Narahari disappeared in around 1540 AÒ. [Not according to his descendants, who say that he lived 100 years until 1578 or so.] in the month of Agrahayan on the krishna ekadashi day. Srinivas Acharya officiated at his funeral ceremony. Nityananda Prabhu’s son Virachandra Goswami and many other important Vaishnavas were in Srikhanda to celebrate Narahari’s disappearance feast, which is described in Bhakti-ratnakara:
Some people said, “Brothers! Do not leave right away. An ocean of prema will flood over in Srikhanda in a few days. On the thirteenth day of the waning moon of Agrahayan, when Narahari Thakur disappeared, a great festival will be held here.” (Bhakti-ratnakara 9.512-4)
[Excerpted from "Sri Chaitanya: His Life & Associates" by Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Maharaj]
Comment: I like to add this Krsna Bhajanamrta is a very important book to understand in relation to Guru and diksa tattva:
by Srila Narahari Sarkara Thakur
Translated by:Sri Jayapataka Swami
Sanskrit/Bengali editing by: Sri Subhag swami
“Narahari was the fortieth (branch of the Caitanya tree).”
Purport by Srila Prabhupada
“Narahari dasa Sarkara was a very famous devotee. Locan das Thakur, the celebrated author of Caitanya-mangal, was his disciple. In Caitanya-mangala it is stated that Sri Gadadhara das and narahari Sarkara were extremely dear to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu...”
Sri Caitanya Caritamrta Adi-Lila Chapter 10
The Sri Krsna Bhajanamrta is the original work of Sri Narahari Sarakara Thakur, the famous devotee who offered Lord Caitanya the personal service of fanning with camara. The Sri Krsna Bhajanamrtam is possibly the only known book which deals with practical aspects of dealings between the disciple and guru including when the guru falls down. Therefore Sri Krsna Bhajanamrtam is very timely for better understanding the authorized manner in which to deal with sensitive issues regarding initiating gurus and siksa gurus. HH Bhakti Caru Swami informed me of the existence of this book and without his encouragement we would not have endeavored to locate it.
The Bhaktivedanta Charity Trust, which Srila Prabhupada founded for preserving the Gaudiya Vaisnava Sampradaya culture and heritage, in addition to promoting it’s unity and mutual cooperation, has been researching lost shrines and holy places for nearly a decade. The newest project is to locate lost or out of literatures in original language and to publish reference copies for use of sadhus and scholars around the world. The Sri Krsna Bhajanamrtam is the first book located in this new project..
The Sri Krsna Bhajanamrtam was only printed once as far as is known, in the Bengali year 1309, which brings it to the late 19th century. Only 95 copies were printed and has therefore been out of and unavailable for quite some time, but with research the last known copy was located at Sri Khanda, the birthplace of Sri Narahari Thakur, in torn and blackened condition; even the threads in the binding had turned to dust. By Lord Caitanya’s mercy the book was loaned to the B.S.C.T. for re-publishing and translation.
The Sri Krsna Bhajanamrtam is 64 pages long, but only the first 16 pages deal with guru-tattva. The remaining part of the book deals with Sambandha-tattva in regard to Lord Krishna’s expansions, energies, demigods, etc. Since ISKCON, at present, specifically needs sastric direction in regard to some aspects of guru-tattva the verses 27-67, which deal specifically with the matter of guru-tattva and Vaisnava relationships, are being presented.
Although the first 19 verses simply form the introduction to the book, they are also included, since they help the reader to get a clearer understanding of the background to it and Sri Narahari Thakur’s purpose in writing Sri Krsna Bhajanamrtam. Verses 19-26 give the explanation of topics which the book covers, other than guru-tattva, so they are not included.
by Srila Narahari Sarkara Thakur
Verse 1
I offer my respectful obeisances to that incarnation of Godhead who has distributed more unlimited causeless mercy than any other Avatar. He is the total Lord of my life-Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu
Verse 2
I offer my respectful obeisances to Sri Sukadeva Goswami who is like the ripened fruit of the tree of devotional service.
