Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

I personally had a good relationship with Bhakti Caru Swami , at least he was not blind to see Ramabhadra was a bad TP, this was in 1990 , Bhakti caru Swami told Ramabhadra to stop chasing women in the temple as TP and Ramabhandra banned Bhakti Caru Swami ,he was never back in this temple untill the the day the GBC tried to get the temple back from Ramabhadra and they had to fight Ramabhara in court to get the temple back ISKCON Brooklyn NYC of course.Otherwise I want to mention that Bhakti caru Swamis disciple had invited me to Cape town South Africa , Revatinandana das , Bhakti Caru Swami told me that Giriraja Swami was against it because I had exposed the Gopi Bhava club to the GBC in 1992.Later Revatinandana got married but he also had a bisexuals relationship with another male devotee.When I wrote Bhakti Caru Swami in 1996 I was 100 percent Sure Harikesa was going to fall down soon and it would cause lots of trouble to GBC ,he told he in person Sudarshan Chakra would kill me.I worship Sri Sudarshan Salagrama Sila daily , my neck is still there but Harikesa did fall down and instead of apologizing , Bhakti Caru Swami came up to me while distributing books in Washington Dc and said I am so sorry for Harikesa doing as if he had forgotten my warning.That would have been the time for him to apologize to me but he was a rascal and did not .I did stay in touch with Bhakti Caru Swami due to some of his disciples like Madhavendra Puri from France,and Bhakti Caru Swami was fond of me and I told him about my book Sri Narasimha.He was eager to read it .Last time I met him was last year on Narasimha Catrudasi and I gave him Sri Narasimha and placed a stone from Ahovalam on his head one from the pillar where Lord Narasimha came out from and one Sila from Rakta Kunda where Lord Narasimha washed His lotushands and I chanted the Narasimha Mahamantra and I prayed for his protection ,this was the last time we met.My former Godbrother Hanuman exposed his investing in the stock market as I posted yesterday , and wrote these cutting words.I have only love and sympathy for Bhakti Caru Swami , but I know also my godbrother Sadhusangananda Prabhu was disgusted with him and thought his aim was power and money.I have always chosen to see the good site of HH Bhakti Caru Swami and I am friends with many of his disciples ,anyhow this is Hanuman Prabhus cutting words

After Lord Caitanya, Helicopter acarya also receives his Sacisutastakam
By Hanuman das Bhakti Charu Swami 4 Comments
Today, I received the most wonderful song.
Please don’t be envious while reading this song.
śrīla-bhakti-cāru-svāmy āṣṭakam
जननं चलनम्
jananaṁ calanam
Birth and early activities
प्रभुगौरभृतं शुभवाङ्गसुतं चरमे पठितं शरणं मृगगतम् | अमृतं रससतं प्रभुपादवृतम् प्रणमासम भक्ततचारुस्वासमवरम् ||१||
prabhu-gaura-bhṛtaṁ śubha-vāṅga-sutaṁ
carame paṭhitaṁ śaraṇaṁ mṛgitam
amṛtaṁ rasitaṁ prabhupāda-vṛtam
praṇamāmi bhakti-cāru-svāmi-varam
SYNONYMS prabhu-gaura-bhṛtam—servant of Lord Gaurāṅga; śubha-vāṅga-sutam—the son of auspicious land of Bengal; carame—in the West; paṭhitam—studied; śaraṇam—a refuge; mṛgitam—searched for; amṛtam—the nectar, the book “Nectar of Devotion”; rasitam—having tasted; prabhupāda-vṛtam—chose Śrīla Prabhupāda’s shelter; praṇamāmi—I pay my respectful obeisances; bhakti-cāru-svāmi-varam—unto the most eminent Bhakti Cāru Svāmī Mahārāja.
I pay my respectful obeisances unto the most eminent Bhakti Cāru Svāmī Mahārāja, servant of Lord Gaurāṅga, the son of auspicious land of Bengal, who studied in the West and then searched for a refuge, who tasted the nectar from the “Nectar of Devotion” and chose Śrīla Prabhupāda’s shelter.
PURPORT (by Hanuman das): It is very important to study in the West. That can potentially bring you a lot of money. All real devotees study in the West.
Service to his spiritual master
प्रभुपादहृदं त्वररतं ववक्जतं बहुशास्रगणाननुवादकृतं | गुरुवाणणधृतं ननजदास्यकृतं प्रणमासम भक्ततचारुस्वासमवरम् ||२||
prabhupāda-hṛdaṁ tvaritaṁ vijitaṁ
bahu-śāstra-gaṇān anuvāda-kṛtaṁ
guru-vāṇi-dhṛtaṁ nija-dāsya-kṛtaṁ
praṇamāmi bhakti-cāru-svāmi-varam
SYNONYMS prabhupāda-hṛdam—the heart of Śrīla Prabhupāda; tvaritam—quickly; vijitam—conquered; bahu-śāstra-gaṇān—many of his teachings; anuvāda-kṛtam—translated; guru-vāṇi-dhṛtaṁ—practiced the words of his spiritual master; nija-dāsya-kṛtaṁ—personally served him; praṇamāmi—I pay my respectful obeisances; bhakti-cāru-svāmi-varam—unto the most eminent Bhakti Cāru Svāmī Mahārāja.
