Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

I once heard this song by a devotee : Eat sleep mate and defend.... animals animals animals. The fact is in Kali yuga most are born in papa yonis sinful bellies of meat eating or materialistic women. But even when born into devotee families we see many do not take to chanting even daily 16 rounds.

 In Bhagavad Gita Krsna talks about when we become indifferent to what has been heard and will be heard talking about materialistic talks. The material world is mostly ful of gramya katha and not a fit place for a devotee.
So what should we do...enjoy eating? I went to a local temple and the GBC man warned me that the prasadam was having to much ghee.Sure enough ,it was spilling all over due to excessive ghee.Yumi but heartattack prasadam. Many times the persons that cook do not follow 4 regs.Of course taking prasadam in a temple is supposed to be better, But is the cook even chanting 16 rounds and following 4 regs>??
 Better is to cook yourself after completing 64 rounds then you can offer it to Krsna. 
 Then we have all the vise guys that think they are the Supreme Controllers because they have temple positions.As if their soul has become holier than though, by becoming a manager by hook or by crook .Mismanagement, mostly ,giving themselves a huge salary.And at the same temple I recently visited the kids of one pujari did not even have proper AC.This is just lowlife mentality.
 Mating ?? What is there to enjoy in that? 
 Sleeping ?? give me a break .
Defending , well in ISKCON you have to constantly defend yourself from others attack , even worse than the karmi world.
 So what  can a devotee enjoy in the material world? Fame...what use it that? Even the socalled fame of being a devotee, a great devotee or whatever what use does it have? Srila Raghunatha das Goswami calls it the trickling urine of a donkey.
well some thoughts for the day ...
Mistreatments in the material world there will be plenty of them , what to do , tolerating them or not makes no difference, it seems.
Should one associate with gay Gays sannyasis no.Gay GBC men Absolutly not .
So nothing to be gay about in such association....we see some sannyasis have used to love to hang out with other sannyasis that where gay.It makes them very suspicious.We are judged also by the company we keep.And how about womanizing sannyasis.There is womanizers in all asramas .There is small Hiranykasipus in the heart of all conditioned souls.The question is how we will repel these anarthas.
Dukalyam and asasvatam ....temporary and full of miseries.Welcome to the material world.
 I am so conditioned I still remember a song as a child (hearing it accidentally recently while shopping )  Welcome to hotel California.." you can check out any time but you can never leave." The smell of colitas ..weed.Oh Krsna I  accepted a disciple that was still not giving up this habit I later found. Yes there is a smell of BS in the material world.This is why this place is a prison house for rebellious souls that have turned away from Krsna.
 I heard one TP from NY had talked about the love Krsna has for Kamsa. I was laughing at his ignorance.Yes Krsna loved Kamsa so much He  beat the hell out of him till he died for all his sins.Why not focus on Krsnas love for His devotees. Bhakti that is not favorable to Krsna is not bhakti.But of course the same TP banned me from taking darshan of Radha Govinda because I was opposed to him having a bingo hall with meat prices.
 Yes there is a smell of something foul really stinks. Anyhow Brooklyn is one of the most sinful places I have seen on earth....and Dhanudhara Swami dared tell me I was lowclass being from Denmark.Denmark is a clean and better place than the  filth of NYC.Srila Prabhupada went to this hell to save the most fallen homosexual and drug addicted and low minded rascals.And since it is the root of ISKCON, no wonder we still see so much low minded criminal mentality .Asat sanga tyaga....Dhanudhara is stil lbeing honored in ISKCON Vrindavana though he is a criminal and child abuser.But ISKCON like to collect such "noble child abusers like Bhavananda and Dhanudhara" and criminals like Ramabhadra that focus in Krsnas love for Kamsa...
I am avoiding those who are like  Kamsas in  ISKCON .My prayer is birth after birth I may never have their lowlife mentality .And some former disciples hacked my computer ,really nice to have such nice lowlife association

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