Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Bimba fruits, as in Vilapa Kusumanjali's first verse.

Bimba fruits, as in Vilapa Kusumanjali's first verse.
Photo: Bimba fruits, as in Vilapa Kusumanjali's first verse.
Did you know the bimba fruits? We sing: “O Lord, the cheeks of Your blackish lotus face, which is encircled by locks of curling hair, have become reddened like bimba fruits due to Mother Yasoda’s kisses. What more can I describe than this? Millions...
  • Paramananda Das Home à Song Lyrics à S Song Name: Subala Sakhadhara Pallava
    Official Name: Sri Sri Grantha Kartuh Prarthana
    Author: Raghunatha Dasa Goswami
    Book Name: Stavavali
    Language: Sanskrit

    kāñcana citrāḿ pikīḿ vande

    phala-rasa-pānotkam adbhutaḿ bhramaram
    pīta-dukūlaḿ ciraḿ naumi

    jitaḥ sudhāḿśur yaśasā mameti
    garvaḿ mūḍha mā bata goṣṭha-vīra
    jigāya tātaḿ prasabhaḿ yato 'sya

    kuñje kuñje paśupa-vanitā-vāhinībhiḥ samastāt
    svairaḿ kṛṣṇaḥ kusuma-dhanuṣo rājya-carcāḿ karotu
    etat prārthyaḿ sakhi mama yathā citta-hārī sa dhūrto
    baddhaḿ cetas tyajati kim u vā prāṇa-moṣāḿ karoti

    1) I offer my respectful obeisances to a certain wonderful cuckoo, whose splendor defeats the shining of gold, and who is very greedy to taste the charming sweetness of the honey trickling from the budding twigs of the lips of Subala's friend Krsna.

    2) I eternally praise the wonderful black bee that, wearing yellow garments and a peacock feather crown, yearns to taste the nectar of the bimba fruits of Sri Radha's lips. 

    3) O foolish hero of Vraja, do not be proud, thinking "My glory has defeated the moon." After all, the flood of tears flowing from the eyes of the wives of Your enemies has defeated the ocean that is the moon's father. 

    4) Let independent Krsna with His band of gopis explore the kingdom of the god of love in every forest grove! Friend, even if the highwayman Krsna robs and binds my heart and even if He kills me, my only request is that He not leave my heart.
    9 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Paramananda Das vṛṣaravijādharābimbī- phala-rasa-pānotkam adbhutaḿ bhramaram
    pīta-dukūlaḿ ciraḿ naumi
    9 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Paramananda Das 2) I eternally praise the wonderful black bee that, wearing yellow garments and a peacock feather crown, yearns to taste the nectar of the bimba fruits of Sri Radha's lips.
    9 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Paramananda Das
    Featuring lectures, essays, and books on the science and cultivation of pure Bhakti by Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja.
  • Paramananda Das In the first vers of Vilapsa Kusmanjali Srila Raghunath das Goswami explains something very confidential ,how Srila Rupa Manjaris lips that are like bimba fruits have been bitten by Sri Krsna
  • Paramananda Das Srila Gurudeva Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja has explaiend these things as only an acarya ca explain such things
  • Paramananda Das In the Damodarastakm we also find Krsnas lips being compared to the Bimba fruit: idam te mukhāmbhojam atyanta-nīlair
    vṛtam kuntalaiḥ snigdha-raktaiś ca gopyā

    muhuś cumbitam bimba-raktādharam me

    manasy āvirāstām alam lakṣa-lābhaiḥ
  • Paramananda Das 5) O Lord, the cheeks of Your blackish lotus face, which is encircled by locks of curling hair, have become reddened like bimba fruits due to Mother Yasoda's kisses. What more can I describe than this? Millions of opulences are of no use to me, but may this vision constantly remain in my mind.
  • Paramananda Das this sweet vers explains how mother Yasoda keeps kissing BalaGopals lips and they appear like reddish Bimba fruits
  • Paramananda Das this vers glorifies Lord Ananta having Bimba colored lips also
    Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 3 Chapter 8 Verse 27
  • Paramananda Das though in the translation it does not come out

