Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

"Butter Alankaram" or "Sandesh Alankaram" and proper fasting on Narasimha Caturdasi

Gaura Kesava send some links that at least one Narasimha deity in South India is covered in butter, obviously this has to be
freshly churned butter.In Simhacalam near Visakhapatnam, the Varaha Narasimha Deity of Prahlada Maharaja is never covered by this "Butter Alankara"
nor is it a practice in Ahovalam.Wether it can be substituted by sandesh is another story. I was told by Amara das that the sandesh is not offered
on Narasimha Caturdasi but on another day .
I wrote Gaura Kesava :I did not google Hanuman I went to the link you gave me
/perumal.htm there Hanuman is dressed in Vadas and fruits and butter, but no Visnu murti, regardless of these rituals that may or may not please Lord Narasima, do not brake anyones fast on Narasimha Caturdasi( actually I like the Butter Alankara for Lord Narasimha if it is fresh churned butter from Krishnas cows, and smeared over Lord Narasimha as in my meditation I see Nanda Maharaja doing on Narasimha Caturdasi in his worship of Lord Narasimha in Nandagrama, say even you put sandesh I agree maybe not so bad, but then only give this prasadam to kids under 8 (or other kids unabel to fast) for grown up devotees the fast is to minimum dusk, sadly you made this discussion into a false ego confrontation, when it as really a very simple but important one

The worst part is they serve the" Sandesh-kavacha" Gaura Kesava calls it during the day, thus braking everyones fast on Narasimha Caturdasi,which is another rascaldom, even if they wanted to do butter Alankaram (butter outfit) it is not this is an excuse to enjoy the tongue....,thus Gaura Kesava and others have introduced something very devious.Based on sensegratification.BathingLord Narasimha in fruitsalads, juices , or whatever done has to be based on sastra not on speculative sentiment.In Our Gaudiya line we follow Hari Bhakti Vilasa, we are in the line of Sri Rupa and Sanatana Goswami not in Gaura Kesava das mental speculations.

smearing Sandesh on Lord Narasimha or offering him a sandesh alankara
is a fanciful speculation by neophytes that do not distribute Srila Prabhupadas books and chant 64 rounds daily.There is butter alankara. done in some temples as shown by Gaura Kesava das, in South India,In Simhacalam Lord Varaha Narasimha is never covered with butter only with Chandan ,so our ISKCON temple in Germany better follow this example than offer a sandesh Alankara, that is never done in Simhacalam in South India, in our Gaudiya vaisnava line we worship Lord Narasimha with Pancamrta and not all those(useless) rituals and spend time in chanting Hare Krishna, and Lord Narasimhas holy names,to remove obstacles to we can chant minimum 64 rounds daily and distribute Srila Prabhupada's books, those who have no interest in Vraja Bhakti, and chanting 64 rounds daily and distributing Srila Prabhupadas books and doing Harinama can never be my friends...they are neophytes we take pity on,and pray for their spiritual advancement so they can become fortunate

(obviously I lost my patience here and was being very honest)

Lord Narasimha addressing Prahlada Maharaja:( this is quoted in Haribhakti Vilasa by Srila Sanatana Goswami and is from the Narasimha Purana )

