Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

dear Vaisnavas
Please accept my humble obaisences
pranams to the lotusfeet of my Gurudeva and his Gurudeva Srila Bhaktiprajana Kesava Maharaja
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
All glories to Lord Gauranga

Kusakrata Prabhu translated this wonderful book by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura,
 ,Lord Caitanyas patimes is divided into 3 parts Bala Lilas , Pauganda and Kaisora lilas , this is explained by Srila Krsna das Kaviraja in Caitanya Caritamrta. Similar is the case with Krsnas pastimes.  Kaisora lilas is all the "adult" pastimes of the Lord ,where He is a fresh youth :

  advaitam acyutam anädim ananta-rüpam ädyaà puräëa-puruñaà nava-yauvanaà ca vedeñu durlabham adurlabham ätma-bhaktau govindam ädi-puruñaà tam ahaà bhajämi 
I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who is inaccessible to the Vedas, but obtainable by pure unalloyed devotion of the soul, who is without a second, who is not subject to decay, is without a beginning, whose form is endless, who is the beginning, and the eternal puruña; yet He is a person possessing the beauty of blooming youth.
These pastimes are technically Naimitika lilas , as they do not take place in Goloka Vrindavana and the pastimes of Lord Caitanya where He performs His Navadvipa lilas are Nitya lilas they are described for examples by Srila Visvanatha Thakura in his Stavamrta lahari ,  Lord Caitanyas Astakaliya lilas similarly Krsna Bhavanamrta by Srila Visvanath Chakravati Thakura describes Lord Krsnas Nitya lilas.One who meditates on these pastimes summarized by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakuara and elaboratly described in Caitanya Caritamrta, Caitanya Bhagavata, Caitanya Mangaala and Caitanya Carita will develop pure love for Lord Gauranga ,Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has advised in Sri Harinama Caintamani that one spends day and night chating japa on Gaura Purnima and hearing Lord Caitanya pastimes....May this give  transcendental pleasure to tho the  pure hearted devotees.
Happy Gaura Purnima 
your servant
Paramananda das
Sri Gauranga-Lila-Smarana-Mangala-Stotram

Auspicious Verses for Remembering Lord Gauranga’s Pastimes

by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura


rahu-graste jada-sasadhare phalgune purnimayam
gaude sake manusatamite sapta-varsadhike yah
mayapuryam samajani saci-garbhasindhau pradore
tam cic-chakti-prakatita-tanum misra-sunum smarami

rahu-graste jada-sasadhare—on the lunar eclipse; phalgune—in the month of Phalguna (February–March); purnimayam—on the full-moon day; gaude—in Bengal; sake—in the Saka era; manusatamitesapta-varsadhike—in the 1407 (answering to the 18th of February 1486 of the Christian era); yah—who;mayapuryam—in Mayapurasamajani—was born; saci—of Srimati Saci-devigarbha—of the womb;sindhau—in the ocean; pradore—in the evening just after sunset; tam—to Him; cit—transcendental; sakti—by the potency; prakatita—manifested; tanum—body; misra—of Jagannatha Misrasunum—the transcendental Son; smarami—I meditate.

In the town of Mayapur in Bengal, just after sunset on the evening of the 23rd Phalguna 1407 Sakabda, (answering to the 18th February 1486 of the Christian era), Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu took birth as the son of Jagannatha Misra from the ocean of Srimati Saci-devi’s womb. I meditate on that Lord Caitanya, whose spiritual form is manifested by His own cit potency.


nimbesa-nama-nicayah kramato babhuva
gauram smarami satatam kali-pavanam tam

visvambharaVisvambharaprabhuPrabhuhari—Hari; dvijaDvijagauracandraGauracandranimbaNimaiisaIsanama—of names; nicayah—multitude; kramatah—one after another; babhuva—became;yasya—of whom; arya-khanda—of the pious land of India; mukuta—the crown; upama—compared to;gauda-rartre—the land of Bengal; gauram—Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhusmarami—I meditate; satatam—continually; kali—the Kali-yugapavanam—the purifier; tam—Him.

(Growing up in) Bengal, which is like the crown of the pious land of India, Lord Caitanya became known by many different names, such as V isvambharaPrabhu, Hari, DvijaGauracandraNimai, and Isa. I continuously meditate upon that Lord, who purifies the Age of Kali.


angi-kurvan nija-sukha-karim radhika-bhava-kantim
misravase sulalita-vapur gaura-varno harir yah
palli-strinam sukham abhidadhat khelayam asa balye
vande ‘ham tam kanaka-vapusam prangne ringamanam

angi-kurvan—accepting; nija—own; sukha—happiness; karim—giving; radhika—of Srimati Radharani;bhava—of the love; kantim—the splendor; misra—of Jagannatha Misraavase—in the home; su—very;lalita—charming and playful; vapuh—form; gaura—golden; varnah—color; harih—the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Hari; yah—who; palli—of the village; strinam—of the ladies; sukham—happiness;abhidadhat—placed; khelayam asa—played; balye—in His childhood; vande—offer respectful obeisances;aham—I; tam—unto Him; kanaka—golden; vapusam—form; prangane—in the courtyard; ringamanam—crawling.

The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Hari, accepted the luster of the ecstatic love offered to Him bySrimati Radharani, which caused Him such great delight. In this way the Lord assumed a beautiful and charming form with a complexion as brilliant as gold. As a small child playing and crawling about the courtyard of Jagannatha Misra’s house, that Lord Hari delighted the ladies of the neighborhood. I offer my respectful obeisances to that golden Lord Hari.


sarpakatim svanganam hy anantam
katvasanam yas tarasopavirtah
tatyaja tam catmajananurodhad
visvambharam tam pranamami nityam

sarpa—of a serpent; akatim—form; sva—own; anganam—courtyard; hi—certainly; anantam—LordAnantadevakatva asanam—sitting; yah—who; tarasa—quickly; upavirtah—seated; tatyaja—abandoned; tam—him; ca—and; atmajana—of the relatives; anurodhat—because of consideration (or because of the appeals); visvambharam—to that Lord Visvambhara; tam—to Him; pranamami—I offer my respectfulobeisancesnityam—repeatedly.

When Lord Anantadeva assumed the form of an ordinary snake and entered [Jagannatha Misra’s] courtyard, young Visvambhara immediately began to play with Him. When the distressed relatives appealed to Him, Visvambhara went away from the snake. I repeatedly offer my respectful obeisances to that Lord Visvambhara.


balye sanvan vada-harim iti krandanad yo nivattas
tasmat strinam sakala-visaye nama-ganam tadasit
matre jnanam visadam avadan mattikabhaksane yo
vande gauram kali-mala-haram nama-ganasrayam tam
balye—in childhood; sanvan—hearing; vada—please speak; harim—the name of Lord Hari; iti—thus;krandanat—from crying; yah—who; nivattah—stopped; tasmat—on that account; strinam—of the ladies;sakala—entire; visaye—in the circle; nama—of the Holy Names; ganam—singing; tada—then; asit—was;matre—to His mother; jnanam—transcendental knowledge; visadam—pure and splendid; avadat—spoke;mattika—of clay; bhakrane—in the eating; yah—who; vande—I offer my respectful obeisancesgauram—unto that Lord Gaurasundara; kali—of the Age of Kali; mala—impurities; haram—removing; nama—of the Holy names; gana—chanting; asrayam—shelter; tam—Him.

