Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Govinda Lilamrta chaper 3 :Shri Radhika cooks for Shri Krishna in the morning

dandavat pranams to the readers of Govinda Lilamrta 

all glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga all glories to Srila Prabhupada 

May Srila Krsna das Kaviraja Goswami be kind and bless us to enter the deep explanation  of this chapter , may these pastime remain in our hearts constantly .Govinda Lilamrta are not for those who lack the qualifikation to read these pastimes and for those who are envious of Sri Sri Radha Krsna and Their pure devotees.Srila Prabhupada sometimes warned the unqualifed persons to hear about Radha Krsna, but only fools will not want to learn abotu Sri Sri Radha Krsna.As longs as we understand Sri Radha is Sarva Laxmi . the source of all Laxmis the wife of God ,Sri Krsna .Sri Krsna is  the Supreme Personality of Godhead those who approach Govinda lilamrta in this mood will be safe. Once when Krsna and Balarama and the sakhas entered Mathura along with Nanda Maharaja and his brothers, Krsna showed them all how He is nondifferent from Lord Visnu and manifested a giant Visnu form ,Dirgha Visnu .So we have to also approach Govinda Lilamrta in the reverend mood . The killer of Kamsa and so many demons,Krsna  also performes these pastimes .Srila Baladeva Vidhyabhusana Goswami has written a wonderful book Asivarya Kadambini ,to show how Vrindavana is more opulent than even Vaikuntha,So Krsna manifest His sweetness fully in Vrindavana ,so even Krsna opulences are sweet there, but the Vrindavana bhaktas are more interested in loving Krsna than anything else.Lord Caitanya did not see Lord Jagannatha as Dvarakadish He simply saw Him as Vrajendra Nandana, Krsna playing His Flute.In this chapter Sri Radha is cooking for Krsna assisting mother Yasoda and mother Rohini is there as well .A proper mood is had when we also read Srila Raghunath das Goswamis Vraja Vilasa Stava along with Govinda lilamrta .Because then we will be offering obaisences to all the associates of Radha Krsna .Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada once told Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura he had translated Govinda Lilamrta and wanted to print it, so Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura said make it 2 copies one for you and one for me . This book however is meant for all Gaudiya vaisnavas that are eager to hear the pastimes of Radha Krsna.The neophytes will simple say it is not for me. That is fine if you have so much fear to become purified do not read it.Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada stated that those who have chanted 64 rounds for many years they should learn all the books of the 6 Goswamis , so when Srila Narayana Maharaja was approached by ISKCON leaders ,he advised them also to chant 64 rounds and then you should learn all these things.He also told me this in 1989 when I asked him many questiones in Mathura. Later at my reinitiation in 1998 he said I want you should chant 64 rounds every day .The Mahamantra is yugal Kisora mantra and if chanted properly one will want to read and study Govinda lilamrta , if that desire is not yet there it means some aparadhas is there one has not advanced in KC ,one is remaining a neophyte.NO harm we think we are neophytes we must be very humble as taught by Lord Caitanya ,see also SB 7,9,8 purport by Srila Prabhupada.Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has explained that the Astakaliya lilas are situated within the Hare Krsna maha mantra .So it is natural one wants to hear there pastimes, having heard all Cantos of Srimad Bhagavatam and read them over and over again and Bhagavad Gita beings ones very life and soul.Then with the faith in Srila Prabhupada we can read Govinda Lilamrta.The Acaryas took the vaisnava litteratures that was to confidential and dug them into a samadhi behind Srila Sanatana Goswamis Samadhi it is called Grantha samadhi ,we should offer our obaisences to this samadhi of truths about Radha Krsna that are so far beyond what we can understand. Some years back when I was preaching in ISKCON Dubai I was asked about a statement made by mother Yamuna devi a very dear disciple of Srila Prabhupada ,she had stated that Srimati Radharani neveer cooks the same preperation again.Well I told devotees that surely She is cooking Krsna sweetrice daily and other preperationes as also mentioned in Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakuras Bhoga artik song .That is actually a summary of this chapter  and the following chapter where Krsna and Balarama and the cowherd boys take breakfast prasadam  .But it taste so transcendental that it appears to be a new kind of sweetrice  for example what ever Sri Radha cooks for Krsna is the topmost and is ever fresh and evernew as this is the nature of these transcendental pastimes .Navayauvanam ca .