I pay my respectful obeisances unto the most eminent Bhakti Cāru Svāmī Mahārāja, who
quickly conquered the heart of Śrīla Prabhupāda, translated many of his teachings, practiced
the words of his spiritual master and personally served him.
PURPORT (by Hanuman das): It is very easy to see how Bhakti Caru practiced the words of his spiritual master. He was a director of Geotech company, and he successfully bankrupted all his rich disciples. After having lost all their money, Krishna became their only shelter.
The rest of the disciples who didn’t go bankrupt by investing into his Geotech company went to a spiritual cruise with Bhakti Caru Swami, and thus they joyfully have taken shelter of Lord Krishna by losing all their money.
Other disciples, who didn’t invest in Geotech and who couldn’t afford Spiritual cruise went bankrupt by investing into Helicopter-lila of all auspicious Heli-acarya.
śaraṇam Taking shelter of Śrīla Prabhupāda
रसराजपरायणमागगचरं शुभगौरनतथौ हररनामधृतम् | गुरु-दक्षिणया बसलवच्चररतं प्रणमासम भक्ततचारुस्वासमवरम् ||३||
śubha-gaura-tithau hari-nāma-dhṛtam
guru-dakṣiṇayā balivac caritaṁ
praṇamāmi bhakti-cāru-svāmi-varam
SYNONYMS rasa-rāja-parāyaṇa-mārga-caraṁ—following the path of complete devotion to Lord Rasarāja, the fountainhead of transcendental mellows; śubha-gaura-tithau—on the auspicious day of Gaura Pūrṇimā; hari-nāma-dhṛtam—accepted Hari Nāma initiation, guru-dakṣiṇayā—by means of a fee given to the spiritual master; balivac—like Bali Mahārāja; caritaṁ – acted; praṇamāmi—I pay my respectful obeisances; bhakti-cāru-svāmi-varam—unto the most eminent Bhakti Cāru Svāmī Mahārāja.
I pay my respectful obeisances unto the most eminent Bhakti Cāru Svāmī Mahārāja, who following the path of complete devotion to Lord Rasarāja, the fountainhead of transcendental mellows, accepted Hari Nāma initiation on the auspicious day of Gaura Pūrṇimā, and as a fee to his spiritual master he surrendered his very self, just like Bali Mahārāja.
PURPORT (by Hanuman das): On the order of Lord Rasaraja, Bhakti Cāru Svāmī Mahārāja surrendered his very self to ISKCON Gestapo mission. He was expert in banning books in the 21st century, which is definitely not an easy task.
Practising Śrīla Prabhupāda’s instructions
रयमाभरणं हृदये ननठहतं सचनेन रनतस्तव दशगय माम् | अगधपं श्रय मा त्यज मे च वपुं प्रणमासम भक्ततचारुस्वासमवरम् ||४||
trayam ābharaṇaṁ hṛdaye nihitaṁ
sacanena ratis tava darśaya mām
adhipaṁ śraya mā tyaja me ca vapuṁ
praṇamāmi bhakti-cāru-svāmi-varam
SYNONYMS trayam—three; ābharaṇam—jewel-like instructions of his spiritual master; hṛdaye—in the heart; nihitaṁ—kept; sacanena—through mutual loving relationships with each other; ratiḥ—love; tava—your; darśaya—demonstrate; mām—for me; adhipaṁ—the Governing Body; śraya—follow; mā—do not; tyaja—leave; me—my; ca—and; vapuṁ—body i.e. ISKCON; praṇamāmi—I pay my respectful obeisances; bhakti-cāru-svāmi-varam—unto the most eminent Bhakti Cāru Svāmī Mahārāja.
I pay my respectful obeisances unto the most eminent Bhakti Cāru Svāmī Mahārāja, who kept three jewel-like instructions of his spiritual master in his heart: (1) demonstrate your love for me through mutual loving relationships with each other, (2) follow the Governing Body and (3) do not leave my body i.e. ISKCON.
PURPORT (by Hanuman das): Loving relationships are best practiced in a Gestapo movement by removing the freedom of speech. Removing freedom of speech is a sign of ultimate love. The only thing higher than that is hunting down and killing whistleblowers. If you can ban some books along the way, that would be great.
It is very important to follow the corporate system of religion. And if anybody starts doubting the corrupt GBC mafia, then you can always try to convince people that the mafia organization is Srila Prabhupada’s body.
