Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Caitanya Bhagavata Antya lila chapter 6

This Caitanya Bhagavat is so important .Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada called it the most important vaisnava litterature. Antya lila Chapter 6 of Caitanya Bhagavat is an important chapter as it deals with vaisnava aparadha and some of the glories of Lord Nityananda Prabhu.HH Bhakti Pramoda Puri Maharaja wrote a wonderfull book called The heart of Krsna that deals with vaisnava tattva.
Anyone who reads this chapter is most blessed.Gaura tattva should be our life and soul.Srila Prabhodananda Sarasvati Thakura has written a wonderfull book called Caitanya Candramrta.Anyone who read this book will swim in love of Lord Caitanya
Without Gaura Katha life is empty like a dead corpse
your humble servant
Paramananda das

Sri Chaitanya Bhagavat

Antya Lila Chapter Six

All glory, all glory to Lord  GauraChandra and Lord Nityananda. All glory to all the Lord's associates. Lord  Nityananda continued His congregational chanting pastimes and experienced great  joy in the association of all His eternal associates and servitors. Lord  Nityananda performed His pastimes here in Nabadwip just like He had done in His  previous incarnation in Vrndavana. He attracted every living entity with amazing  simplicity to surrender atthe lotus feet of Lord Chaitanya.

Lord Nityananda was like the brilliant sun surrounded by His inspired and  enthusiastic devotees as they roamed all over Nabadwip performing kirtana. His  divine body was covered with ornaments and flower garlands. His lips were ruby  red from chewing betel and camphor. Seeing the activities of Lord Nityananda,  some experienced divine exhilaration, but there were others who became  suspicious.

A certain brahmana residing in Nabadwip and who had studied together with  Lord Chaitanya became suspicious of Lord Nityananda's behavior. The brahmana was  very attached to his devotion to Lord Chaitanya, but unfortunately he was  unaware of Lord Nityananda's transcendental potencies. One day the brahmana  decided to go to Nilacala, Puri, and stayed there immersed in sublime joy. Every  day, he visited Lord Chaitanya and felt a gradual increase in attraction for the  Lord. On one of his daily visits he suddenly felt the urge to ask the Lord some  questions in confidence.

The brahmana inquired, "O Lord, I have a request. If you allow me then I can  present it before You. If You consider me as one of Your servants, then I would  like to hear Your views on certain points. Lord Nityananda, the avadhuta, is now  in Nabadwip. I cannot understand His behavior. People say He is in the renounced  order of life, namely sannyasa, yet I see Him chewing betel and camphor all the  time. A sannyasi is not supposed to even touch certain things like gold, silver,  precious gems and so on, but I see Him decorating His body all over with  ornaments made from these substances. Instead of a saffron loin cloth He is  putting on flowing silk robes and using sandalwood and flower garlands.

Another of the Lord's quaintness is that He does not carry the sannyasa staff  but an iron rod. He is always seen in the company of sudras, persons coming from  lower castes. I could not see Lord Nityananda always acting strictly according  to the instructions of the scriptures, hence I am assailed with doubts about  Him. Many persons hail Him as a great personality, yet why does He not act in a  way befitting His position as a sannyasi? O Lord, please remember that I am just  Your menial servant. Please tell me what all this actually means."

The pious brahmana thus inquired submissively at an opportune moment from  Lord Chaitanya, and the Lord revealed to him the esoteric meanings of everything  without reservations. The Lord smiled gently at the brahmana's words and spoke  the following. He said, "Listen carefully, O brahmana. One who is very elevated  and a realized soul is free from all faults.

In the Srimad-Bhagavatm it is stated, `Those who are free from unwanted  desires such as attachment for things unconnected to Lord Krishna, Those who  have transcended the mundane vision of seeing only the material covering of the  soul, namely this gross body, and have risen to the platform of perceiving the  spiritual spark in every living entity, thus having attained equal vision, those  who have become elevated to the spiritual platform of seeing face to face the  Supreme Lord who is beyond the three modes of material nature, these great  souls, who are dedicated to Me, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, do not have  to enjoy or suffer the results of either pious or impious activities nor do they  have to act according to rules and regulations."