But the concept Srimati Radharani never cooks sweet rice again for Krsna and has to make up a new kind of preperation is wrong and actually an offensive concept.Lord Caitanyas lilas are also going on at the same time this is part of Pratha lila: Period 2 (6:00-8:24 a.m.): morning pastimes pratah svah sariti sva-parsada-vrtah snatva prasun-adi-bhis tam sampujya grhita-caru-vasanah srak-candan-alankrtah krtva visnu samar-can adi sa -gano b-huktv annam -acamy-a ca dvitram canya grhe su-kam svapiti yas tam gauram adhyem-y ahamIn the morning, after sunrise, the Lord goes with His associates to bathe in the Ganges river While bathing, they also worship mother Ganges by offering flowers, incense, and other presentations A fter this, they come onto the bank of the river, where He is dressed with exquisite cloth and decorated with fresh flower garlands, sandalwood paste and other ornaments Then they   return to His home in order to perform opulent worship of Lord Vishnu, as well as other rituals, after which they partake of the foodstuffs which were offered to Lord Vishnu. After washing His hands and mouth, Lord Gaura goes into another room to rest very happy for a while I meditate thus on the daily pastimes of Sri Gaura hari - (Srila Visvanath Chakravati Thakura )

I like to add something important ,one may notice that Nanda Maharaja has not yet been mentioned, why He did not come to wake up Krsna or maybe supervise the milking of the cows?.This is not mentioned in Govinda lilamrta ,but I happen to know the answer.Nanda Maharaja was asked to worship Lord Narasimha by Garga Muni ,so daily Nanda Maharaja goes to the temple of Lord Narasimha and does puja to Lord Narasimha and Lord Varaha and Lord Visnu to protect Krsna and the inhabitants of Nandagrama. Krsna and Balarama would daily get the prasadam of Lord Narasimha (though Lord Narasimha is really Their own expansion) .

 Some persons in Krsnas pastimes like Jatila  was sometimes objecting to Radha cooking for Krsna there is a pastime related to that but I  will not go into the detail now.

We must remember Radha is Krsnas eternal wife and was married by Lord Brahma himself in the forest of Bhandiravana to show us the real facts: Without futher delay ......

Chapter 3

Shri Radhika cooks for Shri Krishna in the morning



When Gokulananda (Krishna) went to the meadows, Queen Yasoda became eager to prepare His meal, so she engaged everyone in the house. Although all the people in her house were busily engaged in their duties and were all excited with love for Krishna, still Yasoda, bathed by the nectar of affection for her son, directed them all. She told her maidservants: "0 Girls! My boy will now return from the barn with Balarama, skinny and hungry, so quickly start cooking! Bring spinach, radish, golden flowers, mung dal, fruits, leaves, ginger, ground nuts, sour spices, turmeric, pepper, camphor, sugar, cumin seeds, cream, tamarind, hing, honey, Jati fruits, cassia leaves, licorice, cane sugar, ingredients for puddings, sea salt, coconut pulp, whole wheat, ghee, yoghurt, Tulasi-rice and whole rice, and bring milk from a cow that was sent here this morning by Nanda Maharaja. Bring all these items to the kitchen for preparation!" (1-5)


The maidservants quickly executed this order and mother Yasoda, still overwhelmed with affection for Krishna, called mother Rohini and told her: "Friend Rohini! The tender bodies of our boys (Krishna and Balarama) have been very much injured by the cowherd boys during Their whimsical wrestling games! How many cowherd-servants are there not in my house? Still, despite my prohibition, Krishna and Balarama still go to the meadows Themselves to herd the cows! What can I do?" (6-8)


"Sakhi, our sons are exerting Themselves by dancing and strolling around in the forest! Then, in the evening, when They return, They have no appetite and They hardly eat anything. Thus they become very weak and skinny Alas! In the morning Their bellies are flat! 0 Fair-faced Rohini! Quickly go to the kitchen! Our sons have become very hungry! Prepare enough food to satisfy Their great appetite! Carefully prepare the same curry which They liked so much yesterday, and whatever else They like!" (9-10)


Being thus ordered, Balarama's mother went to the kitchen with her maidservants, lovingly taking all the ingredients for cooking with her. (11)