Views: 2745

Comment by Paramananda das on July 21, 2013 at 10:23pm
  • Paramananda Das though in the translation it does not come out
  • Paramananda Das mukhena lokārti-hara-smitena parisphurat-kuṇḍala-maṇḍitena
    pratyarhayantaḿ sunasena subhrvā

    mukhena — by a gesture of the face; loka-ārti-hara — vanquisher of the distress of the devotees; smitena — by smiling; parisphurat — dazzling; kuṇḍala — earrings; maṇḍitena — decorated with; śoṇāyitena — acknowledging; adhara — of His lips; bimba — reflection; bhāsā — rays; pratyarhayantam — reciprocating; su-nasena — by His pleasing nose; su-bhrvā — and pleasing eyebrows.

    He also acknowledged the service of the devotees and vanquished their distress by His beautiful smile. The reflection of His face, decorated with earrings, was so pleasing because it dazzled with the rays from His lips and the beauty of His nose and eyebrows.

    Devotional service to the Lord is very much obliging to Him. There are many transcendentalists in different fields of spiritual activities, but devotional service to the Lord is unique. Devotees do not ask anything from the Lord in exchange for their service. Even the most desirable liberation is refused by devotees, although offered by the Lord. Thus the Lord becomes a kind of debtor to the devotees, and He can only try to repay the devotees, service with His ever-enchanting smile. The devotees are ever satisfied by the smiling face of the Lord, and they become enlivened. And by seeing the devotees so enlivened, the Lord Himself is further satisfied. So there is continuous transcendental competition between the Lord and His devotees by such reciprocation of service and acknowledgement.
  • Paramananda Das this is in the original books: TEXT 27


    mukhena lokarti-hara-smitena



    pratyarhayantam sunasena subhrva


    mukhena--by a gesture of the face; loka-arti-hara--vanquisher of the distress of the devotees; smitena--by smiling; parisphurat--dazzling; kundala--earrings; manditena--decorated with; sonayitena--acknowledging; adhara--of His lips; bimba--reflection; bhasa--rays; pratyarhayantam--reciprocating; su-nasena--by His pleasing nose; su-bhrva--and pleasing eyebrows.


    He also acknowledged the service of the devotees and vanquished their distress by His beautiful smile. The reflection of His face, decorated with earrings, was so pleasing because it dazzled with the rays from His lips and the beauty of His nose and eyebrows.


    Devotional service to the Lord is very much obliging to Him. There are many transcendentalists in different fields of spiritual activities, but devotional service to the Lord is unique. Devotees do not ask anything from the Lord in exchange for their service. Even the most desirable liberation is refused by devotees, although offered by the Lord. Thus the Lord becomes a kind of debtor to the devotees, and He can only try to repay the devotees, service with His ever-enchanting smile. The devotees are ever satisfied by the smiling face of the Lord, and they become enlivened. And by seeing the devotees so enlivened, the Lord Himself is further satisfied. So there is continuous transcendental competition between the Lord and His devotees by such reciprocation of service and acknowledgment.
Comment by Paramananda das on July 21, 2013 at 10:24pm
  • Paramananda Das Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 10.29.29
    kṛtvā mukhāny ava śucaḥ śvasanena śuṣyad
    bimbādharāṇi caraṇena bhuvaḥ likhantyaḥ
    asrair upātta-masibhiḥ kuca-kuńkumāni
    tasthur mṛjantya uru-duḥkha-bharāḥ sma tūṣṇīm

    kṛtvā — placing; mukhāni — their faces; ava — downward; śucaḥ — out of sorrow; śvasanena — by sighing; śuṣyat — drying up; bimba — (appearing like) red bimba fruits; adharāṇi — their lips; caraṇena — with their toes; bhuvaḥ — the ground; likhantyaḥ — scratching; asraiḥ — with their tears; upātta — which carried; masibhiḥ — the kajjala from their eyes; kuca — on the breasts; kuńkumāni — the vermilion powder; tasthuḥ — they stood still; mṛjantyaḥ — washing away; uru — excessive; duḥkha — of unhappiness; bharāḥ — feeling the burden; sma — indeed; tūṣṇīm — silently.