Offering of great tribute to Śrīla Prabhupāda
शतजन्मठदने चलगचरकृतं स्वगुरोमगठहमा जगते वववृतम् | शुकशास्रफलस्वनुवादकृतं प्रणमासम भक्ततचारुस्वासमवरम् ||५||
śata-janma-dine cala-citra-kṛtaṁ
sva-guror mahimā jagate vivṛtam
praṇamāmi bhakti-cāru-svāmi-varam
SYNONYMS śata-janma-dine—on his spiritual master’s 100th appearance day, centennial; cala-citra-kṛtaṁ—completed the television series “Abhay Charan”; sva-guror mahimā—the glories of his spiritual master; jagate—in the world; vivṛtam—publicised; śuka-śāstra—the scripture spoken by Śrīla Śukadeva Goswamī; phala—Śrīmad Bhāgavatam, the mature fruit of the desire tree of Vedic literatures; svanuvāda-kṛtaṁ—completed a beautiful translation; praṇamāmi—I pay my respectful obeisances; bhakti-cāru-svāmi-varam—unto the most eminent Bhakti Cāru Svāmī Mahārāja.
I pay my respectful obeisances unto the most eminent Bhakti Cāru Svāmī Mahārāja, who on his spiritual master’s 100th appearance day completed the television series “Abhay Charan” to publicise his glories to the world, and also completed a beautiful translation of Śrīmad Bhāgavatam, the mature fruit of the desire tree of Vedic literatures, the scripture spoken by Śrīla Śukadeva Goswamī.
PURPORT (by Hanuman das): This television series was great, especially since the main actor was karmi who was smoking cigarettes. And this guy played the role of Srila Prabhupada. All mercifully arranged by TV acarya.
Being absorbed in Kṛṣṇa Consciousness
नृपभतृगहरेनगगरे वससतं जय मादनमोहनवासकृतम् | सततं ननतरां हररकायगरतं प्रणमासम भक्ततचारुस्वासमवरम् ||६||
nṛpa-bhartṛ-harer nagare vasitaṁ
jaya mādana-mohana-vāsa-kṛtam
satataṁ nitarāṁ hari-kārya-rataṁ
praṇamāmi bhakti-cāru-svāmi-varam
SYNONYMS nṛpa-bhartṛ-hareḥ—of the great king Bhartṛhari; nagare—in the city of Ujjain; vasitaṁ—took residence; jaya—all glories unto you; mādana-mohana-vāsa-kṛtam—built a temple abode of Śrī Śrī Madana Mohana; satataṁ—perpetually; nitarāṁ—wholly; hari-kārya-rataṁ—devoted to the cause of Lord Hari i.e. to bring the souls in the material world back to Him; praṇamāmi—I pay my respectful obeisances; bhakti-cāru-svāmi-varam—unto the most eminent Bhakti Cāru Svāmī Mahārāja.
I pay my respectful obeisances unto the most eminent Bhakti Cāru Svāmī Mahārāja, who took residence in Ujjain, city of the great king Bhartṛhari, and built a temple abode of Śrī Śrī Madana Mohana, being perpetually and wholly devoted to the cause of Lord Hari i.e. to bring the souls in the material world back to Him. All glories unto you.
PURPORT (by Hanuman das): In that great city of Ujjain, Bhakti Cāru Svāmī Mahārāja mercifully introduced 5th regulative principle for all the ISKCON sheep. During their corporate initiation, they have to promise never to leave ISKCON. That means ISKCON corporation will remain eternally bonafide.
सकलं मधुरम्
sakalaṁ madhuram
Full of sweetness
प्रभुपादसुतं मधुभावयुतं मधुरक्रियया मधुमाधवदम् | तव चारुचरं हृदशीतकरं प्रणमासम भक्ततचारुस्वासमवरम् ||७||
prabhupāda-sutaṁ madhu-bhāva-yutaṁ
madhura-kriyayā madhu-mādhava-dam
tava cāru-caraṁ hṛda-śīta-karaṁ
praṇamāmi bhakti-cāru-svāmi-varam
SYNONYMS prabhupāda-sutam—a son of Śrīla Prabhupāda; madhu-bhāva-yutam—endowed with a sweet nature; madhura-kriyayā—through his sweet activities; madhu-mādhava-daṁ—giver of the sweet Lord, Mādhava; tava—your; cāru-caram—pleasant disposition; hṛda-śīta-karam—cools the heart; praṇamāmi—I pay my respectful obeisances; bhakti-cāru-svāmi-varam—unto the most eminent Bhakti Cāru Svāmī Mahārāja.
I pay my respectful obeisances unto the most eminent Bhakti Cāru Svāmī Mahārāja, a son of Śrīla Prabhupāda who is endowed with a sweet nature and gives the sweet Lord, Mādhava, through his sweet activities. Your pleasant disposition cools my scorching heart.
