Dear Vaisnavas
Please accept my humble obaisences at your lotusfeet
All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
One devotee recently asked me to share the astakaliya lilas of Lord Caitanya ,I did not know there was an online
version of the book I have read since many years by Dasarath Suta Prabhu.SO here is is, it is to much nectar to not share.
your humble servant
Paramananda das
Lord Gauranga Eternal Daily Pastimes in the Spiritual World
(Gauranga Ashta Kaliya Lila)
From Shrila Rupa Goswami, Shrila Vishvanatha Chakravarti,
Shrila Vrindavana Dasa Thakura, Shrila Narahari Sarakara,
Shrila Lochana Dasa Thakura and Shrila Krishnadasa
Translated by and Copyrighted His Grace Dasharatha-suta Dasa
To buy this book, please go here:
There was a time in 1486 AD when the Supreme Lord Shri Gauranga Mahaprabhu made a portion of His eternal pastimes manifest on earth for all to see. This glimpse of His nitya-lila (daily pastimes), that lasted for 48 years, is called prakata-lila (manifest pastimes). Now, however Lord Gauranga has returned to His most subtle and transcendental cowherd realm, Goloka Navadvipa, and the naked eye can no longer perceive His movements. Specifically. His traveling lila-show has moved on to exhibit the same pastimes in another material universe. These are an extension of His eternal pastimes performed incessantly in Goloka Navadvipa called aprakata-lila (unmanifest pastimes). These aprakata sports continue perennially, and the object of our life is to become aware of them and meditate on Them continuously while chanting the Nityananda and Gauranga Mantrarajas and the Hare Krishna Mahamantra.
In the supremely brilliant setting of Navadvipa on earth, where Lord Gauranga chose to reside, it is easier to become aware of His pastimes than it is in other places. If one could but see, one would realize that He plays here still, and He has made Himself available in the form of an image to aid that vision. This Deity images of the Their Lordships Nityananda-Gauranga are present all over Navadvipa in various temples to facilitate this process of learning to see Lord Gauranga's daily pastimes of ecstatic bliss and sportive fun. A synopsis of how the Chanting of His Name and His Deity worship correlates to the Lord Gauranga's eternal daily pastimes in eight periods of the day (asta-kaliya-lila) is described in this book.
Meditating internally on their eternal situation in the eternal realm of Shri Navadvipa-dhama while chanting the Nityananda and Gauranga Mantrarajas and the Hare Krishna Mahamantra, sadhakas (practicing devotees) become the loyal followers of their guru. (spiritual master who is a male servant of Gauranga in Navadvipa). Contemplating their own supremely beautiful spiritual body in the form of a servant of Gauranga in Navadvipa, they carry out the orders of Shri Gauranga's intimate associates headed by Lord Nityananda, Lord Advaita, Shri Gadadhara, Shrila Shrivasa, Shrila Svarupa Damodara etc while chanting the Holy Names. Thus one becomes absorbed day and night in happily executing confidential loving services to the Divine Brothers Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda-Gauranga. This service performed in the mind while chanting is called manasi-seva. When one leaves the material body after practicing such a form of devotion, then one certainly attains the post that was so cherished, by the causeless mercy of one's spiritual master and Their Lordships Nityananda-Gauranga.
The following list is only a brief indication that points in the direction of daily services performed in the mind of such a practicing devotee while chanting. Your own specific duties assigned by your guru may vary. according to the specific services rendered by the particular associate of Gauranga that your guru. is following in the eternal realm.
Also the Lord's pastimes follow basically the same schedule every day but there are limitless variations possible, according to the particular desire that Their Lordships Nityananda-Gauranga happen to feel at any given moment. Therefore it would be foolishly impossible and immaturely mechanical to attempt to memorize the list of suggested services: you must factually tune-in to the Lord's pastimes as they are and react accordingly. No printed list produced within the material world will ever come close to what actually happens during a day in the life of the Divine Brothers Their Lordships Nityananda-Gauranga in the eternal realm of Shri Navadvipa Dhama. That is why we stress so much that this list is merely an indication of various services which may be requested of you in your spiritual body in Navadvipa once you attain some realization of your eternal form by the grace of your spiritual master.
By very sincerely and deeply chanting the Holy Names we have to gradually reach the point where we become curious about our eternal form in Navadvipa. This is the point at which the spiritual master becomes most merciful and grants the internal blossoming of factual realization about such things, but only unto those who are most eager (and actually greedy) for it. The human form of life is meant for this. As this process is just like purchasing the ticket to Goloka-Navadvipa. It's nice to know that your guru will take you back home. back to Godhead; but it's even nicer to know which class you'll be flying, and in which airport you'll be arriving. Thus books such as this one are like travel brochures, which give a brief outline of your destination, as well as some of the activities you can expect to participate in once you've arrived at your eternal vacation-spot of Goloka Navadvipa.
Some devotees are satisfied with not knowing their own eternal spiritual form; that's allright too because the spiritual master will still take one back home. and then you can enjoy the surprise of finding out who you are. Therefore, books such as this one are intended for extremely serious devotees who share a similar realization of mercy from their spiritual master - this information is not intended for arm-chair speculators, confusable neophytes, or offensive fault-finders who think they are big devotees, but who are actually power-hungry beginners. Only loving friends who can internally feel the kinship and pure family-affection of the residents of Shri Navadvipa Dhama can factually relish these transcendental topics of Their Lordships Nityananda-Gauranga's daily pastimes of sportive sweetness. All others are hereby advised to refrain from reading this book because of the great danger of offensively criticizing the Lord's pastimes, or criticizing His devotees who an absorbed in His pastimes by His causeless mercy. Such topics are to be read and relished only by purified devotees who are thoroughly honest.
Devotional service to the lotus feet of Lord Shri Gauranga Mahaprabhu is far beyond the perception of Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva, Lord Sesha-naga and the rest; but it is continually indulged in by the Lord's own devotees, and is always available to other souls as well. Now I will begin my description of the process of manasi-seva (service to the Lord executed within the mind).This process is fit for continuous rememberance by the most virtuous sages through the chanting of His Holy Name.Therefore I offer my most respectful obeisances to the eternal daily life and pastimes of Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu in Navadvipa.
The descriptions in this book are not meant to be merely read straight through (except may to get acquainted with it at first). Each item is to be meditated upon with love you unfold each scenario expanding by Guru and Gauranga's Divine Grace within your heart-of-hearts. All glories to the Holy Names of Their Lordships Nityananda-Gauranga!