Eager to increase her son's small appetite by preparing different sweetmeats, the Queen of Gokula desired to bring Shri Radha for cooking. Accidentally, Kundalata, the wife of Upananda's son Subhadra, came along and offered her obeisances to Queen Yasoda. Yasoda told her: "0 Kundalate! One day Durvasa Muni blessed Shri Radhika, saying: "Radha, may the grains You cook taste sweeter than nectar and may anyone who eats them be blessed with a long life span!" Because of this blessing of Durvasa Muni I call Radha here every day to cook! Although my son is a small eater He gets great appetite when He eats Radha's delicious preparations. So please appeal to Her mother-in-law with these words of mine and quickly bring Radha here with all of Her friends!" (12-15)


Although Queen Yasoda daily engages Kundalata like this, it is always again like the first time. There is no fault in this, for the residents of Vraja are not aware of it. Intoxicated by passionate love for Krishna, they experience this routine as ever-fresh. (16)


Kundalata was enthused by Yasoda's words and she became eager to unite the queen bee Radhika with the honeybee Madhusudana. (17)


Although Jatila was very awkward towards her daughter-in-law, the clever Kundalata came to her and announced the message of the Queen of Vraja. Hearing this order, Jatila became worried about Krishna's attachment to her daughter-in-law. But then she remembered Paurnamasi's instruction (chapter 2, verse 45) and told Kundalata: "0 Child! My daughter-in-law is a chaste girl, sweetened by the nectar of the best attributes, but Nanda's son is very whimsical. People in general are faultfinders. But Paurnamasi ordered me never to ignore the orders of the Queen of Vraja. My heart is stirred with doubts! What should I do?" (17-20)


Kundalata replied: "0 Mother! You speak the truth, but you should not think that Krishna is as naughty as wicked men are telling you! Just as the sun nourishes the lotus flowers, but blinds the owls, removes the darkness of the world and gives pleasure to the Koka birds, he cannot please everyone! Similarly, Krishna gives joy to the whole of Vraja, except for some people (like you!)." (21)


"The young girls of the world are maddened by Krishna’s sweetness, so it is proper of you to worry about your daughter-in-law's safety. But do not worry. Krishna will not be able even to see Her shadow, and I will quickly bring Her back to you myself!" (22)


Jatila said: "0 daughter Kundalate! You are known in Vraja for your chastity, so I entrust my innocent daughter-in-law to your hands. The eyes of Nanda's boy are very restless, so please make sure that He does not see Her!" (23)


Then she called her daughter-in-law and told Her: "My girl! Go to the Queen of Nanda, do what she tells You to and then quickly return home! Today You must worship the Sun god!" (24)


When Radha was thus addressed by Jatila, She became very happy within, but, pretending to be unwilling to go, she told Kundalata: "I have work to do at home, a housewife should not wander around from house to house!" (25)


Again Jatila urged Radhika to go to Nandisvara. Then Kundalata, holding Radha's hand, told Her: "0 Chaste girl! Why are You so afraid to go there? I am here to protect You!" Thus Radhika went with her, shivering of joy Her friends, headed by Lalita, followed Her, taking home made laddus along for Krishna's breakfast. (26-27)


On the road Kundalata looked at the scarf that moved on Shri Radhika's chest and joked with her friends about it in loving joy. She said: "Radhe! Even though Your husband was out for three or four days to have the newly purchased fertile cows inseminated by the bulls, he came home last night and slept alone in his own room. Still we can see that Your chest is covered with nail marks (of some man) and Your lips are bitten all over. We are very happy that You are showing clear signs of Your chaste faith to Your husband now!" (28-29)


Lalita, seeing Radha's hidden smile and Her wide, slightly squinting eyes, told Kundalata: "Why are you needlessly causing anxiety to Radha's heart? Yesterday some proud parrot in the forest sat on Her breasts, thinking them to be pomegranates (scratching them), and then he bit Her lips, thinking them to be bimba fruits. This is why She is bruised like this!" (30-31)


Kundalata saw that Radhika's body was stirred with wave-like shivering, remembering Her pastimes with Krishna after hearing Lalita's words. Slightly smiling, Kundalata looked at a nearby pond and said, as if addressing a female lotus: "0 Foolish Padmini! Why are you shivering of joy? Kundalata's (a vine of Kunda flowers, or Krishna's niece) devara (brother-in-law, or giver of joy) Madhusudana (Krishna, or a honeybee) showing His own restlessness, has already enjoyed you (leaving you now after drinking your honey). Now will He drink Your honey again? (Rest assured that He will not enjoy You again!)". (32-33)