Lord Nityananda is absolutely pure. He is in this material world like the  lotus which is untouched by the water it stands in. O brahmana, know for certain  that Lord Krishna is eternally within Him. If any person tries to imitate Lord  Nityananda, then he will suffer terrible consequences and incur heavy sinful  reactions. If anyone other than Lord Siva tries to drink deadly poison, then he  will surely die. The scriptures carry sufficient examples to substantiate this  fact. In the Srimad-Bhaagvatam "No one should try to act in this manner, not  even in the mind. Just as if a person other than Lord Siva tries to drink the  deadly the deadly poison that came out of the ocean will certainly die,  similarly if due to foolishness someone tries to imitate the pastimes of the  Supreme Lord he will surely be destroyed.' `O King, the fire is all-consuming,  yet it remains unaffected and uncontami- nated by any sin or dirt, similarly a  very powerful and potent personality should not be condemned for transgressing religious laws or staring lustily at a woman.' Therefore if anyone criticizes  Lord Nityananda's activities, then he will have to suffer for his own mistakes  severe reactions life after life. Even if a very elevated soul acts in a  derogatory manner, if he is criticized, nay even ridiculed, then he is surely  doomed. All these conclusions one can learn from the Srimad-Bhagavatm, but only  if it is explained by a pure Vaishnava. Listen attentively what the Srimad  Bhagavatm has to say about the person who laughed and ridiculed a great  personality.

Lord Krishna and Lord Balarama were staying and studying in the house of  Their guru. After completing Their education They wanted to return home, so They  inquired from the guru what They could offer him as a daksina or donation. The  guru consulted his wife and said to Them that he and his wife would like to have  their dead son brought back to life. Lord Krishna and Lord Balarama immediately  went to see Yamaraja, the lord of death. On request from Them all the  formalities were concluded and the son was brought back alive to Their guru.

When Mother Devaki heard about this wonderful happening, she also wanted her  dead sons back. So one day she approached Lord Krishna and Lord Balarama and  begged them saying, `O please listen to me, Krishna, Balarama. You are the Lords  of the mystics. You are both the original Lords, eternal and absolutely pure.  You are the father of this universe. I know You are the cause of all causes.  Creation, maintenance and annihilation of this universe are carried out by the  partial expansion of Your expansions. Yet in spite of these potencies, You both  have appeared in this world as my sons only to alleviate the suffering of this  world.

`Just as You have brought back Your guru's son from the abode of Yamaraja as  a parting donation to Your guru and his wife, similarly I also yearn to see all  my six sons the mean Kamsa mercilessly murdered. The guru's son had long been  dead, and yet You brought him back to life by Your mystical potencies. Then  kindly satiate my thirst to see my sons and bring them back to life.' As son as  they heard their mother's wish, They immediately preceded to Bali Maharaja's  palace. When Bali Maharaja saw that the visitors were his most worshipable  Lordships, Lord Krishna and Lord Balarama, he felt a surge of spiritual bliss in  his heart. He surrendered all he possessed, his wealth, wife and children, and  himself at their Lordship's lotus feet. The ecstasy of love of Godhead was  building up inside him. Horripilation appeared all over his body and he began to  shed tears of divine bliss. He fell at Their feet, and clutching them to his  heart, he offered prayers to Them.

Bali Maharaja prayed, `All glories to Lord Ananta, who has appeared as Lord  Sankarsana, and all glory to Lord Krishna, the crest jewel of Gokula. O Lord  Balarama, Haladhara, You are the best friend and leader of all the young cowherd  boys. And Lord Krishna is the most precious treasure of His surrendered  devotees. O Lord, both of You are rarely to be seen even by great purified sages  who are on the transcendental platform. Yet, my Lord, You are so magnanimous  that You have appeared before me, a demon steeped in dark ignorance. Therefore,  as is described in the Vedic literature, You have no friends or enemies, and  this I am witnessing at this very moment. The one who came to murder You by  making You suck her poisoned breast got liberation to the Vaikuntha planets  after being killed by You. Hence it is difficult to understand Your heart. Even  the Vedas and the great mystic yogis have failed to do so.