1 Danda = 24 minutes,
Total 60 Dandas in 24 Hours
Of reading, hearing or meditating on the NITYA LILA (DAILY PASTIMES) of GAURANGA MAHAPRAPRABHU!
Lord Shri Gauranga, the Moon of Navadvipa is manifest in His own abode during eight periods of each and every day. His performing pastimes in Navadvipa during these periods should be remembered by meditative devotees during chanting of the Nityananda and Gauranga Mantrarajas and the Hare Krishna Mahamantra |before they remember the simultaneously-occurring pastimes Shri Shri Radha-Krishna in Vrindavana. If someone lovingly reads or recites the Lord Gauranga's eternal daily pastimes as they are illuminated in the above verses of this prayer, then Their Lordships Nityananda-Gauranga are immensely pleased with that person by Their own merciful compassion. I thus meditate on the daily pastimes of Lord Shri Gaurangachandra while chanting their Holy Names.
Shrila Visvanatha Chakravartipada:
(1) First Period of the Day:
Pastimes at the End of the Night till Sunrise: 3:36 - 6:00 A.M.
6 Dandas of 24 minutes each
At the end of the night (before sunrise), Lord Gauranga gets up from His bed, washes His face and converses with His wife.
(2) Second Period of the Day:
Morning Pastimes:
6:00 - 8:24 A.M.
6 Dandas of 24 minutes each
In the morning , Lord Gauranga is massaged with oil and bathes in the celestial Ganga river, then worships Lord Vishnu.
(3) Third Period of the Day:
Forenoon Pastimes:
8:24 - 10:48 A.M.
6 Dandas of 24 minutes each
In the forenoon period, Lord Gauranga enjoys discussing topics about Lord Krishna with His devotees during visits to their homes.
(4)Fourth Period of the Day:
MADHYAHNA LILA: Midday Pastimes:
10:48 A.M. - 3:36 P.M.
12 Dandas of 24 minutes each
At midday, Lord Gauranga enjoys pastimes in the gardens on the bank of the Ganga.
(5)Fifth period of the Day:
Afternoon Pastimes:
3:36 - 6:00 P.M.
6 Dandas of 24 minutes each
In the afternoon, Lord Gauranga wanders about the town of Navadvipa, sporting with all the residents.
(6) Sixth Period of the Day:
Dusk Pastimes:
6:00 - 8:24 P.M.
12 Dandas of 24 minutes each
At dusk, Lord Gauranga returns home to worship Lord Vishnu and be with His family.
(7) Seventh Period of the Day:
Evening Pastimes:
8:24 - 10:48 P.M.
6 Dandas of 24 minutes each
In the evening , Lord Gauranga goes with His associates to the courtyard of Shrivasa Pandita to chant the holy names and dance in ecstasy.
(8) Eight Period of the Day:
Night Pastimes:
10:48 P.M. - 3:36 A.M.
12 Dandas of 24 minutes each
At night, Lord Gauranga returns home to take rest. May this Lord Gauranga protect us all.
So Total 60 Dandas are divided into 8 Periods of the Day and Night in the above lila. The Madhyana Lila (Noon) and the Nisha Lila (Night) Pastimes of Lords Nitai-Gauranga are very special as They are performed for 12 Dandas i.e. 288 minutes each corresponding to the most confidential pastimes of Their Lordships Shri Shri Radha and Krishna at Radha Kunda at Noon and at the Rasa Sthali at Night. All other 6 Periods acomprise of 6 Dandas i.e. 144 minutes each.
(1) First Period of the Day:
NISHANTA LILA: Pastimes at
the End of the Night till Sunrise
3:36 - 6:00 A.M.
Shrila Rupa Goswami Prabhupada:
My dear mind ! Just worship Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu who, at the end of the night, suddenly awakens upon hearing the sweet warbling of the birds within the delightfully flowering forest grove of Shrivasa Pandit ! At this time , His whole body is intensely thrilled due to His being aware of Lord Krishna being situated very close to Shrimati Radhrarani on Their flower-bed in a bower-house in Vrindavan. Because of this Lord Gauranga's ecstatic love is expressed instantly by wonderfully transcendental symptoms such a fountains of tears gushing from His eyes , which bathe His entire body. Just worship this Lord Gauranga, Whose bodily complexion can only be compared to shimmering pure molten gold.
Shrila Visvanatha Chakravartipada:
At the end of the night , upon hearing the pleasant sounds made by many birds such as cuckoos , roosters , and others, Lord Shri Gauranga arises from His bed . With His wife , Shri Vishnu-priya , He discusses many topics concerning the transcendental mellows of Their mutual loving affairs and thus They become very pleased. Then He gets up and goes to another room, wherein He sits upon a raised sitting place and is assisted by His devotees in washing His lotus face with nicely scented water. Thereafter , He very happily visits His mother, Shri Shachi Devi, as well as other friends and relatives in the home. I meditate thus on the daily pastimes of Shri Gauranga-sundara.
Shrila Krishnadasa (Disciple of Shrila Visvanatha Chakravartipada):
At the end of the night Lord Gauranga lies upon a nice bed under the spell of sleep. There is no person alive who could behold such splendor and retain his life-breath.
At the end of the night Gauranga-chanda is in His sleeping chamber. His limbs twinkle as cupid churns His mind. The golden bedstead is inlaid with solid coral and is decorated with pillows covered with pure white cloth. The nicely-colored silk is secured by cords in four corners and the jeweled tassels emit pinkish rays in all directions. Tall,strong golden posts grace the four corners supporting the expansive canopy hanging overhead.
Swinging from all edges are long strands of very tiny pearls which appear like the celestial river flowing down from the heavens. The bedstead appears just like the nicely-formed pear of Mt.Kailasa While he splendrous bolsters appear like balls of fresh cream.
Covering the mattress is pure white silk in the middle of which slumbers Gauranga Dvija-mani the jewel of the twice-born brahmanas. His long limbs put to shame the luster of molten gold while overwhelmed with the moods of lazy lounging He rolled over until He was lying on His stomach. The upward lines pf His beautilul tilak shine with the splendor of sandalwood paste .
Around His face the dots of kunkum and musk are enchanting. Jewelled earrings rest against His glistening cheeks while the arch of His eyebrows conquers the arrows of Cupid. Attempting to find a suitable comparison for the splendor of Gauranga's closed eyes even the Creator with all his skills of supremely refined craftsmanship is baffled to the utmost extent of his imagination.
I can understand that Kamadeva has vanished in fear of the crooked arch of Gauranga's eyebrows; becoming bodiless, Cupid is therefore called Ananga.
