Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Do not wear any gold in this Kali-yuga!

Why you should not wear gold in this Kali-yuga? Because Pariksit Maharaja blessed Kali that he can reside in 5 places,

1 any place where people kill and eat animals

2 where they gamble for money

3 where people engage in illicit sex life

4 where there is the intoxication of alcohol, drugs,cigarettes pills ets to get high, etc

And where there is GOLD, what did Pariksit Maharaja wear when he offended Sringis father? A crown with Gold and Kali personified made Pariksit Maharaja speak things he never would have otherwise...

Recently I went to an ISKCON temple and the sannyasi giving lecture had gold rings on every finger, one guest noted that Swami wore a lot of bling.I was laughing on the inside.

Jesus Christ said if you have gold sell it and feed the poor, well Vaisnavas use gold for Krsna's service, Though we have seen in Vrindavana someone stole some gold jewelry that belonged to Sri Sri Radha Shymasundara. But Vaisnavas should really not wear gold watches or gold rings etc, who are you trying to impress anyway.Yes Srila Prabhupada had few gold things given to him ,do not compare yourself with Srila Prabhupada,Pariksit Maharaja put down his gold crown and went to Ganges to hear Srimad Bhagavatam for 7 days before he was finally burned by Taksaka ,he spoke Brhad Bhagavatamrta to his mother Uttara,,he had no need of all the bling bling to hear and speak about Krsna..please loose your bling ,,unless you will be seen as a materialist

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