Your illusory potency is so unfathomable that masters of mysticism fail to  grapple with it. Then how can a sinful demon ever understand it? O Lord of the  universe, my only prayer is that You do not cast me down to the dark well of  material existence. I fall at Your lotus feet. Please just let me live under a  tree and pass my days in peace. Kindly count me amongst Your servitors and give  me their association, that I may never desire for anything else.' Bali Maharaja  prayed in this manner at Lord Krishna's and Lord Balarama's lotus feet.

Gangadevi or Bhagirathi springing from Lord Narayana's lotus feet purifies  the abodes of Lord Siva, Lord Brahma and so on as she flows through them. Now  Bali Maharaja and his family having washed Their Lordships lotus feet were  drinking and sprinkling over their heads that same sacred water of Ganga. Bali  Maharaja then worshiped Their Lordships offering Them incense, perfumed oils,  flowers, camphor and ghee lamps, clothing and beautiful ornaments. He then  prayed to the Lords, `O Lord, kindly instruct me if You consider me Your  servant. Whoever follows Your instructions easily transcends all rules and  regulations.' Bali Maharaja's words pleased Their Lordships and now They  attended to the business at hand.

The Lord said, `Dear Sir Bali, please hear Our reason for coming here. My  mother's six sons were murdered by the wicked Kamsa. Later he was killed as a  reaction to this grievous sin. Mother Devaki is greatly afflicted by this  calamity and whenever she remembers this she cries piteously. You have these six  boys with you, so I have come to take them to please my mother. All six of them  were Brahma's grandsons and they were perfected beings. I will relate to you how  they landed themselves in this distressful situation. Previously they were Lord  Brahma's son, Marici's, six sons.

Once very surprisingly Brahma was struck by Cupid's arrow. Blinded with lust  he chased his own daughter. The six young boys began to smirk and laugh seeing  this scene, and this caused them to fall down instantly from their godly  positions. Because they had ridiculed a great personality, they had to take  birth in the family of the vicious demon, Hiranyakasipu, who had avowed to live  by the sword and put everyone into subjugation. During the fight between the  demigods and the demons, Indra vanquished these six with his powerful  thunderbolt weapon. They died after much torment. Yogamaya then arranged for  them one by one to be born as Mother Devaki's sons. In this life they also  suffered greatly from birth. Even while mere infants they were murdered by their  own maternal uncle, Kamsa. Mother Devaki, of course, is unaware of these hidden  facts. She considers them to be her sons. I want to return them to my mother,  Devaki, hence My presence here. When they drink Mother Devaki's breast milk,  they will be instantaneously acquitted of all their previous sins.

`Take heed, O Bali Maharaja, The consequences of ridiculing a devotee of the  Lord are very severe. Even perfected yogis suffer heavily if they disrespect a  Vaishnava, what to mention about lesser humans. A Vaishnava offender has to pay  a heavy price life after life. I am delving on this subject for your benefit so  you may learn from this and never insult a Vaishnava. If a person worships Me  and chants My name, but offends a Vaishnava, he has to suffer severe setbacks in  his devotional life. And as for those who love and respect My devotees, I make  Myself easily available to them.' In the scriptures it says, `There may exist  some doubt about the success in attaining perfection by serving the SUpreme  Personality of Godhead, but there is no doubt whatsoever in achieving perfection  by serving the pure devotees of the Supreme Lord'(Varaha Purana). Further, in  another place it states, `Those who only worship Lord Govinda, Krishna, but do  not worship and serve the Lord's devotees, are highly insolent. They never  receive the Lord's blessings.' Dear Bali, you are dear to Me and you are My  servitor, hence I have revealed these esoteric meanings of the scriptures to  you."

