Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

 Aindra Prabhu in his book sometimes equate grhasthas and grhamedhis to be the same.This is not our philosophy
, grhamedhis have sex (illicit sex) even for not producing KC offspring, or having children.Yes the real test is if
the children becomes proper devotees,He is making this point in a heavy way.And I agree, actually no one in their
right state of KC mind should enter grhastha life.But as long as the principle of no illicit sex is observed there is no
harm .I was often criticizes as a brahmacari that why do you not marry a devotee girl take care of her and protect her.
This is most unfair way to treat a brahmacari.What to speak of when sannyasis and TP;s scheme to get one married to their 
"troubled females"."However when you hang around those with flies, you get them also".Thus I am suggesting Brhamacaries
should mostly not benefit in grhastha association and should be under the guidance of sannyasis or older brahamcaries only.
However in our own experience we have seen this also fails, and a brhamacari Prabhupada disciple left for more then 10 year
with no contact with devotees and no chanting or nothing fully in maya, now he came back and ran the show, he would 
go on Harinam but hated bookdistribution as it was to much surrender for him.( as it is for the mostunfortunatly).
However coming from a most fallen background most devotee males are better of being in the protected asrama of Grhastha life
if they can be strict.Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura the ideal grhastha, had many children but also suggested grhasthas
chant 64 rounds daily and become "sat grhasthas".Srila Prabhupada in a purport of the Gajendrapastimes in Srimad Bhagavatam
comments that one should stay in the asrama that makes one the strongest in KC.The point of course to go beyond varna and 
and serve Krsna as His eternal servant.
When I got married Bhurijana came up to me during mangal artik in Vrindavan and pointed at my white dress as a grhastha,
making fun of me ( maybe he should worry about himself to get out of family life and become asannyasi?)
so damned
if you get married and damnned if you do not.Who blames a TP that tries to to pressure you to marry some uncontrolled 
"mataji"..or who blames 2 sannyasis that schemes to get one married, but if their own female disciples have illicit sex
in the temple they do not discipline them...or their grhamedhi disciples, but brahmacaries that are not even their 
Yes Aindra Prabhu does not go easy on bookdistribution and I knew in advance I would
not like it.There is not any question of Vraja Bhakti unless one becomes advanced in KC, and there is not any question
of Vraja Bhakti unless one chants at least 64 rounds daily (this is the clear instruction of all ouracaryas, some devotees
ask did Srila Prabhupada chant 64 rounds, I am sure because his Gurumaharaja BhaktisiddhantaPrabhupada 
made no compromise on this and he insisted all his disciples do so.Srila Prabhupada also asked his disciples to chant 64 
rounds but they refused, so it became minimum 16.The goal of ISKCON is not to only send all KCchildren to only chant 
24 hours Kirtana in Vrindavan, as Aindra Prabhu is indirectly proposing.(actually I have seen 2, 24 hours kirtaniyas
 beat each other.So how much is kirtana and how much is KC advancment.KC advancement is not determined by ones service
but by our surrender to Srila Prabhupada, Lord Caitanya and the Divine Couple.The more we understand everything is for
 their pleasure the more we advance.
As for creating KC children, it is no garantie, how many of Srila Prabhupadas children became pure devotees?
All the children of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura may also not have become pure devotees.It is mentioned that some of 
the children of Sri Advaita Acarya (who is Lord MahaVisnu Himself) also became asat wheras the real sons such as Acytananda
where acaryas.How can we understand this? This is a lila of Mahavisnu..
Now are we to blame Srila Prabhupada and others that their family life is useless
because his children did not all become pure devotees ?Being born in a devotee family is a great blessing, and likely 
one can be liberated simply by such birth.
Just some thoughts while reading Aindra Prabhus book, it is cutting and very sharp and a very important book.
some will surely misunderstand it and I discussed this with Aindra Prabhu in February of this year 2010.He is never 
suggesting anyone not to use his books as an excuse not to distribute Srila Prabhupadas books, but there is more and that
is to realize ones eternal service to Radha Krsna...but never at the cost of bookdistribution .
Aindra chastised me for getting married, that was ok coming from him ,and Narayana Maharaja told me to take sannyasa
,so yes I am still "serving time", and am just avoiding the shackles of sex life Maithuna agara, sogrhastha life
and grhamedhi life is not the same, but since Aindra Prabhu never entered grhastha life he would not know the difference.
Well I have tried to train some brahmacaries recently to distribute Srila Prabhupadas books, but they where simply to lazy
and one of them was not even honest and would steal things.So yes if the Grhastha TP and GBC is proper KC, brahmacaries
can be under their care.But we have seen grhamedhi TP's that are so attached to their wife they where simply thinking
someone would steal their wife(as they where also stealing from money from temple,a thief thinks everyone is a thief), and 
when no one even would 
think in this way,
 so especailly when they start accusing
  strict brahmacaries they should be replaced.To be a grhastha in the west distributing SrilaPrabhupadas books is
better than hidding in Vrindavan because one is to weak to preach here.
Any how grhe takhe vane thako. the main thing is not asrama but KC advancement and constantly chanting Hare Krsna in all
asramas.Since lust is a very powerful contamination there is no other hope than constant chanting to control the senses.
Just putting sannyasa dress is not enough:this is the opinion of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada
And for those who plan to distribute Srila Prabhupadas books their whole life they have to get "married" to the holy name
amd 16 rounds is not enough, 64 rounds is Lord Caitanyas standards."Get a life or get a wife", getting a life means to chant
64 rounds without offences and distribute Srila Prabhupadas books.And for those who hide in the holy dham without chanting
one lakh, watch out do not stop preaching because you think you will get agitated by preaching...those who have life 
will preach...I could have asked Aindra Prabhu ,try to come live outside the temple for a year and still distribute Srila
Prabhupadas books,,and lets see if you can stay a be a sannaysi and brahmacarihiding in the temple without
book distribution is easy going life...what is your excuse for not distributing Srila Prabhupadasbooks?
Grhasthas that do not distribute Srila Prabhupadas books soon fall in to the category ofgrhamedhis..and simple will 
be looking for soft beds and money (Gold) See SB 5.18.8 and they will all fight for rooms ,power and postions.
To be a honest grhastha and distributing Srila Prabhupadas books is no shame....either in the temple or outside.
Better still an honest Brahmacari, varnaprastha or sannyasi distributing Srila Prabhupadas books
 Bhakti is not dependent on varna and asrama, bhakti is dependent on bhakti only
your servant
Payonidhi das

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