Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Can Danavir Swami train his neophyte disciples better?

I got attacked by an envious disciple of Danavir Swami:
Arya-siddhanta Dasa you're a devotee who has a cowardice side. Krsna will rectify you Prabhu. You're a good devotee. You can expect me to be letting all of the vaisnava's know the real truth about you. You cannot hide behind your facebook wall anymore.
  He is angry I encourage devotees to chant 64 rounds, it is to much medicine for him .
SO YOU HAVE TO INCREASE (THE CHANTING). THAT IS THE ONLY REMEDY. DETERMINATION TO CHANT 64 ROUNDS IS DRDHA-VRATAH. (CONCLUSION: IF THE MATERIAL FEVER IS NOT BEING DIMINISHED, CHANTING 64 ROUNDS IS THE ONLY REMEDY IN THE WORDS OF SRILA PRABHUPADA IN THE FOLLOWING MORNING WALK.) Morning Walk, May 14, 1975, Perth: Devotee (1): Shrila Prabhupada, how can the position be reconciled if in Krishna consciousness one of the two, the husband or the wife, wants to enjoy sense gratification, but the other does not? Should there be separation then? Prabhupada: No... They should be trained up. Sense enjoyment means not advanced in Krishna consciousness. As soon as one is advancing in Krishna consciousness, his sense enjoyment spirit will be reduced. That is the test. Bhaktih paresanubhavo viraktir anyatra ca . The test is, how you are advancing in Krishna consciousness is the proportionate diminishing of sense enjoyment. That is the test. Just like cure of the disease means diminishing the fever, temperature. This is the test. Devotee (1): What if that fever is not being diminished? Prabhupada: Then he should try to chant Hare Krishna mantra, instead of sixteen rounds, sixty-four rounds. That is the way. Sixteen round is the minimum. Otherwise Haridasa Thakura was 300,000. So you have to increase. That is the only remedy. If one has got determination, he will make progress without any trouble. That determination is very difficult, that determination, "I must be Krishna conscious fully." That determination. Drdha-vratah. TRY TO INCREASE (FROM 48 TO 64) BUT NEVER DECREASE YOUR CHANTING. IF YOU ARE ABLE TO CHANT MORE THAN 16 ROUNDS UP TO 64 IT IS VERY GOOD. Letter to: Indira (Iris Mendoza), Ekayani (Esther Mendoza), San Francisco, 17 December, 1967 "I am very glad to learn you are chanting 48 rounds. Actually it is all right that one should chant 64 rounds, even 16 rounds, so if one is able to chant more than 16 rounds up to 64, it is very good. You fix up your rounds. Try to increase it but never decrease it." {Note: Indira is fairly new devotee at that time.) VERY GOOD AND VERY NICE IF YOU CAN DO IT (CHANT 64 ROUNDS): Letter to: Hamsaduta, Hawaii, 23 March, 1969 "Yes, it is very good if you can chant 64 rounds; this is very nice if you can do it." PRABHUPADA PRESCRIBED 64 ROUNDS WHEN DEVOTEES WERE IN TROUBLE WITH THEIR SENSES: Letter to: Bhaktijana, Los Angeles, 12 February, 1968 "I shall advise you again to chant always, increasing the counting, namely, 16 rounds is generally prescribed, but for the time being you can stop all other activities and increase the chanting to 64 rounds."
Letter to: Indira (Iris Mendoza), Ekayani (Esther Mendoza), San Francisco, 17 December, 1967 "I am very glad to learn you are chanting 48 rounds. Actually it is all right that one should chant 64 rounds, even 16 rounds, so if one is able to chant more than 16 rounds up to 64, it is very good. You fix up your rounds. Try to increase it but never decrease it."
His attack is  an example my preaching is effective,otherwise why be so jealous and envious?Did Danavir Swami send this disciple to harrass me?If he has any issue with me he can contact me himself instead of sending some neophyte disciple and make vaisnava aparadha...
your servant
Paramananda das

Views: 191

Comment by Paramananda das on February 26, 2012 at 12:54am

last time when I was in New Orleans ,some disciples of Danavir Swami made a big fuzz and Ananta Gopal the TP asked them to leave the temple


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