When in His childhood He heard the words “Say the name of Lord Hari,” He would immediately stop crying. In this way the ladies of the village would continually sing the Holy Names of the Lord. When He had eaten clay, He spoke splendid and pure philosophy of real spiritual life to His mother. I offer my respectful obeisances to that Lord Gaurasundara, who became the shelter of the chanting of the Holy Names and thus removed the impurities of the Age of Kali.


paugandadau dvija-gana-gahe capalam yo vitanvan
vidyarambhe sisu-parivato jahnavi-snana-kale
vari-krepair dvija-kula-patin calayam asa sarvams
tam gaurangam parama-capalam kautukisam smarami

pauganda—of boyhood; adau—in the beginning; dvija—of the brahmanasgana—of the community; gahe—in the house; capalam—pranks; yah—who; vitanvan—performing; vidya—of education; arambhe—at the beginning; sisu—by the boys; parivatah—accompanied; jahnavi—in the Ganges; snana—of bathing; kale—at the time; vari—of water; krepaih—with sprinkling; dvija—of brahmanaskula—of the community; patin—the leaders; calayam asa—agitated and caused to flee; sarvan—all; tam—to Him; gaurangam—LordGaurangaparama—supremely; capalam—mischeivous; kautuki—of those jubilantly fond of performing pranks; isam—the master; smarami—I meditate.

In the beginning of His boyhood Lord Gauranga performed childish pranks in the homes of thebrahmanas. On the day of His first schooling, accompanied by His boyhood friends, He went to the Ganges at the time of bathing and splashed water on the leaders of the brahmanas, agitating them and causing them to flee. I meditated on that Lord Gauranga, the supreme prankster and the monarch of all playful boys.


tirtha-bhrami-dvija-kula-maner bhaksayan pakvam annam
pascat tam yo vipula-kapaya jnapayam asa tattvam
skandharoha-cchala-bahutaya mohayam asa caurau
vande ‘ham tam sujana-sukhadam dandadam durjananam

tirtha—to places of pilgrimage; bhrami—wandering; dvija—of brahmanaskula—of the community;maneh—of the jewel; bhakrayan—eating; pakvam—cooked; annam—rice; pascat—afterwards; tam—to him; yah—who; vipula—great; kapaya—with mercy; jnapayam asa—informed; tattvam—spiritual truth of His actual identity; skandha—on the shoulders; aroha—ascended; chala—of tricks; bahutaya—with an abundance; mohayam asa—bewildered; carau—two thieves; vande—offer respectful obeisancesaham—I; tam—to Him; su-jana—to the pious devotees; sukhadam—giving; happiness; dandadam—giving punishment; durjananam—to the impious.

Young Lord Caitanya ate the rice cooked (by a guest) who was like the jewel among the brahmanastraveling to places of pilgrimage. Afterwards, the Lord mercifully revealed the truth of His actual spiritual identity to that brahmana. Carried away on the shoulders by two thieves, the young Lord bewildered them with His illusory potency. I offer my respectful obeisances to that Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who delights the pious devotees and punishes the impious.


aruhya partham siva-bhakta-bhikroh
sankirtya rudrasya gunanuvadam
reme mahanandamayo ya isas
tam bhakta-bhaktam pranamami gauram

aruhya—ascending; partham—on the back; siva—of Lord Siva; bhakta—of a devotee; bhikroh—of a mendicant; sankirtya—glorifying; rudrasya—of Lord Siva; guna—of the transcendental qualities;anuvadam—explanation; reme—performed pastimes; maha-ananda-mayah—greatly blissful; yah—who;isah—the Supreme Personality of Godhead; tam—to Him; bhakta—of His devotees; bhaktam—a devotee;pranamami—I offer my respectful obeisancesgauram—to Lord Gaurasundara.

Climbing on the back of a mendicant devotee of Lord Siva, young Lord Gauranga glorified Lord Siva’s transcendental qualities. The young Lord became blissful by performing these pastimes. I offer my respectful obeisances unto that Lord Gauranga the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is a devotee of His devotees.


lakrmi-devyah pranaya-vihitam mirtam annam gahitva
tasyai pradad varam ati-subham citta-santosanam yah
masyas cihnair nija-parijanan tosayam asa yas ca
tam gaurangam parama-rasikam citta-cauram smarami

lakrmi-devyah—of Srimati Lakrmi-devipranaya—with love; vihitam—offered; mirtam annam—sweets;gahitva—accepting; tasyai—to her; pradat—gave; varam—benediction; ati—greatly; subham—auspicious;citta—the heart; santosanam—pleasing; yah—who; masyah—of ink; cihnaih—with the marks; nija—own;parijanan—relatives; torayam asa—satisfied; yah—who; ca—and; tam—Him; gaurangam—Lord Gauranga;parama—supreme; rasikam—of those who relish the mellows of transcendental pastimes; citta—the mind; cauram—the thief; smarami—I meditate.

[One day, instead of going to school, young Lord Gauranga met the young girl,] Srimati Lakrmi-devi. Accepting the sweets lovingly offered by her, He offered her an auspicious benediction that greatly pleased her heart. [Later, in order to prove that He had actually gone to school,] He covered His hands with ink marks, and in this way satisfied His relatives. I meditate on that Lord Gauranga, the supreme enjoyer of transcendental mellows who has completely enchanted my mind.


ucchirta-bhandesu vasan varango
matre dadau jnanam anuttamam yah
advaita-vithi-pathikair upasyam
tam gauracandram pranamami nityam

ucchirta—rejected; bhandesu—on the cooking pots; vasan—staying; vara—beautiful; angah—limbs; matre—to His mother; dadau—gave; jnanam—transcendental knowledge; anuttamam—incomparable; yah—who; advaita—of impersonalist philosophy; vithi—on the paths; pathikaih—by the travelers; upasyamworshipable; tam—to Him; gauracandram—Lord Gauracandrapranamami—I offer my respectfulobeisancesnityam—repeatedly.

One day, handsome young Lord Gauracandra sat on rejected cooking pots, [and when His mother chastised Him for it, He replied by] speaking incomparable transcendental philosophy. I repeatedly offer my respectful obeisances to that Lord Gauracandra, the supreme object of worship for those who travel on the path of impersonal philosophy.


dartva tu matuh kadanam sva-lortais
tasyai dadau dve sita-narikele
vatsalya-bhaktya sahasa sisur yas
tam mata-bhaktam pranamami nityam

dartva—having seen; tu—certainly; matuh—of His mother; kadanam—suffering; sva—own; lortaih—with disease; tasyai—to her; dadau—gave; dve—two; sita—white; narikele—coconuts; vatsalya—filial; bhaktya—with devotion; sahasa—immediately; sisuh—child; yah—who; tam—to Him; mata—to His mother;bhaktam—devoted; pranamami—I offer my respectful obeisancesnityam—eternally.

Seeing His mother suffering with a grave disease, young Lord Gauranga, full of a son’s love, quickly brought her two white coconuts [for medicine]. I repeatedly offer my respctful obeisances to LordGauranga, who is His mother’s devotee.


sannyasartham gatavati gahad agraje visvarupe
mirtalapair vyathita-janakam tosayam asa turnam
matuh sokam pitari vigate santvayam asa yas ca
tam gaurangam parama-sukhadam mata-bhaktam smarami

sannyasa—of accepting sannyasa (the renouced order of life; artham—for the purpose; gatavati—left; gahat—from the home; agraje—elder brother; visvarupe—Visvarupa; mirta—sweet; alapaih—with words; vyathita—distressed; janakam—father; torayam asa—satisfied; turnam—quickly; matuh—of His mother; sokam—grief; pitari—when His father; vigate—had departed; santvayam asa—consoled; yah—who; ca—and; tam—Him; gaurangam—Lord Gauranga; parama—supreme; sukhadam—granting happiness; mata—to His mother; bhaktam—devoted; smarami—I meditate.

When His elder brother, Visvarupa, left the house to take sannyasa, Lord Gauranga quickly satisfied His grief-stricken father by speaking sweet words, and when His father died the Lord consoled His grieving mother. I meditate on pleasing Lord Gauranga, who is His mother’s devotee.

