Duration of Battle between Lord Narasimha and Hiranyakasipu
We have heard one lecture CD that HH Narayana Maharaja gave in Mexico City some years ago on Lord Narasimhadeva, when he made the statement that the fight between Hiranyakasipu and Lord Narasimhadeva could not be any less than that of the fight between Lord Varaha and Hiranyaksa. Recently we attempted to put the puzzle together on this issue, but as we lacked some scriptural reference to back it up, we did not dare present this as a fact. Then we got an email from Basu Gosh Prabhu, who is in Sri Rangam, saying that this scholar from the Sri Sampradya was stating: "Sri Ananta Narasimhacharya here at Sri Rangam quotes the Nrsimha Purana (exact shlokas not provided) that the fight between Nrsimha & Hiranyakashipu went on for a Kalpa itself! One thousand chatur-yugas! And it makes perfect sense. We have to remember the background for Jaya and Vijaya, the doorkeepers of one Vaikuntha planet being cursed by the Kumaras. The internal reason of Lord Visnu was that he wanted a good fight, and thus for 3 births, Jaya and Vijaya became asuras. Srimad Bhagavatam 7.1.39 evam saptau sva-bhavanat patantau tau krpalubhih proktau punar janmabhir vam tribhir lokaya kalpatam TRANSLATION While Jaya and Vijaya, thus cursed by the sages, were falling to the material world, they were addressed as follows by the same sages, who were very kind to them. "O doorkeepers, after three births you will be able to return to your positions in Vaikuntha, for then the duration of the curse will have ended." The acaryas have commented that the fight between Lord Varaha and Hiranyaksa also went on for long time. I was looking for this quote, and believe it is there in Srila Prabhupada's purports somewhere, but could not find it. Anyhow, the duration of that auspicious fight also went on for such a long time. The fight between Lord Varaha and Hiranyaksa is so auspicious that Sukadeva Goswami has stated: SB 3.19.37: O brahmanas, anyone who hears, chants, or takes pleasure in the wonderful narration of the killing of the Hiranyaksha demon by the Lord, who appeared as the first boar in order to deliver the world, is at once relieved of the results of sinful activities, even the killing of a brahmana. SB 3.19.38: This most sacred narrative confers extraordinary merit, wealth, fame, longevity, and all the objects of one's desire. On the field of battle it promotes the strength of one's vital organs and organs of action. One who listens to it at the last moment of his life is transferred to the supreme abode of the Lord, O dear Saunaka. So the fight between Lord Narasimha and Hiranyakasipu is also of this nature, and a long battle that takes place for the pleasure of Lord Narasimha. Basu Gosh Prabhu also gave us the verse from Brahmanda Purana, which he received from Gaura Kesava Prabhu, that confirms Lord Narasimha appearing at Ahovalam: ahobalam viryaparakramaste tvaho vapuryogabalam tavesha (Brahmanda Purana 1.25.93) We are waiting for a full translation of this verse, but Basu Gosh Prabhu provided us with the word for word translation: ahobalam = the place ahovalam, or, aho = oh, balam = strength virya = powerful parakrama = abilities/power/strength aste = (resides) within tvaho = your vapuhu = body yogabalam = mystical/transcendental power tava = your isha = Lord Indeed this confirms Ahovalam being non-different from Lord Narasimha. This is similar to Vrindavan being non-different from Sri Krsna, or Mayapur being non-different from Lord Caitanya. These places are all the various Appearance places for pastimes. Sri Ananta Narasimhacharya also confirmed the appearence of Lord Narasimha at Ahovalam. We know for sure this is accepted by all Sri Vaisnavas and followers of Madhavacarya in Udupi, based on millions of years of worship at Ahovalam. Summary of Chapters from Narasimha Purana As part of my work on a book about Lord Narasimhadeva, I would also like to present this chapter summary of the Narasimha Purana, which deals with the pastimes of Lord Narasimha and Prahlada. Chapter 40 Hiranyakasipu takes over the heavenly planets and kicks out the demigods. After