    Their heads hanging down and their heavy, sorrowful breathing drying up their reddened lips, the gopīs scratched the ground with their toes. Tears flowed from their eyes, carrying their kajjala and washing away the vermilion smeared on their breasts. Thus they stood, silently bearing the burden of their unhappiness.

    The gopīs felt, "If Kṛṣṇa has not been conquered by our love, then our love must not be genuine. And if we cannot properly love Kṛṣṇa, what is the use of our lives?" Their reddish lips were drying up because of the hot breathing that arose from their unhappiness. When the hot sun dries ripe red bimba fruits, dark spots appear on them and they grow soft. The beautiful lips of the gopīs similarly changed in appearance. They stood silently before Kṛṣṇa, unable to speak.
  • Paramananda Das bimbādharāṇ ..bimba like lips and Caranena: Their lotusfeet .These are not ordinary toes , but the most exalted devotees like Lord Brahma aspires for the dust of the Gopis lotusfeet and so should we.
  • Paramananda Das SB 10.53.51 to 55 described the lotuslips of Queen Rukmini as bimba lips: Rukmiṇī appeared as enchanting as the Lord's illusory potency, who enchants even the sober and grave. Thus the kings gazed upon her virgin beauty, her shapely waist, and her lovely face adorned with earrings. Her hips were graced with a jewel-studded belt, her breasts were just budding, and her eyes seemed apprehensive of her encroaching locks of hair. She smiled sweetly, her jasmine-bud teeth reflecting the glow of her bimba-red lips. As she walked with the motions of a royal swan, the effulgence of her tinkling ankle bells beautified her feet. Seeing her, the assembled heroes were totally bewildered. Lust tore at their hearts. Indeed, when the kings saw her broad smile and shy glance, they became stupefied, dropped their weapons and fell unconscious to the ground from their elephants, chariots and horses. On the pretext of the procession, Rukmiṇī displayed her beauty for Kṛṣṇa alone. Slowly she advanced the two moving lotus-whorls of her feet, awaiting the arrival of the Supreme Lord. With the fingernails of her left hand she pushed some strands of hair away from her face and shyly looked from the corners of her eyes at the kings standing before her. At that moment she saw Kṛṣṇa. Then, while His enemies looked on, the Lord seized the princess, who was eager to mount His chariot.
  • Paramananda Das Krsnas son Pradyumna that is also one of Krsnas Visnutattva expansions is described in Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 10.55.40
    yaḿ vai muhuḥ pitṛ-sarūpa-nijeśa-bhāvās
    tan-mātaro yad abhajan raha-rūḍha-bhāvāḥ
    citraḿ na tat khalu ramāspada-bimba-bimbe
    kāme smare 'kṣa-viṣaye kim utānya-nāryaḥ

    yam — whom; vai — indeed; muhuḥ — repeatedly; pitṛ — His father; sa-rūpa — who exactly resembled; nija — as their own; īśa — master; bhāvāḥ — who thought of Him; tat — His; mātaraḥ — mothers; yat — inasmuch as; abhajan — they worshiped; raha — in privacy; rūḍha — full-blown; bhāvāḥ — whose ecstatic attraction; citram — amazing; na — not; tat — that; khalu — indeed; ramā — of the goddess of fortune; āspada — of the shelter (Lord Kṛṣṇa); bimba — of the form; bimbe — who was the reflection; kāme — lust personified; smare — Cupid; akṣa-viṣaye — when He was before their eyes; kim uta — what then to speak of; anya — other; nāryaḥ — women.

    It is not astonishing that the palace women, who should have felt maternal affection for Pradyumna, privately felt ecstatic attraction for Him as if He were their own Lord. After all, the son exactly resembled His father. Indeed, Pradyumna was a perfect reflection of the beauty of Lord Kṛṣṇa, the shelter of the goddess of fortune, and appeared before their eyes as Cupid Himself. Since even those on the level of His mother felt conjugal attraction for Him, then what to speak of how other women felt when they saw Him?

