears as vessels, the cows are drinking the nectar of the flute song flowing out of Krsna's mouth. The calves , their mouths full of milk from their mothers moist nipples stand still as they take Govinda within themselves through their tear-filled eyes and embrace Him within their hearts. "
(Such a wonderful thing is described by the Gopis, that the cows and the Calves become stunned by love, and tears are flowing from the eyes of the calves and cows, and MILK is flowing more due to love from the cows and meanwhile the calves are not drinking due to the love and ecstasy being felt and becoming like stunned, which is one of the symptoms of ecstasy , vyabhicari bhava. )
"Oh Mother, in this forest all the birds have risen onto the beautiful branches of the trees to see Krsna. With closed eyes they are simply listening in silence to the sweet vibrations of His flute, and they are not attracted by any other sound. Surely these birds are on the same level as great sages. " "When the rivers hear the flute song of Krsna, their minds begin to desire Him, and thus the flow of their currents is broken and their waters are agitated, moving around in whirlpools. Then with the arms of their wave the rivers embrace Murari's lotus feet and holding on to them, present offerings of lotus flowers".
(there are 4 more verses of this chapter)
Srimad Bhagavatam's most important part is the description about Krsna's pastimes and especially the Vrindavana pastimes. Why is this?
Because it relates to pastimes of Krsna in His primary form as Govinda, the Adi Purusha, svayam Bhagavan form. And in Vrindavan Krsna is most complete with all 64 qualities as described in" Nectar of devotion", there is 4 qualities that Krsna in Vrindavan manifest that even Dvarkadish Krsna does not manifest:
1) Krsna is the performer of wonderful activities
2) Krsna is surrounded by loving devotees
3) Krsna's attractive flute
4) Krsna's exquisite beauty
So this flute playing of Krsna is very special, it is explained that Krsna has different flutes and he also plays different melodies for different purposes. There is 3 kinds of flutes that Krsna uses.
1) Venu
2) Vamsi
3) Murali
There are 8 different tunes that Krsna plays
1) Demigods like Lord Brahma and Lord Siva's meditation is broken and they forget everything in astonishment and Lord Anantadeva sways His head like in hypnosis.
2) Second tune makes the Yamuna flow backwards
3) Third tune makes the moon stop moving
4) Fourth tune makes the cows run to Krsna and get stunned listening to the flute
5) The 5th note attracts the gopis and make them come running to him
6) 6th Tune makes the stones melt and creates autumn season
7) 7th note manifests all seasons
8) 8th Note is meant exclusively for Srimati Radharani, it takes Her name and calls for Her, and She comes running to Him putting Her cloth wrong and mascara also.
Srila Rupa Goswami has written some beautiful verses regarding Krsna's flute.
Sakhi mama niyati hatayas
tad dasana bhagyam astu va ma va
punar api sa venu nado
yadi karna pathe patet tad evalam
"O friend , I am very unfortunate. If the sound of Krsna's flute fell once again on the pathway of my ears, I would not care even wether or not I had the fortune to see Him" (This is from Padyavali, a book by Rupa Goswami)
Another vers from there is:
"When will Lord Madhuripu's(Krsna's) sweet flute music, which dances with a lotus foot on the unapproachabel braided hair of the goddesses who are the Upanisads suddenly enter my ear"?
Because Krsna's flute always attracts the Gopis away form their duties they want to steal that flute, these pastimes of the gopis stealing Krsna's flute is described in the books of the Goswamis, like in the 10 chapter of Govinda lilamrita. (written by Krsna das Kaviraja)
Especially Srimati Radharani is expert to steal Krsna's flute, and after doing so she passes it on to another Gopi and who passes it on to another Gopi and so on, so that finally Krsna have a hard time to locate His flute. He uses this as an excuse to embrace them and search them to see if they each indivdually have the flute.
Rupa Goswami describes on such transcendental theft in his Padyavali:
"Silencing Her anklets by placing them on Her arms as golden armlets, and carefully observing Krsna's eyes for any sign of His becoming startled, smiling Radha stole the flute from His lap. "
And so many pastimes take place due to the staling of Krsna's flute and thus Srimati Vrindadevi has glorified Krsna's flute:'O flute!Although you are from the smallest of all good families, your dynasty became glorious , since you caused all these wonderfull pastimes of Radha and Krsna!" (Govinda lilamrita vers 132 of 10th Chapter)
Srimati Radhika sometimes glorifies the flute as explained by Rupa Goswami: "O flute who is so dear to Krsna, when you grant Me your mercy I will also give you many benedictions in return. I will bless you , saying, "May you become faultless. May your heart become filled with the nectar from Krsna's lips. May you become very eloquent. may you become charmingly slender. May you become the object of Lord Krsna's worship. "
"Oh flute you have blessed Me by giving Me the emptiness in your heart, your lightness, the dryness of your body , and your eloquence in constantly chanting the holy name of Krsna, the king of Vraja.
WHY DO YOU NOT GIVE ME THE NECTAR OF KRSNA'S LIPS, which you drink, turn into song , and shamelessly use to enchant the entire world and bring it under your control. " Rupa Goswami quotes other great vaisnavas prayers and hankering in his Padyavali: "May Kesava who sweetly playing the flute, a peacock feather in His hair, blackened with dust, decorated with a wilted forest flower garland, tired , handsome, and a festival of happiness for the gopis eyes, returns with the surabhi cows at the days end, grand auspisciousness to you all".
"Here our Lord herded the calves , and here He played the flute". I pray that I may pass my days shedding tears as I speak these words on the Yamunas shore".
