Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

I once stayed in an ISKCON temple where the TP took a fat salary and he was also stealing from the temple but somehow he wanted to borrow my Bhakti Ratnakara ,,, eventually I was asked to leave because I exposed that the temple was doing Demigod worship to make money and there were so many nonsense things going on ,he was suprised I asked to give me my copy of Bhakti Ratnakara back , I told him you make Vaisnava Aparadha and you want to keep my Bhakti Ratnakara also ,what kind of person are you ?
His wife was a Mayadevi that did not chant 16 rounds daily though initiated ,I was glad to leave this temple , later a year later I was asked to come back to this temple and collect for another TP also recieving a fat Salary , I refused to be with TP Grhamedhis .Why I should serve in a temple where the TP is a Grhamedhi and not chanting 64 rounds and getting a Salary ? Srila Prahbupada never allowed Salary in ISKCON I lived in ISKCON temples for 20 years and never took a penny , if I needed anything I collected for it on Sankirtana , but rarely I took anything for myself I gave everything to the temple daily , nowadays so many live as parasites of ISKCON and do not go on daily Harinama and bookdistribution ,I do not like such temple life .If the TP goes and have sex with his wife at night and next day comes and take a salary this is very sinful ,,SB 7.9.45 ..the paticular temple I talk of also serves grains on Visnutattva days because they are demons ,only demons take grains on Visnu tattva days ,to me only demons take a Salary for devotional service ..I do not agree when most are not on bookdistribution Srila Prabhupada said everyone should go out as much as possible , of course some devotees work in BBT and Deity Department , etc but Srila Prabhupada said at times leave one Pujari and one cook and one person to clean the temple everyone else should be out distributing books ,temples are not for eating and sleeping
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GBCs ,sannyasis everyone should be out distributing Srila Prabhupadas books and do Harinama, we are not a comforting movement but a Sankirtana Movement

Sri Bhakti Ratnakara by Srila Narahari Cakravarti Thakur.
Chapter Twelve

Mahaprabhu's sankirtana in the house of Srivasa
One day Mahaprabhu, along with his companions, went to the house of Srivasa, who was overwhelmed with joy by the presence of Prabhu. While dancing in sankirtana, Prabhu asked His companions, "Why am I not getting peace in my mind?"
Hearing this, Srivasa Pandita became anxious and began looking here and there. Suddenly Srivasa discovered his mother-in-law hiding in a corner of the room with her head covered by a turban. Srivasa took her by the hair and dragged her out of the room. Seeing this Prabhu said, "Now I am feeling happy" and became absorbed in sankirtana.
One day, while Prabhu was lying unconscious due to ecstatic love, Advaita came forward and took the dust of His feet and smeared it on his body. When he regained consciousness the Lord said, "Why am I not feeling happy?" The devotees could not understand what they had done wrong, and looked to Advaita questioningly. However, when they saw Prabhu grab Advaita's feet tightly and place them on His own head, they understood the meaning of the Lord's displeasure. Mahaprabhu then took His seat on the throne of Visnu.
Meanwhile Suklamvara arrived there after completing his alms-taking from the houses of Nadia. Out of extreme love and affection Prabhu took rice from the cloth bag of Suklamvara and addressed him by the name of "Sudama." Holding the cloth bag on his shoulder Suklamvara humbly danced along with the kirtana. The Lord then left with his companions for a certain section of town to perform sankirtana. Mahaprabhu's wonderful method of kirtana has been described in the songs of Narahari as well as many places throughout this book.
Oh Srinivasa, look over here, this is the house of Sanjaya, where Prabhu used to sing and dance with his companions in sankirtana. This has also been described elsewhere in this book. Look under this tree, Prabhu used to rest here on His way to the Ganges. Along the way, affectionate ladies would speak to the Lord. This has been described in a song composed by the disciple of Gadadhara Thakura, Sri Yadunandana Chakravarty: "Oh my dear friends I have just seen Sri Gauranga walking along the street, crying out the names of Radha. He was unable to control Himself and fell on the ground and His body was smeared with dust. I cannot bear the misery of observing Prabhu crying so bitterly. Now I am asking myself why did I go in that direction to see Gauranga." There are many songs composed by Yadunandana wherein he describes the same pastime in different ragas.

The elegant dancing of Sri Gaurasundara.
Oh Srinivasa, Prabhu used to dance in this place on the bank of the Ganges. This is described in Narahari's song in Raga Som:
On the bank of the Ganges Gaura Nata Nagara
used to roam with his companions.
His impassioned dancing, which was more elegance each day,
maddened the entire universe.
With His golden complexion His strongly built body
trembles in ecstasy
His gait, like an elephant, and long hands
has put the demigods to shame.
His beautiful kunda like teeth smiling sweetly
used to mesmerize the universe
With a bright face he constantly uttered "Hari, Hari,
making everyone impatient.
Narahari has described this in different ragas in other songs.
After satisfying Mother Ganga, Prabhu returned to his house with his followers.

Mahaprabhu's dancing and assuming the feature of Sakti in the house of Sri Chandrasekhara Acarya.
One day Prabhu desired to dance in the house of Chandrasekhara Acarya. Just look at the house of Chandrasekhara where Prabhu came along with his companions. Sadasiva and Buddhimanta Khan gathered many articles of clothing so the Lord could dance in the features of Laksmi and other saktis. Nityananda and Advaita also danced in different features. Sacimata with Visnupriya devi, Srivasa and others along with their wives all assembled here to enjoy watching the dancing of Prabhu. Mukunda and others started kirtana with mrdanga, mandira and other musical instruments. Advaita and others were feeling a little awkward, so the Lord, wanting them to forget themselves, began dancing. As the devotees began to cheer, "Jaya, Jaya", Sacinandana started dancing in the feature of Rukmini. Although many in the audience were unable to understand the Lord's masquerade, they were all overwhelmed by Prabhu's glowing beauty. Narahari has written a song describing this pastime.
Oh Srinivasa, Prabhu took the form of different Sakti's and danced beautifully. Sometimes He danced playing the role of Parvati and sometimes in the roll of Laksmi. Suddenly, playing the part of Maha Laksmi, He took his seat on the throne. Being order by Prabhu, His companions began to worship Sri Laksmi and Parvati. As Gaurahari was ecstatically absorbed, playing the part of the mother of everyone, He began to feed His breast milk to everyone, seeing them as His children. this way Prabhu Gaurahari revealed a wonderful but strange pastime before everyone.
Oh Srinivasa, Gadadhara Pandita, Nityananda, Advaita, Srivasa and others danced madly at this spot. Even Brahma and other demigods cannot experience the pleasure which was revealed in the pastimes of the Lord in the house of Chandrasekhara. In the morning the devotees, along with their wives, happily returned to their own houses. Sacimata who had greatly enjoyed watching her son dance, also returned home with her daughter-in-law. However, even though the devotees left that place, the spirit which had been created by Prabhu there, miraculously remained for seven days.

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