Then the clever Visakha, who was expert in making golden earrings of joking words that give pleasure to the ears, told Kundavalli: "0 Friend Kundalate! Just as this tender and pretty lotus is afraid of the black bee, despite blooming up out of attachment to the sun, this lotus-like Radha is afraid of your brother-in-law Krishna!" (34-35)


Being very restless out of Her desire to see Krishna, which came forth from Her strongly arising mood of attachment to Him, Radhika became overwhelmed with very strong loving happiness. As She heard all these sly, joking insinuations She slowly approached the abode of the king of Vraja with Her beloved girlfriends. Arriving there, She offered Her obeisances to Yasoda, Mukunda's mother, who lifted Her up and embraced Her, holding Her to her chest. Being more affectionate than billions of mothers, Yasoda happily smelled Radhika's head and kissed Her, while tears flowed from her eyes. She also embraced each of Radhika's girlfriends and freely inquired from Radhika about Her welfare. Overwhelmed by affection for her son and eager to quickly arrange for His meal, she said: "O Girls! You are famous in Vraja for your expertise in making many sweet preparations! Cook nice food that will give appetite even to a small eater like my boy! 0 Girls! One of you must prepare salty dishes, someone must make a yoghurt-dressed dish, someone should cook in ghee and someone should cook in sugar!" (36-40)


"Radhe! Mother! You are expert in cooking tasty dishes, so please go to my kitchen with Rohini and carefully prepare the best sweets and vegetables with her! O my daughter! Carefully prepare soft Amrta keli and Karpura keli pies that are millions of times sweeter and tastier than nectar! Who else in the three worlds but You knows how to prepare such things that makes Krishna eager to eat?" (41-42)


"0 Girl! Prepare that Piyusa granthi pie that Krishna likes so much and carefully put this in five kinds of nectar with a drink of cardamom and camphor!" (43)


"0 Mother Lalite! Make condensed milk with sugar and camphor! 0 Visakhe! Quickly make lemonade! Sasilekhe! Make Sikharini (a yoghurt drink)! Daughter Campakalate! Make buttermilk! 0 Tungavidye! Daughter! Make Amliksa (milk drink) mixed with all suitable ingredients of different varieties! 0 Mother Citre! Make Matsyandira (a sugar candy drink)! 0 Vasanti! Make white sugar cake! 0 Mangale! Make Jilepis (sweets)! 0 Kadambari! Make camphor pie! 0 Sudevi! Make sweet rice! 0 Rangadevi! Make cane sugar-pie! 0 Lasike! Make laddus of sugar; ground rice and grapes! 0 Kaumudi! Make many kinds of puns! 0 Mother Madalase! Make moon white cakes! 0 Sasimukhi! Carefully make sweet rice with curd! 0 Sumukhi! You make tasty sweet pie! 0 Manimati! Make different cakes of ground rice! 0 Daughter Kancana valli! Make laddus of whole wheat in ghee! 0 Manorame! Make Manohara-laddus! 0 Ratnamale! Make Moticura laddus! 0 Madhavi! Make sesame sweets by frying huskless sesame-seeds! Then you can cut a square sesame-pie! 0 Vindhye! Make a basket shaped sweet pie by frying whole wheat and barley first in ghee and then in sugarwater! Then you can make a split pea pie! 0 Rambhe! You make Karambha (cornmeal mixed with yoghurt) with banana’s cooked in sugar, on a golden plate! 0 Manojne! Squeeze out ripe mangoes and keep them in condensed milk with sugar! 0 Kilimbe! Make ghee from the milk which was taken from the cow named Sugandha this morning and from which I churned yoghurt! 0 Ambike! Slowly stir the milk that King Nanda personally milked from the cow named Dhavala and which he sent here for Krishna and Balarama's consumption!" 0 Girls! Swiftly go to my milk-storehouse, which is filled with big sifting spoons, clay pots and wooden bowls!" (44-55)