"The Supreme Personality of Godhead is decorated with yellow kadambha flowers. A yellow dhoti girds His waist, He enjoys playing sweet flute music in the forest garden. I pray that my heart may become fixed on Him. "
All glories to Krsna's flute.
Srila Prabhupada explains in Nectar of devotion that Radha is jealous of Krsnas flute, why is this flute abel to taste the lotuslips of Krsna that I always hanker for?
In his Vraja Vilasa, Srila Raghunath das Goswami has also glorified Krsnas flute:
The fortunate flute deeply drinks the nectar of Lord Krsna’s lips day and night. I offer my respectful obeisances to this flute, which, with it’s transcendental music, weakens the pride of Srimati Radhika.
Neither the flattering cajoling words spoken by Krsna’s gopi messengers nor the many hints, allegorises, and joking instructions spoken by Krsna’s cowherd friends nor Krsna’s personally falling at her feet and begging Hr to forgive Him nor even the harsh criticisms spoken by her intimate friends who are able to rout the proud jealous anger residing in Srimati Radha’s heart. Only Lord Krsna’s flute, disdaining all previous useless attempts, was able to very easily chase away that jealous anger. Let us glorify Lord Krsna’s exalted and powerful friend, His flute.
Pleased by the music of Lord Krsna’s flute, the best of the peacocks perform a great festival of dancing in the forest by the shore of a lake. Gracefully moving he delights enjoying transcendental pastimes in the forest. Meditating on this, we ardently yearn to see that dancing king of the peacocks.
My dear gopis, what auspicious activities must the flute have performed to enjoy the nectar of Krishna's lips independently and leave only a taste for the gopis for whom that nectar is actually meant. [CC. Antya. 16.140]
"'Although the nectar of Krishn's lips is the absolute property of the gopis, the flute, which is just an insignificant stick, is forcibly drinking that nectar and loudly inviting the gopis to come drink it also. Just imagine the strength of the flute's austerities and good fortune. Even great devotees drink the nectar of Krishna's lips after the flute has done so. [CC. Antya. 16.144]
"This flute is utterly unfit because it is merely a dead bamboo stick. Moreover, it belongs to the male sex. Yet this flute is always drinking the nectar of Krishna's lips, which surpasses nectarean sweetness of every description. Only in hope of that nectar do the gopis continue to live. [CC. Antya. 16.144]
"That flute is a very cunning male who drinks again and again the taste of another male's lips. It advertises its qualities and says to the gopis, 'O gopis, if you are so proud of being women, come forward and enjoy your property- the nectar of the lips of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.' [CC. Antya. 16.125]
"Thereupon, the flute said angrily to Me, 'Give up Your shame, fear and religion and come drink the lips of Krishna. On that condition, I shall give up my attachment for them. If You do not give up Your shame and fear, however, I shall continuously drink the nectar of Krishna's lips. I am slightly fearful because You also have the right to drink that nectar, but as for the others, I consider them like straw.' [CC. Antya. 16.126]
Sri Radha adressing the flute: "Oh flute you have blessed Me by giving Me the emptiness in your heart, your lightness, the dryness of your body , and your eloquence in constantly chanting the holy name of Krsna, the king of Vraja. WHY DO YOU NOT GIVE ME THE NECTAR OF KRSNA'S LIPS, which you drink, turn into song , and shamelessly use to enchant the entire world and bring it under your control. "
"The nectar of Krishna's lips, combined with the vibration of His flute, attracts all the people of the three worlds. However, if we gopis remain patient out of respect for religious principles, the flute then criticizes us. [CC. Antya. 16.127]
"This flute is nothing but a dry stick of bamboo, but it becomes our master and insults us in so many ways that it forces us into a predicament. What can we do but tolerate it? The mother of a thief cannot cry loudly for justice when the thief is punished. Therefore we simply remain silent. [CC. Antya. 16.129]
"That is the policy of these lips. Just consider the other injustices. Everything that touches those lips-including food, drink or betel-becomes just like nectar. It is then called krsna-phela, or remnants left by Krishna. [CC. Antya. 16.130]
"Even after much prayer, the demigods themselves cannot obtain even a small portion of the remnants of such food. Just imagine the pride of those remnants! Only a person who has acted piously for many, many births and has thus become a devotee can obtain the remnants of such food. [CC. Antya. 16.131]
he Glories of Krishna’s Flute From Brihad-Bhagavatamrita Part Two, Chapter Five, Text 140-149
140. "Aho! Just as Sri Krishna is the most extraordinary of all incarnations, in the same way His flute, which like the most supremely beloved object always rests in His lotus hand, is extraordinary. My tongue is incapable of even touching its glories."
141. "Still, by His mercy and according to my capacity, I will describe the glories of the flute, so listen carefully."
142. "Because that enchanting bamboo flute has touched Sri Krishna's bimba-fruit lips, its vibration can accomplish things that He could not with His own lotus mouth or through the words of the Upanisads, Vedas, Puraras and other Sriptures."
143. "Upon hearing that vibration, the demigods and perfected souls who were travelling in their airplanes with their wives all fainted in ecstatic love, and Indra, Sri Shiva and Sri Brahma became mystified and forgot their knowledge of brahma (transcendental substance) - in other words, this doubt arose in them: 'Is that which we meditate on brahma, or is this flute melody brahma?'"
144. "Upon hearing that vibration, the great sages' samadhi was broken and symptoms of ecstatic love manifested on their bodies. That flute melody even interrupted the orbit of the moon and other planets, which are eternally travelling on the wheel of time."
