Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Girirani by Narayana Maharaja is mental speculation?


Narayana Maharaja has stated the Giriraja is not male , that is very ignorant on his part that he thought even Govardhana is some kind of manjari? Girirani is a mental speculation

Annakuta Mahotsava Print Details Category: 2002 Thursday, 04 July 2002 Last Updated: Thursday, 04 July 2002 Views: 3783 Annakuta Mahotsava Badger, California: June 4, 2002 - Part 1 Tridandisvami Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja First of all, I offer millions of humble obeisances unto the lotu…
actually GiriGovardhana is Krsna Himself then how GiriGovardhana can be a transcendental female ? He is Krsna Himself
  • Paramananda Das Govardhana is manifested from the transcendental body of Sri Krsna and is non different from Krsna, so if lilas of Radha Krsna takes place there at Govardhana He does not have to change His transcendental form
  • Paramananda Das He is my diksa Guru but some of his siksas are not correct siddhanta
  • Paramananda Das he states: " That would be absurd. Giriraja has actually come from the heart of Srimati Radhika. It is not that Krsna became Giriraja Govardhana. Krsna is the predominating Deity of Giriraja, but it has been written in Tapani Upanisad and Bhavisya Purana that Giriraja Govardhana has manifested from the heart of Radhika."
  • Paramananda Das there is no statement in Gopala Tapani Upanisad that Giriraja comes from the heart of Srimati Radharani , nor have I read such a thing in Bhavisya Purana ,where is such a quote and sloka?
  • Paramananda Das but Garga Muni has explained the glories of Govardhana in the 3th Canto of Garga Samhita and stated Govardhana has manifested from the transcendental body of Krsna
  • Advaita Das the word govardhan is pumlinga, male gender, gunja mala is fem. gender, and adorns giridhary as radhika. cc antya ch.6
  • Paramananda Das yes you are right ,actually the Gunja mala represents Sri Radha
  • Paramananda Das this is accepted in Vraja that the Gunja mala is Radha and Giriraj is Krsna so Giriraja with gunja mala is Radha Krsna ,thank you I was about to post that also , you beat me too it
  • Paramananda Das 3th Canto of Garga samhita chapter 1 text 11: Text 11
    samutthito 'sau hari-vakshaso girir

    govardhano nama girindra-raja-rat

    samagato hy atra pulastya-tejasa

    yad-darshanaj janma punar na vidyate

    samutthitah—born; asau—it; hari—of Lord Krishna's; vakshasah—chest; girir govardhanah—Govardhana Hill; nama—named; girindra—the king of moutnains; raja-rat—the king of the king; samagatah—came; hy—indeed; atra—here; pulastya-tejasa—by the power of Pulastya Muni; yad-darshanat—by seeing it; janma—birth; punah—again; na—not; vidyate—is.

    The hill named Govardhana is the king of the kings of the kings of mountains. It was born from Lord Hari's own chest. It has come here by the power of Pulastya Muni. By seeing it one becomes free from having to take birth again in this world.
  • Paramananda Das Actually Krsna Himself is asking the Brijabasis to worship Giriraja as the Supreme Purusha : shri-bhagavan uvaca
    alipya go-mayenapi

    giri-raja-bhuvam hy adhah

    dhritvatha sarva-sambharam

    bhakti-yogo jitendriyah

    shri-bhagavan uvaca—the Supreme Personality of Godhead said; alipya—anointing; go-mayena—with cow-dung; api—even; giri-raja-bhuvam—the ground of the king of mountains; hy—indeed; adhah—beneath; dhritvatha—accepting; sarva-sambharam—all ingredients; bhakti-yogah—devotional service; jita—conquered; indriyah—the senses.

    The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: A person who controls his senses and engages in devotional service should collect the ingredients for the worship, anoint Govardhana Hill with cow-dung, . . .
    Text 16

    draye snanam ca karayet

    ganga-jalena yamuna-

    jalenapi dvijaih saha

    sahasra-shirsha-mantrena—with the mantra for the thousand-headed Purusha; adraye—the hill; snanam—bathing; ca—and; karayet—should do; ganga—Ganga; jalena—with water; yamuna—Yamuna; jalenapi—with water; dvijaih—brahmanas; saha—with.