Who has created this form of Lord Gauranga's? It is like Cupid's net for ensnaring the innocent deer that are the hearts of chaste girls. His two lotuslike eyes are closed in repose. His thick black eyelashes are motionless. His splendidly-colored lips defeat the hue of bimba-fruits while His slightly smiling mouth enraptures the universe.
His broad chest is beautified by numerous necklaces and His arms extending to His knees are very muscular. His arms are adorned with bracelets of nine jewels and His divine form is beautified with thick patches of sandalwood paste. His hips are wrapped with very fine white cloth while His upper body is partially covered with a splendrous cloth the border of which is woven in ornate golden flowers. His thin brahmana thread is visible there, supremely pure and white. The palms of His hands are reddish like blooming water-lotuses and the sparkling auras of His finger-rings destroy darkness all around.
The nicely-constructed golden temple is pervaded with happiness. On the four sides are four bejeweled terraces with gazebos. On top of the temple are flags and golden jugs and strands of pearls so large that they look like full moons. Both sides of the temple are beautified by eight crystal pillars supporting rows of swan formed of silver.
In four directions are four gates that are studded with jewels and inlaid here and there with emerald. The golden doors shine with their solid coral bolts and crystal cornices glitter like rows of candles. Ranks of huge mirrors are fixed on the walls
and they are painted with scenes of the mellow-sports of Radha and Krishna. These spotless mirrors are also embellished here and there with artificial flower-trees and lotus flowers with hundreds of petals. These ornamentations on the mirrors radiate a luster so much like real lotuses that swarms of bumblebees wander here. mistaking them for actual lotus-groves.
The four directions shine with eight round windows on the doors which are expert in mocking the orb of the sun. These round windows are lined with brilliant sunstones that are bordered on the inside and outside edges with rubies. The temple's altar, vestibule, courtyard and staircases are beautifully formed of solid crystal slaps.
Within the temple, by the sleeping-chamber, is a flower -garden. Sitting upon branches here and there are cuckoos and other birds. The cool breeze flows with the pleasant fragrances of various flowers while the branches of the trees sway along ever so gently . Hanging upon the door of this inner chamber is the lovely sight of shoes ,umbrella and pure white chamara whisk. On both sides of the bed are golden tables supporting jeweled boxes containing betel-nut packets and golden pitchers full of scented water. On the floor in front of these tables is a beautiful place for rinsing the mouth.
Lord Gauranga is Awakened
Overcome with the fatigue of sporting vigorous kirtana the moonlike Gauranga-Shashi sleeps upon the bed. In the corner of the room sits a parrot in a golden cage. Seeing that the night has ended, the parrot becomes restless. With a blissful mind he thinks to himself, "I will wake Gauranga" as his wings blossom with thrill-bumps and his eyes flow with tears.
He calls out with a very sweet voice, "Arise , Gauranga-Raya! The dew is settling upon the morning. Seeing the approaching pink of the rising sun, the bumblebees have abandoned their resting-place in the lotus flowers.
Seeing the directions illumined with glorious light the she-herons have arisen and playfully come to mingle with the he-herons. The swans and cranes and other water-dwelling birds have all gone to the bank of the celestial Sura-dhuni river (Ganga). All the birds headed by the doves have begun their cooing and chirping and the people stir about the town , seeing to their own work. The he-deer and she-deer have left their formation and wander in smaller groups for grazing on fresh grasses.
His sleep broken upon hearing the words of the parrot. His two lotus eyes open ever so slightly. In His mind He is fully aware of the kunja-lila of Vrindavan and thus meditating on the dawn pastimes performed by Radha and Krishna in Their bowerhouse. He remains motionless and pretends to continue sleeping. In another room sleeps Shrimati Vishnu-Priya Devi who quickly gets out of her bed upon seeing the arrival of morning. She walks slowly in drowsiness and goes to Shachi's courtyard while her eyes roll to and fro.
Hearing the sweet relishable sound of Vishnu-Priya's anklets and ornaments, Shachi opens the door and steps outside to greet her. Seeing her daughter-in-law, she speaks in pleasant words "I am busy with household chores now. You may go and bathe in the Sura-dhuni." Then, in order to pamper her son, Shachi proceeds very quickly with anxious mind .
Entering His sleeping-chamber, she silently comes before His bed. Stroking His divine form very. very tenderly with her hand he considerately speaks in a soft and gentle voice, "Arise, dear son Gauranga-Chanda, it is morning. The townspeople have arisen and are sitting in anticipation. Shrivasa and all the other devotees are very anxiously waiting to see you. Please get up and quickly start on the path Give up your sleep, arise and go wash your face."
The Lord Begins His Day Hearing His mother's words,
Gauranga-Raya stretches His body and sits up in the bed. At this moment , Sita Thakurani (the wife of Shri Advaita) arrives along with Malini (the wife of Shrivasa Pandita) and other chaste wives of the devotees. Having all come and met together at Shachi's home they enter Gauranga's sleeping chamber. All the ladies of the town also proceed there with anxious minds just to have darshan of Gauranga. Mother Shachi lights a ghee-lamp scented with camphor on a golden tray, then jubilantly places it in the hands of Malini (wife of Shrivasa Thakura), who offers it as arati to the gorgeous Gauranga-Sundara.
The male servants attentively bring in a golden footstool, full water pitchers, a tongue scraper, tooth powder, and so forth. Leaving the room, Gauranga comes out into the courtyard. Going to another room in the house, He conducts His morning activities. Then He comes out and sits down with His foot upon a footstool. After brushing His teeth and other duties, He goes and sits on a very elevated sitting place. Then His devotees, who have also just finished their morning practices, begin to arrive - Prabhu Nityananda, Shri Advaita, Gadadhara, Mukunda, Murari, Haridasa, Vakreshvara, Shuklambara Brahmachari, Shridhara and others.
Coming together at the Lord's house, all the devotees successively offer their respects at His feet in the appropriate manner. Then Prabhu Nityananda comes and sits to the Lord's right with Gadadhara on the left and devotees on all four sides. Before Them sits Advaita , the Lord of Shanti-pura. What splendor manifests here! It cannot even be described with words! Description of Shrimati Vishnu-Priya's Beauty Then Vishnu-Priya Devi very playfully goes in the company of her girlfriends to bathe in the Sura-dhuni river. The complexion of her body conquers that of a golden lotus and her most lovely face radiates the splendor of how many moons? Her braid graces her hips like a great snake and it is bound with golden threads interwoven with strands of bakula flowers. Her wavy locks appear to be swarms of bumblebees and her two cheeks sparkle like mirrors.Her ears are adorned with jewel-studded earrings swinging from which are tiny ornaments inlaid with pearls.