Verses 3&4
During this Kali Yuga, when the time of Lord Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Lord Nityananda Prabhu’s transcendental pastimes had become unmanifest, Their Lordships became the object of transcendental research and discussion. At that time all level of devotees including utttama adhikari, madhyamam adhikary and kanistha adhikari shall always be in it will be at all times. They shall almost feeluncertainty in their hearts regarding the correct understanding of the eternal truths of devotional service.
Verses 5&6
I offer my humble obeisances in full surrender to the thousands and thousands of previous Vaisnavas and particularly to those paramahamsas, perfect souls, who meditate constantly in pure loving devotion on the lotus feet of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and by His mercy are studying all of the Vedic literature in regard to devotional service. Following in the footsteps of these great spiritual authorities I shall explain theclear, transparent conclusions of the scriptures in their concise, condensed form, with some detailed explanation.
Verse 7
I, Narahari das, consider myself to be a fool. Therefore, how will I be able to explain this most difficult subject matter on the absolute conclusions of the sastra? Will the learned Vaisnavas bless my deliberations that they may not be false or deviate from the authorized conclusions of the sastra in any respect.
Verse 8
In any case, whether someone has all good qualities or whether one has no good qualities, whether on is a fool or whether one is a great pandit; who is there in this material world who is able to completely understand pure devotional service to Krishna?
Verse 9
In my sleep while dreaming I said the above words. While dreaming I was Meditating on the words of the previous authorities and great Vaisnava acaryas and their conclusions on the authorized sastra in regard to pure devotional service. While thus engaged in my dream suddenly my heart became filled with spiritual bliss as if I had entered and taken shelter of an ocean of transcendental nectar.
Verses 10&11
Just at that time Lord Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared holding the hand of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya. Lord Caitanya said “sadhu, sadhu.” As Lord Caitanya said those words He was laughing and He came and stood before me saying, “What you have said is certainly true. Now awaken and rise.” Saying these words again and again Lord Caitanya disappeared from my vision.
Verse 12
Thereafter, meditating on the lotus feet of Lord Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu who is known as Gaurahari, I got up from my bed and I was feeling great separation being deprived of His transcendental association, I considered my unqualified self blessed by Lord Caitanya’s causeless mercy upon me.
Verse 13
Feeling myself blessed by the mercy of Lord Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu and remembering His merciful words, while being absorbed in the remembrance ofHis transcendental glories I was immersed in am ocean of transcendental bliss. At that time I could not understand my actual position.
Verse 14
On the strength of the mercy of Lord Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu I have decided to write something. Using my intelligence I have considered the truth of devotional service and although considering myself a fool I have written in my own hand, sometimes in verse and sometimes in prose, this supremely auspicious “Bhajanamrta.”
Verse 15
In this Kali Yuga the great paramahamsa perfect devotees who have descended to this universe in order to purify it have blessed me with the remnants which I have accepted. As I am strictly following in the footsteps of these liberated souls this work is completely purified with their blessings.
At the outset of this work my humble prayer is that all pure, nonenvious devotees of Lord Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, may listen to these authorized words as I have described them from the great Vaisnava authorities of the disciplic succession.
Verse 17
It is well known from the authorized Vedic literatures that in this Kali Yuga, through the power of the holy name of Lord Krishna, all Vaisnavas are equal and quantitatively non-different from Lord Krishna. However it is seen that amongst the Vaisnavas that sometimes in some places some Vaisnavas appear greater or lesser. In such cases how is it to be understood?
Verse 18
Amongst all of the assembled Vaisnavas there is the initiating guru and the instructing guru. In regard to them what behavior is authorized?
Verses 19-27
not included (see introduction)
Verse 28
Now listen to the authorized conclusion of the previous authorities.
Verse 29
It is certainly true that all Vaisnavas are on the same transcendental platform. However, although amongst Vaisnavas there may be a difference in spiritual strength, how will the less intelligent materially attached sense-gratifiers, who become afraid justly by seeing the horrifying appearance of beggar mendicants, ascertain the actual strength of a saintly person? Since they cannot distinguish between a lesser spiritual force and a greater spiritual force, they do not know how to deal appropriately with different saintly persons. Therefore, they treat everyone the same. Since they don’t know how to distinguish the specific character of greater spiritual personalities from lesser spiritual personalities, rather than risk their destruction for neglecting a potentially spiritual personality, they treat everyone on the same level.