PURPORT (by Hanuman das): Our of all types of sweetness, playing cricket is the greatest sweetness.
Bhakti Cāru Svāmī Mahārāja’s pleasant disposition was especially experienced by Bhakti Vikasa Swami when his books was banned. The scorching heat of repeating Srila Prabhupada’s teachings was vanquished by pleasant book banning.
Of course, don’t think that Bhakti Cāru Svāmī Mahārāja ever said one word against murder accomplice and mayavadi Radhanath Swami. In his pleasant disposition, Bhakti Cāru Svāmī Mahārāja never saw anything wrong with worshipping Ramesh baba, Neem Karoli baba, and other sahajiyas. Maharaja sweet nature was such that he always looked how to make more money, and therefore he never spoke against his corporate deviant pals like Radhanath.
Essence of glorification*
*This verse is formed by collating the headers of the previous seven verses so it is the essence of everything spoken in TEXT 1 to TEXT 7
जननं चलनं गुरुदास्यकरं शरणं चरणं बसलकमगपरम् | गनतकृष्णमयं सकलं मधुरं प्रणमासम भक्ततचारुस्वासमवरम् ||८||
jananaṁ calanaṁ guru-dāsya-karaṁ
śaraṇam caraṇaṁ bali-karma-param
gati-kṛṣṇamayaṁ sakalaṁ madhuraṁ
praṇamāmi bhakti-cāru-svāmi-varam
SYNONYMS jananaṁ—birth; calanaṁ—early activities; guru-dāsya-karaṁ—serving of his spiritual master; śaraṇam—taking shelter of Śrīla Prabhupāda; caraṇaṁ—practising Śrīla Prabhupāda’s instructions; bali-karma-paraṁ—offering of a great tribute to Śrīla Prabhupāda; gati-kṛṣṇamayaṁ—being absorbed in Kṛṣṇa Consciousness; sakalaṁ—full of; madhuraṁ—sweetness; praṇamāmi—I pay my respectful obeisances; bhakti-cāru-svāmi-varam—unto the most eminent Bhakti Cāru Svāmī Mahārāja.
I pay my respectful obeisances unto the most eminent Bhakti Cāru Svāmī Mahārāja, whose birth and early activities, service to his spiritual master, taking shelter of Śrīla Prabhupāda, practising of Śrīla Prabhupāda’s instructions, offering of great tribute to Śrīla Prabhupāda and being always absorbed in Kṛṣṇa Consciousness are full of sweetness.
PURPORT (by Hanuman das): We should be ever-thankful to Bhakti Cāru Svāmī Mahārāja for leaving his earthly Gestapo pastimes. We just hope he will not come back soon. His incompetence and corruption were out of this world.
Prayerful request
कृपणोऽक्स्म तथाप्यकरोः स्वदयां कृपया प्रभु देठह तु दास्यवरं | तव दास्यवरो भवरोगहरं प्रणमासम मुहुतगव पादरजं ||९||
kṛpaṇo’smi tathāpy akaroḥ sva-dayāṁ
kṛpayā prabhu dehi tu dāsya-varaṁ
tava dāsya-varo bhava-roga-haraṁ
praṇamāmi muhur tava pāda-rajaṁ
SYNONYMS kṛpaṇaḥ – wretched; asmi – I am; tathā’pi – although; akaroḥ – you have shown me; sva-dayāṁ – your mercy; kṛpayā – please; prabhu – O master; dehi – grant me; tu – indeed; dāsya-varaṁ – the boon of servitude; tava – of your; dāsya-varaḥ – that boon of service; bhava-roga-haraṁ – will destroy the disease of material existence; praṇamāmi – I pay my respectful obeisances; muhuḥ – repeatedly; tava – of your; pāda-rajaṁ – at the dust of lotus feet.
Although I am wretched you have shown me your mercy. Please, O master, grant me the boon of your servitude. That boon will destroy the disease of material existence. I repeatedly pay my respectful obeisances at the dust of your lotus feet.
PURPORT (by Hanuman das): Yes, the author of this song is definitely wretched. Let us all give blessings to the author of this song, so he can rejoin Gestapo officer Bhakti Cāru Svāmī Mahārāja and ban many books, perform cruise ship lilas and establish many companies which will go bankrupt.
To remain always protected from COVID-19, you should always play the above song. Here is a little help with melody:
Srila Prabhupada in 1961 in his Vyasa Puja offering warned :56. The householders beg from sannyasis, and why not? The sannyasis have tens of millions of rupees in the bank.
I do agree with Hanuman to ban Bhakti Vikas Swamis book , Women masters or mothers is a big offence to truth.Bhakti Vikas Swami has surely noticed how so many ISKCON leaders are controlled by women and are rascals .Srila Prabhupada never made women GBC;s TP;s and Gurus

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