To support the weight of this extraordinary ear-ornament a golden chain, is fastened to a post in her earlobe and loops over her ear. The part in her hair is bordered by tiny pearls tied on golden threads and interspersed with rubies. On her forehead is a dot of sindura tinted reddish like the rising sun both sides of which are embellished with designs drawn in dark musk. Further designs in musk beautify her cheeks and her pleasingly-colored lips form an enchantingly gentle smile. Her fickle eyes dart about like the movements of a wagtail bird as Cupid himself trembles in fear to see the movements of her eyebrows.
Her nose conquers the beauty of the sesame flower and an elephant-pearl swings from it. Around her neck is an ornamental necklace interwoven with jasmine garlands From her neck descends a splendrous array of golden necklaces, arranged in successive loops from small to large. The beauty of her breasts puts to shame that of golden waterpitchers and they are encircled with champaka flowerbuds. Her breasts are adorned with vines drawn in sandalwood paste and bordered with strands of precious elephant-pearls. Her two arms appear as golden lotus-stems and they are decorated with conchshell-bangles and other ornaments. Her upper arms are encircled by armlets that are bordered with silk dangling from which, are golden charms. From her reddish palms extend fingers adorned with rings and her index finger shines with a golden ornament that is studded with mirrors. Her entire form is made lustrous y her divine raincloud-colored silken cloth its border studded with sparkling jewels and precious jari weavings.
Her hips are broad and her waist is slim. Orchid-jewels playfully dance upon her ornamental belt. Her feet are decorated with reddish lac-dye and her anklebells are trimmed with Jewels Her sweet gait mocks that of a royal swan as her anklets resound like the chirping of sparrows. Her entire body ridicules the softness of fresh cream. Amidst jokes and laughter she bathes in the Sura-dhuni.
Thus Ends the Nishanta-Lila.
(2) Second Period of the Day:
PRATAH LILA: Morning Pastimes
6:00 - 8:24 A.M.
Shrila Rupa Goswami Prabhupada:
After sunrise, Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu washes His moon-like face and comes out into the courtyard , where He sits and speaks lovingly from the heart with extreme eagerness and at great length to His most beloved devotees about Lord Kesava’s morning pastimes at Nanda-gram . While speaking He tastes with great relish the ecstatic mood of Radharani, which causes His entire body to fully blossom in transcendental jubilation. Dear mind, just perform your worship with boundless , unending pure love for this golden Lord Gauranga.
Shrila Visvanatha Chakravartipada:
In the morning, after sunrise, Lord Gauranga goes with His associates to bathe in the holy river. While bathing , they also worship Mother Ganga by offering flowers, incense and other presentations. They then come onto the bank of the river, where He is dressed with exquisite cloth and decorated with fresh flower garlands, sandalwood paste and other ornaments. Returning to His home in order to perform opulent worship of Lord Vishnu, as well as other rituals, they later partake of the foodstuffs that were offered to Lord Vishnu. After washing His hand and mouth, Lord Gauranga goes into another room and rests very happily for awhile . I meditate thus on the daily pastimes of Shri Gauranga-hari .
Shrila Krishnadasa (Disciple of Shrila Visvanatha Chakravartipada):
Waking up in the morning Lord Gauranga sits in the courtyard surrounded by His intimate associates. Effortlessly enchanting the minds of all beings in the universe He penetrates into their hearts and remains there always. After brushing His teeth and so forth He bathes in the celestial river Ganga overcome with ecstatic bliss . Then back at His home, He takes breakfast with His associates sporting novel prankish fun and afterwards rests.
The Cooking Begins
Returning home, Vishnu-Priya changes her clothes and begins arranging the paraphernalia for Vishnu-puja. Shachi Thakurani quickly completes her own bath and seeing that it is late, goes home as fast as possible. Then Sita Devi, Malini and the wives of all the dear devotees also finish their baths and proceed at once to Shachi's home. Going inside, they carefully receive the finest items to offer the Lord that are brought from their homes by maidservants. Shachi Mata takes the items along and washing her feet enters the kitchen.
Approaching Vishnu-Priya Devi, Shachi says "It is so late! Alas! Please begin cooking!" Very happy in her mind to receive this order, Vishnu-Priya immediately goes and sits down to cook. All the cooking duties performed by Malini are directed by the gestures of Sita Thakurani. First they cook sweet rice. Upon its completion it is transferred to a new container. Numerous types of spinach are prepared then arum-root, eggplant and many other items. Assorted vegetables are minced and spiced with black pepper. Pea soup is made with dried mango pieces. Many varieties of curries soaked in ghee are kept separately. Ground kidney-bean patties and ground pea patties are nicely fried in ghee.
Coconut-cereal is fried along with cakes made from flowers. There are different kinds of eggplant mixed with sesame seeds. Much effort and attention is given in all this cooking. The sweet and the sour preparations are kept separately. Ground kidney-bean patties are soaked in sour yogurt then mixed with cumin and black pepper and are fried. They make varieties of sweet pies with farina sprinkling them with ghee which they carefully store.
Milk-film is stuffed with creamy curd, sugar and spices, and is fried. They make so many items that it is impossible to describe them all. A great quantity of the finest rice is nicely cleaned and cooked in limitless different styles. In another house someone chums milk, while elsewhere others prepare sweetmeats and cooked vegetables. Farina is kneaded with sugar and carefully rolled into laddus. Wheat is formed into coils, fried in ghee and soaked in sweet juice. Cheese and condensed milk is kneaded with sugar and formed into laddus shaped like pomegranates. They make sweets from pumpkin and also disc-shaped crispy cakes. Large quantities of cucumber and chick-peas are fried in ghee. Milk is cooked down until it forms very thick kshira, then it is poured into new clay pots; cardamon , camphor, black pepper and so forth are added and it is immediately put away to cool. Some squash are cooked in milk , others in yogurt. Ghee without salt is used to fry celestial spinach. Delicious ginger-curd sweets are prepared from sesame powder. They are sprinkled with ghee and placed to soak in clay pans of yogurt. Magnolia and banana sweets are made with thickly condensed milk. Numerous varieties of out-of-season fruits are somehow produced. Sherbets are made from pomegranate, lotus flowers and sugarcane. On top of these are placed coconut pieces carved in different shapes. Oranges, almonds, mashed date-balls, lemons, grapes and custard-apples are mixed with profuse quantities of cream. Cereals are meticulously prepared from pigeon-peas and chick-peas. the night before they had been ground and soaked in water. Salt is crushed and kept separately. Numerous kinds of pickles are brought to the house from elsewhere.