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Comment by Paramananda das on November 8, 2017 at 10:17am
Text 13
lakshmi-devim pranaya-vidhina vallabhacarya-kanyam 
angi-kurvan griha-makha-parah purva-desam jagama 
vidyalapair bahu-dhanam atho prapa yah sastra-vrittis 
tam gaurangam griha-pati-varam dharma-murtim smarami

Following the sacred rites of marriage, He accepted Srimati Lakshmi-devi, the daughter of Vallabhacarya, and devotedly fulfilled His duties as a householder. A professional scholar, He traveled to East Bengal, and earned great wealth by lecturing. I meditate on Lord Gauranga, the best of husbands and the form of religious duty. 

Text 14
varanasyam sujana-tapanam sangamayya sva-desam 
labdhva lakshmi-viraha-vasatah soka-taptam prasutim 
tattvalapaih sukhada-vacanaih santvayam asa yo vai 
tam gaurangam virati-sukhadam santa-murtim smarami

He ordered pious Tapana Misra to go and live in Benares. Returning home to find His mother mourning Lakshmi-devi's death, He consoled her with pleasing words describing the spiritual truth. I meditate on tranquil Lord Gauranga, who gives the happiness of renunciation. 

Text 15
matur vakyat parinaya-vidhau prapa vishnupriyam yo 
ganga-tire parikara-janair dig-jito darpa-hari 
reme vidvaj-jana-kula-manih sri-navadvipacandro 
vande 'ham tam sakala-vishaye simham adhyapakanam

At His mother's request, He married Srimati Vishnupriya-devi. On the bank of the Ganges with His many disciples, He cut down the pride of Kesava Kasmiri, who had conquered all directions. The jewel of learned scholars and the moon of Navadvipa, He enjoyed many pastimes. I offer my respectful obeisances to Him, the lion among the scholars. 

Text 16
vidya-vilasair nava-khanda-madhye 
sarvan dvijan yo viraraja jitva 
smartams ca naiyayika-tantrikams ca 
tam jnana-rupam pranamami gauram

With playful logi defeating all brahmana smartas, nayayikas, and tantrikas in Navadvipa, He shone with great splendor. I offer my respectful obeisances to Lord Gaura, the form of transcendental knowledge. 

Text 17
vipra-padodakam pitva 
yo babhuva gatamayah 
tam smarami mahaprabhum

He became cured of a disease by drinking the water of a brahmana's feet. I meditate on Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the protector of varnasrama. 

Text 18
preta-kshetre dvija-parivritah sarva-deva-pranamyo 
mantram lebhe nija-guru-parivaktrato yo dasarnam 
gaudam labdhva svam ati-vikriti-cchadmanovaca tattvam 
tam gaurangam nava-rasa-param bhakta-murtim smarami

Surrounded by brahmanas and offered respects by all the demigods, He obtained the Hare Krishna mantra from the mouth of His guru at Gaya. When He returned to Bengal, on the pretext of suffering from a grave disease He explained the actual truth. I meditate on Lord Gauranga, the form of a devotee expert at tasting the nine nectars of devotion. 

Text 19
bhakty-alapair niravadhi tadadvaita-mukhya mahantah 
prapta yasyasrayam atisayam kirtanadyair murareh 
nityanandodaya-ghatanaya yo babhuvesa-ceshto 
vande gauram nayana-sukhadam dakshinam shad-bhujam tam

Ceaselessly discussing the truth of devotional service, the great devotees headed by Advaita Acarya took shelter of Him by chanting Lord Murari's holy names. When Nityananda came, Gaura displayed the Supreme Personality of Godhead's pastimes. I offer my respectful obeisances to all-powerful Lord Gaura who, revealing His siø-armed form, delights the eyes. 

Text 20
yah kola-rupa-dhrig aho varaniya-murtir 
gupte kripam ca mahatim sahasa cakara 
tam vyasa-pujana-vidhau baladeva-bhavan 
madhvika-yacana-param paramam smarami

Suddenly displaying Lord Varaha's handsome form, He was very merciful to Murari Gupta. During the worship of Vyasa He became Balarama and began to call for madhvika liquor. I meditate on Him, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. 

Text 21
advaitacandra-vibhuna saganena bhaktya 
nityam ca krishna-manuna paripujyate yah 
srivasa-mandira-nidhim paripurna-tattvam 
tam sridharadi-mahatam saranam smarami

Confident that Lord Caitanya is in reality Lord Krishna, Lord Advaitacandra and His associates worshiped Him at Srivasa's house. I remember Lord Caitanya, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the shelter of Sridhara and the other devotees. 

Comment by Paramananda das on November 8, 2017 at 10:18am
Text 22
srivasa-phalyam yavanam visodhya 
cakre subhaktam svagunam pradarsya 
premna sumatto vishayad virakto 
yas tam prabhum gaura-vidhum smarami

Revealing His transcendental qualities, He purified Srivasa's Muslim servant and transformed him into a pure devotee. I meditate on the golden moon of Lord Gaura, who is free of all material desire and maddened with pure love. 

Text 23
sri-rama-rupa-dhrig aho bhishajo murareh 
srutva stavam raghupater mudam apa yo vai 
cakre kusanga-rahitam kripaya mukundam 
tam suddha-bhakti-rasada-pravaram smarami

Happy to hear physician Murari Gupta's prayers glorifying Lord Rama, He assumed the form of Lord Rama. He also mercifully freed the devotee Mukunda from bad association. I meditate on Him, the philanthropist that gives the sweet nectar of pure devotional service. 

Text 24
ajnapaya ca bhagavan avadhuta-dasau 
danaya gokula-pater nagareshu namnam 
sarvatra jiva-nicayeshu paravareshu 
yas tam smarami purusham karunavataram

The Lord ordered His two avadhuta devotees (Lord Nityananda and Haridasa Thakura) to give the holy names of Lord Krishna, the master of Gokula, to all living entities, high and low, in all towns and villages, everywhere. I meditate on Lord Caitanya, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who mercifully descended to this world. 

Text 25
yo 'dvaita-sadma vicalan saha cagrajena 
sannyasa-dharma-rahitam dhvajinam surapam 
tattvam visuddham avadal lalitakhya-puryam 
tam suddha-bhakti-nilayam sivadam smarami

Going with His elder brother to Advaita Acarya's home, He spoke the pure truth to a wine-drinking hypocrite-sannyasi in Lalita-puri. I meditate on Lord Caitanya, the auspicious abode of pure devotional service. 

Text 26
yo 'dvaitavada-sathatasrita-desikasya 
prishtham vyatadayad aho sahasa harir yah 
premnapi bhakti-pathagam ca cakara tam tam 
maya-haram suvimalam satatam smarami

When Advaita Acarya began to preach the fraud known as impersonal monism, Lord Caitanya suddenly started to beat Him on the back, lovingly forcing Him again to the path of devotional service. I eternally meditate on Lord Caitanya, who removes the illusions of maya. 

Text 27
sri-rupa-dhrg bhajana-sagara-magna-nribhyo 
yas candrasekhara-grihe pradadau sva-dugdham 
svam darsayan vijayam uddharati sva bhutim 
tam sarva-sakti-vibhavasrayanam smarami

At Candrasekhara's house He manifested the form of Lakshmi-devi and fed with His milk the devotees present, who were all plunged in the ocean of pure devotional service. He showed His transcendental opulences to Vijaya dasa and delivered him. I meditate on Lord Gauranga, the abode of all transcendental potencies and opulences. 

Text 28
nidra-tyagah snapanam asanam godrumadau viharo 
grame grame vicaranam aho kirtanam calpa-nidra 
yame yame krama-niyamato yasya bhaktair babhuvus 
tam gaurangam bhajana-sukhadam hy ashta-yamam smarami

Accompanied by His devotees, He traveled to Godruma and many other villages, where He enjoyed many pastimes, bathed, ate, and continually chanted the holy names, hardly sleeping. Throughout the entire day I meditate on Lord Gauranga, who grants the happiness of pure devotional service. 