    . . . and, as he chants the mantras for the thousand-headed Purusha, with other brahmanas bathe the hill with Ganga water and Yamuna water. 




Views: 353

Comment by Paramananda das on October 28, 2014 at 5:00am

Text 17

tatah pancamritair girim

snapayitva gandha-pushpaih

punah krishna-jalena vai

shukla—white; gah—cows'; dugdha—milk; dharabhih—with streams; tatah—then; pancamritaih—with pancamrta; girim—the hill; snapayitva—bathing; gandha-pushpaih—wioth fragrant flowers; punah—again; krishna-jalena—with Yamuna water; vai—indeed.

Then he should bathe the hill with streams of white milk, panamrita, fragrant flowers, and then Yamuna water again.

Text 18

vastram divyam ca naivedyam

asanam sarvato 'dhikam


dattva dipavalim param

vastram—garments; divyam—splendid; ca—and; naivedyam—food; asanam—a seat; sarvatah—than all; adhikam—better; mala—garlands; alankara—ornaments; nicayam—many; dattva—giving; dipavalim—a series of lamps; param—great.

Then he should offer splendid garments, food, a great throne, many garlands and ornaments, and many lamps.

  • Paramananda Das Text 19
    tatah pradakshinam kuryan

    namaskuryat tatah param

    kritanjali-puto bhutva

    tv idam evam udirayet

    tatah—then; pradakshinam—circumambulation; kuryan—should do; namaskuryat—offer obeisances; tatah—then; param—then; kritanjali-putah—with folded hands; bhutva—becoming; tv—indeed; idam—this; evam—thus; udirayet—should recite.

    Then he should circumambulate the hill, offer obeisances, and with folded hands recite this mantra:

    Text 20

    namo vrindavanankaya

    tubhyam goloka-mauline


    namo govardhanaya ca

    namah—obeisances; vrindavanankaya—to the lap of Vrindavana; tubhyam—to You; goloka-mauline—the crowen of Goloka; purna-brahma—of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; atapatraya—the umbrella; namah—obeisances; govardhanaya—to Govardhana Hill; ca—and.

    Obeisances to you, who are Goloka's crown and the lap where Vrindavana forest grows! Obeisances to Govardhana Hill, the Supreme Personality of Godhead's parasol!

    Text 21

    pushpanjalim tatah kuryan

    nirajanam atah param


    vaditrair madhura-svanaih

    pushpa—of flowers; anjalim—handful; tatah—then; kuryan—should do; nirajanam—arati; atah param—then; ghanta-kamsya—karatals; mridanga—mrdangas; adyaih—beginning with; vaditraih—with musical instruments; madhura-svanaih—with sweet sounds.

    Then he should offer a handful of flowers and then, as mridangas, karatalas and other musical instruments make sweet sounds, he should offer arati to Govardhana Hill.

    Text 22

    vedaham etam mantrena

    varsha-lajaih samacaret

    tat-samipe canna-kutam

    kuryac chraddha-samanvitah


Comment by Paramananda das on October 28, 2014 at 5:01am

Text 22
vedaham etam mantrena

varsha-lajaih samacaret

tat-samipe canna-kutam

kuryac chraddha-samanvitah

veda—know; aham—I; etam—this; mantrena—with mantra; varsha-lajaih—with a shower of grains; samacaret—should worship; tat-samipe—near it; ca—and; anna—of food; kutam—a hill; kuryac—should do; chraddha-samanvitah—with faith.

Then he should chant the mantra that begins with vedaham", and then he should throw a shower of grains. In this way he should worship the hill. Then with great faith he should place a hill of food near Govardhana Hill.