Ripe mango pieces are marinated in sugar-sauce. Shachi has been keeping them soaking for many days. There are mustard-powder soup, plum pickles and many more things that are brought and placed outside. Then Shachi Devi comes into the kitchen and is overjoyed to view the assortment of cooked preparations. She addresses her daughter-in-law. "What is the delay with the cooking?" Vishnu-Priya is embarrassed and does not say a word in reply. So Malini speaks up. "Oh Shachi Devi ! The cooking is finished. There is no more delay." Shachi says, "Good! I have personally cleaned Lord Vishnu's eating-room with my own hands. Now I am quickly going to arrange the offering there." Saying this, she goes outside and says to Ishana. "Please ask Vishvambhara to immediately take His bath in the Ganga. It is upsetting my mind that we are so late today - the rice and cooked vegetables are getting cold!"
Gauranga Mahaprabhu Goes to Bathe in the Ganga
Ishana goes and addresses the Lord. "Mata has asked me to tell you to go bathe in the Ganga now." Hearing this, Gauranga Mahaprabhu feels very blissful in His mind and leaves with His devotees for bathing The devotees gather flower garlands, ground sandalwood pulp, scented oil for massaging His body and clean clothes as they depart for the river. Along the way , He has many conversations with the devotees. Then, in their company Shri Gauranga Raya enters the waters of the Ganga and offers His obeisances unto her.
(From the Chaitanya Bhagavat: )
"Who could possibly describe the opulence of Nadiya? At one bathing place, thousands and thousands of people bathe Some are peaceful saints, some austere ascetics, some sannyasis I don't know how many children come there and mix in the crowds! The Jahnavi (Ganga) encircles the Lord on all sides and He secretly offers her own water unto her ripples On the plea of making waves, the Jahnavi dances even though her feet are served by residents of limitless universes. Navadvipa Raya played water-sports in the Ganga river while the residents of Nadiya looked on in the greatest fortune. As Prabhu Vishvambhara played in the waters of the Ganga He looked just like the full moon itself playing in the ocean All the fortunate souls who had come to the landing to bathe incessantly beheld the face of Vishvambhar. " One male servant (dasa) comes forward to massage the Lord attentively rubbing and cleansing His body. Then Prabhu bathes in the company of His devotees and they ascend the riverbank with much playful sporting. Another dasa comes forward to wipe His body dry carefully disentangling and dressing His hair. Helping Him change into dry clothes he adorns Him with divine flower garlands, sandalwood paste and ornaments for each and every limb.
The Offering
On returning home, Prabhu Gauranga Shri Hari washes His feet and enters the temple room of Lord Vishnu ( From the Chaitanya-Bhagavat:) “Gauranga Bhagavan properly performs Vishnu-puja. Offering water with Tulasi , He then offers obeisances.” Then Prabhu comes and sits upon a golden platform and offers the sweetmeats to Lord Vishnu. Shachi Devi carefully brings the items on golden plates and places them before her son. Offering scented water from a golden vessel, He sits alone and feeds the Lord some nice edibles. All the devotees headed by Nityananda Prabhu , Advaita Gosai, Narahari, Gadadhara, Shrivasa, Ramai, Vakreshvara, Haridasa and others had returned to their own homes after bathing in the Ganga. Each performing their own morning duties they again come together to meet at Prabhu's house. Then Vishnu-Priya Devi finishes her cooking.
On Shachi's order she goes to the offering-room and places various types of rice on many golden plates; lining them up in mound after mound, she sprinkles them with ghee. All the vegetable preparations that were cooked are plied alongside the rice in successive order. All the cooked grains as well as all the pickled items are arranged in row after row according to the progression of their taste. Water is poured into a golden vessel and is scented with camphor. The finest betel nuts are made pleasant by adding cloves and cardamon and are put into a bejewelled box. Placing Tulasi-manjaris upon the grains she offers the food to the Shaligram while giving Him achamana.
The Morning meal
Then Shachi Devi very jubilantly calls her son and His friends to eat. Nityananda accompanies the Lord and His devotees as they quickly come, Gauranga-Chandra washes His feet and sits upon a majestic seat Nityananda and Gadadhara sit on either side of Him, while Advaita and Shrivasa sit facing them. All the devotees sit in the courtyard while Shachi blissfully serves them. Again and again she brings and serves all the cooked offerings. Overwhelmed with affection she makes them eat while all their chaste wives stand and watch from afar. Lord Gauranga laughs and jokes while He eats as the male servants bring and serve water. Washing His mouth, He goes and sits on an asana as all the devotees sit surrounding Him on all sides. Prabhu eats betel nuts and laughs, while some attendants serve Him by waving chamara whisks. Then Sita Devi takes Malini and the devotees' wives. Shachi comes forward and seats them all, feeding them to the great delight of her heart. After eating the wives return to their own homes and Shachi finally eats along with Vishnu-Priya. They wash their mouths and go to sit in a solitary place, as the servants headed by Ishana come for their own meal. The servants then clean the house. After washing all the pots and plates they put them away. Nityananda and the other devotees go to take a little rest. Seeing His devotees off , Prabhu Vishvambhara enters the sleeping chamber. Lying on His bed He goes to sleep while some dear one massages His feet. A few devotees headed by Gadadhara and Narahari also rest along with the Lord In His house. The servant of the servant of Shri Gauranga and Nityananda, Krishna Dasa narrates the Lord's pastimes.
Thus Ends the Pratah-Lila.
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by Srila Visvanatha Chakravarti Thakura
1. sri-gauranga-mahaprabhos-caranayor ya kesa-sesadibhih
sevagamyataya sva-bhakta-vihita sanyair-yaya labhyate
tam tan-manasikim smrtim prathayitum bhavyam sada sattamair
naumi pratyahikam tadiya-caritam sriman-navadvipa-jam
Devotional service to the lotus feet of Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu is far beyond the perception of Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, Lord Sesa-naga and the rest; but it is continually indulged in by the Lord’s own devotees, and it is always available to other souls as well. Now I will begin my description of the process of manasi-seva (service to the Lord executed within the mind). This process is fit for continuous remembrance by the most virtuous sages. Therefore I offer my most respectful obeisances to the eternal daily life and pastimes of the Lord born in Navadvipa.