Verse 30
However all those practicing Vaisnavas progressing on the path of devotional service, who have heard and understood the conclusion of the revealed sastras and are therefore endowed with special intelligence, are able to recognize who is more spiritually powerful and who is less spiritually powerful. Those who are expert in the science of devotional service can understand in whose body what quantity of Krsna’s spiritual potency is present. Being able to understand who has less spiritual potency and who has more spiritual potency, they offer special treatment considering the scriptural injunctions in this regard.
Verse 31
If one can distinguish between the greater or lesser spiritual strength of a person but does not accordingly offer respect, then that person shall be held guilty for that offense.
Verse 32
For the reason mentioned before, if two Vaisnavas come at the same time, one of greater strength, one of less spiritual strength, first one has to offer respect to the Vaisnava of greater strength then offer to the Vaisnava of lesser strength.
Should the respect due to a Vaisnava of greater strength or to a Vaisnava of lesser strength be offered at the same level if they come at a different time? Equal respect should not be offered to both even if they are not present at the same time.
If a volcano type of fire is burning , the wise man will not first put out....first one has to be able to extinguish the volcano fire then a candle of deep light can easily be extinguished. Similarly if one is able to appropriately receive and respectVaisnavas possessed of great spiritual force to their satisfaction, then one shall easily be able to satisfy those Vaisnavas of lesser potency.
Verse 35
If a person of small spiritual advancement sees a great devotee endowed with considerable spiritual potency being worshipped and given respect, should the less advanced devotee become angry upon seeing this? For this offense against the more advanced person’s spiritual position the foolish offender will ruin whatever spiritual potency he possesses. Subsequently, in the future, such angry persons simply plan how they can punish those who have participated in the worship.
Verse 36
Those who are well-versed in all of these matters, having heard properly from authorities, those Vaisnavas who are enthusiastically engaged in worshipping the Supreme Personality of Godhead and all those transcendentalists who are practicing the spiritual path, know the truths in regard to these matters. However, in spite ofknowing these truths, if they do not appropriately offer worship to a greater or lesser degree, according to the person’s spiritual potency, then they will be spiritually ruined. However, if they consider the respective spiritual strength or lack of strength and accordingly offer respect then they will certainly advance in Krsna Consciousness.
Verse 37
For those who take shelter of the great Sumeru Mountain what can others do to harm them? Others should offer them worship as devotees with respect and service.
Verse 38
One should never engage in criticizing a Vaisnava or neglecting a Vaisnava even in joking. For Vaisnava are so glorious that there is nothing to regret even if one sacrifices one’s life for their benefit.
Verse 39
No one should find fault with a Vaisnava for his activities or behavior. What person is free from the influence of Kali Yuga or has pure behavior and action?
Verse 40
Because the Vaisnava devotees of the Lord are always meditating on Lord Sri Krishna the contamination of sinful activities cannot come upon them. Because a Vaisnava’s body has the fire of Krishna Consciousness within it, even if they are fallen, the fire of Krishna Consciousness will burn up to ashes any material contamination.
Verse 41
However, those who are not able to understand the respective levels of spiritual potency may take shelter of this example. As in the Ganges there are many waves, and some of these waves are larger than the other waves but all of the waves are considered to be sacred, one wave not considered more holy than another wave, similarly, all types of Vaisnavas, those who are spiritually strong and those who are not so strong, can be offered equal worship. Considering this perspective in such circumstances that can be accepted as perfect worship.
Here completes the conclusion in this regard.
Verse 42
All Vaisnavas are considered as guru or spiritual master.
Verse 43
Amongst all the Vaisnavas the initiating guru (diksa-guru) and instructing guru (siksa-guru) are special.
Verse 44
It is proper to offer these two special respect.
Verse 45
Amongst all of the other spiritual masters these two (diksa-guru and siksa-guru) spiritual masters’ orders are to be followed.
Verse 46
If one’s initiating spiritual master and instructing spiritual master are of small spiritual potency, or in other words, if they do not posses a special power to give spiritual instruction on worship for devotional service, then one may listen from the mouth of other great advanced Vaisnavas and understand the special instructions. However, thereafter, the disciple must go to his spiritual master for his confirmation or instructions.