Text 449
kiïca tatraiva vrata vidhi kathane
(In connection with the description of this
vow in that same Puräëa, this verse is found)
yathä yathä pravåttih syät
pätakasya kalau yuge
tathä tathä vidhäsyanti
madvrataà viralaà jaëäù
The more that sinful activities increase in Kali-yuga, the less people will observe this supreme vow of Mine.
Text 450
madvratasya vidhänena
matirna syäd durätmanäm
sadä päpa ratänäntu
puruñäëäà vikarmmaëi
Sinful-minded people have no interest in observing this vow of Mine. Those who are simply attached to sinful activities only engage in impious acts.
Text 451
vicäryyaivaà prakarttavyaà
mädhave mäsi madvratam
präpte bhüta dine vatsa
sarvva kalmaña näçanam
After considering all these facts, you should observe this vow, which occurs in the month of Vaisäkha. O child Prahläda, when the auspicious day ofCaturdasi arrives, you should observe this vow, which destroys all sinful reactions.
Text 452
yenaiva kriyamäëena
sahasra dvädaçé phalam
jäyate na måñä vacni
mänuñäëäà mahätmanäm
By observing a single vow of Narasimha Caturdasi, one obtains the merit of observing one thousand Dvädasi vratas. This is a fact and do not think that this statement is an exaggeration.
Text 453
tadante ca (At the end of their conversation, this verse appears)
ya idaà çrëuyäd bhaktyä
vrataà päpa pranäçanam
tasya çravaëamätreëa
brahma hatyäà vyapohati
One who hears this description of this vow, which destroys all sins, will immediately become relieved from the sin of killing a brähmaëa.
Text 454
pavitraà paramaà guhyaà
kérttayed yastu mänavaù
sarvvän kämän aväpnoti
vratasyäsya phalaà labhet
One who glorifies the discussion of this most confidential and sacred vow will obtains the merit of observing this vow and as such, all of his desires will be fulfilled.
then Amara das responded stronglyAmara Prabhu Dasan I think you going over the bridge with your balspheming G.Keshava with all that- but i have done the outfit with some other pujaris, and im happy with the reciprocation in general devotees showed for this outfit.It is not a useless ritual, as you might call it, as it comes in the prayogas of pancaratra scriptures.Then you have NOT been there for the N.Caturdasi, so you making a political story out of no reason. Beside Butter outfit was done the next days followed the actual appearance day of the Lord, so no problem. But why you think "enjoying seperate from Lord" is the reason of all that, and accusing pujaris who dedicate their self to be neophyte and rascaldom???
Beside Haribhaktivilas is not a practical manual "how to do" book, but a reference book of proofing the worship of Krsna to be supreme.
Your standpoint is not sober but fanaticstandpoints are difficult to handle in any kind of religion, so i wish you a broader view for the future.

My response:

Ok lets accept the the" Butter alankara: is bonafide, how then can it be substituted by Sandesh based on what Authority?And secondly how can this sandesh be served before braking the fast on Narasimha Caturdasi?
And what sastric reference is there for" banana alankara"?

Amara Prabhu Dasan you did not read properly... it was served out days after N. Caturdasi!!!

Amara Prabhu Dasan ‎9 fruits are to be used in abhisheka, banana is part of it...!

Payonidhi Das Das ok you are offering the day after, then I apologize ,however your statement about Hari Bhakti Vilasa not being practical , is very objectional, it is most practical in all sense, have you studied Hari Bhakti
Vilasa ? Most who talk about Haribhakti Vilasa has never read it.And are making many offences at the lotusfeet of Sanatana Goswami by misunderstanding it, I am not saying you are but in what sense is it not practical to you /Srila Prabupada has stated when Krsna Balarama was opened he liked to see the installation done fully according to Hari Bhakti Vilasa, it did not happen as Srila Prabupada could not find any Gaudiya vaisnavas to do so..

Payonidhi Das Das Amara you wrote : you did not read properly... it was served out days after N. Caturdasi!!!
Then again as I said before I strongly apologize.But why place bananas on Lord Narasimhadevas body, you misread that I did not talk about that but in smearing Bananas on Lord Narasimhadevs body? Did you do this in the past or not ? And if so why? I recall seeing that..
Payonidhi Das Das But Vaidyanath Prabu wrote me yesterday the sandesh is served on Narasimha Caturdasi itself during the day and you have explained it does not brake the fast?

Amara Prabhu Dasan yes studied it, as i have few versions of it here... in few occasions it gives guidelines on vratas (like Narasimhacaturdasi vrata, Shivavrata, karthik etc.) and on pranapatishta a general rule, but what the point was here it is not a manual for how to do things with the mula/bijakshara mantras in the pranapatistha, nitya seva puja etc. which one has to refer to certain manuals like satkriyakaradipika or a very simple way of puja,gaudiya matham doing today.