Text 29
yo vai sankirtana-parikaraih srinivasadi-sanghais 
tatratyanam patita-jagadananda-mukhya-dvijanam 
durvrittanam hridaya-vivaram prema-purnam cakara 
tam gaurangam patita-saranam prema-sindhum smarami

Accompanied by His sankirtana party headed by Srinivasa Acarya, He filled with pure love of God the hearts of Jagadananda Vipra and many other fallen and sinful brahmanas there. I meditate on Lord Gauranga, who is an ocean of pure love of God and the shelter of the fallen.

Text 30
bhavavesair nikhila-sujanan sikshayam asa bhaktim 
tesham doshan sadaya-hridayo marjayam asa sakshat 
bhakti-vyakhyam sujana-samitau yo mukundas cakara 
tam gaurangam svajana-kalusha-kshanti-murtim smarami

By being filled with ecstatic love He taught devotion to all the devotees. Merciful at heart, He washed away their faults. The giver of liberation, He explained devotional service in the company of devotees. I mediate on Lord Gauranga, the form of forgiveness of the devotees' faults. 

Text 31
yo vai sankirtana-sukha-ripum candakajim vimucya 
lasyollasair nagara-nicaye krishna-gitam cakara 
varam varam kali-gada-haram sri-navadvipa-dhamni 
tam gaurangam natana-vivasam dirgha-bahum smarami

After liberating Canda Kazi, the great enemy of the bliss of sankirtana, again and again the Lord danced and chanted Krishna's holy name in all the towns and villages. I meditate on Lord Gauranga, who cured Kali's disease, whose arms are very long, and who ecstatically dances in Navadvipa-dhama. 

Text 32
ganga-daso muraripu-bhishak sridharah sukla-vastrah 
sarve yasya pranati-niratah prema-purna babhuvuh 
yasyocchishtasana-suratika srila-narayani ca 
tam gaurangam parama-purusham divya-murtim smarami

Ganga' dasa, the physician Murari Gupta, Kholaveca' Sridhara, and Suklambara Brahmacari were full of love and devotion for Him. Srila Narayani-devi was delighted to eat the remnants of His meal. I meditate on Lord Gauranga, the supreme person, whose form is splendid and transcendental. 

Text 33
srivasasya pranaya-vivasas tasya sunor gatasor 
vaktrat tattvam parama-subhadam sravayam asa tasmai 
tad-dasebhyo 'pi ca subha-matim dattavan yah paratma 
vande gauram kuhaka-rahitam jiva-nistarakam tam

Overwhelmed with love, He made Srivasa Thakura hear the supremely auspicious truth from the mouth of his dead son. I bow down before Lord Gaura, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is free of all duplicity, who delivers the living entities, and who gives to His servants an auspicious conception of life. 

Text 34
Comment by Paramananda das on November 8, 2017 at 10:19am
gopi-bhavat parama-vivaso danda-hastah pareso 
vadasaktan ati-jada-matims tadayam asa mudhan 
tasmat te yat-pratibhatataya vaira-bhavan atanvan 
tam gaurangam vimukha-kadane divya-simham smarami

When He was overwhelmed by the gopis' love, some fools criticized Him. When with stick in hand the Lord struck them, they became enemies and planned their revenge. I meditate on Lord Gauranga, who became a splendid lion to punish those averse to Him. 

Text 35
tesham papa-prasamana-matih kantake magha-mase 
lokesakshiprama-vayasi yah kesavan nyasa-lingam 
lebhe loke parama-vidusham pujaniyo varenyas 
tam caitanyam kaca-virahitam danda-hastam smarami

With a mind to remove their offenses, when He was 24 years old He accepted sannyasa from Kesava Bharati at Katwa in the month of Magha. I meditate on Lord Caitanya, who is worshiped by the learned, His head shaved and a danda in His hand. 

Text 36
tyaktva geham svajana-sahitam sri-navadvipa-bhumau 
nityananda-pranaya-vasagah krishna-caitanyacandrah 
bhramam bhramam nagaram agma chantipurvam puram yas 
tam gaurangam vraja-jigamishavishta-murtim smarami

Renouncing His home and relatives in Navadvipa, and conquered by Nityananda's love, Krishna Caitanyacandra wandered to the town of Santipura. I meditate on Lord Gauranga, who wished to go to Vraja. 

Text 37
tatranita tt ajita-janani harsha-sokakula sa 
bhiksham dattva katipaya-diva palayam asa sunum 
bhaktya yas tad-vidhim anusaran kshetra-yatram cakara 
tam gaurangam bhramana-kusalam nyasi-rajam smarami

The Lord's mother was brought there. Simultaneously joyful and grieving, she fed and protected her son for some days. Devotedly obeying His mother's orders, the Lord went to Jagannatha Puri. I meditate on Lord Gauranga, whose journey made the entire country auspicious, and who is the king of sannyasis. 

Text 38
nityanando vibudha-jagadananda-damodarau ca 
lila-gane parama-nipuno datta-sunur mukundah 
ete bhaktas carana-madhupa yena sardham pracelus 
tam gaurangam pranata-patala-preshtha-murtim smarami

He journeyed with With Nityananda, intelligent Jagadananda, Damodara, and Mukunda Datta, who was expert in singing about Krishna's pastimes, all devoted bumblebees drinking the honey of the Lord's feet. I meditate on Lord Gauranga, whose form is most dear to the devotees. 

Text 39
tyaktva ganga-tata-jana-padams cambu-lingam mahesam 
odhre dese ramana-vipine kshira-cauram ca vikshya 
sri-gopalam kataka-nagare yo dadarsatma-rupam 
tam gaurangam sva-bhajana-param bhakta-murtim smarami

Leaving the Ganges shore and the water form of Lord Mahesa, in the beautiful gardens of Orissa He saw Ksira-cora Gopinatha, and in the village of Katwa He saw His own form of Lord Sakshi-Gopala. I meditate on Lord Gauranga, who become absorbed in His own devotional service. 

Text 40
ekamrakhye pasupati-vane rudra-lingam pranamya 
yatah kapotaka-siva-puram svasya dandam vihaya 
nityanandas tu tad-avasare yasya dandam babhanja 
tam gaurangam kapata-manujam bhakta-bhaktam smarami

In the forest of Ekamra He offered obeisances to a siva-linga. When He went to the auspicious town of Kapotaka and set down His danda, Nityananda broke it. I meditate on Lord Gauranga, who is disguised as a human being and who is a devotee of His devotees. 

Text 41
bhagne dande kapata-kupitas tan vihaya sva-vargan 
eko nilacalapati-puram prapya turnam prabhur yah 
bhavavesam paramam agamat krishna-rupam vilokya 
tam gaurangam purata-vapusham nyasta-dandam smarami

Pretending to be angry when His danda was broken, the Lord left His associates and quickly went alone to Jagannatha Puri. Seeing Lord Krishna's form, He became filled with ecstatic love. I meditate on golden Lord Gauranga, who gave up His danda. 

Text 42
bhavasvada-prakata-samaye sarvabhaumasya seva 
tasyanarthan prakriti-vipulan nasayam asa sarvan 
tasmad yasya prabala-kripaya vaishnavo 'bhut sa capi 
tam vedartha-pracarana-vidhau tattva-murtim smarami

Sarvabhauma's service when the Lord was tasting the ecstasy of love destroyed all unwanted material impurities in his heart, and by the Lord's powerful mercy he became a Vaishnava. I meditate on Lord Gauranga, the form of preaching the Vedic truth. 

Text 43
tatroshitva katipaya-diva dakshinatyam jagama 
kurmakshetre gada-virahitam vasudevam cakara 
ramanande vijaya-nagare prema-sindhum dadau yas 
tam gaurangam jana-sukha-karam tirtha-murtim smarami

After staying there for some days, He went to the South. At Kurmakshetra He cured the leper Vasudeva, and at Vijaya-nagara He gave Ramananda Raya the ocean of pure love of God. I meditate on Lord Gauranga, who gives great pleasure to the people, and who is the personified form of all holy places. 