2. ratryante sayanotthitah sura-sarit-snato vabhau yah prage
purvahne sva-ganair-lasaty upavane-tair-bhati madhyahnake
yah puryam-aparahnake nija-grhe sayam grhe ‘thangane
srivasasya nisamukhe nisi vasan gaurah sa no raksatu
At the end of night (before sunrise), Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu gets up from His bed, stretches His body, talks with His wife and washes His face; (2) in the morning, He is massaged with oil and bathes in the celestial Ganges river, then worships Lord Vishnu; (3) in the forenoon period, He enjoys discussing topics about Lord Krishna with His devotees during visits to their homes; (4) at midday, He enjoys pastimes in the gardens on the bank of the Ganges; (5) in the afternoon, He wanders about the town of Navadvipa, sporting with all the residents; (6) at dusk, he returns home to worship Lord Vishnu and perform other rituals; (7) in the evening, He goes with His associates to the courtyard of Srivasa Pandita to chant the holy names and dance in ecstasy; (8) and at night, He returns home to go to sleep. May this Lord Gaura protect us all.
3. ratryante pika-kukkutadi-ninadam strutva sva-talpotthitah
sri-visnu-priyaya samam rasa-katham sambhasya santosya tam
gatva ‘nyatra dharasanopari vasan svad-bhih sudhautanano
yo matradi-bhir-iksito ‘ti-muditas tam gauram-adhyemy-aham
At the end of the night, upon hearing the pleasant sounds made by many birds such as the cuckoos, the roosters, and others, Sri Gaura arises from His bed. With His wife, Sri Vishnu Priya, He discusses many topics concerning the transcendental mellows of Their mutual loving affairs, and thus They become very pleased. Then He gets up and goes to another room, wherein He sits upon a raised sitting place and is assisted by His devotees in washing His lotus face with nicely scented water. Thereafter, He very happily visits His mother, Sri Saci Devi, as well as other friends and relatives in the home. I meditate thus on the daily pastimes of Sri Gaura-sundara.
4. pratah svah sariti sva-parsada-vrtah snatva prasun-adi-bhis
tam sampujya grhita-caru-vasanah srak-candan-alankrtah
krtva visnu-samarcan-adi sa-gano bhuktv-annam-acamya ca
dvitram canya-grhe sukam svapiti yas tam gauram-adhyemy-aham
In the morning, after sunrise, the Lord goes with His associates to bathe in the Ganges river. While bathing, they also worship mother Ganges by offering flowers, incense, and other presentations. After this, they come onto the bank of the river, where He is dressed with exquisite cloth and decorated with fresh flower garlands, sandalwood paste and other ornaments. Then they all return to His home in order to perform opulent worship of Lord Vishnu, as well as other rituals, after which they partake of the foodstuffs which were offered to Lord Vishnu. After washing His hands and mouth, Lord Gaura goes into another room to rest very happily for awhile. I meditate thus on the daily pastimes of Sri Gaura-hari.
5. purvahne sayanotthitah su-payasa praksalya vaktr-ambujam
bhaktaih sri-hari-nama-kirtana-paraih sarddham svayam kirtayan
bhaktanam bhavane ‘pi ca sva-bhavane kridan-nrnam vardhayaty-
anandam pura-vasinam ya urudha tam gauram-adhyemy-aham
Upon the arrival of the forenoon period, the Lord gets up from His nap and stretches His body. Then he washes His lotus face with sweetly scented water. Meeting with His devotees, who are all very fond of chanting Sri Hari-nama-kirtana, He personally tastes and relishes the chanting of the holy names. Thus He sports, sometimes in the homes of various devotees, and sometimes in His own home. It this way, He increases the ecstatic pleasure of all the townspeople to limitless heights. I meditate thus on the daily pastimes of Sri Gaura-chandra.
PERIOD 4 (10:48 A.M. – 3:36 P.M.) : MIDDAY PASTIMES
6. madhyahne saha taih sva-parsada-ganaih samkirtayad-bhir-bhrsam
sadvaitendu-gadadharah kila saha-srilavadhuta-prabhuh
arame mrdu-marutaih sisiritair-bhrnga-dvijair-nadite
svam vrnda-vipinam smaran bhrahmati yas tam gauram-adhyemy-aham
During the midday period, Lord Caitanya continues to enjoy the performance of intensely enthusiastic chanting and dancing, surrounded by His own dear devotees such as the moon-like Advaita Acarya, Gadadhara Pandita, and the divine madman Srila Nityananda Prabhu. Afterwards, they all wander throughout the gardens and groves on the bank of the Ganges, where they enjoy the sweet cooling breezes from the river. Hearing the pleasant sounds of the bumblebees in those gardens, the Lord remembers His own ecstatic pastimes of Radha and Krishna as they are occurring simultaneously in His own forest of Vrndavana. I meditate thus on the daily pastimes of Sri Gauranga.
7. yah sriman-aparahnake saha-ganais tais-tadrsaih premavams-
ta-drksu svayam apyalam tri-jagatam sarmani vistarayan
aramattata eti paura-janata-caksus-cakorodupo
matra dvari-mudeksito nija-grham tam gauram-adhyemy-aham
During the splendidly beautiful afternoon period, the Lord and His devotees become equally maddened in ecstatic love, and being ornamented like this, they expand every-increasing ripples of auspicious benefit for all the three worlds. In this mood, they leave the gardens and travel back toward His home. On the way, they satisfy the eyes of all the townspeople, just as the moon satisfies the cakora bird with its moonbeams. Reaching home, the Lord is lavished with loving attentions by His mother. I thus meditate on the daily pastimes of Gaura.
8. yas-tri-srotasi sayam-apta-nivahaih snatva pradipali-bhih
puspadyais ca samarcitah kalita-sat-pattambarah srag-dharah
visnos-tat-samay-arcanam ca krtavan dipali-bhis taih samam
bhuktv-annani su-vitikam api tatha tam gauram-adhyemy-aham
At dusk, the Lord bathes with His dear friends in the river Ganges, who flows in three parts. They devoutly worship the Ganges by offering ghee lamps, flowers, and other articles. Afterwards, the Lord puts on fresh silken clothes and is adorned with flower garlands and other decorations. Then, He worships Lord Vishnu by performing the evening arati ceremony, offering ghee lamps and other articles. Afterwards, He and His friends partake of the foodstuffs and betal nuts that were offered to Lord Vishnu. I thus meditate on the daily pastimes of Lord Gaura.