Verse 47
One should not disobey the order of the spiritual master.
Verse 48
Just as a faithful son may go out for earning money and subsequently brings to his father the wealth gained, later the son may ask for some allowance from the father and whatever he receives from the father he is entitled to spend for his own enjoyment. Similarly, a disciple may hear some instructions from another advanced Vaisnava but after gaining that good instruction he must bring it and present it to his own spiritual master. After presenting them he should hear the same teachings again from his spiritual master with appropriate instructions.
Verse 49
If the son earns money but does not give it to the father and instead, directly enjoys the wealth, he is considered to be a fallen son and a sinful person. Similarly, a disciple who listens to the words of other Vaisnavas, even if their instructions are proper and true, but does not reconfirm these teachings with his own spiritual master and instead directly personally accepts these instructions, is considered a bad disciple and a sinner.
Verse 50
For this reason, in all circumstances all Vaisnavas are offered respect like one offers respect to one’s spiritual master. However with body, mind and words one serves one’s own spiritual master.
Verse 51
Even if in the performance of one’s devotional activities one has disobeyed the spiritual master, still one should not give him up, but should remain faithfully with him, because all authorities say that the shelter of one’s own spiritual master is best and perfect (even if another spiritual master is more powerful).
Verse 52
Kindly understand this example:
Just as one respects one’s father as guru, his (the father’s) older and younger brothers are also respected, but nonetheless, the father is worthy of the most respect. Not withstanding the above, if the father’s guru, even if he is family related, comes, one should double the respect, as he is the spiritual father of the father, or the guru of the guru. He is offered twice the puja or respect.
This behavior is recognized as appropriate by all authorities.
Just as if, during daily life, the brothers (older or younger) of the father criticize him, still one takes shelter of one’s father, similarly, one remains under the shelter of one’s own spiritual master, even if he is criticized by his older or younger Godbrothers. Just as one depends upon one’s father for one’s livelihood, one must depend upon the strength and shelter of the spiritual master for advancing in devotional service.
Verse 54
If a father or spiritual master or husband are not possessed of outstanding qualities even then they are always worshipable.
Verse 55
Taking shelter of the above-mentioned persons one may even disagree with those senior to oneself.
Verse 56
In this world, what kind of person is there who can remain alive at the expense of his father’s or guru’s defamation or disgrace?
Verse 57
Everyone considers that if their spiritual master is very powerful then he himself is powerful but that if his spiritual master is less powerful, then he is, therefore, weaker, and according to the attitude of the spiritual master the disciple gains the same attributes. Those disciples who are intelligent can understand the desires the spiritual master directly through their intelligence. Other disciples, who are less intelligent, understand by directly hearing instructions from the spiritual master. These activities are being practiced since time immemorial.
Verse 58
Learned Vaisnavas say that these instructions are the perfection of religiosity.
Verse 59
If the spiritual master commits a wrongful act breaking Vaisnava regulative principles then in that case one should, in a solitary place, confront him for his rectification using logic and appropriate conclusions from sadhu, shastra and guru references, but one is not to give him up.
Verse 60
One should not be hesitant or fearful because one is confronting or challenging a spiritual master.
“For it has been prescribed that one must appropriately discipline even a spiritual master who is:
-bewildered about what he should or shouldn’t do;
-who is inexperienced or ignorant;
-who has deviated from the Krsna conscious path;
-or if he is bewildered by false pride.”
This statement of the revealed scriptures is applicable at a all times and under all circumstances.
Verse 62
The natural behavior of the Vaisnava devotees is to take complete refuge of Lord Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, accepting Him as their principle and real shelter. The very life of the Vaisnava devotees of the Lord is singing the glories of Lord Sri Krishna, describing and expending the fame of Lord Sri Krishna, and discussing the nectar of His transcendental pastimes.
Verse 63
The authorized course of action is to continue, as before, with one’s prescribed devotional service. One may take guidance through instructions from the Vaisnavas, as all Vaisnavas are consider guru or “spiritual master”, or one may use one’s own intelligence, duly considering the relevant instructions from sadhu, shastra and guru. In all cases one should continue in one’s devotional service.