Text 44
dese dese sujana-nicaye prema vistarayan yo 
rangakshetre katipaya-diva bhatta-phalyam avatsit 
bhattacaryan parama-kripaya krishna-bhaktams cakara 
tam gopalalaya-sukha-nidhim gaura-murtim smarami

Distributing pure love of Krishna wherever He went, He stayed for some days with Venkata Bhatta's family in Rangakshetra. He mercifully made the Bhattacaryas devotees of Lord Krishna. I meditate on Lord Gaura, who is an ocean of happiness for the home of Gopala Bhatta. 

Text 45
bauddhan jainan bhajana-rahitan tattvavadahatams ca 
mayavada-hrada-nipatitan suddha-bhakti-pracaraih 
sarvams caitan bhajana-kusalan yas cakaratma-saktya 
vande 'ham tam bahu-mata-dhiyam pavanam gauracandram

By preaching pure devotional service and by His own transcendental potency, He converted all the Buddhists, Jains, atheists, Tattvavadis, and persons fallen into the lake of mayavada philosophy, into auspicious pure devotees of the Lord. I offer my respectful obeisances to Lord Gauracandra, the purifier of the mental speculators. 

Text 46
dattvanandam kali-mala-haram dakshinatyebhya iso 
nitva granthau bhajana-vishayau krishna-dasena sardham 
alalesalaya-patha-gato nila-sailam yayau yas 
tam gaurangam pramudita-matim bhakta-palam smarami

After giving to the people of the South the bliss that removes the impurities of Kali, accompanied by Krishna dasa, and bringing two devotional books (Brahma-samhita and Krishna-karnamrita), He went to Jagannatha Puri on the road to Alalanatha. I meditate on Lord Gauranga, the jubilant protector of the devotees. 

Comment by Paramananda das on November 8, 2017 at 10:21am
Text 47
kasi-misra-dvija-vara-grihe suddha-camikarabho 
vasam cakre svajana-nikarair yah svarupa-pradhanaih 
namanandam sakala-samaye sarva-jivaya yo 'dat 
tam gaurangam svajana-sahitam phulla-murtim smarami

As splendid as pure gold, He stayed the brahmana Kasi Misra's house. Accompanied by Svarupa Damodara and other associates, He always gave to everyone the spiritual bliss of the holy name. I meditate on Lord Gauranga, whose jubilant form is surrounded by His associates. 

Text 48
nilagese ratham adhigate vaishnavair yas tad-agre 
nrityan gayan hari-guna-ganam plavayam asa sarvan 
premnaudhriyan gajapati-mukhan sevakan suddha-bhaktams 
tam gaurangam sva-sukha-jaladhim bhava-murtim smarami

Dancing and singing Lord Hari's glories with the devotees as Jagannatha rode on His chariot before them, He flooded with love King Prataprarudra and the other pure devotees of Orissa. I meditate on Lord Gauranga, who is an ocean of transcendental bliss and the personification of ecstatic love of God. 

Text 49
odhra-desad yayau gaudam 
simayam utkalasya yah 
hitvaudhra-parsvadan devas 
tam smarami saci-sutam

Leaving His Orissan associates at the border, He went to Bengal. I meditate Saci-devi's divine son. 

Text 50
srivasam vasudevam ca 
raghavam sva-sva-mandire 
drishtva santipuram yato 
yas tam gauram smaramy aham

I meditate on Lord Gaura, who saw Srivasa Thakura, Vasudeva dasa, and Raghava Pandita at their homes, and then went on to Santipura. 

Text 51
sri-vidyanagare gacchan 
vidyavacaspater griham 
kuliyayam navadvipe 
yayau yas tam aham bhaje

I worship Lord Gaura, who visited the home of Vidyavacaspati dasa in Vidyanagara and then went to Kuliya-grama and Navadvipa. 

Text 52
vidya-rupodbhava-dhana-janair ya na labhya narena 
tam caitanya-prabhuvara-kripam dainya-bhavad avapa 
devanandah kuliya-nagare yasya bhaktan prapujya 
vande gauram vimada-vidusham suddha-bhakty-eka-labhyam

Because he humbly worshiped the devotees, Devananda in Kuliya-nagara attained Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mercy, which cannot be purchased by any amount of wealth, followers, beauty or learning. I bow down before Lord Gaura, who is only attained by the pure devotional service of the pure and the wise. 

Text 53
vrindaranyekshana-kapatato gauda-dese prasutim 
drishtva snehad yavana-kavalat sagrajam rupam eva 
uddhrityaudhram punar api yayau yah svatantrah paratma 
tam gaurangam svajana-tarane hrishta-cittam smarami

On the pretext of going to see Vrindavana, He affectionately saw His mother in the land of Bengal, delivered Rupa Gosvami and his elder brother (Sanatana Gosvami, from the mouth of the Moslems, and then returned to Orissa. I meditate on Lord Gauranga, the independent Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose heart becomes joyful to deliver the devotees. 

Text 54
sangam hitva bahu-vidha-nrinam bhadram ekam grihitva 
yatram vrindavana-dridha-matir yas cakaratma-tantrah 
riksha-vyaghra-prabhritika-pasun madayitvatma-saktya 
tam svanandaih pasu-mati-haram gauracandram smarami

Leaving the association of many devotees, taking only Balabhadra Bhattacarya with Him, and by His transcendental potency making the bears, tigers, and other wild animals mad with bliss, the independent Lord journeyed, His heart fixed on Vrindavana. I meditate on Lord Gauracandra, who enchanted the minds of the animals with His own spiritual bliss. 

Text 55
vrindaranye girivara-nadi-grama-rajir vilokya 
purva-kriida-smarana-vivaso bhava-punjair mumoha 
tasmad bhadro vraja-vipinatas calayam asa yam ca 
tam gaurangam nija-jana-vasam dina-murtim smarami

Seeing the hills, rivers, and villages in Vrindavana, He fainted, overcome with ecstatic love by remembering His pastimes there before. For this reason Balabhadra made Him leave the forests of Vraja. I meditate on Lord Gauranga, who was submissive to His devotee and overcome with ecstasy. 

Text 56
bhavavesam pathi param aho vikshya tam bhagyavanto 
mlecchah keci chubha-mati-balal lebhire yat-prasadam 
bhaktas te ca pranaya-vasaga yat-prasadad babhuvus 
tam gaurangam jani-mala-haram suddha-murtim smarami

Seeing Him overcome with ecstasy, some fortunate mlecchas, because of their pure hearts, obtained His mercy. By His mercy they became pure devotees, overcome with love. I meditate on supremely pure Lord Gauranga, who removes the impurity of low birth. 

Text 57
punye ganga-tapanatanaya-sangame tirtha-varye 
rupam vidyam para-rasa-mayim sikshayam asa yo vai 
premanam gokulapati-gatam vallabhakhyam budham ca 
tam gaurangam rasa-guru-manim sastra-murtim smarami

At the sacred junction of the Ganga' and Yamuna, He taught to Srila Rupa Gosvami the nectar of transcendental mellows, and to wise Vallabhacarya pure love for the master of Gokula. I meditate on Lord Gauranga, the personified Vedic scriptures, and the jewel among teachers of transcendental mellows. 

Text 58
kasi-kshetre rasa-virahitan kevaladvaita-pakshan 
premnaplavya svajana-kripaya yas tu rupagrajaya 
vishnor bhakti-smriti-viracane sadhu saktim vyatarid 
vande gauram bhajana-vishaye sadhakanam gurum tam

At Varanasi, by His devotees' mercy He flooded with love the nectarless monists and gave Rupa Gosvami's elder brother the power to write books about vishnu-bhakti. I offer my respectful obeisances to Lord Gauranga, the spiritual master of those expert at devotional service. 