    As Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī explains, whenever the palace women saw Śrī Pradyumna, they immediately remembered their Lord, Śrī Kṛṣṇa. Śrīla Prabhupāda comments as follows in Kṛṣṇa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead: "Śrīla Śukadeva Gosvāmī has explained that in the beginning all the residents of the palace, who were all mothers and stepmothers of Pradyumna, mistook Him to be Kṛṣṇa and were all bashful, infected by the desire for conjugal love. The explanation is that Pradyumna's personal appearance was exactly like Kṛṣṇa's, and He was factually Cupid Himself. There was no cause of astonishment, therefore, when the mothers of Pradyumna and other women mistook Him in that way. It is clear from the statement that Pradyumna's bodily characteristics were so similar to Kṛṣṇa's that He was mistaken to be Kṛṣṇa even by His mother."
    Thus end the purports of the humble servants of His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda to the Tenth Canto, Fifty-fifth Chapter, of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, entitled "The History of Pradyumna."
  • Paramananda Das bimba bimbe the reflection of Bimba colored fruits
Comment by Paramananda das on July 21, 2013 at 10:25pm
  • Paramananda Das Śrī Caitanya Caritāmṛta Ādi 4.77
    vaibhava-gaṇa yena tāńra ańga-vibhūti
    bimba-pratibimba-rūpa mahiṣīra tati

    vaibhava-gaṇa — the expansions; yena — as it were; tāńra — of Her; ańga — of the body; vibhūti — powerful expansions; bimba — reflections; pratibimba — counterreflections; rūpa — having the form; mahiṣīra — of the queens; tati — the expansion.

    The goddesses of fortune are partial manifestations of Śrīmatī Rādhikā, and the queens are reflections of Her image.
  • Paramananda Das Śrī Caitanya Caritāmṛta Ādi 4.259
    nirdhūtāmṛta-mādhurī-parimalaḥ kalyāṇi bimbādharo
    vaktraḿ pańkaja-saurabhaḿ kuharita-ślāghā-bhidas te giraḥ
    ańgaḿ candana-śītalaḿ tanur iyaḿ saundarya-sarvasva-bhāk
    tvām āsādya mamedam indriya-kulaḿ rādhe muhur modate

    nirdhūta — defeats; amṛta — of nectar; mādhurī — the sweetness; parimalaḥ — whose flavor; kalyāṇi — O most auspicious one; bīmba-adharaḥ — red lips; vaktram — face; pańkaja-saurabham — which smells like a lotus flower; kuharita — of the sweet sounds made by the cuckoos; ślāghā — the pride; bhidaḥ — which defeat; te — Your; giraḥ — words; ańgam — limbs; candana-śītalam — as cool as sandalwood pulp; tanuḥ — body; iyam — this; saundarya — of beauty; sarva-sva-bhāk — which displays the all-in-all; tvām — You; āsādya — tasting; mama — My; idam — this; indriya-kulam — all the senses; rādhe — O Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī; muhuḥ — again and again; modate — become pleased.

    "'My dear auspicious Rādhārāṇī, Your body is the source of all beauty. Your red lips are softer than the sense of immortal sweetness, Your face bears the aroma of a lotus flower, Your sweet words defeat the vibrations of the cuckoo, and Your limbs are cooler than the pulp of sandalwood. All My transcendental senses are overwhelmed in ecstatic pleasure by tasting You, who are completely decorated by beautiful qualities.'

    This verse, spoken by Lord Kṛṣṇa to Rādhā, is recorded in the Lalita-mādhava (9.9) of Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī.
  • Paramananda Das bīmba-adharaḥ — red lips (like the Bimba fruit)
Comment by Paramananda das on July 21, 2013 at 10:27pm
  • Paramananda Das now this is very interesting:Śrī Caitanya Caritāmṛta Ādi 5.37
    taiche para-vyome nānā cic-chakti-vilāsa
    nirviśeṣa jyotir-bimba bāhire prakāśa

    taiche — in that way; para-vyome — in the spiritual sky; nānā — varieties; cit-śakti-vilāsa — pastimes of spiritual energy; nirviśeṣa — impersonal; jyotiḥ — of the effulgence; bimba — reflection; bāhire — externally; prakāśa — manifested.