Note: The mantra here is Shri Shvetashvatara Upanishad 3.8:

vedaham etam purusham mahantam

aditya-varnam tamasah purastat

tam eva viditvati-mrityum eti

nanyah pantha vidyate 'yanaya

"I know that Supreme Personality of Godhead who is transcendental to all material conceptions of darkness. Only he who knows Him can transcend the bonds of birth and death. There is no way for liberation other than this knowledge of the Supreme Person."*

  • Paramananda Das so we see here clearly that GiriGovardhana is worshipped as the Supreme Purusha,
  • Paramananda Das Text 23
    kacolanam catuh-shashti-


    tulasi-dala-misraish ca


    kacolanam—of cups; catuh-shashti-panca-pankti-samanvitam—with rows of four, six and five; tulasi-dala-misraish—mixed with tulasi leaves; ca—and; shri-ganga-yamuna-jalaih—with Ganga and Yamuna water.

    Then he should offer four, six, and five cups of Ganga and Yamuna water mixed with tulasi leaves.

    Text 24

    shat-pancashattamair bhagair

    kuryat sevam samahitah

    tato 'gnin brahmanan pujya

    gah suran gandha-pushpakaih

    shat-pancashattamaih—with fifty-six; bhagaih—kinds; kuryat—should do; sevam—service; samahitah—with a peaceful heart; tatah—then; agnin—the fire-gods; brahmanan—the brahmanas; pujya—worshipinf; gah—the cows; suran—the demigods; gandha-pushpakaih—with fragrant flowers.

    Then, with a peaceful heart, he should serve Govardhana Hill by offering it a feast of fifty-six kinds of food. Then with fragrant flowers he should worship the fire-gods, brahmanas, cows, and demigods.

    Text 25

    bhojayitva dvija-varan

    saugandhair mishta-bhojanaih

    anyebhyash cashvapakebhyo

    dadyad bhojanam uttamam

    bhojayitva—after feeding; dvija-varan—the brahmana; saugandhaih—with fragrant; mishta-bhojanaih—delicious food; anyebhyash—others; ca—and; a-shvapakebhyah—down to the dogeaters; dadyat—should give; bhojanam—food; uttamam—the best.

    After feeding the exalted brahmanas with fragrant and delicious foods, he should also give excellent foods to the others, even down to the dogeaters.

    Text 26

    gopi-gopala-vrindaish ca

    gavam nrityam ca karayet

    mangalair jaya-shabdaish ca

    kuryad govardhanotsavam

    gopi-gopala-vrindaih—by the gopas and gopis; ca—and; gavam—of the cows; nrityam—dancing; ca—and; karayet—should make; mangalaih—auspicious; jaya—victory; shabdaih—with sounds; ca—and; kuryat—should do; govardhana—for Govardhana Hill; utsavam—a festival.

    Then he should have the gopas and gopis dance among the cows and call out "Victory!" In this way he should perform a festival to worship Govardhana Hill
Comment by Paramananda das on October 28, 2014 at 5:01am

Text 27
yatra govardhanabhavas

tatra puja-vidhim shrinu

go-mayair vardhanam kuryat

tad-akaram paronnatam

yatra—where; govardhana—Govardhana Hill; abhavah—is not; tatra—there; puja-vidhim—the method of worship; shrinu—hear; go-mayaih—with cow-dung; vardhanam—increased; kuryat—should do; tad-akaram—the form of Govardhana Hill; para-unnatam—lofty.

Now please hear how this worship should be performed when one is not near Govardhana Hill. One should make from cow-dung a model of Govardhana Hill.

Text 28

pushpa-vyuhair lata-jalair

ishikabhih samanvitah

pujaniyah sada martyair

girir govardhano bhuvi

pushpa-vyuhaih—with many flowers; lata-jalaih—with a network of vines; ishikabhih—with grass; samanvitah—with; pujaniyah—the object of worship; sada—always; martyaih—by human beings; girih govardhanah—Govardhana Hill; bhuvi—on the earth.

Human beings on this earth should decorate thet model with many flowers, blades of grass, and a network of vines, and regularly offer worship to it.

Text 29

shila-samanam puratam

kshiptvadrau tac-chilam nayet

grihniyad yo vina svarnam

sa maha-rauravam vrajet

shila-samanam—nuggets; puratam—gold; kshiptva—ignoring; adrau—on the hill; tac-chilam—the stone; nayet—takes; grihniyat—may take; yah—who; vina—without; svarnam—gold; sa—he; maha-rauravam—to a great hell; vrajet—goes.