145. "How can I describe the good fortune of the cowherd men? In their thoughts and behaviour they were always indifferent to their bodies and everything related to their bodies, they had offered their very souls to the lotus feet of Sri Krishna, they were devoid of any worldly or other-worldly desires, and solely because their wives were very dear to Krishna, they even offered pranama to their wives."
146. "The sons of those gopas always accompanied Sri Krishna like His shadow. When, desiring to see the splendour of the forest, Sri Krishna would go away from them for even one minute, then not seeing Him they would become extremely distraught. And quickly running to Him, they would receive great satisfaction from touching Him."
147. "Hearing the vibration of the flute, the supremely exalted Sri Radha and vraja-gopis, who to meet with Sri Krishna had abandoned their husbands, sons, religious principles, and shyness, attained mahabhava in such a way that becoming spellbound in the simultaneously sweet and poisonous thoughts of Him, they completely forgot their own selves and became motionless like pillars."
148. "Please hear more of the astonishing wonders of that flute melody. When the cows, calves, bulls, deer, the birds who reside in trees, the birds and other living entities who reside in the water, the trees, rivers, clouds and other entities who are devoid of intelligence heard the vibration of the flute, they all abandoned their respective natures."
149. "Upon hearing the melody of the flute, moving living entities became motionless and motionless entities like stone melted and began to move. In other words, the conscious became as if matter, and matter became as if conscious. Plunged into a great ocean of prema-rasa, they all exhibited symptoms of ecstatic love."
the Gopal Gayatri mantra is the sound of Krsna's flute given to Lord Brahma
BS 5.24: Then the goddess of learning Sarasvatī, the divine consort of the Supreme Lord, said thus to Brahmā who saw nothing but gloom in all directions, "O Brahmā, this mantra, viz., klīḿ kṛṣṇāya govindāya gopī-jana-vallabhāya svāhā, will assuredly fulfill your heart's desire."
BS 5.25: "O Brahmā, do thou practice spiritual association by means of this mantra; then all your desires will be fulfilled."
BS 5.26: Brahmā, being desirous of satisfying Govinda, practiced the cultural acts for Kṛṣṇa in Goloka, Lord of Śvetadvīpa, for a long time. His meditation ran thus, "There exists a divine lotus of a thousand petals, augmented by millions of filaments, in the transcendental land of Goloka. On its whorl, there exists a great divine throne on which is seated Śrī Kṛṣṇa, the form of eternal effulgence of transcendental bliss, playing on His divine flute resonant with the divine sound, with His lotus mouth. He is worshiped by His amorous milkmaids with their respective subjective portions and extensions and also by His external energy [who stays outside] embodying all mundane qualities."
BS 5.27: Then Gāyatrī, mother of the Vedas, being made manifest, i.e. imparted, by the divine sound of the flute of Śrī Kṛṣṇa, entered into the lotus mouth of Brahmā, born from himself, through his eight ear-holes. The lotus-born Brahmā having received the Gāyatrī, sprung from the flute-song of Śrī Kṛṣṇa, attained the status of the twice-born, having been initiated by the supreme primal preceptor, Godhead Himself.
BS 5.28: Enlightened by the recollection of that Gāyatrī, embodying the three Vedas, Brahmā became acquainted with the expanse of the ocean of truth. Then he worshiped Śrī Kṛṣṇa, the essence of all Vedas, with this hymn.
BS 5.29: I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, the first progenitor who is tending the cows, yielding all desire, in abodes built with spiritual gems, surrounded by millions of purpose trees, always served with great reverence and affection by hundreds of thousands of lakṣmīs or gopīs.
BS 5.30: I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who is adept in playing on His flute, with blooming eyes like lotus petals with head decked with peacock's feather, with the figure of beauty tinged with the hue of blue clouds, and His unique loveliness charming millions of Cupids.
BS 5.31: I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, round whose neck is swinging a garland of flowers beautified with the moon-locket, whose two hands are adorned with the flute and jeweled ornaments, who always revels in pastimes of love, whose graceful threefold-bending form of Śyāmasundara is eternally manifest.

Lord Brahma was initiated directly by Sarasvati the Goddess of learning and by Sri Krsnas flute (By Krsna Himself)
Śrī Brahma-saḿhitā 5.27
atha veṇu-ninādasya
trayī-mūrti-mayī gatiḥ
sphurantī praviveśāśu
mukhābjāni svayambhuvaḥ
gāyatrīḿ gāyatas tasmād
adhigatya sarojajaḥ
saḿskṛtaś cādi-gunuṇā
dvijatām agamat tataḥ
atha — then; veṇu-ninādasya — of the sound of the flute; trayī-mūrti-mayī — the mother of the three Vedas; gatiḥ — the means (the Gāyatrī mantra); sphuranti — being made manifest; praviveśa — entered; āśu — quickly; mukha-abjāni — the lotus faces; svayambhuvaḥ — of Brahmā; gāyatrīm — the Gāyatrī; gāyataḥ — sounding; tasmāt — from Him (Śrī Kṛṣṇa); adhigatya — having received; saroja-jaḥ — the lotus-born (Brahmā); saḿskṛtaḥ — initiated; ca — and; ādi-guruṇā — by the primal preceptor; dvijatām — the status of the twice-born; agamat — attained; tataḥ — thereafter.
Then Gāyatrī, mother of the Vedas, being made manifest, i.e. imparted, by the divine sound of the flute of Śrī Kṛṣṇa, entered into the lotus mouth of Brahmā, born from himself, through his eight ear-holes. The lotus-born Brahmā having received the Gāyatrī, sprung from the flute-song of Śrī Kṛṣṇa, attained the status of the twice-born, having been initiated by the supreme primal preceptor, Godhead Himself.