wandering the earth for long time (disguised as ordinary human beings), the demigods talk with Brhaspati. He confirms that he and other sages are predicting that soon Hiranyakasipu will be finished, and tells them to go to the ocean of milk. Headed by Lord Siva they go there and chant many names of Visnu to Lord Visnu. Being pleased, He asks what they desire, and they answer that He being all knowing, also knows this answer, so why is He asking them? Lord Visnu, smiling, answers that He is pleased they chanted 100 of His Holy names, and tells them not to worry. He tells Lord Siva that he can go back to Kailash and that soon Sri Prahlada Maharaja will appear, and when Hiranyakasipu later tries to kill him, He, Lord Visnu will appear and kill Hiranyakasipu. Chapter 41 Lord Brahma tells Narada Muni that Hiranyakasipu is doing tapasya at Kailash and asks him what he suggests he do. Narada Muni tells him not to worry as Lord Visnu has shown him a "few tricks". He goes there, then Narada Muni assumes the form of a bird and starts to chant the name of Lord Visnu. This aggravates Hiranyakasipu so much that he tries to kill the bird, and simply gives up his penance there. This reminds us of the classical Indian movie made about Prahlada and Narasimha where you see the same, Hiranyakasipu chanting Om Rudray namah and the bird chanting Om Visnave namah. However in the Narasimha Purana it is Om Narayanaya Namah. The movie version has Brhaspati taking the form of a bird. Coming back to his wife she is very happy and she asks him why he has finished his tapasya so early: she did not expect him for the next 1,000 celestial years. Hiranyakasipu explains the birds were chanting Om namo Narayanaya namah and disturbing his meditation. As he states this he impregnates his wife (thus Kayadhu becomes pregnant with Prahlada), and then an interesting statement is found: just as devotion to Lord Hari increases more and more even in the harsh Kali yuga, the devotion of Prahlada as he grew up increased daily. Then it is explained that Prahlada one day meets his demoniac father and starts glorifying the name of Krsna. Hiranyakasipu temporarily controls his angers and tells him that chanting Krsna's name is not allowed all over the universe under his rule. Prahlada tells him this is a great sin and he should immediately start chanting. This infuriates Hiranyakasipu and he tells Prahlada to leave his palace at once. He calls for the teacher being brought to him in chains. He chastises the teacher, who is a Vishnu bhakta, and instructs the teacher to worship him instead. Hiranyakasipu chastises Prahlada for not being obedient to he who is both his father and ruler of the universe, and for glorifying "the enemy of the asuras, Visnu". The teacher leaves and it is stated from then on he starts worship of Hiranyakasipu, simply to fill his belly Chapter 42 In this chapter Prahlada Maharaja goes to his teacher, after he comes back Hiranyakasipu questions him. Prahlada glorified Lord Visnu and states no other subject is worthy of discussion. This infuriated Hiranyakasipu once more, and he then orders to have Prahlada killed. The soldiers rush at him with weapons that simply turn around and harm them, then Hiranyakasipu calls for snake charmers, who bring the most powerful snakes in the universe to attack Prahlada, who again is fully absorbed in Lord Visnu. The fangs of the snakes are broken and they are all bleeding, and not even the skin of Prahlada is harmed. The snake charmers explain to Hiranyakasipu that these snakes normally could even melt stones with their fire of poison (such snakes are a thousand times more poisonous than snakes we know, as their poison causes the victim to be burned to ashes). Sanda and Amarka asks Hiranyakasipu to allow them to bring Prahlada to their ashram to teach him in the demoniac principals, and Hiranyakasipu agrees. (to be continued) | The Sun | News | Editorials | Features | Sun Blogs | Classifieds | Events | Recipes | PodCasts | | About | Submit an Article | Contact Us | Advertise | | Copyright 2005, All rights reserved.
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