One Gaudiya math sannyasi has stated that to much worship of Lord Narasimha is not favorable to Vraja Bhakti, and the worship of Ugra Narasimha scares away Sri Radha. In his Manah Siksa ,Srila Raghunath das Goswami writes:
asad-varta-vesya visrja mati-sarvasva-haranih katha mukti-vyaghrya na srnu kila sarvatma-gilanih api tyaktva laksmi-pati-ratim ito vyoma-nayanim vraje radha-krsnau sva-rati-mani-dau tvam bhaja manah
O mind, give up friendship with non devotees, which is nothing but a prostitute who will steal the treasure of your heart, your desire to serve Radha-Krsna. Don’t listen to talks of impersonal liberation, which are a tigress who devours everyone. You should even give up attraction for Lord Narayana, which leads to the world of Vaikuntha. Instead, O mind, just worship Sri Sri Radha-Krsna in Vraja, for They bestow upon their worshipers the jewel of pure love for Themselves.
But we are not on the level where we can say I do not need Lord Narayana ,Lord Ramachandra,and Lord Narasimha etc.Srila Sanatana Goswami has instructed us to do Nirjala fasting in Haribhakti Vilasa on Their appearance days.Due to being very fallen Srila Prabhupada allowed those who are unable to do such fasting to fast until Sunset for Lord Ramachandra and to dusk for Lord Narasimha and take anukalpa (ekadasi style of prasadam) .
In his Gita Mala Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has given the prayers of Yamunacarya: Stotra ratna and made them into prayers to Krsna,
(1) hari he!
ohe prabhu doyamoy, tomar carana-dwaya,
sruti-siropari sobha pay
guru-jana-sire punah, sobha pay sata guna
dekhi amar parana juray
Oh my Lord, oh most compassionate Personality! Your two divine lotus feet are beautifully decorating the summit of all the scriptures. And when those lotus feet in turn decorate the heads of all the spiritual masters coming in the disciplic succession, then their beauty and splendor increases hundred fold. Seeing this truth, my heart has become fully satisfied.
These songs ,helps situated us in proper Vaidhi Bhakti.Srila Prabhupada states one can not approach Radha Krsna until one is in ragamarg..this is explained nicely in Bhaktirasamrita Sindhu and Raga Vartma Chandrika and such books.
CC Ādi 13.105: Dressing themselves as the wives of brāhmaṇas, all the celestial ladies, including the wives of Lord Brahmā, Lord Śiva, Lord Nṛsiḿhadeva, King Indra and Vasiṣṭha Ṛṣi, along with Rambhā, a dancing girl of heaven, came there with varieties of gifts. (to offer gifts to "newborn" Lord Caitanya)
Sometimes Sarasvati is also considered the wife of Lord Narasimha.
vag-isha yasya vadane
laksmir yasya cha vakshasi
yasyate hridaye samvit
tam nrisimham aham bhaje
"Lord Nrisimhadeva is always assisted by Sarasvati, the goddess of learning and He is always embracing to His chest the goddess of fortune. The Lord is always complete in knowledge within Himself. Let us offer obeisances unto Nrisimhadeva."
The great Acarya Srila Sridhara Swami was favored so much by Sarasvati and Lord Narasimha, that when mayavadis went to pray to Lord Siva in Kasi ,because Sridhara Swami was destroying the mayavadi philosophy left and right ,Lord Siva said to the mayavadi sannyasis: Aham Vetti suko vetti vyaso vetti na vetti va sridharah sakalam vetti sri nrsimha prasadatah
I (Siva) may or may not know, Vyasadeva may or may not know, Sukadeva may or may not know, but Sridhara Swami knows all by the grace of Lord Nrsimha.
Lord Caitanya also glorified Srila Sridhara Swami: CC Antya 7.132: "You have dared criticize Śrīdhara Svāmī, and you have begun your own commentary on Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, not accepting his authority. That is your false pride.
CC Antya 7.133: "Śrīdhara Svāmī is the spiritual master of the entire world because by his mercy we can understand Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam. I therefore accept him as a spiritual master.
CC Antya 7.134: "Whatever you might write due to false pride, trying to surpass Śrīdhara Svāmī, would carry a contrary purport. Therefore no one would pay attention to it.
CC Antya 7.135: "One who comments on Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam following in the footsteps of Śrīdhara Svāmī will be honored and accepted by everyone.
CC Antya 7.136: "Put forth your explanation of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam following in the footsteps of Śrīdhara Svāmī. Giving up your false pride, worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Kṛṣṇa.