9. yah srivasa-grhe pradosa-samaye hy-advaita-candradi-bhih
sarvair-bhakta-ganaih samam hari-katha-piyusam-asvadayan
premananda-samakulas-catula-dhih samkirtane-lampatah
kartum kirtanam-urdhvam-udyama-paras tam gauram-adhyemy-aham
In the evening time, the Lord goes to the home of Srivasa Pandita, accompanied by Srila Advaita-chandra and other dear associates. Meeting with the multitude of His devotees, He tastes and relishes the nectar of topics concerning Lord Hari, and His mind becomes most agitated with the ecstasies of pure love of Godhead. Then, becoming very lustful to relish the congregational chanting of the holy names of the Lord, He orchestrates the performance of intensely jubilant sankirtana which attains the summit of passionate glorification of the holy names. I thus meditate on the daily pastimes of Sri Gaura-sundara.
PERIOD 8 (10:48 P.M. – 3:36 A.M.) : MIDNIGHT PASTIMES
10. srivas-angana avrto nija-ganaih sarddham prabhu-bhyam natann-
uccais-tala-mrdanga-vadana-parair gayad-bhir-ullasayan
bhramyan srila-gadadharena sahito naktam vibhaty-adbhutam
svagare sayanalaye svapiti yas tam gauram-adhyemy-aham
Continuing well into the night, the Lord dances and dances in the courtyard of Srivasa, surrounded by His most intimate devotees. His most ecstatic sing is accompanied by His devotees who are expert in playing rhythms loudly on the mridanga drums. He wanders and dances with Sri Gadadhara Prabhu in the most astonishinng way, througout the night, until just before dawn. Then He returns to His own home, where retires to His bedchamber and falls asleep with His wife. I thus meditate on the daily pastimes of Sri Gaura-nataraja.
11. sri-gauranga-vidhoh sva-dhamani navadvipe ‘sta-kalodbhavam
bhavyam bhavya-janena gokula-vidhor-lila-smrter-aditah
lilam dyotayad-etad-atra dasakam prityanvito yah pathet
tam prinati sadaiva yah karunaya tam gauram-adhyemy-aham
Sri Gauranga, the Moon over Navadvipa, is manifest in His own abode during eight periods of each day and every day. His pastimes should be remembered by meditative devotees before they remember the pastimes of Sri Krishna, the Moon over Gokula. If someone lovingly reads or recites the Lord’s eternal daily pastimes as they are illuminated in the ten verses of this prayer, then the Lord is immensely pleased with that person, by His own merciful compassion. I thus meditate on the daily pastimes of Sri Gaurachandra.
The Beauty and Splendor of Sri Gauranga in His sleeping Chamber!
At the end of the night Gora-Chand is in His sleeping chamber His limbs twinkle as cupid churns his mind
The golden bedstead is inlaid with solid coral and is decorated with pillows covered with pure white cloth
The nicely colored silk is secured by cords in four corners and the jewelled tassels emit pinkish rays in all directions
supporting the expansive canopy hanging overhead
Swinging from all edges are long strands of very tiny pearls
which appear like the celestial river flowing down from the heavens
The bestead appears just like the nicely formed peak of Mt. Kailasa
while the splendrous bolster appear like balls of fresh cream
Covering the mattress is pure white silk
in the middle of which slumbers Gora Dvija-mani
the jewel of the twice born brahmanas
his long limbs put to shame the luster of molten gold
while overwhelmed with the moods of lazy lounging his hair hangs in bunches of curly locks as His slackned pearl necklace lies tangled with His jasmine garland
The upward lines of His beautiful tilak shine
Around his face the dots of kunkum and musk are enchanting
Jewelled earrings rest against His glistening cheeks
while the arch of His eyebrows conquers the arrows of Cupid
Attempting to find a suitable comparison
for the splendor of Gauranga’s closed eyes
even the Creator with al his skills of supremely refined craftsmanship is baffled to the utmost extent of his imagination
I can understand the kamadeva has vanished
in fear of the crooked arch of Gora’s eyebrows;
becoming bodiless, Cupid is therefore called Ananga
Who has create this form of Lord Gauranga’s?
It is like a Cupid’s net for ensnaring the innocent deer that are the hearts of chaste girls
His two lotuslike eyes are closed in repose
His thick balck eyelashes are motionless
His splendidly colored lips defeat the hue of bimba fruits
while His slightly smiling mouth enraptures the universe
His broad chest is beautified by numerous necklaces and His arms, extending to His knees, are very muscular His arms are adorned with bracelets of nine jewels and His divine form is beautified with thick patches of sandalwood paste
His hips are wrapped with very fine white cloth while His upper body is partially covered with a splendrous cloth the border of which is woven in ornate golden flowers
His thin brahmana thread is visible there, supremely pure and white
The palms of His hands are reddish like blooming water lotuses
and the sparkling auras of His finger-rings destroy darkness all around
The nicely constructed golden temple is pervade with happiness
On the four sides are four bejewelled terraces with gazebos
On top of the temple are flags and golden jugs
and strands of pearls so large that they look like full moons
Both sides of the temple are beautified by eight crystal pillars
supporting rows of swans formed of silver
In four directions are four gates that are studded with jewels and inlaid here and there with emeralds
The golden doors shine with their solid coral bolts and crystal cornices glitter like rows of candles
Ranks of huge mirrors are fixed on the walls and they are painted with scenes of the mellow sports or Radha and Krishna
These spotless mirrors are also embellished here and there
with artificial flower trees and lotus flowers with hundres of petals
These ornamentations on the mirrors radiate a luster so much like real lotuses that swarms of bumblebees wander here mistaking them for actual lotus groves
The four directions shine with eight round windows on the doors
which are expert in mocking the orb of the sun
These round windows are lined with brilliant sunstones that are bordered on the inside and outside edges with rubies
The temple’s altar, bestibule, courtyard, and staircases are beautifully formed of solid crystal slabs
Withing the temple, by the sleeping-chamber, is a flower garden
Sitting upon branches here and there are cuckoos and other birds
The cool breeze flows with the pleasant fragrances of various flowers
while the branches of the trees sway along ever so gently
Hanging upon the door of this inner chamber is the lovely sight of shoes, umbrella and pure white chamara whisk
On both sides of the bed are golden tables
supporting jewelled boxes containing betel nut packets and golden pitcher full of scented water
On the floor in front of these tables
is a beautiful place for rinsing the mouth.