Comment by Paramananda das on November 8, 2017 at 10:22am
Text 59
dhig gauranga-pranati-rahitan sushka-tarkadi-dagdhan 
ity evam vai pracura-vacanam sankaranam babhuva 
nyasisanam sadasi mahatam yasya puja tadabhut 
tam gaurangam sva-sukha-mathanananda-murtim smarami

"Pathetic are they who, scorched by dry logic, do not bow down before Lord Gauranga!" Saying this again and again, the exalted Sankara sannyasis worshiped Him. I meditate on Lord Gauranga, who was agitated with transcendental bliss. 

Text 60
prapya kshetram punar api harir bhakta-vargams tutosha 
ramananda-pramukha-sujanan sarvabhaumadihan yah 
premalapair hari-rasa-parair yapayam asa varshams 
tam- gaurangam hari-rasa-kathasvada-purnam smarami

When He returned to Jagannatha Puri, He gave pleasure to the devotees. With words of love He rained the nectar of Lord Hari on Ramananda Raya, Sarvabhauama Bhattacarya, and the others. I meditate on Lord Gauranga, who tastes the nectar of talking about Lord Hari. 

Text 61
yat-padabjam vidhi-siva-nutam vikshitum te mahanto 
varshe varshe ratha-parigatau gauda-desat sametya 
pritim labdhva manasi mahatim odhra-desat samiyur 
gaudiyanam parama-suhridam tam yatindram smarami

Year after year at the time of Rathayatra, the great devotees would travel from Bengal to see His lotus feet, which are worshiped by Brahma' and Siva. Attaining great satisfaction at heart, they then left Orissa. I meditate on Him, the king of sannyasis, and the supreme friend of the Bengali devotees. 

Text 62
nirvinnanam vipula-patanam strishu sambhashanam yat 
tat-tad-doshat sva-mata-carakarakshanartham ya isah 
doshat kshudrad api laghu-harim varjayitva mumoda 
tam gaurangam vimala-caritam sadhu-murtim smarami

To protect His sannyasi followers from the vices that follow from talking with women, He was very happy as He rejected Chota Haridasa for a small offense. I meditate on Lord Gauranga, whose activities are faultless, and who is the personification of a sincere devotee. 

Text 63
daivad hinanvaya-janivatam tattva-buddhi-prabhavad 
acaryatvam bhavati yad idam tattvam ekam sugudham 
pradyumnaya pracura-kripaya jnapayam asa yas tat 
tam gaurangam guna-madhukaram jadya-sunyam smarami

He very mercifully taught Pradyumna Misra the secret that a person who because of past karma takes birth in a low family may become a spiritual master by intelligently understanding the truth of spiritual life. I meditate on Lord Gauranga, who is free of folly, and who is a bumblebee, relishing the virtues of others. 

Text 64
vatsalyena sva-bhajana-vasad dasa-gosvaminam yas 
tattva-jnanam bhajana-vishaye sikshayam asa sakshat 
sindhos tire carama-samaye sthapayam asa dasam 
tam gaurangam sva-carana-jusham bandhu-murtim smarami

Conquered by his devotional service, with a father's love He directly taught Raghunatha dasa Gosvami the truth of devotional service. At the last part of His pastimes by the shore of the sea, He made Raghunatha dasa His servant. I meditate on Lord Gauranga, the friend of they who take shelter of His feet. 

Text 65
purim ramakhyam yo guru-jana-katha-nindana-param 
sadopekshya bhrantam kali-kalusha-kupe gatam iha 
amogham svi-cakre harijana-kripa-lesa-balatah 
saci-sunuh sasvat-smarana-padavim gacchatu sa me

He always tolerated the offenses of Ramacandra Puri, who was fond of blaspheming his superiors, and who had become bewildered and fallen into the muddy well of quarrelsomeness. The Lord accepted Amogha because he attained a little fragment of a devotee's mercy. May Saci-devi's son eternally travel on the path of my memory. 

Comment by Paramananda das on November 8, 2017 at 10:23am
Text 66
sanatanam kandu-rasam prapiditam 
sparsena suddham kripaya cakara yah 
sva-nasa-buddhim parisodhayann aho 
smarami gauram navakhanda-nagaram

By touching him, the Lord mercifully cured Sanatana Gosvami, who was afflicted with a disease of itching sores. The Lord also purified Sanatana of the desire to commit suicide. I meditate on Lord Gaura, the hero of Navadvipa. 

Text 67
gopinatham narapati-balad yo rarakshatma-tantro 
ramanandanuja-nija-janam sikshayan dharma-tattvam 
papair labdham dhanam iti sada tyajyam eva sva-dharmat 
tam gaurangam svajana-sivadam bhadra-murtim smarami

The independent Lord protected Ramananda Raya's younger brother Gopinatha Pattanayaka from Maharaja Prataprarudra's wrath. The Lord taught Gopinatha about piety, saying that one should not collect money by sinful means. I meditate on Lord Gauranga, who is the personification of auspiciousness, and who grants auspiciousness to His devotees. 

Text 68
upayanam raghavatah samadritam 
punah punah praptam api sva-desatah 
sva-bhaktato yena parat paratmana 
tam eva gauram satatam smaramy aham

I always remember the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Gaura, who again and again accepted the gifts His devotee Raghava Pandita brought from His own country (Bengal) 

Text 69
tailam nangi-kritam yena 
jagadananda-dattam ca 
smarami tam mahaprabhum

I meditate upon Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Strictly following the rules of sannyasa, He refused to accept the oil offered by Jagadananda Pandita. 

Text 70
jagannathagare garuda-sadana-stambha-nikate 
dadarsa sri-murtim pranaya-vivasa kapi jarati 
samaruhya skandham yad amala-hares tushta-manasah 
saci-sunuh sasvat smarana-padavim gacchatu sa me

In Lord Jagannatha's temple, by the Garuda-stambha an old woman overwhelmed with devotion saw the Deity by climbing on Lord Caitanya's shoulders. May Saci's son, the supremely pure Lord Hari, whose heart was pleased by that woman, eternally travel on the path of my memory. 

Text 71
puri-deve bhaktim guru-carana-yogyam sumadhuram 
dayam govindakhye visada-paricaryasrita-jane 
svarupe yah pritim madhura-rasa-rupam hy akuruta 
saci-sunuh sasvat smarana-padavim gacchatu sa me

May Saci's son, who worshiped Isvara Puri as His guru, who was affectionately merciful to His pure servant Govinda, and who taught Svarupa Damodara about devotional love in madhura-rasa, eternally travel on the path of my memory. 

Text 72
dadhanah kaupinam vasanam arunam sobhanamayam 
suvarnadreh sobham sakala-susarire dadhad api 
japan radha-krishnam galad-udaka-dharakshi-yugalam 
saci-sunuh sasvat smarana-padavim gacchatu sa me

May Saci's son, whose form splendid as Mount Sumeru was clothed in a saffron kaupina, and whose eyes flowed rivers of tears as He chanted the names of Radha' and Krishna, eternally travel on the path of my memory. 

Text 73
Comment by Paramananda das on November 8, 2017 at 10:29am
muda gayann uccair madhura-hari-namavalim aho 
natan mandam mandam nagara-patha-gami saha janaih 
vadan kakva re re vada hari harity-akshara-yugam 
saci-sunuh sasvat smarana-padavim gacchatu sa me

May Saci's son, happily and loudly chanting Lord Hari's sweet holy names, dancing with His men in a procession slowly moving through the city's streets, and plaintively begging "Please chant the two syllables Ha-ri", eternally travel on the path of my memory. 