CC Antya 7.137: "Abandoning your offenses, chant the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra, the holy names of the Lord. Then very soon you will achieve shelter at the lotus feet of Kṛṣṇa."
So if Narasimhi or Laxmidevi is afraid of Lord Narasimha is Sri Radha also? Lets first carefully study Srimad Bhagavatam states with Srila Prabhupadas purport: 7.9.2
So due to Lila sakti ,Laxmidevi did not go forward, as Lord Narasimha wanted to be pacified by Prahlada stuti, the prayers of Sri Prahlada.Thus the Sri Vaisnavas have given so much respect to these prayers, as do we in the Gaudiya Madhava sampradaya ,Lord Caitanya used to reciete this Prahlada stuti and the teachings of Prahlada hundreds of times. So is Sri Radha afraid of Narasimha also, yes in the sense Her expanded form of Laxmi and honers Lord Narasimhadevas lila . Srimati Radharani is lila sakti personified and She arranges Krsna's pastimes in His various incarnations in Her expanded forms, so She is not afraid of Ugra Narasimha, like Laxmi,.
devi krishna-mayi prokta
radhika para-devata
sarva-lakshmi-mayi sarva
kantih sammohini para
"The transcendental goddess Srimati Radharani is the direct counterpart of Lord Sri Krishna. She is the central figure for all the goddesses of fortune. She possesses all the attractiveness to attract the all-attractive Personality of Godhead. She is the primeval internal potency of the Lord."
Worship of Lord Narasimha is not an obstacel to Vraja Bhakti when it is done to gain eternal service to Mahaprabhu and Radha Krsna, it is favorabel.Nrsimhananda brahmacari also known as Padyumna Brahmacari spend time in Nrsimhapalli in Godruma Dvipa worshipping Mahaprabhu and Radha Krsna, under the full protection of Lord Narasimha, it is mentioned in Jaiva dharma. Sri Radha never leaves Vrindavan, only seperation from Krsna scares Her, but She see Krsna everywhere, and is never sperated from Sri Krsna.Everything in this world is Her expanded energies, as She is the Supreme Sakti and Krsna is the possesor of that supreme Sakti Sri Radha. These are some of Her divine names: Text 86 kali-kalmasa-bhanga ca kali-kalmasa-nasini kali-kalmasa-rupa ca nityananda-kari krpa
She breaks and destroys the sins of Kali-yuga (kali-kalmasa-bhanga and kali-kalmasa-nasini). She is expert at enjoying pastimes of quarreling with Lord Krsna (kali-kalmasa-rupa). She brings Lord Krsna eternal bliss (nityananda-kari). She is kindness personified (krpa).
If we chant the names of Sri Radha like the Radha sahasranama in the month of Kartika, we will invoke Her mercy as She is Kartiki, this month personified. There is a warning who these 1000 names are not for ,spoken by Lord Siva: Text 15
mama prana-samam hy etat tava pritya prakasitam nabhaktaya pradatavyam pasandaya kadacana nastikayaviragaya raga-yuktaya sundari
This prayer is dear to me as life. That is why I have revealed it to you, my beloved. O beautiful one, this prayer should never be given to one who is not a devotee, to a blasphemer, to an atheist, to one who is not austere, or to one filled with material desires.
otherwise if one is qualified these sweet names of Sri Radha is at .These holy names of Sri Radha helps us see Her in everything.'even in Narasimhas lilas. Jaya Sri Radhe
Text 156 karttika-vrata-kartri ca vasana-harini tatha jala-saya jala-tala sila-tala-nivasini
She performs the vow of Karttika-vrata (karttika-vrata-kartri). She takes away material desires (vasana-harini). She resides on the milk-ocean (jala-saya and jala-tala) and on a hill (sila-tala-nivasini).
Text 157 ksudra-kitanga-samsarga sanga-dosa-vinasini koti-kandarpa-lavanya kandarpa-koti-sundari
She will show Her mercy to the most insignificant creature (ksudra-kitanga-samsarga). She cures the disease born of contact with the material energy (sanga-dosa-vinasini). She is more beautiful than many millions of Kamadevas (koti-kandarpa-lavanya and kandarpa-koti-sundari
namas te ’stu damne sphurad-dipti-dhamne tvadiyodarayatha visvasya dhamne namo radhikayai tvadiya-priyayai namo ‘nanta-lilaya devaya tubhyam
I bow down to the bright rope that binds your belly, within which the cosmos is completely contained. To your beloved Radha I bow yet again, and to you the hero who plays wonderfully.
Thus ends Chapter 14 of Sri Narasimha :Does Lord Narasimha scare away Srimati Radharani?
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