The sound of Kṛṣṇa's flute is the transcendental blissful sound; hence the archetype of all Veda, is present in it. The Gāyatrī is Vedic rhythm. It contains a brief meditation and prayer. Kāma-gāyatrī is the highest of all the Gāyatrīs, because the meditation and prayer contained in it are full of the perfect transcendental sportive activities which are not to be found in any other Gāyatrī. The Gāyatrī that is attained as the sequel of the eighteen-lettered mantra is kāma-gāyatrī which runs thus: klīḿ kāma-devāya vidmahe puṣpa-bāṇāya dhīmahi tan no 'nańgaḥ pracodayāt. In this Gāyatrī, the realization of the transcendental pastimes of Śrī Gopījana-vallabha after perfect meditation and the prayer for the attainment of the transcendental god of love are indicated. In the spiritual world there is no better mode of endeavor for securing the superexcellent rasa-bedewed love. As soon as that Gāyatrī entered into the ear-holes of Brahmā, he became the twice-born and began to chant the Gāyatrī. Whoever has received the same Gāyatrī in reality. has attained his spiritual rebirth. The status of a twice-born that is obtained in accordance with one's worldly nature and lineage, by the fettered souls in this mundane world, is far inferior to that of the twice-born who obtains admission into the transcendental world; because the initiation or acquisition of transcendental birth as a result of spiritual initiation is the highest of glories in as much as the jīva is thereby enabled to attain to the transcendental realm.

Sometimes Radha steals Krsnas flute, with the help of the Gopis as described in this chapter ,sometimes Radharani pretends to be Krsna in Krsnas presence and Krsna pretends He is a Gopi and Radharani will say in the mood of playing Krsna: "What are you gopis doing here in the middle of the night on the bank of Yamuna, now please return home : Such sweet pastimes are described in Govinda lilamrta .
"The theft of Krishna's flute"
Seeing Krishna sad because of the obstacles arising in His performance of the sacrifice of Cupid, that was to fulfill all of His desires, Kundalata told Him with a wink: "You are Pasupati, who vanquished Cupid just for fun! If this sacrifice fails, the demigods will perish and so will Your pious merit! So give up all other duties and return to Your own occupation of being subdued by love!" (1-2)
Krishna said: "Thanks for reminding Me! Did'nt You call Me the all-auspicious ancient Siva? It was He who gave His better half to His dearly beloved (Parvati)! I should always follow in His footsteps! Moreover, He gave only the left half of His body to Gauri, but I will give My whole body with My cleverness, My generosity and My submission to My devotees' love Thus I will become even more famous than Mahadeva!" (3-4)
Hearing this, Shri Radhika became scared and careful. Then Krishna came up to Her in an unseen way and took Her on His lap, eagerly embracing Her; saying: "He Gauri, come! Take My body! I am Candraka Sekhara!" Then, when Radhika ran away He caught Her at once. With faltering voice Radhika rebuked Krishna, smiling and crying simultaneously. Pulling Her hand from His hand, She stood before Him. (5-7)
Smelling the fragrance of Radhika's lotuslike face, humming bees greedily went after it. When they landed on Her ear, Radhika became scared. With restless eyes She gave up Her calm and took shelter of the embrace of the Lord of Her Life (Krishna). Krishna also held Her tight and on His chest She looked as beautiful as a steady lightning bolt in a cloud. When Radhika saw Her girlfriends smiling about this She became shy and tried to wrestle Herself loose from Krishna's embrace. (8-9)
All the female elephants of emotion, such as irsya (envy) laija (shame), harsa (joy), and vamata (aversion) suddenly pervaded Her body mind and words. Seeing Radhika's gestures, everyone became happy (10)
Shri Radhika laughed and cried at the same time, praying, scolding and blaspheming Krishna with regret or humility She loosened Herself from the bondage of His arms with Her hands, giving great joy to Krishna and to Her girlfriends. (11)
Seeing that the sakhis were happy to see Radhika and Krishna tightly embracing each other, and seeing the opulence of ecstatic symptoms such as shivering on their bodies, and seeing their faces blooming with joy, Vrnda devi told Nandimukhi: "How amazing it is that the sakhis are so happy when Radhika is tightly embraced for so long by Hari, while they are not so fortunate! When they do not see Krishna, they are anxious to see Him and when they see Him they want to touch Him. Then, when Krishna touches them, they show unwillingness and malice. Their activities are truly amazing!" (12-14)
Nandimukhi told Vrnda: "The fair browed girls of Vraja are not so astonishing! They are transcendental. Their minds and bodies are made for Krishna's pleasure only! These girlfriends, who are part and parcel of Shri Radhika, are the pleasure potency (hladini sakti) of Shri Krishna, who is like the moon for the lily-like gopis. The essence of this potency is prema, love of God. This love is personified by Shri Radha and they are the sprouts, leaves and flowers of this vine. When this love-vine is sprinkled with the nectar of Krishna's pastimes, they become a hundred times happier than if they would be sprinkled themselves! This is not so astonishing!" (15-16)
"Just as the all-pervading Lord cannot be satisfied without His blissful cit potency, so Radha and Krishna's great, self-manifest and blissful love cannot be nourished without Their girlfriends. Which man of taste will not take shelter of these gopis?" (17)
"Radha is a blooming golden vine and Krishna a blooming Tamala tree. Which conscious being will not be happy to see Their beautiful meeting?" (18)
"The fair browed girls of Vraja have such affectionate and loving hearts that they are only interested in giving pleasure to Krishna. If they show unwillingness towards Him when they unite with Him, that is also for His pleasure!" (19)