Payonidhi Das Das But Vaidyanath Prabu wrote me yesterday the sandesh is served on Narasimha Caturdasi itself during the day and you have explained it does not brake the fast?Kindly explain if you serve the sandesh on Nararsimha Caturdasi or the day after? Why use Sandesh instead of freshly churned butter?And is Bananas also placed on Lord Narasimhadevas body, and if so, please explain why, and based on what authority?

Amara Prabhu Dasan I dont know how vaidyanath prabhu comes on the idea that we served out Sandesh/butter from the Lord on the actual day of caturdasi, when we had the dress 3 days later?

Payonidhi Das Das Vaidyanath Prabu wrote me11:51amErlend
And from that time on he only has fruit and Sandesh on His body, also sandalwood and dried fruit.

After the things are taken off His body, the devotees eat them.

On His appearance day, all the bananas and fruit are thrown down the altar, and the devotees eat them although it is a fasting day.
Can he not just glance over the prasad he does not need to touch it
It is not considered breaking the fast.11:53amErlend
It is not considered breaking the fast.
of course it is braking the fast
again all nonsens speculations
Not during the festivals in Simhachalam.
Ask Amara.
well this is their version not based on Haribhakti Vilasa or Narasimha Purana

Payonidhi Das Das and you do not throw down prasadam for devotees to take during Narasimha Caturdasi?

Amara Prabhu Dasan ok i guess we mixing up two things here... first of all the abhisheka with 108 substances to be bathed (giving a similuar prayoga in krsnajanamastamividhi by Rupa goswami), there we DONT use sandesh to be smeared or offered etc... i guess he miss understood some of the items to be sandesh... but that is not the fact... yes bananas are there to be sticked or made into juice to be bathed with, as banana is one of the sacred fruit and should be there always. Yes sometimes some fuirtgarlands fly out from the altar in the middle of the abhisheka and im not very found of that - by the way (because of suchi and asaucha). But as many guests come and bathe the Lord it has became a show*. and i admit that i dont interfere and i let it go... in general Narasimha Caturdasi is the day for me to fast full, and i guess i told to Vaidyanatha Prabhu only in a joke, because anybody who wants to fast will fast, doesnt matter what a insignificant person like me says.

Payonidhi Das Das I humbly suggest Prabhu that you stop the throwing of these Maha fruit garlands and save them for the ecstatic ekadasi feast.I hope the feast is still an ekadasi feast, as taking grains on Narasimha caturdasi is highly inauspiscious.And you should know there is nothing political in my approach it is simply a desire to see Lord Narasimha worshipped in the best way possible, as He deserves this and nothing less.
Another question is I can understand if there is banana puree but why
place the bananas on Lord Narasimhadevas body?
regarding the Krsna Janmastami Vidhi I do not understand why some temples do not use all the herbs listed, do you have all these ingredients at Simhacalam in Germany and use them? Regarding the Krsnajanma viddhi Srila Rupa Goswami has also stated to do 24 hours fasting, it seems in my humble opinion this should not be left out also if we are trying to do this Krsnajanma viddhi properly

(actually Amara Prabhu confirms that Lord Narasimha is pasted with Bananas ,I still like to know WHY? I saw the pictures with Hanuman being plastered with all kinds of fruit and Vada garlands etc,from The link Gaura Kesava send me,there also Hanuman is offered huge Tulsi Garlands that is only meant for Visnutattva so therefore I am strongly questioning this whole practise.

