Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Some devotees asked me if Lord Narasimha sometimes rides on Garuda ? The answer is yes , Garuda is also worshipped in many Narasimha temples in South India ,along with Lord Narasimha

oM AM hriM krauM

oM tattakA hAtaka-keshAgra-jvalat-pAdoka-lochana
-bhadrAdika nakha-sparsha divya-siMha nami 'stu te

"O my Lord, O transcendental Lion, I offer my obeisances unto You along with Srimati
Laxmi Devi. Sometimes flying in the sky, sometimes moving on foot, Your mane-hairs
blaze with golden brilliance. Your glance and touch of You nails are the source of all

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Garuda- Narasimha ki jaya

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What mantras can we chant for Garudas protection ? Well that answer is found in Narayana Kavacha :

SB 6.8.29
garuḍo bhagavān stotra-
 stobhaś chandomayaḥ prabhuḥ
rakṣatv aśeṣa-kṛcchrebhyo
 viṣvaksenaḥ sva-nāmabhiḥ
garuḍaḥ — His Holiness Garuḍa, the carrier of Lord Viṣṇu; bhagavān — as powerful as the Supreme Personality of Godhead; stotra-stobhaḥ — who is glorified by selected verses and songs; chandaḥ-mayaḥ — the personified Vedas; prabhuḥ — the lord; rakṣatu — may He protect; aśeṣa-kṛcchrebhyaḥ — from unlimited miseries; viṣvaksenaḥ — Lord Viṣvaksena; sva-nāmabhiḥ — by His holy names.
Lord Garuḍa, the carrier of Lord Viṣṇu, is the most worshipable lord, for he is as powerful as the Supreme Lord Himself. He is the personified Vedas and is worshiped by selected verses. May he protect us from all dangerous conditions, and may Lord Viṣvaksena, the Personality of Godhead, also protect us from all dangers by His holy names.

Garuda actually came to Ahovalam according to the Puranas as far as I recall it is mentioned in the Brahmanda Purana how Garuda performed austerities at Ahovalam ,where Lord Narasimha appeared .So when Lord Narasimha appeared to Garuda ,Lord Narasimha allowed mounted Garuda and the prayer above is given to honor Lord Narasimha on Garuda.

In Krsna book or 10 canto of Srimad Bhagavatam we read how Garuda came to Yamuna and ate fish ,and Saubhari Muni cursed him if he ever ate fish again in Yamuna he would die.Actually no one is allowed to catch fish in Yamuna.
But cursing the carrier of Lord Narasimha is an offence and due to this offence Saubhari Muni fell down from Bhakti for some time.However that he married so many princesses was a blessing for them as he all later took them back to Godhead .Saubhari was a powerful devotee of Sri Yamunadevi and revealed her glories as found in Garga Samhita ,we would not have Yamuna Kavacha and 1000 names of Yamuna had it not been for this pastime.So the question comes to mind where does Garuda stay within the material world ? That is a good question what does Sastra say .Well I really am not sure I would have to do a lot more research on that, I have been told Garuda normally resides on Gandarva loka, I thought that makes sense as he looks like a Gandarva.

Some of the Sri Vaisnavas where extremely exalted and had direct darshan of Garuda .Seeing liberated souls like Garuda means no more birth and death.What I have been told is that Garuda comes to Earth when ever Krsna or any of His expansions needs Sri Garuda .Lord Narasimha is Krsna Himself it has been nicely explained by our dear Kusakrata Prabhu in his Narasimha Palana Parthana:

text 104

Sri Krsno narasimha rupa dharanah pranadhikatmastu nah
Sri Krsno narasimha rupa dharano dhynantaratmastu nah
Sri Krsno narasimha rupa dharano nityatma maitryo stu nah
Sri Krsno narasimha rupa dharanah padabja sthapyo stu nah

May Lord Krsna who appeared as Narasimha, be more dear than life to us.
May Lord Krsna who appeared as Narasimha , always stay in our thoughts.
May Lord Krsna who appeared as Narasimha .always be our friend and wellwisher.
May Lord Krsna who appeared as Narasimha, give us a place at His Lotusfeet.

text 105
Sri Krsno narasimha rupa dharanah karunyavan astu nah
Sri Krsno narasimha rupa dharanah premarthakatmastu nah
Sri Krsno narasimha rupa dharano gehatma datastu nah
Sri Krsno narasimha rupa dharanah samsara tratastu nah.

May Lord Krsna who appeared as Narasimha, always be kind to us.
May Lord Krsna who appeared as Narasimha , always be the object of our love..
May Lord Krsna who appeared as Narasimha . take us home with Him.
May Lord Krsna who appeared as Narasimha, take us from this world of birth and death

text 106
Sri Krsno narasimha rupa dharanah smerananatmstu nah
Sri Krsno narasimha rupa dharanah prahladitatmastu nah
Sri Krsno narasimha rupa dharanah seva prahlado stu nah
Sri Krsno narasimha rupa dharano nityatma natho stu nah

May Lord Krsna ,who appeared as Nrsimha smile on us
May Lord Krsna ,who appeared as Nrsimha be pleased with us
May Lord Krsna ,who appeared as Nrsimha,be happy to accept, the service we offer Him.
May Lord Krsna ,who appeared as Narasimha allow us to serve Him forever.

text 107

Sri Krsno Narasimha rupa dharano dhyanantaratmasu nah
Sri Krsna Narasimha rupa dharanah prahlada karo stu nah
Sri Krsno Narasimha rupa dharano lila vilaso stu nah
Sri Krsno Narasimha rupa dharano nityatma premastu nah

May Lord Krsna who appeared as Nrsimha always stay in our thoughts.
May Lord Krsna who appeared as Nrsimha be our happiness.
May Lord Krsna who appeared as Nrsimha play with us.
May Lord Krsna who appeared as Nrsimha allow us to love Him always.

text 108
Sri Krsno Narasimha rupa dharano nityam prapalo stu nah
Sri Krsno Narasimha rupa dharano nityam prapalo stu nah
Sri Krsno Narasimha rupa dharano nityam prapalo stu nah
Sri Krsno Narasimha rupa dharano nityam prapalo stu nah

May Lord Krsna who appeared as Nrsimha always protect us
May Lord Krsna who appeared as Nrsimha always protect us
May Lord Krsna who appeared as Nrsimha always protect us
May Lord Krsna who appeared as Nrsimha always protect us

Text 62
yah pura sikhisa kesi
so dhuna su kesaro hi
yah pura su venu hastah
so dhuna nakhi janartham

He who wears a peacock feather is His hair now has a graceful mane. He who holds a bamboo flute in His hand now has graceful claws to defend His devotees.

Whenever I read Kusakrata Prabhus ,Narasimha parthana Palana I feel fully blessed by Lord Narasimha which is why I placed it as chapter one in my book Sri Narasimha :

There is so many more things to be said about Sri Garuda, explaining Garuda Purana and Garuda Vimsati will be for another article.
Once in Vrindavana , Krsna asked Sridama ,Sri Radhas brother and Krsnas dear cowherd friend , Sakha ,to become Garuda and Krsna sat on "Garuda" ,this famous temple is still there in Vrindavana
your servant
Paramananda das

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