Verse 64
However if the spiritual master:
-acts enviously towards ‘isvarebrantah’, that which is connected with the Supreme;
-is bewildered regarding the Supreme Personality of Godhead;
-is averse to expanding the fame of Lord Krsna;
-personally refuses to accept hearing or chanting about the glorious pastimes of Lord Sri Krsna;
-has become totally bewildered, listening to the false praise of ignorant persons and day by day is more materially contaminated and fallen,
then the spiritual master must be renounced.
Verse 65
Under those circumstances one should not doubt, “How can I give up my spiritual master?” With a strong desire for achieving spontaneous devotional service and attaining the lotus feet of Lord Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, a devotee accepts the shelter of a spiritual master as the via media to Lord Sri Krishna. However, after accepting the responsibility of serving the spiritual master, if that spiritual master takes on “asuric” qualities or demoniac mentality then it is one’s duty to reject such a demon “asura” guru and in his place accept a Krsna conscious spiritual master and worship him.
Verse 66
By taking shelter of the strength of the Krsna conscious spiritual master’s devotional service the ill effects or contamination of the demoniac previous spiritual master is counteracted and destroyed. These activities are recommended by all Vaisnava authorities as the authorized conclusion of the sastra.
Verse 67
During the pastimes of Lord Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu there have been many practical examples of the above.
This concludes the deliberation and final conclusions of sadhu, shastra and guru on the spiritual master and related matters.
Srila Narahari Sakara Thakura writes:
During this Kali Yuga, when the time of Lord Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Lord Nityananda Prabhu’s transcendental pastimes had become unmanifest, Their Lordships became the object of transcendental research and discussion. At that time all level of devotees including utttama adhikari, madhyamam adhikary and kanistha adhikari shall always be in it will be at all times. They shall almost feeluncertainty in their hearts regarding the correct understanding of the eternal truths of devotional service.
If we want to become free from such anxiety we should take the order of Lord Caitanya on our head and daily chant at least 64 rounds of the Maha mantra avoiding the 10 offences to the Holy name.
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada was very strict on this and stated:
pratyah laksha-nama grahana na karile patita vyaktiganera visaya-bhoga pravritti vriddhi paya, takhana ara tahara shri gaurasunderarera seva karite pare na.
"Those who don't accept this vow of chanting 100,000 names daily, fall down even more although they were fallen in the first place (due to the contamination of Kali-yuga). Thus their propensity for enjoying the senses and sense-objects continually and steadily increases and ultimately they are not able to render any kind of service even to the most merciful Lord Gaurasundera.
lakshesvara vyatita gaura-bhaktira adarsa gaudiyajana kehai svikara karena na.
"This is the precise reason why the real Gaudiya-bhaktas do not accept any other ideal (adarsa) in Gaura-bhakti or Krishna-bhakti except the process of chanting 100,000 names of the maha-mantra daily.
Shrila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada:
adhapatita va adhapete gana eka-matra bhajana-sabda-vacya shri-nama-bhajane vimukhata-vasata laksha-nama grahana karibara parivarte anya bhajanera chalana korena, taddvara tahadera kona mangala haya na.
"Those spiritual aspirants who are already fallen or will fall down from spiritual life in the future are averse to this sole means of deliverance called nama-bhajana, which is the worship of the sound incarnation of God in the form of chanting 100,000 names of the the Holy Names daily. Coming under the sway of their averseness to chant laksha-nama daily, they duplicitously invent (chalana) other means of devotional service (bhajana) to justify their not chanting 100,000 names daily but it is to be clearly understood that by this action they will not achieve anything auspicious (mangala) in their spiritual life."
All the assocaites of Lord Gauranga including Narahari Sarkara Thakura daily chanted not less than 64 rounds.
He also has written the 1000 names of Lord Caitanya that was revealed to him. Kavi Karnapure also gave Caitanya Sahasranama , there is difference to them
As far as I know this is the 1000 names of Caitanya by Narahari Sarkara Thakura:
and this one is by Kavi Karnapure:
vaisnava das anu das
Paramananda das
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