Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

correction to ye anilo prema dhana translation

dear Vaisnavas
Please accept my humble obaisences
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
    Vaisnavas sing this beautiful song in separation of Srila Prabhupada and Lord Caitanya and some of his immediate associates
Ye anilo prema dhana that was written by Srila Narottama das Thakura:this is the actual translation: and I humbly advised this devotee to correct the translation:
Song Name: Je Anilo Prema Dhana Koruna Pracura
Official Name: Swa Parsada Bhagavad Viraha Janita Vilapa Song 1
Author: Narottama Dasa Thakura
Book Name: Prarthana
Language: Bengali

je ānilo prema-dhana koruṇā pracur
heno prabhu kothā gelā ācārya-ṭhākur

kāhā mora swarūp rūpa kāhā sanātan
kāhā dāsa raghunātha patita-pāvan

kāhā mora bhaṭṭa-juga kāhā kavirāj
eka-kāle kothā gelā gorā naṭa-rāj

pāṣāṇe kuṭibo māthā anale paśibo
gaurāńga guṇera nidhi kothā gele pābo

se-saba sańgīra sańge je koilo bilās
se-sańga nā pāiyā kānde narottama dās

1) He who brought the treasure of divine love and who was filled with compassion and mercy--where has such a personality as AdvaitaAcarya gone?

2) Where are my Svardpa Damodara and Rupa Gosvami? Where is Sanatana? Where is Raghunatha Dasa, the savior of the fallen?

3) Where are my Raghunatha Bhatta and Gopala Bhatta, and where is Krsnadasa Kaviraja? Where did Lord Gauranga, the great dancer, suddenly go?

4) I will smash my head against the rock and enter into the fire. Where will I find Lord Gauranga, the reservoir of all wonderful qualities?

5) Being unable to obtain the association of Lord Gauranga accompanied by all of these devotees in whose association He performed His pastimes, Narottama Dasa simply weeps.


A special thank you to Payonidhi Dasa who corrected a portion of the translation featured here.

So what is the correction ? Actually in our ISKCON songbook ,songs of the vaisnava acaryas we read:

ye anilo–he who brought; prema-dhana–the treasure of divine love; koruṇā pracur–who was filled with compassion and mercy; henoprabhu– such a personality; kothā gelā–where has he gone?; ācārya-ṭhākur– Srīnivāsa ācārya

1) He who brought the treasure of divine love and who was filled with compassion and mercy--where has such a personality as Srînivâsa Âcârya gone ?
So this is the mistake Srinivasa Acarya did not bring Lord Caitanya, it was Srila Advaita Acarya:

CC Ādi 6.34: He worshiped Kṛṣṇa with tulasī leaves and water of the Ganges and called for Him in a loud voice. Thus LordCaitanya Mahāprabhu appeared on earth, accompanied by His personal associates.
CC Ādi 6.35: It is through Him [Advaita Ācārya] that Lord Caitanya spread the sańkīrtana movement and through Him that He delivered the world.

CC Ādi 6.36: The glory and attributes of Advaita Ācārya are unlimited. How can the insignificant living entities fathom them?

CC Ādi 6.37: Śrī Advaita Ācārya is a principal limb of Lord Caitanya. Another limb of the Lord is Nityānanda Prabhu

By carefully studying chapter 6 of the Adi lila of CC we can get a proper understanding into the glories of Sri Advaita Acarya:

in the

GAUDIYA KANTHAHARA which is the sloka book of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada we find:
Advaita-tattva - The Advaita Principle
6. 1
mahavisnur-jagat-karta mayaya yam srjaty adam
tasyavatara evayam advaitacarya isvaram
Lord Advaita Acaya is the incarnation of Mahavisnu, whose main function is to create the cosmic world through the actions of maya. (Caitanya-Caritamrta Adi 6.4)
6. 2
advaitam harinadvaitacayam bhakti-samsanat
bhaktavataramism tam advaitacaryam asraye
Because He is nondifferent from Hari, the Supreme Lord, He is called Advaita, and because He propagates the cult of devotion, He is called Acaya. He is the Lord and the incarnation of the Lord's devotee. Therefore I take shelter of Him. (Caitanya-Caritamrta Adi 1.12 - 13)
Mahavisnu, the Supersoul of material nature, is the efficent cause [nimitta] and Sri Advaita is the material cause [upadana] of the material creation.
6. 3
apane purusa - visvera "nimitta - karana
advaita-rupa "upadana" ha'na narayana
"nimittamse" kare ti-ho mayate iksana
"upadana" sri advaita karena brahmanda-srjana
Lord Visnu Himself is the efficient [nimitta] cause of the material world, and Narayana in the form of Sri Advaita, is the material cause [upadana]. Lord Visn, in His efficient aspect, glances over the material energy, and Sri Advaita as the material cause, creates the material world. (Caitanya-Caritamrta Adi 6.16 - 7)
Advaita is Sadasiva
6. 4
He who was Sri Sadasva is the bhakta-avatara, Sri Advaita Prabhu. (Gaura-Ganoddesa Dipika, 11)
The meaning of the name Advaita
6. 5
mahavisnura amsa - advaita gunadhama
isvare abheda, te-i "advaita" purna nama
Sri Advaita, who is a reservoir of virtues, is the main limb of Mahavisnu. His full name is Advaita, for He is identical in all respects with the Lord. (Caitanya-Caritamrta Adi 6.25)
Advaita Acarya is a preacher of krsna-bhakti
6. 7
jiva nistarila krsna-bhakti kari' dana
gita-bhagavate kaila bhaktira vyakhyana
He delivered all living beings by offering the gift of krsna-bhakti. He explained Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam in the light of devotional service. (Caitanya-Caritamrta Adi 6.27)
He is the avatara of Mahavisnu of and is the servant of Sri Caitanya.
6. 8
advaitanacaya gosa-i saksat-isvara
prabhu, guru kari' mane ti-ho ta' kinkara
Lord Advaita Acarya is directly the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Although Lord Caitanya accepts Him as His preceptor, Advaita Acarya is a servant of the Lord. (Caitanya-Caritamrta Adi5.147)
Advaita and Nityananda are servants of Sri Caitanya
6. 9
eka "mahaprabhu," ara "prabhu" - duijana
dui prabhu seve maharabhu carana
There is one "Mahaprabhu" [Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu] and two "Prabhus" [Advaita Prabhu and Nityananda Prabhu]. The two Prabhus serve the lotus feet of Maharabhu. (Caitanya-Caritamrta Adi 7.14)
The twofold branches among the followers of Advaita: saragrahi (those who accept the essence) and asaravahi (those useless persons who accept the nonessential).
6. 10
advaitanghryu-abhabhrngamstan sarasarabhrto 'khilan
hitvasaran sarabhuto naumi caitanya jivanan
The followers of Sri Advaita were of two kinds. Some were real followers (saragrahi) and the others were false (sara-grahi). Rejecting the false followers, I offere my respectful obeisances to the real followers of Sri Advaita Acaya whose life and soul was Sri Caitanya Maharabhu. (Caitanya-Caritamrta Adi 12.1)
The Saragrahi followers of Advaita are devotees of Gauranga:
the asara-grahi (useless) are those who act independently and reject Gauranga.
6. 11
prathame ta' ekamata acaryera gana
pache dui mata haila daivera karana
keha ta' acaryera ajnaya, keha ta' svatantra
svamata kalpana kare daiva-paratantra
acaryera mata yei, sei mata sara
ta-'ra ajna langi' cale sei ta' asara
At first all the followers of Advaita Acaya shared a single opinion. but later they followed two different opinions as ordained by providence. Some of the disciples strictly accepted the orders of the acarya, and others deviated, independently concocting their own opinions under the spell of daivi maya. The opinion of the acarya is essential. Anyone who disregards his order is useless (asara-grahi) (Caitanya-Caritamrta Adi 12.8 - 10).
The useless followers of Advaita Acarya acted contrary
to the principles of Sri Caitanya and thus became cut off from his mercy.
6. 12
ihara madhye mali-pache kona saha-gana
na mane caitanya-mali durdaiva-karana
srjaila, jiyaila ta're na manila
krtaghna haila, ta're skandha ta're jala na sa-care
jalabhave krsa-sakha sukhaiya mare
After the disappearance of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who was the gardener of the tree of love of Godhead, some of the sub-branches of the Advaita branch, for unfortunate reasons, deviated from His path. Some branches did not accept the original trunk that vitalized and maintained the entire tree. When they thus became ungrateful, the original trunk was angry at them. Thus Lord Caitanya did not sprinkly upon them the water of his mercy, and they gradually withered and died.

Srinivasa Acarya and Srila Narotama das Thakura where contemporaries so why would Srila Narottama das Thakura have mentioned
Srinivasa Acarya ,who obviously did not bring Lord Caitanya to this world but Advaita Acarya Himself did so.
And at the end of Lord Caitanyas lilas,Srila Advaita Acarya also wrote a note to Lord Caitanya "that the marketplace is full of rice' in other words everyone by that time had gotten Lord Caitanys great mercy that was qualified and Lord Gauranga could now unwind His pastimes. Advaita acarya is also worshipped every day in Mayapure thus we sing:


doyā koro sītā-pati adwaita gosāi
tava kṛpā-bale pāi caitanya-nitāi
4) My dear Advaita Prabhu, husband of Sita, You are so kind. Please be merciful to me. If You are kind to me, naturally Lord Caitanya andNityananda will also be kind to me.

from PS Sri Krsna Caitanya Prabhu Doya Koro More

nistaritasesa-janai dayalui
premamritabdhau parimagna-cittam
caitanya-candradritam arccitai tam
advaita-candrai sirasa namami

is a prayer offered by Dhyanachandra Goswami in his paddhati and there is 2 gayatri mantras given also for daily remembering Srila Advaita Acarya.