    Thus in the spiritual sky there are varieties of pastimes within the spiritual energy. Outside the Vaikuṇṭha planets appears the impersonal reflection of light.
  • Paramananda Das The Brahmin effulgence has a bimba fruit, red like colour .. -bimba bāhire prakāśa
  • Paramananda Das since the creation is pervaded by Krsnas bimba fruit like smile ,that His Brahman effulgence is also reddish makes sense
  • Paramananda Das Śrī Caitanya Caritāmṛta Madhya 2.75
    kibā ei sākṣāt kāma, dyuti-bimba mūrtimān,
    ki mādhurya svayaḿ mūrtimanta
    kibā mano-netrotsava, kibā prāṇa-vallabha,
    satya kṛṣṇa āilā netrānanda

    kibā — whether; ei — this; sākṣāt — directly; kāma — Cupid; dyuti-bimba — reflection of the effulgence; mūrtimān — personified; ki — whether; mādhurya — sweetness; svayam — personally; mūrtimanta — personified; kibā — whether; manaḥ-netra-utsava — festival of the mind and eyes; kibā — whether; prāṇa-vallabha — My life and soul; satya — truly; kṛṣṇa — Lord Kṛṣṇa; āilā — has come; netra-ānanda — the pleasure of My eyes.

    Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu then began to talk like this: "Is Cupid personified present with the effulgence and reflection of the kadamba tree? Is He the same person, personified sweetness, who is the pleasure of My eyes and mind, who is My life and soul? Has Kṛṣṇa actually come before My eyes ?"
  • Paramananda Das otherwise I might have seen a Bimba fruit in India I doubt I have tasted it I am not sure about them ,but since we read about Bimba fruits for years I finaly am curious
  • Paramananda Das bahula-cikura-bhdrarh baddha-picchdvatamsam capala-capala-netram cdru-bimbddharosttham
    madhura-mrdula-hdsarh mandaroddhdra-lllam
    mrgayati nayanam me mugdha-vesam murdreh

    bahula—thick; cikura—locks; bharam—having a large quantity; baddha—tied; piccha—peacock feather; avatamsam—adorned; capala—capala—very unsteady, quickly moving; netram—eyes; caru—fascinating, lovely; bimba—red (like bimba fruits); adhara—ostham— upper and lower lips; madhura—sweet; mrdula— gentle; hasam—laughter; mandara—Mount Mandara; uddhara—lifting; lllam—pastime; mrgayati—searching for; nayanam—eyes; me—of me; mugdha—enchanting, artless; vesam—appearance; murareh—Murari.

    My eyes search for that enchantingly adorned one, Murari, whose thick locks bear a peacock plume, and whose gaze darts here and there very quickly. His lovely lips are red like bimba fruit, and with His sweet, gentle laughter he seems to be churning [the ocean of my heart] with Mount Mandara.
  • Paramananda Das if anyone knows something about Bimba fruits please let me know , it seems noone I know has seen or tasted them
Comment by Paramananda das on July 21, 2013 at 11:12pm

Lord Ramachandra is described by Murari Gupta:  When He awakens and opens His lotus eyes, their luster resembles the early rays of the rising sun. His teeth are enclosed by charming bimba fruit-red lips. His nose is shapely and graceful and seeing the beams of His beautiful smile, the white-rayed moon accepts defeat. I forever worship this Lord Sri Rama,guru of the three worlds.

Comment by Paramananda das on July 21, 2013 at 11:13pm

netram subimba-dasana-cchada-caru-nasam 
ramam jagat-traya-gurum satatam bhajami

Comment by Paramananda das on July 21, 2013 at 11:18pm

Susloka-Satakam -59- Sri Gauranga Mahima

vintala-kamala-vaktrah pakva-bi nbadharosthas
tila-kusu na-su-nasah katnbu-kanthah su-dirghah
suvaliuta-bhuja-dando nabhi-gambhira-rupah
sphuratu hrdaya-madhye gaura-candro-natendrah

"His face is flawless like a blooming lotus and His lips are red as ripe as bimba fruits. His nose is as beautiful as the sesame flower and his neck is like a three-ringed conch. He is very tall and His rod-like arms make artistic movements while He dances. His navel is very deep. May my Lord Gaura Chandra, the king of dancers, reveal Himself in the core of My heart."

Comment by Paramananda das on September 6, 2014 at 10:51am


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