"0 Dhanisthe! Take all these items from the storerooms and put them in suitable vessels for preparation! 0 Rangana Malike! Go to the storehouse with Tulasi and quickly get all the required ingredients and place them before your maidservants where they are going to be prepared!" (56-57)


"0 lndumukhi! Take the plums, mangoes, pomegranates, Karira, Amalaki, Limpaka lemons, Badari and Rucaka fruits, and roots like ginger, that have been kept in salt and oil for many days and make them into very tasty pickles, as well as the Tamarind, mangoes, Amalaki, Badari and berries that have been kept in candy water for many days, out of the storeroom and put them on golden plates!" (58-59)


0 Sande, Subhe, Bharani, Pibari and Mistahaste! 0 Girls! Quickly take the best milk, which was taken from the meadows by the servants, on the stoves and start stirring it!" (60)


Shri Gandharvika (Radhika) took off Her veil, rings and ornaments and handed them to Tulasi. She washed Her hands and feet with water handed by Dhanistha. Then she bowed down to Rohini, who lovingly fondled Her as if she was her own daughter-in-law, and entered the kitchen. (61-62)


When all the gopis thus bloomed with joy and went to work, Mother Yasoda anxiously told her servants: "0 Payoda! Place the water, which was brought from the Yamuna yesterday evening and which has been kept in new pots covered with sheets and that is scented with kunkuma, aguru, camphor and sandal, kept cool with soft breezes and moonbeams, and kept in special potholders, around the moonstone bathing dais which is sprinkled with water! 0 Varida! Scent Krishna and Balarama's drinking water pots with aguru-smoke, jasmine, camphor, cloves and roses!" (63-66)


"0 Barber boy Sugandha! Bring the Narayana oil which cures innumerable diseases and nourishes the body, and which has been used by the physician Kalyanada, from my room, for massaging Krishna with." (67)


"0 barbers Subandha and Karpuraka! Quickly get the cool and fragrant Udvartana unguent and the Kalka unguent made of ground Amalaki for the hair!" (68)


"0 Saranga! Quickly press the thin, white overclothes for bathing and the fresh, silken golden clothes scented with fragrant powder for wearing after bathing!" (69)


"0 Bakula! Bring the red turban, the golden shirt, the red underwear and the multicolored sash, the four kinds of traditional dress in Vraja, here, and press the Raucika-dresses, that are fit for dancing and were expertly sewn in different colours with broken and unbroken threads!" (70-71)


"0 Sugandha Vilasa Gandhini! Carefully fill up the pearl gem-studded boxes with unguents such as catuh sama, that consists of vermilion, aloe, sandal and camphor!" (72)


"0 Talika! Grind Gorocana (a yellow pigment) for applying Krishna's tilaka! 0 Sucitra! Grind minerals from Govardhana Hill for drawing pictures on Krishna's face! 0 Puspahasa, Sumanah and Makaranda! Quickly make a garland of Naga Kesara, Vasanti, golden Yuthi and other flowers and scent it with black aloe and camphor!" (73-74)


"0 Sairindhra, MaIm, Makaranda and Bhrngin! Take all the golden jewel studded ornaments that the goldsmiths Rangana and Tankana have lovingly made after many days of hard work, following my great zeal, and have handed me last evening, out of the storeroom! Today sunday is in the Pusya-constellation, so they will bring amrta (nectar or immortality), so ornament my boys with them!" (75-76)


"0 Boy Salika! Make a crest of fresh peacock feathers! 0 Mallika! Make different nice strings of red and white gunja-berries! 0 Jambula! Quickly cut the bad piece from this golden betel leaf with scissors and clean the good piece with a fine cloth! 0 Suvilasini! Quickly scent fresh betel nuts with camphor after crushing them with a nutcracker and moistening them with milk, flaking them like Dhatri-leaves! 0 Rasala and Visalakhya! Make pan with ground cardamom, catechu and cloves that are cleansed with a cloth!" (77-80)


Hearing mother Yasoda's order, the servants went to their work and mother, casting her eyes down the road to see if her sons were coming back, asked a carrier coming back from the meadows: "Is Krishna coming? Why is He so late?" (81)


One carrier told her: "Krishna is making His young calves eat soft fresh grass!" Another one said: "He is making the bulls fight for the cows, being surrounded by His cowherd boyfriends!" (82)