Personally I do Nirjala fast for Sri Advaita acaryas apperanceday, or if I am not abel to, due to health problems I fast till evening(moonrise),Surely Advaita acarya deserves such fasting that will purifie us and help us get the mercy of Nitai Gaura
I pray this may please Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda Prabhu and Srila Advaita acarya, may They be kind and glance on us all with Their Divine mercy
your lowly servant
Payonidhi das

So just as I am embarresed by not getting the name of this mataji devotee with Srila Prabhupadas shoes right,how much more 1000 times should we be embarresed if we we misunderstood the first line to be Srinivasa Acarya when it is Srila Advaita Acarya,I pray the vaisnavas will forgive me to find this fault and pray I may become free from faults in service to Srila Prabhupada the vaisnavas and the PancaTattva and Sri Nama Prabhu

Views: 1008

Comment by Paramananda das on November 11, 2010 at 3:53am
Citralekha mataji was the name..
Comment by Paramananda das on November 13, 2010 at 8:54pm
Sri Advaitastaka

By Srila Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya

ganga-tire tat-payobhis tulasyah
patraih puspaih prema-hunkara-ghosaih
prakatyartham gauram aradhayad yah
sriladvaitacaryam etam prapadye

Let me offer my loving obeisances to Srila Advaita Acarya, who worshiped Sri Gaura with tulasi leaves, flowers, water, and loud calls of love at the shore of the Ganges and begged Him to appear.

yad-dhunkaraih prema-sindhor vikarair
akrstah san gaura-goloka-nathah
avirbhutah sri-navadvipa-madhye
sriladvaitacaryam etam prapadye

Let me take shelter of Srila Advaita Acarya. Attracted by his loud calls, the golden Lord of Goloka Vrindavana, who is an ocean of ecstatic love, appeared in Sri Navadvipa.

brahmadimam durlabha-prema-purair
adinam yah plavayam asa lokam
avirbhavya srila-caitanyacandram
sriladvaitacaryam etam prapadye

Let me surrender to Srila Advaita Acarya. He inspired the rising of the moon of Sri Caitanya, who inundated the world with pure love of Godhead, prema, which is even for Lord Brahma and the great demigods difficult to attain.

sri-caitanyah sarva-sakti-prapurno
yasyaivaja-matrato ’ntardarde ’pi
durvijeyam yasya karunya-krtyam
sriladvaitacaryam etam prapadye

Let me offer my loving obeisances to Srila Advaita Acarya, whose mercy is beyond understanding and by whose request alone all-powerful Sri Caitanya disappeared from this world.

srsti-sthity-antam vidhatum pravrtta
yasyamsamsah brahma-visnv-isvarakhyah
yenabhinnam tam maha-visnu-rupam
sriladvaitacaryam etam prapadye

Let me surrender to Srila Advaita Acarya, who is not different from the form of Maha-Vishnu and of whom Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva are a part, engaged in the creation, maintenance, and destruction of the worlds.

kasmimscid yah sruyate casrayatvat
sambhor ittham sambhavan-nama dhama
sarvaradhyam bhakti-matraika-sadhyam
sriladvaitacaryam etam prapadye

Let me offer my loving obeisances to Srila Advaita Acarya, who is worshiped by all and who is attained only by devotional service. It is heard in certain Vedic literature, that because he is Lord Siva’s shelter, he has a name and glory like Lord Siva.

sita-namni preyasi prema-purna
putro yasyapy acyutananda-nama
sriladvaitacaryam etam prapadye

Let me take shelter of Srila Advaita Acarya, who is filled with love for Sri Caitanya and whose beloved wife, Sitadevi, and son, Acyutananda, are also inundated with love.

nityanandadvaitato ’dvaita-nama
bhaktyakhyanad yah sad-acarya-nama
sriladvaitacaryam etam prapadye

Let me offer my loving obeisances to Srila Advaita Acarya, whose heart is Sri Gaura’s eternal playground, who is named Advaita because he is not different (dvaita) from Sri Nityananda and who is named Acarya because he teaches devotional service.

pratah pritah pratyaham sampathed yah
sitanathasyastakam suddha-buddhih
so ’yam samyak tasya padaravinde
vindan bhaktim tat-priyatvam prayati

Any person who happily and attentively recites every morning these eight prayers, glorifying Sri Advaita, the husband of Sitadevi, attains pure loving devotion for his lotus feet and becomes very dear to him
Comment by Paramananda das on November 14, 2010 at 12:36am

maha-vishno namo `stu te

sarva - all; dharma - religious principles; sthapakaya - to the establisher; sarva - all; adharma - irreligion; vinashine - to the destroyer; sarva - all; asura - the demons; vinashaya - to the destruction; maha-vishno - O Lord Maha-Vishnu; namah - obeisances; astu - may there be; te - unto You.

O Lord Maha-vishnu, O establisher of all the principles of religion, O destroyer of all the demons and of all irreligion, I offer respectful obeisances unto You.
Sananatana Goswami


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