Radhika bcame overwhelmed with joy when Krishna tightly embraced Her chest as She desired, but, feigning unwillingness, She admonished Lalita, saying: "0 shameless, deceitful Lalite! You conspired with Hari's messenger Kundavalli to bring Me here and place Me in the hands of this family-guru of deceit with a wink of your eyes, and now you are callous when you see the shameless dancing of this cheater! Although your mood is sharp, you have now become mild. This is not so astonishing, since you exchanged your sharp nature for Krishna's mild nature!" (20-22)
Then Lalita, who was inwardly happy with Krishna's touch, pretended to be angry and proudly rebuked Krishna, saying: "0 King of bold destroyers of housewives' chastity! What are You doing?" (23)
Krishna said: "Lalite! Ask Your friend Radhika what She began to do! She forcibly embraced Me to make Me Hers!" (24)
Lalita said: "Krishna! It is normal for a golden Madhavi vine to embrace a Punnaga tree, but I have never seen a Punnaga tree entwining a Malati vine! A vine can embrace a tree, but not the other way around!" (25)
Krishna said: "I have given My body to Radha and She accepted it What is the harm for you? I cannot take a gift like that back!" (26)
Lalita angrily said: "0 cheater! Give up Your deceitful behaviour! I am Lalita, who is known for Her heroism and Her cruelty! Leave this pure and famous girl, if You want to keep Your reputation! 0 best of honeybees! If You have any such desire, then go to Your niece Kundalata, who is very eager for this! In front of Lalita even the wind cannot touch Radha! If You don't leave Her, You must tolerate my attack!" (27-28)
When Krishna saw Lalita's angry face as she came before Him with her girlfriends, He became ecstatic and was overcome with ecstatic symptoms like goosepimples, shivering and tears. Krishna was enchanted by the touch of His lover and out of ecstasy His flute fell from His shivering hand, but He did not notice it. Everyone thought He dropped it out of fear of Lalita. Meanwhile Radhika escaped from the bondage of His arms and caught the falling flute in Her hands. Radha carefully hid that flute in Her apron. Then Visakha told Krishna: "0 Krishna! Your hands covered the Radha-star like the lunar eclipse! This was a mistake, because She is not a moon like Candravali! Just look at Your mistake!" (29-32)
Indicating the different stars in the sky, after which most of the gopis are named, Visakha said: "I am Visakha (non-different from Radha), Lalita is Anuradha (a star that follows the Radhastar), this is Jyestha, and there are Dhanistha, Citra and Bharani. And there are so many other stars (or girls) like lndulekha, but she is not fit for enjoyment, being a mere moonbeam (lndulekha means moonbeam), so go to Candravali (many full moons)!" (33-34)
Krishna replied: "Visakhe! You are trudy Sankari, the bestower of bliss, and Lalita's terrifying thunderbolt-like words make her a real Indra! 0 Visakhe! I left Candravali after enjoying her many times! Now I want to taste the nectar of the goddess Bhanavi (Radha), who is very rarely attained! The eclipse gradually enjoyed all the stars and eagerly desired to enjoy the unrivalled Indulekha-moonbeam!" (35-37)
Saying this, Hari went to Indulekha to embrace her. Seeing Him coming, Indulekha became afraid and backed away. She smiled and frowned her eyebrows, saying: "0 Impudent Rahu! Indulekha is not enjoyable for You! Go and enjoy Candravali, who is a full moon, or enjoy all the stars gradually!" (38-39)
So Hari approached Lalita in an unseen way and caught her. Lalita said: "Anuradha (me) is not attainable for You! Go and enjoy Visakha!" (40)
When Krishna touched Visakha, she told Him: "Why are You touching me after having enjoyed Radha? Don't You know that She and I are One? In Your gradual course You should now enjoy Jyestha!" (41)
When Krishna touched Jyestha in an unseen way, she became both happy and angry, and told Him: "Without enjoying Citra You will only suffer in Your gradual enjoyment of the others!" (42)
Then when Krishna suddenly caught Citra, she told Him: "Go away, You debauchee! Don't deviate from Your course! Enjoy all the stars gradually!" (43)
Hearing this, Tungavidya said: "Citre! Sometimes Rahu's course is a little curved and he attacks planets by surprise!" (44)
Citra said: "Tungavidye! You are a Libra! Soon after attacking Citra, Rahu will come and attack you!" (45) When Krishna touched her, Tungavidya said: "0 villain! Why do You want to hurt me without having attacked Rangadevi, who is a Libra, first? Leave me alone and catch her!" (46)
Rangadevi, upon being touched, said: "0 Raho! You are enjoying a Virgo, now attack the Pisces Campakavalli!" (47)
Campakalata, when being caught, quickly said: "0 rascal! Swiftly go to Sudevi, who is an Acquarius, to complete Your course!" (48)
When Sudevi was touched she said: "0 Madhusudana! The blooming golden vine Kancanavalli will fulfill all of Your desires!" (49)
Kancanavalli, on being caught, said: "0 Krishna! Why does a Cakora bird like You come here (to a golden vine)? Go and quench Your thirst on Candramukhi (moonfaced girl. A Cakora bird lives only on moonlight)!" (50)
When Krishna thus came up to Candramukhi in an unseen way to kiss her, she turned her head away and said: "0 Cheater! Why don't You leave other men's wives and kiss Your own wife the flute if You want to kiss someone?" (51)
comment: Krsna has thus completed embrazing the most prominent Sakhis (including the Asta Sakhis)
Hearing this, Krishna remembered His flute, that had fallen from His hand long ago. For a moment He was astonished and then He looked at Kundalata, who hinted to Him that Radhika had taken it. Radhika saw her hint and secretly handed the flute to Tulasi. Tulasi carefully hid herself behind Lalita and Visakha, keeping the flute. Meanwhile Krishna went up to Radhika and, wanting to grab Her, told Her in false anger: "You thief! My mind is free from fleeting restlessness, but You pierced it with Cupid's arrows with Your glances! It is not astonishing that You took away My flute! I will bind You with the ropes of My arms, plunder Your clothes and ornaments and take You to the kunja-prison to deliver You to king Cupid there!" (52-56)
