Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Copra nama and offences to Sri Giriraja at ISKCON Potomac

 one young devotee came up to me at Govardhana puja at ISKCON Potomac and proudly told me she walked on Govardhana hill ,this is the kind of mentality that angers me, you should not be proud to step on Giriraja that is a great offence , how can some new bhaktin think she is a liberated soul and it is ok to step on Govardhana , it angers me that ISKCON management so often fail to train devotees properly
Copranama is when there is socalled Harinama done and pure vaisnavas are offended during this socalled Harinama , you think Krsna accepts such kind of Harinama? Stop your Copra Namas ,(refers to milk touched by the lips of a serpent) .The Harinama in Silver spring is Copra Nama as the leader of this mad party , Palaka  das offends many  pure vaisnavas like Aindra Prabhu and is a copra ,he also takes grains on every Janmastami though Sri Krsna has stated in Brahma Vaivarta Purana  that those who do so becomes copras in a black forest 
I am not brining my Govardhana sila again because devotees are not asked to pay obaisences to Sri Giriraja sila that is a huge offence and negates the whole worship of Sri Giriraja and understanding who He is .I urge ISKCON Potomac to stop encouraging offences to pure vaisnavas and Sri Giriraja 
Paramananda das

Views: 93

Comment by Paramananda das on December 22, 2015 at 8:30am

Buddha B Yoga center or any hatha yoga centers affiliated even in a small way with ISKCON or Gaudiya teachings in Washington DC does not represent Srila Prabhupada or ISKCON or our Gaudiya line in any shape or form , these socalled hatha yoga places do not follow 4 regs and chant minimum 16 rounds daily or read Srila Prabhupadas books , the DC Sonic kirtanas also are related with the mayavadi group Jivan Mukti and is not a bonanfide KC kirtana party ,ISKCON DC can support any nonsense they want but their rupper stamping anything does not make it KC.ISCKON DC is not a bona fide ISKCON temple , and filled with untrained neophytes of neophyte ISKCON Gurus not interested in distributing Srila Prabhupadas books


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