Text 74
rahasyam sastranam yad aparicitam purva-vidusham 
sruter gudham tattvam dasa-parimitam prema-kalitam 
dayalus tad yo 'sau prabhur ati-kripabhih samavadac 
chaci-sunuh sasvat smarana-padavim gacchatu sa me

May the kind Lord, who is Saci's son, and who very mercifully described the ten phases of pure love that are the sastras' secret, hidden in the Sruti and unknown to the previous sages, eternally travel on the path of my memory. 

Text 75
amnayah praha tattvam harim iha paramam sarva-saktim rasabdhim 
tad-bhinnamsams ca jivan prakriti-kavalitams tad-vimuktams ca bhavat 
bhedabheda-prakasam sakalam api hareh sadhanam suddha-bhaktim 
sadhyam tat-pritim evety upadisati harir gauracandro bhaje tam

I worship Lord Hari Gauracandra, who teaches us: 
1. Hari, the Almighty, is one without a second. 
2. He is always vested with infinite power. 
3. He is the ocean of rasa (the transcendental bliss which forms the essence of any relationship). 
4. The soul is His Vibhinnamsa, or separated part. 
5. Certain souls are engrossed by prakriti, His illusory energy. 
6. Certain souls are released from the grasp of prakriti. 
7. All spiritual and material phenomena are bhedabheda-prakasa of Hari, the Almighty (simultaneously one and different with the Lord.). 
8. Bhakti, devotional service, is the only means of attaining the final object of spiritual existence. 
9. Prema, pure love in Krishna, is alone the final object of spiritual existence.* 

Text 76
svatah siddho vedo hari-dayita-vedhah-prabhrititah 
pramanam sat praptah pramiti-vishayams tan-nava-vidhan 
tatha-pratyakshadi-pramiti-sahitam sadhayati no 
na yuktis tarkakhya pravisati tatha-sakti-rahita

Perfect knowledge is received from Brahma' and other devotees dear to Lord Hari. The preceding nine axioms are the summary of all truth. Sense-perception is not a good source of knowledge. Reason and logic have no power to enter the truth. 

Text 77
haris tt ekam tattvam vidhi-siva-suresa-pranamito 
yad evedam brahma prakriti-rahitam tat-tanu-mahah 
paratma tasyamso jagad anugato visva-janakah 
sa vai radha-kanto nava-jalada-kantis cid-udayah

Lord Hari is one without a second. Brahma, Siva and Indra bow before Him. The nonmaterial Brahman is His bodily effulgence. The Supersoul is a portion of Him. The universe is subordinate to Him. He is the father of the universe. He is Radha's lover. He is splendid as a fresh monsoon cloud. He is perfectly spiritual. 

Text 78
parakhyayah sakter aprithag api sa sve mahimani 
sthito jivakhyam svam acid-abhihitam tam tri-padikam 
svatantrecchah saktim sakala-vishaye prerana-paro 
vikaradyaih sunyah parama-purusho 'sau vijayate

All glories to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is not different from His spiritual potency, who is situated in His own glory, whose every desire is at once fulfilled, who is the controller of everything, who never changes, and whose potency has three parts: 1. His personal, superior potency 2. the living entities, and 3. the inanimate material nature. 

Text 79
sa vai hiladinyas ca pranaya-vikriter hladana-ratas 
tatha samvi-chakti-prakatita-raho-bhava-rasitah 
taya sri-sandhinya krita-visada-tad-dhama-nicaye 
rasambhodhau magno vraja-rasa-vilasi vijayate

All glories to Lord Hari, who enjoys the love transformations of the hladini potency and the ecstasies of the samvit potency, and who, in splendid spiritual abodes created by His sandhini potency, enjoys nectar pastimes in Vraja, plunged in the ocean of nectar. 

Text 80
sphulinga riddhagner iva cid-anavo jiva-nicaya 
hareh suryasyevaprithag api tu tad-bheda-visayah 
vase maya yasya prakriti-patir evesvara iha 
sa jivo mukto 'pi prakriti-vasa-yogyah sva-gunatah

Just as sparks are to a great fire and particles of sunlight are to the sun, the living entities are spiritual atoms manifested from Lord Hari. Lord Hari is the supreme master of the the material nature, and the illusory potency, maya, is under His control. A living entity, even a liberated soul, may be placed under maya's control. 

Comment by Paramananda das on November 8, 2017 at 10:30am
Text 81
svaruparthair hinan nija-sukha-paran krishna-vimukhan 
harer maya dandyan guna-nigada-jalaih kalayati 
tatha sthulair lingair dvividha-varanaih klesa-nikarair 
maha-karmalanair nayati patitan svarga-nirayau

Seeing the living entities averse to Krishna, intent on their own pleasure, ignorant of their spiritual nature, and deserving punishment as they are bound by the chains of the modes of nature, Maya covers them with gross and subtle coverings and, binding them with chains of karma that bring many sufferings, leads these fallen souls up and down through the heavenly and hellish material worlds. 

Text 82
yada bhramam bhramam hari-rasa-galad-vaishnava-janam 
kadacit sampasyams tad-anugamane syad ruci-yutah 
tada krishnavritya tyajati sanakair mayika-dasam 
svarupam bibhrano vimala-rasa-bhogam sa kurute

Wandering and wandering, sometimes seeing a pure Vaishnava from whom streams the nectar of Lord Hari, attracted to follow him, turning to Krishna and gradually abandoning materialism, one assumes his original spiritual form and enjoys the most splendid and pure nectar. 

Text 83
hareh sakteh sarvam cid-acid-akhilam syat parinatir 
vivartam no satyam sruti-mata-viruddham kali-malam 
harer bhedabhedau sruti-vihita-tattvam suvimalam 
tatah premnah siddhir bhavati nitaram nitya-vishaye

All spirit and matter is the transformation of Lord Hari's energy. The theory that everything is a transformation of the Supreme itself is an impurity spawned by the age of Kali, and contradicts the actual Vedi idea. The Vedas establish the pure truth that everything is simultaneously one and different from Lord Hari, and therefore perfect spiritual love may be eternally manifest. 

Text 84
srutih krishnakhyanam smarana-nati-pujavidhi-ganas 
tatha dasyam sakhyam paricaranam apy atma-dadanam 
navangany etaniha vidhi-gata-bhakter anudinam 
bhajan sraddha-yuktah suvimala-ratim vai sa labhate

The nine different forms of devotional service to Lord Hari are: 
1. To hear of the spiritual name, form, attributes and lila (pastimes) of Krishna. 
2.To utter and sing all those. 
3.To meditate and reiterate all those. 
4.Service of His Holy Feet. 
6.Bowing down. 
7.Doing all that pleases Him. 

Faithfully worshiping Lord Hari every day, one attains pure love for Him. 

Text 85
svarupavasthane madhura-rasa-bhavodaya iha 
vraje radha-krishna-svajana-jana-bhavam hridi vahan 
paranande pritim jagad-atula-sampat-sukham atho 
vilasakhye tattve parama-paricaryam sa labhate

In his original spiritual form the pure love of madhura-rasa rises. Carrying in his heart pure love for Radha'-Krishna's associates in Vraja, he attains blissful love, his happiness exceeding anything in the material world, and he also attains supreme devotional service in the Lord's pastimes. 

Text 86
prabhuh kah ko jivah katham idam acid visvam iti va 
vicaryaitan arthan hari-bhajana-kric-chastra-caturah 
abhedasam dharman sakalam aparadham pariharan 
harer namanandam pibati hari-daso hari-janaih

Considering the questions "What is God? What is the living entity? What is this inanimate material world?" a scholar learned in the Vedas worships Lord Hari. Abandoning all offenses and the desire for impersonal liberation, he becomes Lord Hari's servant and drinks the nectar bliss of Lord Hari's holy names with the other devotees. 

Text 87
samsevya dasa-mulam vai 
hitvavidyam ayam janah 
bhava-pushtim tatha tushtim 
labhate sadhu-sangatah

Accepting these ten axioms, abandoning ignorance, and remaining in the association of saintly devotees, one nourishes his love for Lord Hari and becomes happy. 