When Radhika heard this, an extraordinary mood arose in Her and She left, ignoring Hari. Krishna stopped Her and held Her on the pretext of looking for His flute. Hari told Her: "0 Thief! Why are You vainly trying to escape? Until You give Me My flute back I will not let You go out of My arms!" (57-58)
Lalita, feigning anger; moved her bow-like eyebrows and quickly came up to Hari, saying with a proud smile: "0 You who are polluted by associating with other men's wives! 0 destroyer of the housewives' chastity! Go! Go! Don't pollute Radha, who is freshly bathed for Her surya puja, by touching Her! 0 villain! You are intoxicated by drinking the nectar of Saibya's lips, so go to her at Kusuma Sarovara! 0 rascal! It was she who took Your flute! If You don't believe it, then go and ask Tulasi! The wicked men are cheating, but the righteous have to suffer for it! Though Saibya took Your flute, You are blaming Radhika for this!" (59-62)
Then Lalita hinted to Krishna with her eyes: "Tulasi has the flute that You want!" Then, when Krishna wanted to approach Tulasi to get it, Radha escaped from His embrace, like a lightning-strike leaving a cloud. (63)
With a light hint Tulasi winked at Rupa Manjari and put the Murali in her hand. Then Tulasi wanted to run away, but Krishna caught her by force, making her shiver and horripilate of ecstasy. Tulasi bent her fingers and placed them on her face, piteously crying: "0 Merciful One! Alas! Alas! Leave this unworthy maidservant of Yours, I beg You! I don't have the flute You're after! I saw it in Saibya's hands today!" Saying this, Tulasi hinted to Him at Rupa manjari. (64-66)
Then Madhusudana left Tulasi and went to (Rupa) manjari (like a bee going to a bud), looking fcr His flute, after smelling its honey. Rupa manjari cleverly hinted to Lalita to quickly take the flute over and Lalita took it, standing there just like a saint (67)
Krishna quickly went up to Rupa manjari in an unseen way and bound her in His ropelike arm. Looking for His flute in her blouse, he said: "0 thief, where did you hide My flute?" (68)
Rupa manjari stopped Krishna and told Him: "Am I a thief? Well, did You find Your flute on me? Anyway, You're lucky to have Your desires fulfilled by sticking Your hand in my blouse! Now go and call all the cowherd wives with Your flute! You are so eager to pollute all the chaste housewives by embracing them. You just hid the flute Yourself to find an excuse to look for it on their bodies!" (69-70)
Then Rupa manjari hinted to Krishna with her glance that Lalita had the flute. When Krishna then went to Lalita, Rupa manjari escaped from His embrace and Lalita, seeing Krishna approaching, fearfully gave the flute to Kundavalli. Seeing Krishna coming, Lalita angrily told Him: 'Hey, stay away! Why have You come? If the flute is not on me, then You will soon reap the fruit of Your impudence!" (71-72)
"0 Cheater! Why should Radha's girlfriends, who do not care to tread carelessly on Cintamani-gems with their feet even, steal this bamboo-flute of Yours?" (73)
"The sound of this dry wooden flute, which is full of holes (or faults) agitates all the three worlds! You became the husband of this Murali, so it is very auspicious that it fell from Your hands!" (74)
"Now the housewives can keep their girdles and braids tied and happily do their household work. The does can freely graze and the rivers can peacefully stream towards the ocean!" (75)
"Your Murali fell from Your hand and was lost for You as a result of the suffering You caused to the naked maidens who were suffering from the cold when You stole their clothes. Whoever causes suffering to others must suffer himself!" (76)
"This flute is just a dry bamboo reed, one hand long and full of holes! Alas! I now everything lost for the king of Gokula?" (77)
Kundalata, seeing Krishna pretending to be sad after hearing Lalita's joking sarcastic words, secretly gave to flute to Shri Radhika and went up to Krishna, slyly saying to Radha: "Alas! Who has stolen Krishna's flute?" Then she told Krishna: "0 Krishna, what can I say? What is the loss to You when an old piece of bamboo, worth less than half a dime, and which is full of holes, falls from Your hand? Let it fall! It's good! Why are You sad? You are the son of the cowherd king! Alas! All the cowherd girls are joking about You! I would die of embarrassment!" (78-79)
Krishna said: "Kundalate! You don't know the glories of My flute, that is why you speak like that! That is not so astonishing, because My flute never reveals its qualities (as an conjugal enchanter ) to you as it does to the other girls (because you are my relative)! Whatever I wish, which is otherwise impossible to get, My flute callously gives Me, just like the cit-potency fulfills all of Lord Narayana's wishes! This flute of Mine is endowed with all potencies to fulfill any wish! Shri Radhika and Her friends are aware of it's extraordinary capacity!" (80-82)
Lalita said: "Your flute is very expert in getting things itself. Why wouldn’t Your lusty lover know this?" (83)
"Your flute binds the elephant-like hearts of the gopis with its nectarean stream of sound, stealing the mass of their pure, flawless pious merit What to speak of other ladies, even Rama (Laksmi), Gauri (Parvati), Sauri (Samjna, the wife of the sun) and all other ladies in the three world are enchanted by it. 0 Krishna! The qualities of Your famous, perfect Murali are wonderful!" (84)