(6H. P.M TO 8H.24 P.M)
Sri Navadvipa Dhama :
In Sridhama Navadvipa Sriman Mahaprabhu attains bhava shanti, descends from His balcony and goes to have darshana of Sriman Narayana's arati. Sri Gadadhara Pandita offers the Shitala bhoga to Sri Narayana and then performs arati while Svarupa Gosvami sings songs of how Dhanishtha speaks about how mother Yashoda does Sri Balarama and Krishna's arati worship, bathes Them, dresses Them and ornaments Them, how Malati-sakhi comes from Vrindavana and gives sweets in Tulasi's hands and gives garlands and betelleaves to Dhanishtha as an indication of the tryst, how Gunamala sakhi comes from Nandishvara and speaks of Balarama and Krishna's dressing and ornamentating, Their darshana of Narayana's arati and Their taking a snack. Hearing this everyone becomes immersed in transcendental bliss.
Sri Vraja Dhama :
In Vraja Sri Radhika and Her sakhis sit on their sitting places when Dhanishtha comes on the order of mother Vrajeshvari. Sri Radha inquires from Dhanishtha and Dhanishtha tells Her how Balarama and Krishna enter the town, bathe, dress and ornament and how the servants are ordered to bring Balarama and Krishna a snack. Hearing all this they become ecstatic, as if they are really seeing all this. Then on Vrinda's order Malati comes and gives a hint of the tryst by offering garlands and betelleaves. Then Sri Radha lets Sri Krishna know of the tryst by giving the garlands and betelleaves in Dhanishtha's hands and She also gives sweets in Kasturi's hands. Then Gunamala sakhi or Induprabha sakhi comes with Sri Krishna's remnants through sweets and so and describes how Balarama and Krishna and others take snacks in Nandalaya and Sri Radha becomes ecstatic as if She really sees this all (darshanavat).
Sri Navadvipa Dhama :
In Sri Navadvipa Sriman Mahaprabhu attains bhava shanti and sits down on the order of His mother to take a snack with His devotees. Then the sadhaka dasa becomes absorbed in feelings of "I am eating Sri Krishna's nectarean foodremnants with Radha's sakhis" and everyone becomes absorbed in bhava in their siddha dehas.
Sri Vraja Dhama :
In Vraja Sri Radha and Her sakhis eat Sri Krishna's remnants and then sit down on their sittingplaces where the maidservants serve them betelleaves and fan them. Sadhaka dasi massages the feet.
Sri Navadvipa Dhama :
In Sri Navadvipa, Sriman Mahaprabhu and His devotees eat different kinds of fruit such as coconut, mango, jackfruit, Piyalu, grapes, pomegranates and Karpura Keli and Amrita Keli that mother affectionately feeds them, just to satisfy mother Shaci. Then she washes Their mouths and the three Prabhus sit on sitting places with Their devotees .......the servants serve Them betelleaves and fan Them. Then Sriman Mahaprabhu becomes absorbed in the bhava of viewing Sri Krishna's pastime of milking the cows and goes to the Candrashala to sit down there. Sri Svarupa Gosvami, knowing Sriman Mahaprabhu's mind, sings songs of Sri Krishna's pastime of milking the cows, causing everyone to be immersed in bliss.
Sri Vraja Dhama :
In Vraja Sri Radha and Her sakhis go to the Candrashala and sit there while Sri Krishna comes from Nandishvara for milking His cows. Then Sri Radha sees the pastimes of milking the cows, sits on Her sittingplace, while the maidservants clean the place with the broom and light the lamps. After that Sri Lalitaji performs Rai's arati and Ananga Manjari teaches the manjaris how to play musical instruments.
Sri Navadvipa Dhama :
In Sri Navadvipa Sriman Mahaprabhu attains bhava shanti, goes to see the arati of Lord Narayana and goes to His sittingplace to sit on it. Svarupa Gosvami sings songs of how Jatila orders Srimati to eat, how Tulasi comes from Nandishvara and gradually tells how Balarama and Krishna see Narayana's arati, how They have Their meal, how They go to the royal assembly, drink milk, and take rest. Hearing this everyone is immersed in bliss.
Sri Vraja Dhama :
At that time in Vraja's Yavata Sri Radhika sits on Her sittingplace with Her sakhis when Kutila, sent by Jatila, tells them to eat, after which Tulasi comes from Nandishvara and tells how Balarama and Krishna see Sri Narayana's arati, eat, go to the royal assembly, drink milk, and take rest. Hearing all this Sri Radhika and Her sakhis become ecstatic.
Sri Navadvipa Dhama :
Sriman Mahaprabhu attains bhava shanti and sees the arati of Sri Narayana and becomes absorbed in the mood of Sri Radha, who is eating.
Sri Vraja Dhama :
Sri Radhika and Her sakhis take rest after eating. The maidservants serve them betelleaves and so. Sadhaka dasi massages Their feet and is thus immersed in transcendental bliss.
Sri Navadvipa Dhama :
Sriman Mahaprabhu attains bhava shanti and eats and takes rest. The Gosvamis, the Guruvarga and the sadhaka dasa then all eat and become ecstatic while beholding the beauty of Mahaprabhu's taking rest.
Thus ends the Six danda's Sayahna lila sutra.
(8H.24 P.M TO 10H.48 P.M)
Sri Navadvipa Dhama :
Sriman Mahaprabhu gets up from bed and goes to sit down on the platform on the courtyard of Srivasa in Sri Radha's bhava. Then the two Prabhus and the devotees come and sit down, thus meeting the Lord. Sri Svarupa Gosvami starts singing songs of Sri Radha-Krishna's abhisara in Vrindavana and Their consequent meeting. Hearing this song everyone becomes absorbed in bhava.
Sri Vraja Dhama :
In Vraja Sri Radhika gets up from bed and sits on the Candrashala. Then Induprabha comes and tells Her of Sri Krishna's abhisara. Hearing this She dresses Herself for abhisara according to the time. Just then Malati-sakhi comes from Sri Vrindavana and tells Her that Sri Krishna has arrived in Vrindavana. Hearing this Sri Radha and Her sakhis blissfully go on abhisara to Vrindavana. When they meet with Sri Krishna they unite in the kunja, make love with Him, become dressed and ornamented, sit on a jeweled bedstead. Seeing Their sweet forms everyone is ecstatic.
Sri Navadvipa Dhama :
Sriman Mahaprabhu attains bhava shanti and Srivasa Pandita decorates the devotees with garlands and sandalwoodpulp. Everyone is immersed in transcendental bliss by beholding this beautiful scene.
Thus ends the six danda’s Pradosha lila sutra.
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