Text 88
itiprayam siksham caran-madhupebhyah paridisan 
galan-netrambhobhih snapita-nija-dirghojjvala-vapuh 
paranandakaro jagad-atula-bandhur yati-varah 
saci-sunuh sasvat smarana-padavim gacchatu sa me

May Saci's son, the best of sannyasis, the unparalleled friend of the universe, His tall, blissful, effulgent spiritual form bathed in tears flowing from His eyes as He teaches these truths to the devotees like bumblebees at His feet, eternally travel on the path of my memory. 

Text 89
gatir gaudiyanam api sakala-varnasrama-jusham 
tatha caudiyanam ati-sarala-dainyasrita-hridam 
punah pascatyanam sadaya-manasam tattva-sudhiyam 
saci-sunuh sasvat smarana-padavim gacchatu sa me

May Saci's son, the shelter of the Bengali followers of varnasrama, the Orissans who are sincere, honest, and humble at heart, and the people in the western countries who are compassionate and eager to learn the truth, eternally travel on the path of my memory. 

Text 90
aho misragare svapati-virahotkantha-hridayah 
slathat sandher dairghyam dadhad ati-visalam kara-padoh 
kshitau dhritva deham vikalita-matir gadgada-vacah 
saci-sunuh sasvat smarana-padavim gacchatu sa me

May Saci's son, staying at Kasi Misra's house, His heart longing in separation from His Lord, very tall because His joints had become loosened, His hands and feet elongated, His body fallen on the ground, His voice choked, and His mind agitated, eternally travel on the path of my memory. 

Text 91
Comment by Paramananda das on November 8, 2017 at 10:30am
gato baddha-dvarad upala-griha-madhyad bahir aho 
gavam kalinganam api samatigacchan vriti-ganam 
prakoshthe sankocad bata nipatitah kacchapa iva 
saci-sunuh sakshat smarana-padavim gacchatu sa me

May Saci's son who, gone out from the stone house with its doors still bolted, went among the Kalinga cows and fell down, becoming like a turtle because His limbs had contracted, eternally travel on the path of my memory. 

Text 92
vrajaranyam smritva viraha-vikalantar-vilapito 
mukham sanghrishyasau rudhiram adhikam tad dadhad aho 
kva me kantah krishno vada vada vadeti pralapitah 
saci-sunuh sakshat smarana-padavim gacchatu sa me

May Saci's son who, remembering the forest of Vraja, overwhelmed with feelings of separation, rubbing His face, and making it bleed, said, "Where is My beloved Krishna? Tell me! Tell! Tell!" eternally travel on the path of my memory. 

Text 93
payo-rases tire cakata-giriraje sikatile 
vrajan goshthe govardhana-giripatim lokitum aho 
ganaih sardham gauro druta-gati-visishtah pramuditah 
saci-sunuh sakshat smarana-padavim gacchatu sa me

May Saci's son Gaura who, to see regal Mount Govardhana in Vraja, happily ran with His associates to the great sand-dune cakata-parvata on the beach, eternally travel on the path of my memory. 

Text 94
yasyanukampa sukhada jananam 
samsara-kupad raghunatha-dasam 
uddhritya gunjah silaya dadau yas 
tam gauracandram pranamami bhaktya

With devotion I bow down before Lord Gauracandra, whose mercy delights the living entities, and who, rescuing Raghunatha dasa from the blind well of material existence, gave him a guja necklace and a govardhana-sila. 

Text 95
vairasya-bhavams ca bahir-mukhanam 
sangam vihayatha subhakta-goshthyam 
raraja yas tam pranamami gauram

I bow down before Lord Gaura who, rejecting all arguments opposing pure devotional service and avoiding the association of non-devotees, shone with great splendor in the company of saintly devotees. 

Text 96
namani vishnor bahiranga-patre 
vistirya loke kali-pavano 'bhut 
premantarangaya rasam dadau yas 
tam gauracandram pranamami bhaktya

With devotion I bow down before Lord Gauracandra who, giving Lord Vishnu's holy names to the people of the world, became the purifier of the age of Kali, and who also gave the nectar of pure love to the intimate devotees. 

Text 97
namaparadham sakalam vinasya 
bhaktim param yah pradadau janebhyas 
tam gauracandram pranamami bhaktya

With devotion I bow before Lord Gauracandra, who for they who take shelter of the name Caitanya destroys all offenses to the holy names, and who gives transcendental devotional service to the living entities. 

Text 98
ittham lilamaya-vara-vapuh krishna-caitanyacandro 
varshan dvi-dvadasa-parimitan kshepayam asa garhye 
sannyase yah samaparimitam yapayam asa kalam 
vande gauram sakala-jagatam asramanam gurum tam

In this way Lord Krishna Caitanyacandra enjoyed pastimes for 24 years as a householder, and another 24 years as a sannyasi. I offer my respectful obeisances to Lord Gaura, the spiritual master of all asramas and all worlds. 

Text 99
daridrebhyo vastram dhanam api dadau yah karunaya 
bubhukshun yo 'nnadyair atithi-nicayams tosham anayat 
tatha vidya-danaih sukham atisayam yah samabhajat 
sa gaurangah sasvat smarana-padavim gacchatu mama

May Lord Gauranga, who mercifully gave clothing and money to the poor, who satisfied hungry guests with food and other gifts, and who in the same way gave great happiness by giving the gift of transcendental knowledge, eternally travel on the path of my memory. 

Text 100
sannyasasya prathama-samaye tirtha-yatra-cchalena 
varshan yo vai rasa-parimitan vyapya bhaktim tatana 
seshan abdan vasu-vidhu-mitan kshetra-dese sthito yo 
vande tasya prakata-caritam yogamaya-baladhyam

On the pretext of pilgrimage He spent the first six years of sannyasa in preaching devotional service, and the final eighteen years He remained in Jagannatha Puri. I offer my respectful obeisances to His transcendental pastimes, manifest in this world by the yogamaya potency. 

Text 101
ha ha kashtam sakala-jagatam bhaktibhajam visesham 
gopinathalaya-parisare kirtane yah pradose 
aprakatyam bata samabhajan mohayan bhakta-netram 
vande tasyaprakata-caritam nityam aprakritam tam

Alas! Alas! The devotees in all the worlds were overcome with grief when He, enchanting the devotee's eyes, suddenly disappeared at sunset during sankirtana in the Gopinatha temple. I offer my respectful obeisances to His eternal, spiritual pastimes, which are no longer manifest in this world. 

Text 102
bhakta ye vai sakala-samaye gaura-gatham imam no 
gayanty uccair vigalita-hridah gaura-tirthe viseshat 
tesham turnam dvija-kula-manih krishna-caitanyacandrah 
premavesam yugala-bhajane yacchati prana-bandhuh

Lord Krishna Caitanyacandra, the dearest friend, and the jewel of the brahmanas, grants pure love for the divine couple (Sri Sri Radha'-Krishna, to those devotees who always sing, especially at Sridhama Mayapura, with a loud voice and a heart moistened with spiritual love, this song about Lord Gaura. 

Text 103
satkhaveda-prame sake 
karttike godrume prabhoh 
gita bhaktivinodena 
lileyam loka-pavani

In the month of Karttika, in the year 406 (Caitanya era), in Godruma-dvipa, Bhaktivinoda composed this song glorifying the Lord's pastimes, which purify the entire world. 

Text 104
nandatmajo gauda-viharam apa 
tasyai vicitra vrishabhanu-putryai 
lilamaya tasya samarpiteyam

Because He desired to taste the pastimes of the sweetness of Her love, Nanda's son enjoyed pastimes in Bengal. This wonderful song, filled with His pastimes, is offered to Her, King Vrishabhanu's daughter.



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