Krishna said: "Lalita is very harsh and she is a very thorny fortress of crooked words! She secretly stole My flute and still she blasphemes both Me and the flute!" Saying this, Krishna wanted to grab the end of Lalita's sari, but Lalita took some distance and said with frowned eyebrows and a smiling face: "0 Krishna! I am that Lalita! You know me very well in many ways! I'm leaving now with my friends! Your tricks won't work with me!" (85-87)
Saying this, Lalita left, but Krishna caught her cloth and said: "You won't be able to go home that easily without first giving Me My flute! 0 Lalite! If you did not steal My flute, then why do you run away so fearfully? After showing Me that you don't have it on your body you can either go or stay!" (88-89)
Lalita pulled her cloth out of Krishna's grip and looked at Him in a crooked way, saying: "You are maddened by lust! Go and search the body of Your niece! We did not take Your flute, nor did we see it anywhere, but if You still will not leave us alone, then You can tell us Your price and we will pay You through Kundavalli! And if that is not enough for You, then we will cut another bamboo flute for You! We have two friends from the Pulinda-caste (outcastes), named Malli and Bhrngi, who live close to Govardhana Hill. If we tell them, they will bring You a new bamboo-flute, without holes or faults!" (90-92)
Krishna replied: "Those Pulinda-girls are most fortunate, for they are very attracted to Me! They smeared their faces and breasts with the vermilion that My lotus feet printed on the grass to soothe their lusty desires! They also brought Me gunja-beads and mineral pigments from Govardhana Hill. They are My maidservants, how did they become your friends?" (93)
"If You disrespect Me by taking My flute, 1 will bind you up and punish you, and whoever wants to protect you may try it!" (94)
Then Yisakha came up before Lalita and smilingly told Krishna with a soft voice: "0 Krishna, if someone’s belongings are lost, he can find some help in finding it back, so be intelligent and find someone to help you search for it. You won't have success by using crude means" (95-96)
Campakavalli said: "Anyone who will help Him will ask a lot of money for it! Why would Krishna spend so much on a piece of bamboo?" (97)
Tungavidya said: "0 Foolish Campakalate! You don't understand, listen! This flute is Krishna's only wealth! What will He not give to get it back? After He found the thief by the grace of His detective, Krishna will take His flute back from that thief and punish him. Then He will reward His detective with wealth that He took from the thief! This is His custom!" (98-99)
Visakha said: "0 Proprietor (Krishna)! First tell me how You will punish the thief and how You will reward the detective! I ask You in Your own interest!" (100)
Krishna said: "I reward anyone who helps Me finding My flute with the flower garland from My body, My jeweled necklace, a Karamardaka fruit and a Cumbaka jewel! And I punish the thief of My flute by binding her in the ropes of My arms and taking her into the prison of the nikunja, where I will take the jewels of youth from her two jugs (breasts), dress and jeweled ornaments as an conjugal punishment!" (101-102)
Visakha said: "This is proper for the son of the cowherd king to do! The flute will surely return to Your hand when You are not miserly! Only Kundavalli knows where the flute is and I know it from her, but I have not seen it myself, so it is difficult for me to speak about it. But You may ask her to find it and give her some reward!" (103-104)
Visakha then happily told Kundalata: "Sakhi ! How fortunate that you have come! Take this valuable reward and help your cousin to find His flute back!" (105)
Visakha whispered something in Kundalata's ear while Radha secretly gave the flute to Tulasi. Hari eagerly looked at Kundalata's face, and Kundalata told Visakha: "Sakhi Visakhe! I swear to you, I don't know who the thief is! I'm not an outsider (to Krishna's family) like you all! Whatever belongs to my cousin Krishna is also mine! If I knew where the flute was, I would tell Him, even without a reward! Visakhe! You surely know who stole the flute! Tell me who has the flute and accept the reward of the jewels! If you help, Lord Krishna will surely get the flute back in His hand! You can either take your reward first or find the flute first.! will be the referee when Krishna gets His flute back and you get your reward!" (106-110)
Krishna also understood Kundalata's hint and eagerly came to Radhika's side to get His flute back. He was stunned by Radhika's sharp, arrow-like glances and Kundalata told Him from behind: "Krishna! That krishna rasa that You fill up Your flute with has now colored the whole world bluish! This bluish fluid has now beautified Radhika's chin as a musk-drop. Radha has taken His flute, that can be seen by the blue drop on Her chin! Not knowing it was there, She did not remove it! 0 Krishna! Fortunately You first saw this sign of Your flute as the chin decoration! Quickly remove the drop with Your lips (by kissing it), then cleverly take Your flute back! Punish the thief and reward the detective! Surely Your flute must be with Radhika! Take it from Her or not, it's no loss to me! The detective Visakha wants to receive the reward in front of me! Give it to her please!" (111-115)
Krishna said: "First I will remove the mark of My flute from Radhika's chin, and then I will quickly reward Visakha! After that I will lock up Radhika in the kunja-prison, take the flute from Her and give Her the punishment!" (116)
Saying this. Krishna approached His beloved and began to bite Her lips. Seeing this, Lalita stopped Him by standing in between them with false anger and telling Krishna: "How amazing! Radhika has not done Her surya puja yet today, but You contaminated Her with Your biting! Go away, quickly! You have no respect for social customs and the demigods?" (117-118)