A person who has a mountain of gold but does not use it to worship a stone he has taken from Govardhana Hill, goes to a terrible hell.

Text 30

shalagramasya devasya

sevanam karayet sada

patakam na sprishet tam vai

padma-patram yatha jalam

shalagramasya—of Shalagrama; devasya—of the Lord; sevanam—service; karayet—should do; sada—regularly; patakam—to hell; na—not; sprishet—may touch; tam—him; vai—indeed; padma—lotus; patram—leaf; yatha—as; jalam—water.

A person who regularly worships the Lord's form as Shalagrama-shila is not touched by hell as a lotus leaf is not touched by water.

Text 31


yah karoti dvijottamah


vagaha-phalam eti sah

giri-raja—of Govardhana Hill; shila—stone; sevam—service; yah—one who; karoti—does; dvijottamah—the best of brahmanas; sapta-dvipa—of the seven continents; mahi-tirtha—in the great holy places; avagaha—of bathing; phalam—the result; eti—attains; sah—he.

An exalted brahmana who reularly serves a stone from Govardhana Hill attains the result of having bathed in all the holy rivers and lakes in the seven worlds.

Comment by Paramananda das on October 28, 2014 at 5:02am

Text 32

varshe varshe karoti yah

iha sarva-sukham bhuktva-

mutra moksham prayati sah

giri-raja—of Govardhana Hill; maha—great; pujam—worship; varshe—year; varshe—after year; karoti—does; yah—who; iha—here; sarva-sukham—all happiness; bhuktva-—enjoying; amutra—in the next life; moksham—liberation; prayati—attains; sah—he.

A person who year after year elaborately worships Govardhana Hill attains all happiness in this life and liberation in the next.


  • Paramananda Das please note these are all statements of Sri Krsna ,
  • Paramananda Das then we hear how Garga Muni invited Lord Siva to also attend the worship of Giriraja: shrutvotsavam shaila-varasya man-mukhad
    ganga-dharo baddha-kaparda-mandalah

    kapala-bhrinn asthija-bhasma-rushitah

    sarpali-mala-valayair vibhushitah

    shrutva—hearing; utsavam—the festival; shaila-varasya—of the king of mountains; man-mukhat—from my mouth; ganga-dharah—carrying the Ganges; baddha-kaparda-mandalah—matted hair; kapala-bhrinn—with a necklace of skulls; asthija-bhasma-rushitah—anointed with dust from bones; sarpali—serpents; mala-valayaih—with garlands and bracelets; vibhushitah—decorated;

    Hearing of the Govardhana festival from my mouth, carrying the Ganga in his matted locks, wearing a necklace of skulls, his body anointed with the powder of bones, decorated with a necklace and bracelets of many snakes, . . .

    Text 14


    himadri-putri-sahito ganavritah

    aruhya nandishvaram adi-vahanam

    samayayau shri-giriraja-mandalam

    dhattura-bhanga-visha-pana-vihvalah—agitated by haviung drunk dhattura poison; himadri-putri-sahitah—accompasnied by Parvati; ganavritah—accompanied by many associates; aruhya—climbing; nandishvaram—Nandi; adi-vahanam—his transcendental carrier; samayayau—came shri-giriraja-mandalam—to the circle of Govardhana Hill.

    . . . reeling from having drunk dhattura poison, acompanied by Parvati and his many associates, and riding on his carrier Nandi, Lord Shiva came to the circle of Govardhana Hill.

    Text 15

    rajarshi-viprarshi-surarshayash ca


    ajagmur arad giri-darshanartham

    sahasrasho vipra-ganah sametah

    rajarshi-viprarshi-surarshayah—the rajarshis, viprarshis, and surarshis; ca—and; siddhesha-yogeshvara-hamsa—the siddheshas, yogeshvaras, and hamsas; mukhyah—headed by; ajagmuh—came; arat—near; giri-darshanartham—to see Govardhana Hill; sahasrashah—many thousands; vipra-ganah—brahmanas; sametah—come.



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