Then mother Yasoda, eager to bring her son back home, told Krishna's servant Raktaka, who was staunchly fixed in his service. "0 Boy Raktaka! Quickly go to the meadows and bring Madhumangala, Balarama and my naughty son here!" (83)


Then mother went to the kitchen and asked Balarama's mother Rohini: "Please show me which curries and other dishes Radha and you have prepared!" (84)


Hearing Yasoda's words, Rohini praised Radha's skill in cooking in different ways. While showing Yasoda all the curries, placed in rows in clay pot on the clean table, she said: "0 fair faced friend Yasode! The expert Radha has made fine sweet rice, kept here in these big clay pots, sweeter and cooler even than the moon! 0 chaste lady! I made this sweet tasty and soft porridge, which gives strength and nourishment, and kept it in this clay pot! And look, there are also samosas with banana, coconut and cream, and different kinds of nicely prepared puddings! Look how Radha has prepared these Piyusa granthi-, Karpura Keli- and Amrta Keli pies! Even I don't know how to make them so nicely! There are two kinds of pea-pies made only with sugar or salt, churned or moistened, and there are also two kinds of Masa-pies made with sugar or salt! There are four kinds of pies with tamarind, plum, sorrel and mango, subdivided in Mudga, slightly sweetened and more sweetened, which makes twelve kinds." (85-91)


"Look, these banana flowers are so fresh with their fresh blossoms, with Mana-stems and the vital parts of the water stems with potatoes, carrots and pumpkins, are fried in ghee and dressed by Canaka paste in a circular fashion." (92-93)


"Look at all these chickpeas fried in ghee only and others that are filled with other ingredients, moistened with whey or amla. Different kinds of cake have been prepared with Canaka-powder, boiled in water. Some are soft and others are hard. (94-95)


"Many kinds of dishes have been made in separate combinations, with either nutmeg, fruits, roots, licorice or black pepper. 0 auspicious friend! This Rayata was made with yoghurt, Rajikaseeds, pumpkin, gourd and jyotsnika. Krishna's beloved Baka-flowers and goldflower-buds are fried with ghee and dressed with yoghurt. Two kinds of flower pies were fried in ghee end dressed with yoghurt. There is also Patola fruit, fried in ghee" (96-99)


"There are big pumpkin-pies with stems, arum, potatoes and Sagar roots. Some of these are mixed with Nalita-curna and cabika. Radha made milk with gourd laced with sugar, cardamom and black pepper. We made turnips in ghee with Dhatri and Bael fruits with yoghurt and sugar. We made soft banana- and pumpkin pies cooked with sugar and yoghurt. It became nicely cool, sour-sweet! These nicely prepared saka's with Nalita, Methi, Satapuspi, Misa, Patola, Vastuka, Vitunna and Marisa defeat the pride of nectar! There are saka's with Kalambi, that gives appetite, Tintidi- juice and black-leafed Nalita with hogplum." (100-105)


Today I made dahl of three kinds, with mukustaka, mudga and masa, that are like a well of nectar! I made moonlike round roti's with wheat thoroughly ground by the maidservants, and I kept rice bound in a thin cloth, which I will boil when Krishna returns from the meadows!" (106-108)


"0 Yasode! Know that we have finished all the rice and vegetables that we had to make. We have cooked, are cooking, or are about to cook all the required preparations!" (109)


When mother Yasoda saw all the fragrant, nicely colored, tasty dishes she became very happy and asked Rohini: "How did you prepare this so nicely?" Rohini said in amazement: "All these ingredients are actually ordinary, but simply because they were cooked by Gandharvika's (Radhika's) elegant hands, they have become so wonderful!" (110-111)


Seeing that Radha, who had become shy and had lowered Her head (after hearing Herself being praised), was perspiring, Yasoda melted with affection and ordered the maidservants to fan Her. (112)


Vrajesvari Yasoda went to the milk-storehouse, where she became very happy to see all the prepared dishes. Then she promptly went to the town gates, anxious for Krishna to return from the meadows (113).


In the poem Govinda Lilamrta, which is the result of service to Shri Rupa Gosvami, who is a honeybee at Shri Chaitanya's lotus feet, the encouragement of Shri Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami, the association of Shri Jiva Gosvami and the blessings of Shri Raghunatha Bhatta Gosvami, this was the third chapter, filled with descriptions of the early morning pastimes.

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