Payonidhi Das Das and it sounds like Vaidyanath Prabu took your statement as sastra when it really is not, you should encourage him and other devotees to do nirjala fasting kindly and no confuse anyone in this matter
Text 416
kéïca (It is also said)
vijïäya maddinaà yastu
laìghayet sa tu päpabhäk
evaà jïätvä prakarttavyaà
maddine vratam uttamam
anyathä narakaà yäti
yävac candra diväkarau
One who purposely transgresses this vow incurs sin. Knowing this, one should observe this supreme vow otherwise, he will continue to rot in hell for as long as the sun and the moon rise in the sky.
(Lord Narasimha from Narasimha Purana to Prahlada Maharaja about Narasimha Caturdasi)

atha narasiàha caturddaçé vratanityatä
(Çré Narasiàha Caturdaçé vrata is eternal)
våhannärasiàhapuräëe çré bhagavan nåsiàha prahläda saàväde vrata vidhikathane
(In a conversation between Lord Nåsiàhadeva and Prahläda
that is found in the Båhan Nåsiàha Puräëa it is said)
varñe varñe tu karttavyaà
mama saàtuñöi käraëam
mahäguhyam idaà çreñöhaà
mänavair bhava bhérubhiù
For My pleasure, every year, one should observe the vow of Caturdasi. Those who are very fearful of material existence should certainly observe this most confidential and excellent vow.

Text 441
ya idaà mad vratägrayantu
pravidhäsyanti mänaväù
na teñäà punarävåttiù
kalpa koöi çatair api
Those who observe this supreme vow in relation to Me will never return to this material existence, even in hundreds and millions of kalpas.

nåharer avatärättäà
yatnataù samupoñayet
mahäpuëya tamäyäïca
säyaà viñëuà prapüjayet
Because Lord Nårasimhadeva incarnated on this auspicious Caturdasi, one should carefully observe fasting and then worship Lord Visnu in the evening.
( in most ISKCON temples the fast is broken with ekadasi prasadam ,taking grains destroys the fast, the best is to wait untill next day and do full Nirjala fast as recommended by Lord Narasimhadeva Himself;) the Janmaviddhi abhisskam is recommended for Janmastami ,but in this part of Narasimha purana it is being suggested to worship Lord Narasimha in a different way by Lord Narasimha Himself.So better to follow that is my humble suggestion.
Again this I have posted here ,sorry about the lack of fonts, I also humbly suggest this conversation between Prahlada and Lord Narasimhadeva be read and discussed on Narasimha Caturdasi.
Lord Narasimhadev has stated:
Text 451
vicäryyaivaà prakarttavyaà
mädhave mäsi madvratam
präpte bhüta dine vatsa
sarvva kalmaña näçanam
After considering all these facts, you should observe this vow, which occurs in the month of Vaisäkha. O child Prahläda, when the auspicious day ofCaturdasi arrives, you should observe this vow, which destroys all sinful reactions.
Text 452
yenaiva kriyamäëena
sahasra dvädaçé phalam
jäyate na måñä vacni
mänuñäëäà mahätmanäm
By observing a single vow of Narasimha Caturdasi, one obtains the merit of observing one thousand Dvädasi vratas. This is a fact and do not think that this statement is an exaggeration.
Text 453
tadante ca (At the end of their conversation, this verse appears)
ya idaà çrëuyäd bhaktyä
vrataà päpa pranäçanam
tasya çravaëamätreëa
brahma hatyäà vyapohati
One who hears this description of this vow, which destroys all sins, will immediately become relieved from the sin of killing a brähmaëa.
Text 454
pavitraà paramaà guhyaà
kérttayed yastu mänavaù
sarvvän kämän aväpnoti
vratasyäsya phalaà labhet
One who glorifies the discussion of this most confidential and sacred vow will obtains the merit of observing this vow and as such, all of his desires will be fulfilled.

Even by discussing this vow or Narasimha Caturdasi we also please Lord Narasimha, and by strictly following it.
May Lord Narasimhadeva bless us all to attain pure Vraja Bhakti
your servant
 Paramananda das
PS Conclusion no prasadam should be served during the day, if this Sandesh Alankara is to be offered where is such flexability allowed in sastra and why not offer Butter alankara that is only freshly churned butter (or not at all) ? And should prasadam be given to devotees before braking the fast(a very bad idea)?In USA many temples serve grains on Narasimha Caturdasi I avoid them on that day, as it is against Lord Narasimhadevs instruction.

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