Hari said: "He Radhe! It's not My fault or because of My teeth! If You show this drop so clearly, then that is Your fault! 0 moonfaced Girl! Out of fear of You, this musk drop has entered the fortress of My teeth, although it was nicely situated on Your chin. Having the some colour as Me, it accepted Me as a friend!" (ll9-120)
Kundalata told Radhika: "Show Your skill in excellent poetry by reciting bindu cyuta poem. Out of envious rivaky Krishna, the king of poets, will recite the bindv agama poetry." (121)
"If a qualified person shows his qualities the knowers of qualities will not find faults in it They will be satisfied, so adorn Krishna with the jewel string of Your bites!" (122)
Radhika said: "He Kundalate! If you are blooming of affection for your cousin’s attributes then offer your own flower-like teeth to His sun-like lips!" (123)
Feigning anger; Kundalata told Acyuta: "Hare! Radha, Mukhara's fine granddaughter; is Herself also Mukhara (talkative), and this Lalita here is very harsh, whereas You are very soft and scared. Now will You get Your Murali back? All these gopis are very bold, numerous and crooked. You are alone and soft. Save Your dress and ornaments and return to Your cowherd boy friends! These gopis, who make no distinction between sin and virtue and who are lusty after paramours, take me to be just like them! Although my cousin is just a boy, you girls, being fixed in piety and pure chastity, should not peak with Him! They are slandering us again. I'm going home! Give Visakha the rest of the reward and let me loose!" (124-128)
Hari laughed at Visakha, saying: "Come, 0 chaste girl, come! Take the jewels!" and embraced her. Then the sakhis also laughed and surrounded them. Then Krishna began to quarrell with the sakhis and a great tumult arose. Radha took the opportunity to sneak away and hide in a kunja, carefully stifling Her ornaments as She went (129-130)
Meanwhile Tulasi fearfully hid the flute and went to the kunja where Vrnda was. Vrnda took the flute from her and kept it at her chest, saying: "0 Flute! Although you are from the smallest of all good families, your dynasty became glorious, since you caused all these wonderful pastimes of Radha and Krishna!" (132)
Visakha's eyes became restless when she heard her friends laughing, With great effort she loosened herself from the tight bondage of Krishna’s arms and rebuked Him with faltering voice, saying: "0 King of cheaters! We are not Your relatives, nor Your helpers! You are an outsider, how are we supposed to accept gifts from You? Give the reward to the detective, Your own niece-in-law Kundalatal" (133-134)
Visakha said: "Kundalate! Why have you become bewildered although you are usually so bold? You want to give up the gift of your cousin out of illusion and pollute us with it instead!" (135)
Kundalata said: "Visakhe! The donor Krishna gives charity to the best of dvijas (teeth or brahmana girls)! Why are you angry, and why should I commit the sin of forbidding such virtue? If Krishna donates with love, then why should you hesitate to accept it? You should repay Him with the double amount!" (136-137)
Citra said: "Visakhe! It's your own possession, why do you reject it as if it is someone else's? With this wealth you became aristocratic! If you don't like it, then you can give it to Kundavalli!" (138)
Kundalata said: "Citre! Krishna gives His own jewels! If you don't accept them, then what should He care? Let His wealth remain in His home! Krishna! You should'nt deal with these misers, just exchange gifts with Radha!" (139-140)
Hearing this, Hari began to search for Radha, and when He could not find Her; He asked Lalita: "Where is She hidden? The thief is taken away by a crook like you! If you don't bring Her before Me, I will give you a just punishment!" (141)
Lalita said: "I'm not a witness to that! Who knows where She went? You can play kings and queens with Radha, I'm going home!" (142)
One sakhi said: "Radha has gone home!", another one said: "She's gone to worship the sun god!", and another one said: "She has gone to Manasi Ganga to purify Herself after You touched Her!" (143)
When the sakilis said that, Krishna looked at Kundalata's face, and Kundalata blinked with her eyes towards a nikunja indicating that He should enter it. After Krishna entered that nikunja, Kundalata and her friends closed all its four gates with vine string doors, remaining outside themselves. (144-145)
Radha tried to flee when She saw Her lover approaching, but She was unable to reach the doors of the kunja and Krishna took Her to the bed by force. (146)
Krishna was like an elephant afflicted by the forest fire of lust, finally attaining the cooling Ganga-river named Radha, and privately enjoyed Her as He wished. (147)
Radhika's ornaments loudly resounded when She stopped Krishna with Her arms from opening Her blouse and girdle. Krishna's voice faltered when He demanded: "gi-gi-give Me My flute!" Radha replied with happy faltering voice: "No no no!" Krishna took the jewels of Radha's youth and Radha anxiously tried to stop Him. During Their play the general of Cupid's battle named Dharstya (boldness) chased away the sakhis' patience, shyness and unwillingness. (148)
When the mutual vigour of Their beautiful and intense festival of union became manifest a stream of nectar appeared in the form of loving screams like cooing from the throats. In a joking manner the Divine Couple ornamented each other with scratches and bites, increasing each other's beauty. Glory to Radha and Madhava's sweet play in the solitary kunja!
In the great poem Govinda Lilamrta, which is the result of service to Shrila Rupa Gosvami, who is a honeybee at Shri Chaitanya's lotus feet, the encouragement of Shri Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami, the association of Shri Jiva Gosvami and the blessings of Shri Raghunatha Bhatta Gosvami, this was the tenth chapter, which deals with the midday pastimes, that give so much joy to Shri Radhika and Her girlfriends.
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