Bali Maharaja felt divine exhilaration from hearing the Lord's instructions.  He acted on that moment and brought the six sons and offered them as gifts to  the Lord. Lord Balarama and Lord Krishna escorted the six boys to Their mother,  Devaki. Mother Devaki was overwhelmed with joy and love seeing her six dead sons  now before her. Her breast milk flowed out of affection and she suckled the six  sons. When these six boys sucked Mother Devaki's breast milk, they were in fact  taking the remnants of the Supreme Lord. This gave them instant realization of  the truth. They fell flat on the ground like sticks offering obeisances to the  Supreme Lord and everyone else. The Lord looked kindly upon them and started  instructing them. He said, `Now you may return to the heavenly abodes of the  demigods, your actual residence. But remember never to ridicule or laugh at a  great spiritual personality. Lord Brahma is an expansion of the Supreme Lord,  hence is to receive equal respect as the Supreme Lord. He is not to be condemned  even if found doing wrong. You have already suffered severe consequences by  deriding him, so in the future beware of such mistakes. Now you must go and beg  for- giveness from Lord Brahma, then only will you feel cleansed and blissful.'  So. my dear brahmana, I have related to you these topics from the Srimad  Bhagavatm so that you may give up your suspicions about Lord Nityananda. Lord  Nityananda is in the highest transcendence. Persons with little knowledge and  piety cannot comprehend His position. And if any person becomes attracted to Him  because of the miracles He performs from time to time, then also he will attain  liberation. Lord Nityananda has advented only to liberate the fallen conditioned  souls. They will be actually liberated because of His causeless mercy.

Lord Nityananda's behavior is beyond the jurisdiction of any rules and  regula- tions. Who has the capacity to understand His mind? Without properly  gauging His extraordinary and supramundane character, if anyone criticizes Him  though he may be serving the Supreme Lord still he will lose all his devotion.  So you must immediately leave for Nabadwip and make everyone there understand  these esoteric facts about Lord Nityananda. If by any chance someone criticizes  Him, then no one can save him from his imminent doom. On the other hand,  whosoever loves and respects Him is true in his devotion to Me. This I confirm  firmly. If Lord Nityananda marries a Muslim girl or enters the drinking house,  His lotus feet are still most worshipable, even for Lord Brahma."

Lord Chaitanya's potent words acted effectively in the brahmana's heart. He  became blissful and his faith and love for Lord Nityananda increased tremend-  ously. The brahmana came to Nabadwip. The first thing on arrival he went to meet  Lord Nityananda. The brahmana honestly admitted his offenses to the Lord. The  Lord in turn heard him patiently and then graced him with His causeless mercy.

Lord Nityananda's activities and character are the most confidential topics  in the Vedas. They are inscrutable by human norms. He is the supreme mystic who  is also known as the original Supreme Lord, Ananta, holding up the entire  material creation on one of His thousand hoods. His body is absolute and  transcendental. Without Lord Chaitanya's mercy it is impossible to fully  understand Him.

Different people know Lord Nityananda in different ways. Some say He is  exact- ly like Lord Balarama. Another says He if the foremost and dearest of  Lord Chaitanya's devotees. Again someone says He is supremely potent, an  expansion of the omnipotent Lord. Many persons honestly admit that they cannot  fathom His character. In this manner people freely air their opinions about the  Lord. Whatever the people might say about Lord Chaitanya or Lord Nityananda, may  Their lotus feet be permanently imprinted in my heart. I pray at everyone's feet  to invoke their blessings that birth after birth I can remain the Lord's servant  and He my eternal master. This is my only desire.

After hearing all this about Lord Nityananda,s boundless mercy, if anyone is  so degraded and sinful as to still criticize the lord, then I firmly kick him on  his head. Lord Chaitanya is the Lord of my Lord and master, Lord Nityananda.  This fact gives me great hope and strength. Will I ever be bless to see my Lord  Nityananda and Lord Chaitanya sitting on a throne surrounded by all Their  servitor associates? All glory to Lord Chaitanya. O Lord Gauranga, kindly bless  me so that I may have Lord Nityananda's shelter.

Along with this plea I further pray that even after gaining Lord Nityananda's  association I may never forget Your lotus feet.

Wherever You and Lord Nityananda appear as incarnations,there I want to be  eligible to be Your eternal servitor.

Lord Sri Krishna Chaitanya and Lord Nityananda Prabu are my life and soul. I,  Vrndavana dasa, humbly offer this song at Their lotus feet.

Sri Chaitanya Bhagavat

Adi Lila

Chapters:   1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6  |  7  |  8  |  9  |  10  |  11  |  12  |  13  |  14  |  15  |  16  |  17

Madhya Lila

Chapters:   1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6  |  7  |  8  |  9  |  10  |  11  |  12  |  13  |  14  |  15  |  16  |  17

Antya Lila

Chapters:   1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6

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